Holy Prison

Chapter 1210: The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

"21.6 billion yuan!" The powerful man who respected the gods was stunned. Although he had known the auction results a long time ago, he also knew that if Chu Feng abides by the agreement, he will have a total value of 21.6 billion jin of standard top-grade spar But when Chu Feng said this, he still felt a strong shock!

The overall cultivation level of the people in the abyss is high, so in the abyss, the average person can earn much more in a year than the average person above the infinity, but it is 21.6 billion. One word is too high! A general big power in the abyss, it would be pretty good to be able to put out two to three billion billion, even a force like the Ten Thousand Poison City back then, it would take a lot of time!

"Yes, 21.6 billion, how do you choose? If you choose to have it now, then I will give it to you immediately, otherwise, I will give it to City Lord Chu Long, and you can withdraw it from him if you need it! "Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Master Chu Feng, give me 1.6 billion of them now, and save the rest to the city lord Chulong!" The powerful master of the gods took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. He is also a powerhouse at the god-respecting level, and his mental quality is fairly passable!

Chu Feng nodded slightly. A spatial ring appeared in his hand: "Inside there are 600 million jin of standard top-grade magic stone, and there are also items worth one billion jin of standard top-grade magic stone. If you don’t need those items, then You need to find a way to change it yourself, this shouldn't be difficult!"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, thank you, Master Chu Feng!" The power of the elementary **** respectfully said. "Well, if you need it in the future, you can find City Lord Chu Long!" Chu Feng said, disappeared in an instant.

The things worth 1.6 billion jin of standard top-grade spar were given out, and Chu Feng quickly got to Chu Long, and the remaining things worth 20 billion jin of standard top-grade spar were given to Chu Long. , Chu Feng also gave Chu Long many other things, with a total value of 10 billion yuan.

"Brother, the void stone, do you want me to help you collect it in the abyss?" Chu Long collected the two space rings and said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No need, I have checked in the abyss, the number of void stones is extremely small, and the environment in the abyss is not suitable for the appearance of void stones!"

"How could this be?" Chu Long frowned.

"I don't know this, but it is a fact that there are not many void stones in the abyss. The reason may be that the abyss is enclosed in the holy abyss, not connected with the huge cosmic space, or it may be related to the sleeping saint. Who knows What?" Chu Feng said, "I won't tell you more, I have something to go out with your sister-in-law!"

At this time Yilian was talking to Tang Ming and the others, Chu Feng appeared beside Yilian, and said to Tang Ming and the others, Chu Feng and Yilian quickly left the City of Innocence.

"Chu Feng, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Yilian asked with some doubts. Chu Feng directly passed the message of that black robe to Yilian. "Know it, this guy hasn't left the locked range of Skyeye, and was followed by two tails. Let's see if a praying mantis catches a cicada or oriole behind!" Chu Feng smiled.

Far away from Chu Feng and the others, two quasi-sage-level powerhouses carefully searched the surroundings. One of them appeared with compound eyes, and the upper body of the other was opened, and on the belly there were eight that looked a little scary. Eyes wide open!

"Man King, have you noticed?" The middle-aged man with eight eyes on his belly said solemnly. "Not yet, but I feel that the guy must be nearby. His black robe is a good thing. Our gods can't see him if they are far away!" Another human said, this one. He is a young man who looks twenty-five or sixteen years old, and this young man holds a strangely shaped sharp blade in his hands!

"Come to participate in the auction, he must have brought a lot of treasures, the Tianxinzi is together, and the rest together, we will randomly allocate it at that time!" The middle-aged humanity.

"Sure! Be careful, don't let him sneak attack, the two of us may not be able to take him!"

Some distance from these two powerhouses, the powerhouse who was enveloped in the black robe could not wait to bite their heads. He rushed out of Maple Forest City before. He used a little taboo power and now suffered some injuries. It has declined, and he himself is not good at attacking but at assassination, so at this time he is very scrupulous to face those two quasi-saint-level powerhouses!

After coming out of Maple Forest City, it’s been half an hour now. It’s not that he didn’t use such things as space talisman during this half-hour, but one of the two powerhouses knows space well, so he Even though I used a dozen space symbols, I still didn't get rid of these two people!

