Holy Prison

Chapter 1203: Quasi holy gathering

Fenglin City, this is the small city closest to the City of Innocence. Even so, this small city is usually not very lively, this city is too small, and there is no teleportation station!

There is no teleportation station, and other resources are not good. It is strange that many people can reach this small city, but in the past ten years, this small city has become popular. With the Tianxin auction house in this one The establishment of the small city, the small city has many outsiders here every day, and many of those outsiders are extremely powerful!

"Tomorrow is the auction of that Tianxinzi. I don't know if any strong will participate in the auction. The treasures with a total value of 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone are really scary!"

"There must be someone who can't be obtained by the general power, but Tianxinzi is likely to fall into the hands of some top powerhouses. They still can't take out the 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone?"

"Many forces have been robbed in recent years, and it is probably related to this Tianxinzi auction! Friends, have you gotten the auction and admission tickets?"

"Five billion billion can't afford to pay, one trillion is still available, maybe by then you can see a lot of quasi-saint-level powerhouses, this opportunity may only be once in a lifetime!"

"One trillion, it's too expensive for me, I can only take a look outside here, alas!

Tomorrow was the day when Tianxinzi was auctioned. Chu Feng and the others flew from the City of Innocence to the vicinity of Fenglin City. Once they arrived here, they all heard a lot of discussions.

"Boss, many people have a lot of opinions on your high ticket price, haha!" Zhou Wen laughed, one trillion, there are many people in the abyss who can afford this price, and this has already been sold. More than 30,000 tickets can be known, but the price is indeed too high. Most people can't afford it. Even if they can afford it, many people estimate that they are not willing to pay this price!

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "If you have an opinion, you have an opinion, and I have no responsibility to let those people see it! If the price is low, how can this established Tianxin auction house accommodate people?"

"Ticket revenue is more than 30 billion billion. It's really crazy, and many forces have not accumulated so much for countless years!" Long Xiao said with emotion. The dragon family has always been not weak, and there have been countless years, but let Long Xiao He estimated that it would be difficult for him to come up with something worth 30 billion jin of super spar!

Jiu Jian took a sip of wine and smiled: "I have a lot of income, but at the same time I have received the resentment of many people, old reptiles, envy? This opportunity is given to you, do you dare to accept me like this?" "I really don't dare There is not much difference between collecting so many things without the strength and seeking death." Long Xiao laughed.

Chu Feng disappeared and quickly all entered the Tianxin auction site. "I don't know how many quasi-saint-level powerhouses will come this time!" Tang Ming said.

"It's definitely not less. Those who have reached the quasi-saint level might know this news, they will definitely come over and see if they have time! Even if they can't participate in the auction, come over and see what kind of people Tianxinzi has fallen into. Okay. Boss, if many strong people come over, there won’t be people with Tianxinzi who dare not participate in the auction.” Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "If you don't come, you won't come. What does it matter?"

"Zhi, boss, it’s a big deal. There are only nine Tianxinzi in total. Perhaps there are still Tianxinzi who have not been discovered at this time. If there are still people who are not coming, then there may be only one or two people who will come. , If there is only one person, you want to let someone take a little bit of Tianxinzi." Zhou Wendao.

"Stupid, Fatty Zhou, don't you know that there is something called a reserve price. If there are few people, then set a high reserve price. If you want to take it away, pay the money!" Tang Wan said.

"Haha, Fatty, be despised." Tang Ming laughed authentically. At this time, Chu Feng frowned secretly. If something like that really happened and the strong didn’t dare to reveal his own Tianxinzi, it would be very unfavorable for him. He just wanted to get this auction. Know who those Tianxinzi are in the hands.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, don't worry, if you can afford five billion billion catties of the best magic stone, such a little problem will not trouble those people!"

Chu Feng relaxed. There are a total of nine Tianxinzi. He only has to get six and the task is completed. Now three of the nine Tianxinzi are on his body, and there is one on Muyan Island. He only needs to determine where the two are. In humans, the hope of getting six Tianxinzi is not small!

Time slowly passed, and the strong people in Maple Forest City continued to increase. Walking on the streets of Maple Forest City within a hundred meters, it is very possible to meet the strong people of the Emperor God level!

"Chu Feng, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse appears!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng did not open his eyes in the holy prison space, and the sky eye instantly presented the scanned scene In his mind. "Unexpectedly, the first one to arrive was a female Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse." Chu Feng chuckled in his mind.

