Holy Prison

Chapter 1171: Cooperation?

"Chu Feng, it's not a good thing to say something too impulsively!" Pope Guangming smiled slightly, "You don't let anyone go, you mean you want me to catch your relatives and friends and exchange them with you? "

"Haha!" Chu Feng laughed, "If the Pope is interested in playing games with me, then we can too. I think I am very clear. If the Pope wants to have a good talk, then take it. Come in sincerity, otherwise, the Pope should return to the Holy Light. Infinity does not welcome you, the Pope."

"By the way, Lord Pope, if the Illuminati Sect wants to bring light and hope to the infinite people, that is fine, but the infinite people are used to believing in themselves, and I don't want the infinite people to believe in any Lord! Above, It's what I want to say. If the Pope has nothing new to say, then I think our conversation can come to an end."

"Chu Feng, last time, you got the holy light and killed more than a dozen god-level powerhouses and a quasi-holy-level powerhouse of the Guangming God Sect. Do you give me an explanation about this? "Pope Guangming said with some anger on his face. "Of course!" Chu Feng nodded.

Chu Feng's face suddenly became gloomy: "But before that, let the Pope repair my wife Bing Ning's heroic soul! Even if the Pope cannot come, I still want to go to the Holy Light to find a teacher. Master Zong, please ask for an explanation! Now that you are here, Master Pope, let me explain to me what existence the Bing Ning heroes were sacrificed to."

"It's just a small part of the heroic soul that has been damaged and can be recovered!"

"The recovery speed is extremely slow. Even if the saint wakes up, I am afraid that Bing Ning’s heroes will not be able to recover. Pope, if the Bing Ning’s lost heroes are still possible to get back now, I hope you can as soon as possible. Get it back, otherwise, I'm afraid we will have conflicts in the future!"

"Chu Feng, Shenchu ​​City is very strong, but my Guangming Divine Sect is not weak. You are the Lord and I am a guest. Should I treat my guest a little better?" Pope Guangming said solemnly. "Sorry, I really didn't know that you came here as a guest." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said plainly, "My Lord Pope, do you think we need to talk about it now?"

"Of course, why is there no need to talk about the relationship between Shenchu ​​City and Guangming God Sect? Chu Feng, you let Van Gogh, my Guangming God Sect will no longer pursue the previous things. You killed many people before. You have to let go of the previous things. Chu Feng, you know that we have a more common enemy abyss!"

Pope Bright paused and continued: "The battle between the abyss and the outside world is not particularly fierce, but you should also know that this is because many powerful people in the abyss cannot reach the outside world at this time. If the abyss If many of the strong can go to the outside world, then such a fierce war will definitely begin!"

"Don't look at you now, if you are in the abyss, many strong men in the abyss will not attack you. That is because they know that it is too easy for you to leave the abyss, and they can't chase the abyss, if they can chase the abyss by the time. , Think about it yourself, can some of the abyssal powerhouses tolerate you!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "My Lord Pope, so what do you mean?" "There is actually not much hatred between us. We can let go of those hatreds!" Pope Guangming said, "You Open the space wormhole, and then both of us will establish a domain gate or super teleportation array on both sides of the space wormhole, so that we can communicate with both through the space wormhole and the domain gate!"

Chu Feng thought, a table and several chairs appeared on the snowy ground. "Please sit down." Chu Feng waved his hand. "Thank you." Pope Guangming nodded and all three of them sat down.

"Strengthen the connection between the two, and then the Holy Light has something, I can quickly help, we have trouble here, you Guangming Divine Sect can also quickly help." Chu Feng said. Pope Illuminati nodded: "How do you feel about my proposal?"

"It's okay to help each other, but the space wormhole I control is so easily let out, don't you think it's not a good thing, Master Pope?" Chu Feng smiled.

"You promise this, and then release Van Gogh. Our Guangming Catholic Church can promise you one condition." Pope Guangming said lightly.

"Oh? Let's just listen, I'm not sure if I'm interested." Chu Feng said.

Pope Guangming said: "I can reach the abyss with you. Then, a treasure of my Guangming religion can roughly determine the location of Sun Shu. How do you feel about this benefit?"

"Determine the location of Sun Shu? The Pope is not joking, Sun Shou is not an ordinary person." Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. This is indeed very attractive to him. In Chu Feng's opinion, The Guangming Sect is even more terrifying, but today, Sun Shu is even more scary than the Guangming Sect!

