Holy Prison

Chapter 1183: Successful

"This guy, you can't be crazy!" Feng Bingning's three daughters were startled by Chu Feng's actions, and they directly broke into the robbery cloud. This is really too bold!

Feng Bingning and the others would be more at ease if Chu Feng crossed the Tribulation in a proper manner, but if they did not obey the rules, their hearts were lifted up all at once!

"Lan Wen, take a divination quickly." Feng Bingning said with a dull expression on her face. "Okay." Lan Wen hurriedly pinched to forget, "Bing Ning sister, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, the danger is not very big!"

Feng Bingning and Yilian breathed a sigh of relief, they believed in Lan Wen's divination level. "This guy is too bold, we will punish him well when the time comes." Yilian said.

"How to punish?" Feng Bing condensed. Yilian hummed: "Punish him not to touch us for ten years." Lan Wen smiled and said, "Yilian, if he doesn't touch us for ten years, you're afraid that you won't stick to it. We are already on the thief ship. He probably will have to be eaten to death for the rest of his life."

"Lan Wen, this time you are not allowed to help Chu Feng to speak. What would you fine him? That's fine. The fine is 400 rounds. We and Feiying each play him 100 times, huh!" Yilian said .

Yilian’s words were not heard by Meng Hao, but Chu Feng within Jieyun did. His body trembled and black lines flashed across his forehead. Yilian’s kindness is very kind, but he is also very funny. Compared with Miao Feiying, this aspect is even worse! She is small, and she can come up with such an idea.

"Bing Ning, Lan Wen, why, I can't bear to punish him. If he doesn't punish him, he won't take his life seriously in the future." Yilian said.

"Play!" Feng Bing stared at Chu Feng and hummed.

"This is not so good." Lan Wen said hesitantly. "It's better to be my lady." Chu Feng sighed in Jie Yunzhi's heart. "Yilian, this is just a few hundred strokes. How can Brother Feng learn his lesson? I think it would be better to have a thousand strokes per person!" Lan Wen said.

He was speechless, Chu Feng was completely speechless, and the women talked in a good relationship. Lan Wen was originally very obedient to him. At this time, it was also influenced by Yilian and others.

"Several chicks, Uncle Chu will let you know what is awesome when the time comes." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and absorbed the power of refining thunder.

Within Jieyun, the power of Thunder Tribulation madly poured into Chu Feng’s body and Yinming. A part of the power that entered Chu Feng’s body was directly absorbed and refined by Chu Feng’s body, and part of it couldn’t The power of refining in time was absorbed into the Beiming Swallowing Heaven Array.

The robbery cloud shook violently and swiftly rotated, and the thunder attribute power between heaven and earth gathered frantically. As the power gathered more and more, the volume of the swirling cloud continued to grow!

"Fighting the sky!"

Seeing that his physical body was a little unbearable, Chu Feng used it with Feng Tian Gu, which can increase his physical strength several times. Once it was used, Chu Feng immediately felt that the amount of lightning around him reduced the pressure on him. a lot of!

"Chu Feng, in about the same time, just quit with a bit of interest, otherwise the world will definitely wipe you out." Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng responded in his mind, as time passed slowly, even if he used Fengtiangu Diyi's treatment speed, he couldn't keep up with the speed of injury!

Chu Feng knew that he was almost at the limit. If he went down, he would not benefit but seek death. He held his hand above Yin Ming, and Chu Feng waved hard, and the strong sword light suddenly caused thunder and lightning within tens of meters below him. All power is annihilated!

"Shoo!" "Roar!" "Woo!"

Chu Feng rushed out of the robbery cloud, behind him, waves of thunder and lightning turned into beasts madly chasing down! "Rely on me, right?" Chu Feng exclaimed. The beasts that turned into thunder and lightning behind him basically have the strength of the Emperor God level, and the number is estimated to have reached thousands!

Thousands of them, among which the low-strength emperor gods are junior, and the high-strength ones have reached the emperor's great perfection. Among them, the emperor's peak is no less than two hundred evil beasts!

"Chu Feng, this guy will really cause trouble!" Not only Feng Bingning and the others were nervous, Meng Hao and the others were also a little nervous at this time. Thousands of monsters with the strength of Emperor God level, the kind of power is that they are secretly secretly. Frightened.

"Go in!"

Chu Feng's mind moved a ray of space law power into the surrounding space, and the small world of laws appeared, and suddenly about one third of the terrifying beasts were drawn into the small world of laws!

"Space is broken!"

