Holy Prison

Chapter 1213: Hei Ye bows his head

"Oh, this deity has lived for more than two billion years, but I didn't expect to fall into the hands of a few hundred-year-old baby!" Hei Ye smiled bitterly!

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Hei Ye, presumably many people who are much older than you were also planted in your hands back then. Age doesn't mean much to practitioners!" Hei Ye nodded slightly. "You are right, but Chu Feng, I don’t know one thing. How do you know that my name is Abyss Shuangsha? They don’t even know who I am. They don’t even know my pseudonym, let alone my real name. !"

"I know only a little bit more than you think! Hei Ye, presumably you want to open it, then, first use your own soul fire to make a soul oath! The soul oath must be sincere. Just a little bit, if there is no sincerity, then you can only repost a few more!" Chu Feng said while drinking.

Hei Ye took a deep breath of air pressure and became unwilling to his heart. Now that he is treated as a fish with a knife, it is useless to be unwilling! "As evidenced by the rules of heaven and earth, I, Hei Ye, swear by the fire of the soul. From today onwards, when Chu Feng treats me well, I will respect him as the master and listen to his orders. If it is violated, the world will hate it, the fire of soul. Go out!"

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He didn't expect Hei Ye to actually make such a heavy oath, "Respect him as the master and listen to his fate." Chu Feng really hadn't thought of this, as long as Hei Ye was more obedient. Now, he does not require him to respect himself as the Lord! Chu Feng didn't know. In the abyss, the more important people he caught, the stricter the vows he needed to make, because the more powerful the people, the more terrifying the backlash!

"Hei Ye, why do I treat you well?" Chu Feng said, this point is a bit vague, it needs some supplementary explanation! Hei Ye said solemnly: "I am a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. I need a certain amount of dignity. Even if you are the master, I cannot completely disregard my dignity. If you don't care about my dignity and trample on it at will , Then I will definitely give you the most tragic revenge! I will strictly implement most of your orders, but if you let me deal with my relatives and friends, then it won’t work!"

"In addition, I am also a person, with a little bit of demand from all sides, as long as it is a reasonable request, you can't refuse it at will. Basically, that's it."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's okay! Hei Ye, in the next period of time you will recover from your injury in this space. It is definitely much faster here than when you are outside!"

Chu Feng said that a little warmth flowed out of Hei Ye's body, and Hei Ye's eyes showed a look of surprise. When he had no luck, he found that his injury was slowly recovering. Although this speed is slow, the injury in four to five hundred years can definitely be recovered. If he cooperates with his own efforts, it is estimated that the injury in three hundred years can be completely recovered!

"Thank you Lord, Master!" Hei Ye stood up very sullenly. For more than two billion years, he has always been called his master by others. This is the first time he called someone else's master!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Hei Ye, sit down." Hei Ye hesitated and sat down. "Hei Ye, I'm a little surprised. You were very tough just now. Why did you soften all at once?" Chu Feng curiously asked.

"Because, I don't want to die yet. And I have investigated you, Master. It might be a good idea to follow the Master!" Hei Ye said solemnly, "When there is still hope, I will never give up freedom, but When there is no hope, freedom and life are of course the choice of life, as the master said, there is no good choice!"

"Follow me and become my subordinate, are you willing?" Chu Feng said. "If you are willing, don't you lie to you? But do I have a better choice?" Hei Ye sighed lightly. "I have lived for billions of years and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I naturally understand the truth! "

"Master, I have a request." Hei Ye said.

Hei Ye took a deep breath and said, "Master, if I do well, if you don't need my help in the future, I need freedom!"

"Freedom is possible! But the lost freedom is not so easy to return. Whether you will return in the future depends on your performance!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Thank you, Master!" Hei Ye said.

Chu Feng got up and said, "You should recover from the injury here first. When you need to use you, you will naturally be called. By the way, give me that heavenly heart."

The day Xinzi appeared in Hei Ye's hand. He hesitated for a while and he brought the Tianxinzi to Chu Feng. Chu Feng grabbed the day Xinzi and disappeared in front of Hei Ye in an instant.

"Miao Xian'er, Hei Ye didn't tell lies?" Chu Feng played with Xinzi in another small space in the holy prison space that day, smiling in his mind. "No, this guy is quite acquainted!" Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng and smiled, "The three Tianxinzi who belonged before, and now this third Tianxinzi is back! As long as he can get the Bright Pope Those three Tianxinzi, then the task is complete!"