Sun Shu used to have an underworld, and he was not crazy and would not mess around. Today, Sun Shu, he signed a slave contract and gave away his soul. A powerful and crazy person is naturally terrifying!

"Chu Feng, how can I lie to you about something like this? If it is true or not, then I will know it naturally." Pope Guangming said, "Presumably you also know that my Guangming God Sect has given such treasures a great deal. Sincerity, so now, are you showing your sincerity"

"Master Pope, if Sun Shu is caught or killed, I can agree to your terms." Chu Feng said. Pope Guangming frowned: "Chu Feng, are you not going to let people go first? Isn't this a bit of a lack of sincerity and a quasi-saint-level powerhouse? The probability of our actions being successful is much higher!" Chu Feng He shook his head slightly: "My Lord Pope, I still don't trust you. If someone is caught, I will release them immediately! If the Pope thinks this is feasible, then our cooperation can continue." "Well, Chu Feng, who made me appreciate the power of your God Chucheng? I hope we can cooperate happily in the future!" Pope Guangming nodded his head after considering it for a long time, "Chu Feng, you plan to When do you set off to find Sun Shu?"

"Nine years later!" Chu Feng said. He could not reach the Emperor God level in the previous few months, but given Chu Feng nine years to reach the Emperor God level, he would still have greater confidence. If he could reach the Emperor God level. God level, then the strength will be improved a lot, besides, there is still that Tianxinzi thing to deal with within nine years.

"Nine years, Chu Feng, are you sure it's been such a long time? It's been more than 20 years since Sun Shu was injured, and in another nine years, he will recover a little bit more." Pope Guangming said. Chu Feng said indifferently: "As long as we can find him, can we all make an effort together, can we still make him escape? There is not much difference between more than 20 years and more than 30 years!"

Pope Guangming nodded slightly: "Since you are sure, then there is no problem. We have been looking around infinity in the past few years."

"Master Pope, do you want to have a drink in Shenchu ​​City?" Chu Feng stood up and said. "No, this God Chu City, let's enter when we have established enough trust, and say goodbye." Pope Guangming said that the white light flashed and the other two quasi-sage-level powerhouses disappeared together.

"Let's go."

Chu Feng waved his hand and collected all the tables and chairs together with Yilian and quickly arrived in the city of Shenchu. The Menghao who were staying in the holy prison space also came out of the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, do you really want to cooperate with Guangming Sect?" Meng Hao frowned. "I think Guangming Sect is not so reliable. If you cooperate with Guangming Sect, it may not be a wise choice."

Although staying in the holy prison space, Meng Hao and the others could see clearly what happened outside. "Cooperate, why not? First catch Sun Shu. The most important thing now is to deal with Sun Shu's affairs." Chu Feng said, "As for the Guangming Church, if they don't engage in ghosts, it's OK to cooperate. Guangming Sect Zong is right, the abyss, that is the biggest threat!"

"Boss, what's the matter, you just flashed like this, without you, so many powerful people, we can't help it." Tang Ming and Zhou Wen came to Chu Feng and the others.

Chu Feng smiled and scolded: "Is there anything that can't live in town? You think this is a gathering of underworld. Everyone gathers to celebrate the 1.2 billion year anniversary of the Academy of God. Who will make trouble at this time?"

"How can the underworld be so powerful. Today, there are a thousand or two thousand strong people who have exalted the gods and great perfections in this city of God, and the number of strong people who have reached the level of exalted gods is more than 100,000!" Zhou Wen said with some emotion, "so many powerful people. People gather, boss, if there is rebellion among them, then I don’t know how serious the problem will be."

Tang Ming said: "Boss, the fat man is right. You really have to be careful. Although there are blood flowers in Shenchu ​​City, there are too many strong people in Shenchu ​​City today! As long as one-tenth of the strong people burst into trouble instantly , Maybe the entire Shenchu ​​City will be demolished by them!"

Chu Feng was slightly startled, Tang Ming and the others were not unreasonable. "Miao Xian'er, did you find any problems?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Chu Feng, you didn't have it when you disappeared, but now, some people seem to have something wrong." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Don't resist." Chu Feng's voice sounded in the minds of Meng Hao, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and Yilian, and then they and Chu Feng disappeared instantly.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhou Wen said strangely when he appeared in the holy prison space. "You two crow's mouth, I'm afraid I'll let you talk about it." Chu Feng frowned.

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