Holy Prison

Chapter 1231: Identity number one

"Husband, I have already recovered some strength." Yilian said through voice transmission. "Elian, what do you think of dealing with No.1 now?" Chu Feng also said in a voice transmission.

"Husband, now that Sun Shu is not destroyed, I don't think he is suitable for dealing with him. He controls the sacred artifact and can exert such a powerful force. It may not be without a trick. If he has a trick, we will kill him. There is a lot of damage. If Sun Shu exerts his strength, we may not be able to resist it!"

"You have already got six Tianxinzi. When you go outside, your husband, you will directly summon the Rule Tianbei. If your strength can be greatly improved, you may not be afraid of anyone by then! Of course, even if you don’t kill, for this one number one , We also need to be vigilant enough if he changes."

Yilian's voice transmission made Chu Feng decide not to kill for the time being. If there is no threat from Sun Shu, he will do it without hesitation. After all, it is best not to keep such a threat, but in the current situation, infighting The consequence of it is very likely that they are destroyed in this Nether Forbidden Domain!

"Fight, fight!" In the blood pool, Sun Shu yelled. He was depressed at this time. He paid a great price to summon those ghosts and war corpses, but unexpectedly, it didn't take long. In the time, those ghosts have all been wiped out, and there are only three of the six powerful Quasi-Saint-level war corpses left!

"Number One, I hope we can live together peacefully, and I hope you can abide by your vows, otherwise you will die when the time comes!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

One's heart loosened slightly: "Brother Chu, don't worry, I don't dare to obey this soul oath. When I reach my strength, who doesn't want to reach the realm of saints by the time" "You control well, I will control their strength Lower it a bit, don't put them in your Sky Swallowing Bowl, we will destroy them directly!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The deep light of No.1's eyes flashed and nodded slightly: "This is also possible!"

The three war corpses were all trapped in the black tornado. With a move of Chu Feng's mind, strands of light blue law entered the black tornado and then merged into the bodies of the three war corpses. !

One second, two seconds, three seconds. The strength of the three war corpses fell quickly, and in just a few seconds, the strength of the three war corpses all fell to the great perfection!

"Exit!" Number One screamed coldly, and the black tornado suddenly became more violent. In the terrifying black tornado, the three full-strength war corpses of the gods, Dzogchen, survived in less than two seconds. It was torn into blood mist by the powerful force and then shrunk into the broken bowl with the black tornado.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and No.1's actions made him feel a little bit dangerous. "The energy after the destruction of those war corpses is quite violent. What did he do for the Sky Swallowing Bowl to absorb such energy?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, if there is no benefit, Chu Feng believes that No.1 will definitely not receive that energy. He does. It shows that those energies are useful to him!

It was shocked to think that Chu Feng had taken away a quasi-saint-level ghost and many ghosts that hadn't reached the quasi-saint-level strength before. This number definitely still hadn't used any powerful methods!

"Brother Chu, is this satisfactory?" Number One chuckled softly. Without the pressure of the three corpses, he relaxed, and all the sweat on his forehead disappeared.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Fortunately, number one, you really have a good treasure. Your Lord Pope, let's move on!"

Pope Guangming nodded, Chu Feng and the others immediately moved forward and quickly climbed over the mountains in front of them. Behind the mountains is the sand. Above the mountains, Chu Feng and the others can see a large area of ​​blood in the center of the distant sand. lake.

"Before Sun Shu was near the blood lake, but it's still there now, I'm not sure." Pope Guangming.

"It should still be there!" Chu Feng said softly. Divine consciousness is greatly restricted here, but the sky-eye's scanning is less restricted here. At this moment, the sky-eye has already scanned Sun Shu, where he is. A blood pool is under the blood lake. "Boss!" Tang Ming's voice rang behind Chu Feng. He first came out of the room in the flying boat. Behind him, Han Xiang came out of the room with some embarrassment.

"It seems to be back to normal, Xiao Mingzi, if Han Xiang and Tang Wan do not come out, you and Fatty will have to be killed by lust. When you die, they don't want to live, so"

Tang Ming nodded: "Boss, I understand, Han Xiang told me that it was her strong request, I believe nothing will happen."