"Damn it, if you didn't break this shadow robe a little bit when you came out before!" The black robe powerhouse was helpless, this shadow robe was a treasure he had got very powerful, but from Feng Feng When I came out of Lincheng, I was accidentally injured and destroyed a little by the chaotic attack!

The damage is really only a small amount, less than one centimeter of the area, but it has also affected the invisibility of the shadow robe, otherwise the two people who followed must have been shaken off by him now!

"Man King, haven't found it yet?"

"No, maybe he was mistaken, he may have left this area!" The young man sighed. The next moment, a huge black cross appeared in the sky!

The huge cross directly suppressed the black robe powerhouse. The cross had terrifying power. The moment it appeared in the sky, the surrounding tall mountains were directly suppressed by powerful forces and turned into ashes!


The middle-aged strong man yelled, and all eight eyes on his chest shot out strong white light. The white light crisscrossed in the sky. In the blink of an eye, a huge light cage wrapped the black robe strong man in it. !

The sky was sealed by the light, and the huge cross was suppressed with an aura of destruction. The two strange sharp blades in the hands of that young man also waved at this time!

The sharp blade waved, and terrible spatial cutting waves spread into the space! "You don't want me, otherwise everyone will die together!" The dark voice of the strong black robe rang out. Although the situation is dangerous and handsome, he does not appear to be flustered. At this time, the more flustered, the more likely to die. The higher he is, he knows this very well!

"We are not embarrassed, you can, hand over Tianxinzi and the treasures on his body!" The middle-aged man grinned and said, the light cage has been formed, and he closed and opened his eight eyes instantly!

Among the eight hideous eyes, eight blood-red rays of light shot out again. Unlike the previous ones, the previous eight rays of light only formed a besieged light cage, and these eight blood-red rays of light were eight killing rays!

"Abyss Shuangsha, don’t go too far. You can do business. Don’t do it to my head. I admit that it’s impossible to take the lives of both of you. However, if I try my best to deal with one of them, one of you will definitely He will die!" The black-robed old man said while resisting the attack. He hadn't got his hands yet. The two attackers weren't attacking with all their strength at this time, so although he was only one person, he wouldn't be able to resist. Big problem!

"Abyss Shuangsha, it turns out that the two of them are Abyss Shuangsha!" Skyeye's scan could see that the black robe powerhouse is some distance around Hei Ye, and Chu Feng can naturally know what Hei Ye just said.

Regarding the two evils of the abyss, Chu Feng didn’t know before. Knowing that they were recent events. There have been many robberies in the abyss over the years. Some of them do not know who did it, and some of them have the two evils of the abyss. 'S name! Regarding the double evil of the abyss, Chu Feng only knew that they were two Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses and that they had no influence. Normally, the two of them act separately, and only the two of them are very important targets. Join forces together!

"Both of them have nothing to do with each other, no wonder they dared to attack that Hei Ye more brazenly like this!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, not only that Hei Ye, even if it is him, he has provoke a person like Abyss Shuangsha There will be no small trouble! "Husband, this Hei Ye seems to be somewhat invincible to the Abyss Shuangsha. If Tianxinzi gets into the Abyss Shuangsha's hands, then we will have much less hope!" The two quickly advanced Yilian's voice transmission.

"Well, with your strength, it is not difficult to defeat the Abyss Shuangsha, but it is very difficult to save the lives of both of them!" Chu Feng said, "At that time, it depends on the situation. If necessary, help the black Yeah!"

Knowing the exact location of Hei Ye and the others, Chu Feng and the others approached very quickly. A minute later, Chu Feng and the others had reached a place that was not too far away from Hei Ye and the others.

"My friend, don't do unnecessary struggles. If you kill one of us, then you will have to save your own life! Why bother? How happy you are to hand over your things!" The youth laughed strangely. "Bah, I'm happy when I hand it over? Or you let go, or we fight to the end today! Even if I die, you don't want to get anything from me!" Hei Ye held a black Dagger almost cold air.

The middle-aged strong man with eight eyes on his chest sneered and said: "Since you know that we are the Abyss Shuangsha, you should also know our rules. If you don't make a move, you will never return empty-handed! Man King, Since he doesn't know each other, don't show mercy anymore, kill!"

Two shouts of killing sounded, and even the space seemed to freeze instantly with the strong killing aura. At the same time as the murderous aura skyrocketed, the attack intensity of the Abyss Shuangsha was at least doubled!

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