Outside of Fenglin City, a woman in red with a faint smile on her face instantly entered Fenglin City. "Unexpectedly, this deity is the first quasi-sage-level powerhouse to arrive!" The woman in red fell into a courtyard with a chuckle, "This time this Tianxinzi will definitely belong to the deity! One more Tianxin! Son, even if you cooperate to open the rule monument, there will be more benefits!"

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng opened his eyes and burst out a strong light instantly! "Okay, very good, luck is really good, I didn't expect to have identified a person with a Tianxinzi before starting!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice, if he didn't get a Tianxinzi, how would a woman in red say "One more heavenly heart, when the time comes."

"Chu Feng, there are five of them who know where they are. It seems that there is still a lot of hope for completion of this task!" Miao Xian'er smiled. It is difficult to determine where Tianxinzi is in completing the first task of Tianxinzi. In the hands of such a person, the second difficulty is that even if it is determined, it is extremely difficult and extremely difficult to imagine without the strength!

Chu Feng and the others are still very powerful now. If it is determined who Tianxinzi is in the hands, then the chances of getting Tianxinzi will naturally be high!

"It's a pity that this woman's kindness value exceeds the crime value a little bit, and Sky Eye can't lock her!" Chu Feng frowned. If Sky Eye can't lock it, it will be a little more troublesome to find her in the future. "Hu Hong will definitely know where your lair is at that time!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Not long after Fox Red arrived, the sound of running thunder rang out. The nine-headed tall dragon pulled a huge dragon's blade into the air. Not to mention the dragon's blade, it was the nine-headed dragon horse. The strength of the gods!

"Haha, I didn't expect that a friend with Quasi-Sage level strength would have come to this Fenglin City, this seat is polite!" A tall and strong middle-aged man stood up and laughed. "Polite." Fox Hong's soft voice resounded in the sky, "Are my friends here to auction?"

"There is no such destiny to get Tianxinzi, I just come to see the excitement. This time, many quasi-holy friends will come over. It's good for everyone to get together and lively!" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed faintly. Before, he was born with a divine eye, but the divine eye was activated silently, but he didn't see through Fox Red!

"It turns out that someone has arrived, the old man, I will come to join in the fun!" Another voice rang, and a small-looking old man appeared in the sky. He did not exude a little strong breath, but just silently. When the breath came, the eyes of that middle-aged man and Fox Red were flashed!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng frowned slightly, and there was still some time before Tianxinzi’s auction, but in a short period of time, three quasi-sage-level powerhouses arrived. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses who will arrive at that time are afraid that they will Exceeded his expectations!

"If then many guys will take action against us together" Chu Feng had to consider this question. They are not the people of the abyss, and there is a big contradiction between the abyss powerhouse and the powerhouse outside. Maybe then Tianxinzi It's auctioned, and those who are strong in the abyss will kill them easily!

"If there are too many quasi-saint-level powerhouses at that time, then Xiao Mingzi and the others are not suitable to appear outside!" Chu Feng frowned.

Time slowly passed, three, four, and five quasi-sage powerhouses in Maple Forest City slowly increased. When the auction time was only half an hour, they arrived in Maple Forest City. There are already more than sixty quasi-saint-level powerhouses!

"Chu Feng, there are too many quasi-sage-level experts here!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "Well, I didn't expect that there are so many quasi-sage-level powerhouses hidden in the abyss! Normally, there are no quasi-sage-level powerhouses coming out at all. At this time, so many old monsters have appeared!" Chu Feng said .

As soon as Chu Feng thought, the body formed by his divine sense turned into a divine sense and entered the body of the deity who was with Tang Ming and the others.

"Boss, it's only half an hour. Should we go out?" Chu Feng's deity opened his eyes, and Tang Ming opened their eyes one by one.


Chu Feng said and waved his hand, and a faint ball of energy appeared in front of them, and what was displayed in the ball of energy was the scene outside.

"These people" Long Xiao showed solemn expressions in their eyes. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses who had arrived at this time all stayed in the air and did not fall, although they did not reveal the quasi-sage-level powerhouses. The aura of the person, but Long Xiao and the others are not difficult to distinguish that they have the strength of Quasi-Holy Grade!

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