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, but the three heavenly hearts of Pope Guangming may not be so easy to obtain. Pope Guangming's strength will not be weaker than Yilian who borrows the power of the domain tower. If you are in the Holy Light, Perhaps the strength that can be exerted will be a little bit higher!"

"Chu Feng, didn't the Pope Guangming agree to catch Sun Shu with you? Then see if there is any way to get Tianxinzi!" Miao Xianer said.

"It depends on the situation at that time!" Chu Feng said, he was chatting with Miao Xian'er, outside, coldly and quickly rushed towards the City of Innocence with the holy prison.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng was already standing on the ground of the City of Innocence Teleportation Zone. "Husband!" Yilian sensed Chu Feng's breath and suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng.

"How is the situation?" Chu Feng held Yilian's hand. "There have been no problems so far. I have felt their breath before, and then secretly competed for a little bit." Yilian smiled.

"What is the result?" Chu Feng smiled. With Yilian's strength, he basically knew the result without asking him. "Their strength is still a little bit lower than mine. They sensed that their strength was lower, and then they withdrew. I didn't sense their aura anymore." Yilian said.

Chu Feng looked in one direction and said, "They are not dead, as long as they are given a chance, they will still attack!"

"Husband, then we" Yilian said. "Go out to find Sun Shu, there can be no worries, I want to solve them!" Chu Feng said.

Yilian nodded slightly. If a character like Shuangsha of the Abyss can't handle it well when he finds it, it will definitely be a big trouble!

"Brother Feng, if we make a move, it's best to be foolproof! Otherwise, if you kill a snake, you may be bitten by a snake!" Yilian said.

"Well, let's go, let's discuss it with Xiao Mingzi and others." Chu Feng said.

"Big, big, big! Damn it, it's small again! Evil, five times in a row!" Zhou Wen yelled dejectedly. "Dude, it’s only five times, ten times in a row, and it’s common here!" An Emperor God-level powerhouse beside Zhou Wen laughed and said, "Thanks to you, buddy. Up!"

Zhou Wen rolled his eyes. Why did these words sound so harsh? "Fatty!" Chu Feng's voice sounded in Zhou Wen's mind at this time. He went to the city lord's mansion and saw Tang Ming and the others but didn't see Zhou Wen. As a result, he was actually in the City of Innocence under the scanning of the sky. The casino is playing.

The City of Innocence is a place where countless criminals gather. Naturally, it is impossible to get wine, casinos and women. As long as some rules of the City of Innocence are not violated, people in the City of Innocence will have no problem gambling!

"Boss, what's the matter? I'm not feeling lucky today, I lost a lot, shit!" Zhou Wen said. "Go back to the City Lord's Mansion first and discuss something!" Chu Feng said directly.

"Boss, very anxious? If you are not in a hurry, let me come back and say, er, lose all, depressed!" Zhou Wen called in his mind.

"Small down!" Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up slightly, "Brother, let's press it a little bit at a time, it's meaningless, press more?" Zhou Wen touched the powerhouse of Emperor God level beside him.

"It's okay, depending on how much you press, I will accompany you, haha!" The emperor-level powerhouse said happily. This casino has been verified by many god-level powerhouses and there is absolutely no phenomenon of thousands. Win or lose depends only on luck. He had paid attention to last week's text a long time ago. Today, Zhou Wen pressed more than 20 times, but he lost. Later, when he saw that Zhou Wen was small, he would press big. As a result, he won several consecutive times!

"Everyone, please place your bet, whether you win or lose, will be announced immediately!" the croupier said loudly. The small chips in front of Zhou Wen basically ran out of only a few big chips. These high-value chips, each of which is worth as much as ten trillion catties of the best spar. Generally speaking, there are only the powerhouses of the god-excellent level. Only the more powerful and wealthy Emperor God level powerhouse will use it.

"I'm all down, Xiao!" Zhou Wen pushed all the chips in front of him to Xiao, "Fifty trillion, Xiao, brother, follow?"

The face of that Emperor God-level powerhouse changed slightly. He won a lot today, and he can also get fifty trillion yuan, but fifty trillion yuan is definitely not a small amount for him. If it is suppressed, it will be more than today. All the winners lose out, even the principal will be taken in!

"Brother, I believe in your luck, I'll keep up, great!" The Emperor God level powerhouse gritted his teeth, and all the chips in front of him were pressed up!

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