Holy Prison

Chapter 1195: To the city of innocence

City of Innocence.

As soon as Chu Feng arrived here, his eyes were surprised. The City of Innocence at this time has changed greatly from the City of Innocence when he left.

"Miao Xian'er, how many emperor god-level superpowers are there in this city?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "There are 308 people at the Respect God level, and more than 4,000 people at the Emperor God level. However, Chu Feng, it is estimated that many of them are just not the permanent residents of Innocence City who come to watch the excitement."

"Contact Demon Shu and ask." Chu Feng said, even if it's only one tenth, there are only thirty or four hundred emperor-level powerhouses, that's pretty good!

Chu Feng said in his mind that Zhou Wen and all of them appeared next to him, "Boss, this is the City of Innocence? It looks very good!" Zhou Wen's eyes were dull and authentic. They are now in the teleportation area. Many people coming and going in the district are very lively!

"Fatty Zhou, don't aim your eyes randomly." Tang Wan said lightly. Among the many people who came and went, there were many beauties that fit Chu Feng's aesthetics, and some women were still dressed very well, with white chests and slender legs. Very tempting!

"Well, Wan'er, I am a gentleman, except for you, others are pink skulls in my eyes!" Zhou Wen said solemnly!

"Fat brother, you just peeped at me? One hundred best magic stones for one night." A woman with a tailed horse and plump **** and fat buttocks came to Zhou Wen's face. Zhou Wen's body exuded an abyss of death, but that one The woman doesn't care at all! This is the city of sin, and everyone who comes to the city of sin basically knows that the true owner of the city of sin is not the man of the abyss!

Tang Wan snorted and changed her mind back to her original state. "Sorry" the woman said and left quickly. She had a certain degree of confidence in her appearance, but compared with Tang Wan, it was naturally much worse. And she just didn't realize that Tang Wan was not her original appearance. Tang Wan's cultivation level was definitely higher than her.

"What a beauty, this brother, how about selling her to me? I'm willing to sell 10,000 top-grade magic stones, no, 20,000 top-grade magic stones!" A middle-aged man saw Tang Wan from a distance. They could reach Chu Feng from a distance. They stared at Tang Wan with their eyes tightly. If in other places, he would definitely be lazy to get the money and choose to grab the money directly, but in the City of Innocence, you are not guilty of what I wish. Regardless of the city, if there is a looting situation, then the looting party will definitely be out of luck. The few corpses still hanging on the tower are role models.

The expressions of Zhou Wen and Tang Wan were all gloomy. Zhou Wen slapped it directly. The guy wanted to dodge, but he realized that he didn't have the ability to dodge at all. He had a feeling that he couldn't dodge himself. This slap would definitely fall on his face!

Heavy slaps sounded, and the guy was slapped tens of meters away by Zhou Wen's vigorous slap, "Puff! Puff!" As soon as he fell to the ground, the middle-aged man's blood spurted out uncontrollably.

"Selling your mother BI, blinded your dog's eyes." Zhou Wen raised his hand, and the guy was sucked by him again and his neck was tightly pinched by Zhou Wen in his hand.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me, this is the City of Innocence!" The middle-aged man said in horror. Chu Feng said indifferently: "I remember that there is one in the City of Innocence. As long as there is sufficient reason for the provocateur, he can be killed!"

Chu Long’s surprise voice came into Chu Feng’s ears. Chu Long actually knew Chu Feng and the others had arrived a little earlier, but he was in the process of training, and it took a while to collect his gong, so this Rushed over just then.

"Little dragon."

Chu Feng smiled and changed back to what he was. With his change, Yi Lian and the others changed back to what they were. "I have seen a few seniors. Brother Wen, Brother Ming, and a few sister-in-laws, I didn't expect you to come together." Chu Long smiled.

"City lord!" The middle-aged man almost died in fright. In the City of Innocence, he naturally couldn't fail to recognize Chu Long, the city lord. Hearing Chu Long's call like that, he didn't know that he was kicked this time. On a super large iron plate. "City Lord, help, city lord, I didn't violate the rules, I didn't start to **** people, it was my eyesight, but the crime is not dying." The middle-aged man shouted authentically.

Many people looked at Chu Feng and the others. "Xiaolong, if you kill him, there is no problem, right?" Zhou Wen said solemnly. Chu Long nodded: "Naturally, there is no problem. He offends first. It is certain that offending the strong will pay the price!"

"Fatty Zhou, forget it, don't kill people as soon as you get here, just abolish some of his cultivation skills." Tang Wan said. "City Lord, the City of Innocence kills people in such a small matter, how can we make everyone feel at ease in the City of Innocence?" the middle-aged man shouted authentically.