Tang Ming's words fell, and the door to the room where Zhou Wen and Tang Wan were located was also opened. They didn't go in for a long time. Usually they must not only insist on that for a while, but now in special circumstances, the desire to vent their enthusiasm a little earlier, Tang Ming and the others The degree of safety is higher!

"Xiao Mingzi, brother, I will last." Zhou Wen laughed happily, "Boss, it looks good, we haven't died yet, hey, there is no fighting. It won't be long before the battle is over." Zhou Wen said briskly, but in fact, he was still a little bit timid at this time. If Tang Wan and the others didn't follow it this time, the consequences would be disastrous!

"I will pass some of the information just now to you directly."

Chu Feng said that he passed the information just now directly to Zhou Wen and Tang Ming. "This number one is not easy, boss, if you kill Sun Shu, look for a chance to kill him!" Tang Ming said solemnly, "He is terrifying, and he knows that Tianxinzi is still a man of the abyss. Cons!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Outside, some of Chu Feng's energy-formed clones and Yilian were walking hand in hand, and Feizhou quietly followed behind. Outside, Chu Feng and Guangming Pope still talked and laughed, but in Feizhou, Chu Feng was discussing with Tang Ming and others how to deal with No.1 and Guangming Pope.

Faces and hearts were not in harmony, Chu Feng and the others were pretty good at this time, but they all had their own abacus in their hearts!

"Everyone, be careful, this sandy land seems not easy!" Chu Feng said. Under the scanning of the sky, Chu Feng found that there was an abnormal energy flow in this sandy land!

"There is a powerful restraining force that makes people unable to fly!" Pope Bright tried a little indifferently.

Chu Feng controlled the flying boat to fly above the sand. The Silver Wing could fly on the sand, but it was extremely costly to him!

"Brother Chu, I didn't expect that your flying boat can fly on this sandy land. Let's take your flying boat to the edge of the blood lake!" Pope Guangming said.

Chu Feng did not refuse to think about it and nodded slightly. The few people were all in and in the flying boat. At this time, Tang Wan and Han Xiang both returned to the room where they were staying. Their presence made The Pope knows that there is no good!

"Xiao Yin, head towards that blood lake!" Chu Feng ordered in his mind.

"Yes." Xiao Yinmao responded with a gruff, and instantly the flying boat rushed towards the blood lake ahead like an arrow!

The calm sandy ground is like a dynamite barrel thrown into a piece of burning charcoal, and its hideous scene is instantly exposed. One by one, large and small skulls burst out of the sand and hit the flying boat. !

In a short period of time, the flying boat suffered countless attacks. The flying boat itself was strong in defense and did not suffer much. However, in that very short time, Chu Feng's original full recovery skill dropped to only two points. Not one!

Chu Feng hurriedly ordered that the flying boat, which had just rushed into the sand and was only a hundred meters away, immediately withdrew from the sand. "Husband!" Yilian screamed and quickly supported Chu Feng. Taking time out within two seconds, even with Chu Feng's physique, he felt nauseous at this time!

Tang Ming, Zhouwen, and Meng Hao were also worried at this time, and Pope Guangming had the number one greeting, but it was worth wondering how many real concerns were in the words.

"Master Pope, Number One, it seems that you can only rely on you to pass this sandy land." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, "I really didn't expect this sandy land to be so abnormal!"

"Want to kill me, dream! Hahaha!" Sun Shu's voice rang at this time. Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the quasi-sage-level powerhouses such as Pope Guangming No. 1 and Elaine Bruin all appeared outside.

"Boss, what kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd, toss this time, tossing away the power in your body!" Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't have any medicine, I just want to know the situation of the sandy land." "Really? If you just want to know the situation of the sandy land, you can just throw a little bit of it into the sandy land, or , Directly attack those sandy areas and destroy all hidden means!" Zhou Wendao.

"Fat man, just want to know if you throw something casually. It's impossible. Don't forget, Sun Shu is watching in secret. However, I agree with one of your points. The boss does this, not just wanting to know the sand Situation." Tang Ming said with a smile. "What else?" Zhou Wen asked.

Tang Ming shrugged: "You have to ask the boss about this, don't ask me!"

"I just want to determine one thing, it's not bad, I just determined that one thing!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Be careful, number one, it should be a substitute for King Mantis!"

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