Another strand of the power of the law of space was used by Chu Feng. This strand of power of the law of space cooperated with the fragmentation of the space so that the nearly two thousand beasts in the small world of the law were instantly caught between the terrifying space. Torn to pieces frantically!

"Huh!" Chu Feng took a long breath. The figure disappeared in the same place and appeared thousands of meters away. The place where he was originally was covered by countless attacks!

"Miao Xian'er, can you use Feizhou?" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind. "What do you mean?" Miao Xian'er said in a spirited manner. The power of the law of space is Chu Feng's own power and can be used, but Feizhou can't use it if he doesn't fully recognize Chu Feng as his master now!

"These guys are a lot more cunning!" Chu Feng said in his mind while running away in embarrassment.

Although they are evil beasts formed by thunder and lightning, those evil beasts have a relatively high awareness of fighting. Just now, when many evil beasts are close to each other, they are sucked into the small world of the law by the power of space law by one third. At that time, the remaining nearly four thousand evil beasts were separated from each other by some distance, even if Chu Feng used the power of the law of space, it was impossible to trap half of the evil beasts at once!

Seizing an opportunity, Chu Feng used another ray of law power, which trapped more than 800 evil beasts, which was roughly equivalent to one-fifth of the remaining.

"Follow up, little ones!" Chu Feng flashed into the small world of Law. Previously, the power of the second law of space was used because too many evil beasts could not be confined for a long time. This time Chu Feng entered the small world of law and did not use the power of the law of space anymore, Yin Ming was in his hand. Chu Feng's speed was so fast, and in just a short period of ten or so seconds, all the eight hundred or so evil beasts trapped in the small world of the law were all beheaded by Chu Feng!

"There is still a little bit of strength!" Chu Feng's mind moved. The small world movement trapped dozens of evil beasts, and the silver was flying. The dozens of evil beasts were almost completely killed in the blink of an eye. , With Chu Feng's strength, Yin Ming in his hand, and in the small world of the law, it is indeed easier to kill those emperor-level evil beasts.

Of course, if those imperial god-level beasts were replaced by imperial god-level strong men, Chu Feng would not be able to handle it so easily. Compared with the imperial god-level strong men, the attacks of those beasts might not be weak. But their defenses are much weaker, and they definitely won't have any powerful cards!

At the moment when the small world of Laws was shattered, Chu Feng immediately used the power of the fourth law, and the suction of the small world of Laws trapped six or seven hundred evil beasts inside!

The fourth way, the fifth way, after all the power of Chu Feng's five spatial laws was used up, the original six thousand beasts had only one thousand five hundred left!

The number was much smaller, and Chu Feng's pressure was greatly reduced. Holding Yin Ming, Chu Feng and the evil beasts fought guerrilla warfare, beheading hundreds of evil beasts in just half a minute.

"Little ones, follow up!" Chu Feng laughed. The speeds of the evil beasts were not consistent. He moved forward quickly. Some of the evil beasts could catch up with him, and some were much slower than him. Similarly, more than 1,500 evil beasts were divided into several parts!

"Die!" Chu Feng suddenly turned his head and swung a sword. A blood-red light flashed from the tip of the sword. The blood-red light had a terrifying edge and extremely fast speed. In an instant, that blood The red light passed through the heads of dozens of emperor gods, Dzogchen, and powerful evil beasts who were chasing most!

With the blood-red light passing through, the heads of dozens of evil beasts burst and dissipated in the sky, "Chu Feng won!" Seeing Meng Hao chuckle, Bruin and the others also relaxed. .

The dozens of the most powerful among the remaining evil beasts died. Although there are still a lot of them, it is almost impossible to kill Chu Feng.

Exterminating the dozens of powerful beasts in one fell swoop, Chu Feng boldly attacked the remaining beasts. Two minutes later, there were only about 1,000 of the more than 1,300 beasts left. Five minutes later, this number dropped to only three hundred or so, and six minutes later, the last three hundred or so evil beasts were all destroyed by Chu Feng's sword!

"Hushuang!" Chu Feng took a long breath and looked up at the sky. In the sky, countless spots of light began to drop from the rolling cloud.

The spot of light descended and went to Chu Feng's side and entered his body. Chu Feng had already reached the primary level of the Emperor God. With the integration of those spots of light, Chu Feng's body and soul were constantly changing and improving rapidly.

There is no need to mention the increase in body strength. Within Chu Feng’s knowledge of the sea, a drop of red water droplets flowed from the **** infant’s body quickly, and the red water drop fell to the **** infant’s feet, which formed in a short time. A shallow water pool with a diameter of five or six meters was formed, and the area of ​​that pool was still expanding rapidly under the continuous inflow of water droplets from the gods.

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