Chu Long said indifferently: "Small things? You are just a god-level cultivation base. Tang Wan's sister-in-law is a powerhouse at the emperor god-level. Brother Wen can even display the strength of the quasi-sage level. You can let everyone talk about it. Is an offense a trivial matter! If every person who has cultivated a god-level cultivation base is still a trivial offense in the City of Innocence, then the City of Innocence really cannot go on."

"I know who that person is. It is Unlimited Zhou Wen. It is indeed capable of exerting the quasi-sage level strength. He is still dead." The speaker stopped here immediately.

"Want to buy the wife of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, tsk tsk, this courage is indeed fat enough!"

"Such a person can't be killed too much!"

A lot of people around started talking, and many people talked, none of them helped the middle-aged man to speak, so offend a strong man whose strength is much higher than himself, and no one sympathizes with him at all. No one dared to sympathize with him!

"Boy, if you don't agree, you can come to your fat grandpa in the future!" Zhou Wen said that the powerful force rushed into the middle-aged man's body like a billowing flood. The middle-aged man felt chaos in his body first, and then he felt himself. The strength began to go straight, platinum Dzogchen, platinum peak gold Dzogchen, gold peak.

Ten seconds later, Zhou Wen threw the man to the ground like a dead dog. In only ten seconds, the strong man who had already cultivated the **** level was already taken by Zhou Wen. The strength has been reduced to the silver rank arrogantly, even if he works hard to cultivate his base in the future, it is estimated that there will be no more than a million years to reach the **** level cultivation base again!

Zhou Wen left the man behind, and Chu Feng ignored the man and quickly followed Chu Long to the City Lord's Mansion of the City of Innocence. "See the seniors, Chu Feng, Ming, Wen" Shi Yan also woke up from training at this time, and she naturally saluted them quickly when she saw Chu Feng and them. "Sister Shi Yan don't have to be polite." Yilian took Shi Yan's hand and said, "Chu Feng, you talked about you, we will be accompanied by sister Shi Yan to stroll around."

Chu Feng nodded and Yilian and the others left the room. "Brother Wen, I'm sorry, the order here in the City of Innocence is not very good. I encountered such a thing as soon as I came here." Chu Long said apologetically.

Zhou Wen waved his hand and smiled triumphantly: "It's okay, it means Wan'er is pretty. I think the order in the City of Innocence is pretty good, and it's much better than I thought. Xiaolong, now How strong is the City of Innocence?"

"Brother Wen, you don’t have to blame it. The City of Innocence is not strong now. There are not many strong people who truly belong to the City of Innocence, but there are also strong people who have settled down in the City of Innocence. It’s a lot, there are more than forty god-level powerhouses, and more than 500 emperor god-level powerhouses." Chu Long smiled.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and smiled: "Compared to what I expected, it's a little bit better. Everything is difficult at the beginning. With so many strong people added, there will be more strong people joining in. Take your time. ."

"Yeah." Chu Long nodded, "Brother, I thought it would take a while for you to come. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Naturally, we have to come a little earlier. The teleportation array we passed through will teleport randomly. If we don't advance a little earlier, we will probably be late." Chu Feng smiled, "Now the development of the City of Innocence is smooth, right? "

Chu Long frowned slightly: "It's still going well, but I also encountered some troubles. Some forces are dissatisfied with the sheltering behavior of the City of Innocence. In the past two years, a powerful person with the strength of the gods was pursued. Fleeing into the City of Innocence, the City of Innocence took in the god-level powerhouse. Soon afterwards, the power of chasing and killing that god-level powerhouse gathered some forces to condemn the city of innocence!"

"What about the result?" Chu Feng said, and Zhou Wen also showed curiosity in their eyes.

"Stalemate, the City of Innocence didn't provoke those forces, but those forces' denunciations were ineffective and they didn't dare to attack the City of Innocence!" Chu Long said.

Chu Feng gently tapped on the armrest of the chair and said, "Those who enter the City of Innocence and seek protection usually have enemies. What is the solution for their enemies' revenge?"

"The rules of the City of Innocence are like this. No matter who you are, no matter what kind of sin you have, enter the City of Innocence, as long as you do not violate the rules of the City of Innocence, then you can stay safely in the City of Innocence. In ten years, in these ten years, the City of Innocence is guaranteed to be safe!"

"After that, if you want to stay longer, then you need to pay something. Get the contribution of the City of Innocence and exchange the innocence order. This can extend the safety time in the City of Innocence. Otherwise, if the time exceeds the time, someone In the case of applying to the City of Innocence, the City of Innocence will send people who have exceeded the time to the City of Innocence!"

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