Holy Prison

Chapter 1205: Tianxinzi Auction (2)

"Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, "Please enter! In the VIP area in the front row, you can find an unmanned seat to sit down!"

"Thank you, sir!" The woman quickly entered the auction hall with a slight smile. "Let me auction it on my behalf. I don't know which strong man belonged to this Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng frowned secretly. The strong man behind that has not appeared now, and it is impossible to determine who Tianxinzi belongs to Chu Feng. That is not a good thing!

Time passed by, ten minutes later, a dozen or so quasi-sage-level experts arrived, and these quasi-sage-level experts naturally entered the auction hall one by one.

The fragile bells spread throughout the entire Fenglin City, and Chu Feng turned and entered the auction hall. After he entered, the door of the auction hall immediately began to close slowly!

"Hey, the divine sense can't penetrate, I don't know what's going on inside! It's just one million billion catties of standard magic stones. I knew this a long time ago. I should find a way to get a ticket!"

"It would be great if we had an open auction, so that we can only know one result when it is closed!"

As soon as the door of the auction house was closed, a powerful prohibition that blocked the divine consciousness was opened. The auction house itself was built with materials that block divine consciousness, plus the strong prohibition to block divine consciousness, even if it is a perfect god. It’s impossible for a strong person to see the situation inside!

"Everyone, everyone's time is precious. I'm not a real auctioneer. We don't talk about any rules. The auction will start right now!" Chu Fengfei said loudly as he stood on Shitai.

"Now, those who have Tianxinzi who want to participate in the auction, please raise your hand. The announcement I sent you must know that to participate in the auction, you need to pay 5 billion billion jin of treasures of the best magic stone, regardless of whether you get something in the end. The auction fee paid is non-refundable!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Chu Feng, to participate in an auction, you need to pay 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone. Is this too much?" It was the bald strong man who stepped on the huge abyss demon tiger before. This strong man is now There were ordinary people who stood up tall as they sat there, revealing the terrifying aura of ancient beasts.

Chu Feng looked at the strong bald head, his eyes met his copper bell with big eyes without flinching: "This friend, Tianxinzi, is mine, right? I want to get the Tianxinzi that belongs to me. Then you need to follow my rules! If you don't want to get Tianxinzi or worry about your own competition but others will lose 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone, then you can participate in the auction without raising your hand!"

"I'll participate!" A faint voice sounded, and an old man in white in the VIP area raised his hand, and in his hand there was a heavenly heart exuding a mysterious aura!

Chu Feng looked at the white-clothed old man and nodded slightly. It was not too surprising. This white-clothed old man was the Pope of the Light God Sect. He didn't know what method he used. At this time, his own breath was completely reduced and his body revealed Out of the abyss breath that the strong of the abyss has.

"There are items worth 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone!" The white-clothed old man said a space stone flew towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took the space stone in his hand, and his divine consciousness penetrated into it. There are massive spars in the space stone, besides there are many treasures, there are many treasures, but what really makes Chu Feng admire not much. "Chu Feng, it's almost the same, the value is not much different from the 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded slightly to the old man in white, "My friend is eligible to participate in the auction, is there anyone else who wants to participate?"

The strong bald man is low and authentic, but his voice is really loud, even if he speaks lowly, his voice is much louder than other people's normal speech. "Your strength is not good, but the strength of your friends is not bad!" The bald man said that a spatial ring flew towards Chu Feng with a strong pressure.

The space ring does not fly fast, but the strong pressure it carries on it is estimated to be a bit unbearable even for a strong person who respects the great perfection!

Chu Feng frowned secretly, this bald-headed strong man meant to draw the strong behind him! "Haha!" Chu Feng chuckled. In an instant, his body burst out with an aura that is even stronger than that of a powerful person with a great perfection. When the spatial ring came in front of De Chu Feng, Chu Feng stretched out his hand and looked easy. Just grab it in your hands!

Divine consciousness penetrated into the spatial ring, and Chu Feng’s eyes flashed with imperceptible excitement. There were many spars and treasures in the spatial ring. Chu Feng didn’t like other treasures that much, but one of them Dong Chu Feng is very important, it is a bead, a milky white bead!

Chu Feng had seen the milky white beads before, and the three parts of Nu Wa's body were transformed into three milky white beads and then merged into one!

"What a surprise!" Chu Feng laughed in his mind. For Chu Feng, the value of this milky white bead is not a mere 5 billion billion, or even a Tianxinzi. Yes, this milky white bead can be obtained at this auction, and the harvest has completely exceeded expectations!

"Friend, you can participate in the auction." Chu Feng chuckled inwardly. A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the bald powerhouse. Although Chu Feng's current burst of strength did not reach the Quasi-Holy Grade, it definitely surpassed the level of the Supreme Perfection!

The strength exploded in an instant, and Chu Feng quickly dissipated the burst of strength. If the deity was outside, it would be no problem to maintain this strength for ten seconds with the cultivation base of his emperor god’s primary peak, but now it appears. Outside here is only Chu Feng’s clone. His clone can also borrow Yilian’s power, but it can last for up to three seconds, and within a day after borrowing the power, Chu Feng’s deity and clone can no longer be used. Borrow the power of Yilian.

"I took back what I just said, your strength is not bad!" The strong bald nodded slightly. Although it only broke out a little, he didn't know that Chu Feng could only burst out like that now. The strength is just three seconds. Chu Feng closed the space ring and smiled: "Thank you for your acknowledgment. Does anyone still want to participate in the auction? If not, the auction will begin immediately!"

"This seat is bidding!"

"I'm bidding!"

"Hehe, I will join in the fun too!"

All three of them raised their hands, and Chu Feng glanced at him. The one who said "this seat bidding" was an old man enveloped in a black robe. His black robe was a powerful treasure. Under the cover of the robe, no one could see his face clearly, and no one could sense his breath.

The one who said "I'm bidding" is the beautiful woman who came in before. The cultivation base is not high, but the cultivation base is at the King God level. This cultivation base is not low in other places, but in this place, that The strength of the woman is really very low, and she can easily be wiped out by pulling a person here!

And the last one who spoke was a woman in red. She was a quasi-sage-level cultivation base, and the first quasi-sage-level powerhouse to come to Fenglin City after Chu Feng noticed!

As the three said, all three space stones flew in front of Chu Feng. Chu Feng's divine consciousness scanned his face and showed a smile. The space stones of the three of them contained items worth 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stones. In the presence of so many powerful people, they were on this matter. It won't make a fool of yourself, otherwise it would definitely not look good if you were run on by Chu Feng!

After the auction fee was paid, the three of them also showed their own Tianxinzi. Needless to say, the three of them were all genuine Tianxinzi!

The three behind, plus the Pope Guangming and the strong bald head in the front, are five people participating in the auction. Five people are five Tianxinzi, plus the three owned by Chu Feng, that’s eight. This is Chu Feng. There was always the urge to **** those five Tianxinzi and follow it up!

Chu Feng’s mission can be completed with six Tianxinzi, and eight Tianxinzi with two more. Each of them can get 5 million combat points and 50,000 domain tower value rewards. Two Tianxinzi are 10 million battle points and one hundred thousand domain tower value!

"Calm, calm!" Chu Feng muttered silently in his heart. The temptation of these Tianxinzi is indeed great for him, but if you grab it at this time, the chance of success is definitely less than one in ten thousand. Only then do that!

"Everyone, are there any more? If there are no more people, then our auction will officially begin." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Chu Feng looked around the audience, no one made a sound or raised their hands. "It seems that there is no one, so let's start!" Chu Feng said that a Tianxinzi appeared in his hand, "The reserve price is 10 billion billion standard top-grade magic stone, five friends, you can start bidding!" Chu Feng He glanced at the Five Human Dao that revealed Tianxinzi.

"Ten billion billion!" Chu Feng's voice fell. Someone made an offer. The bid was for a woman with only the strength of the King God level. "My sirs, I'll just give you a start." The woman laughed softly.

"Fifteen billion billion!" the bald-headed man said in a deep voice. He immediately raised the price by five billion billion. "A few friends, make a quick decision, don't waste time!"

"Sixteen billion billion!" Pope Guangming bid. Except for the woman who is only King God-level strength, the hearts of several of them at this time are a bit complicated, and they want to quickly prevent others from seeing their truth. I also want to see through the identities of the other people who have Tianxinzi. When the time comes, I will find a way to get more Tianxinzi!

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