Holy Prison

Chapter 1312: Austrian Type I Gun

"I agree. At this critical moment, we must make our fighters stronger, otherwise even if we escape, we will become streamers in the universe!"

"No, for such a powerful weapon, if a lot of people have one, it is likely to be a disaster for the Federation. At that time, our Oro Federation will not be destroyed in the hands of bugs, but will be destroyed in our own hands! "

"Agree! We can't be so conservative in the face of the terrifying Zerg!"

The fierce quarrel sounded in the Oro Federation Zkaran High Command, "Just be quiet, gentlemen and ladies. The Ofa I gun is the research result of our Oro Federation for hundreds of millions of years, representing With the top technology of our Oro Federation, it should also be one of the top technologies in the universe. For countless years, we have been very cautious. Now that the Austrian law I gun has been successfully designed, we are equally cautious and necessary! "A gray-haired old man tapped on the table in front of him.

"Everyone already knows that now the world is divided, and those who exceed a certain strength have soared to a more powerful world. Some things that exceed the limits of this world have their power reduced because of the division of the world. The Austrian law I gun. There are also Austrian I2 guns. The previously manufactured Austrian I2 guns are twice as powerful as the Austrian I guns, but now, the Austrian I2 guns manufactured before are also as powerful as the Austrian I The gun is quite."

"Therefore, we have reason to believe that the power of the Austrian Type I gun is the limit of conventional weapons that this world can hold! If we can control the bullets of the Austrian Type I gun, then we can achieve limited control, but the problem is Yes, if we let the soldiers use it to fight the Zerg, and provide a large amount of bullets, then we may face a situation out of control!"

"Gentlemen and ladies, I want you to vote in an attitude of being responsible for history, yourself, the Oro Federation, and even the entire universe. As a result of the voting, if two-thirds of them agree to produce the Austrian Type I gun immediately Distributed to loyal fighters, then our production base will immediately start full-speed production!"

The pale old man's voice fell, and there was a momentary silence in the headquarters. Such a decision is indeed of great importance, not only for the Oro Federation, but also for the entire universe!

It is not easy to cultivate to the platinum Dzogchen level, but if there is an Austrian Type I gun in hand, the power of a bullet is equivalent to the full blow of a platinum Dzogchen expert. Under the attack, even the strong of Platinum Dzogchen is very likely to be injured!

In the mortal world, no one can have a cultivation base that exceeds the Platinum Dzogchen. If such a weapon is spread, then a person with a very low cultivation base may also pose a threat to a strong person. Obviously, such a weapon strikes the enemy very powerfully, and if it hits oneself, it will be fatal!

"Each Austrian Type I gun can only fire a hundred bullets without repair. Even if it is repaired, it can only withstand a thousand bullets at most. I think, as long as we control the number of Austrian Type I guns, Everyone who gets the Austrian Type I gun is strictly censored, and we can effectively control it! In the face of the Zerg threat, if we can’t protect even the people in the capital of the Oro Federation, why are we still alive? I agree Immediately produce, even if you die under the attack of the Austrian Type I gun at that time, you will not hesitate!

"I agree!"


The previous discussion was very intense, and the voting was very calm at this time. More than a dozen generals from the Austrian Federation all voted in one minute.

"Nine votes in favor, four votes against, I agree!" The gray-haired old man took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Ten votes in favor, four votes against, more than two-thirds agree, I order, Austrian law type I The gun production base immediately started full production. Next, we will discuss the distribution of the Austrian Type I gun!"

Within the void channel. "Huh" Lan Wen was surprised again. "Wen'er, what's the matter? No, that kid from Wulin has already died, right?" Chu Feng frowned.

"Brother Feng, no, Wulin's danger has a tendency to turn from a big one to a medium one." Lan Wen said. Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I hope he will not die before we rush over!"

Chu Feng doesn't have much affection for Wu Lin this apprentice, but he is the first one at any rate, and Wu Lin is very good, Chu Feng does not want him to die casually!

Feizhou quickly approached Zika. At Zika, the first batch of Austrian Type I guns were manufactured and quickly handed over to some elite fighters. Ulin paid a lot for Zika, but the first It is not his part to approve the Austrian Type I guns, and those who get the Austrian Type I guns are all the confidants of those generals!

The Austrian Type I gun, one bullet is equivalent to the full blow of the Platinum Dzogchen, the first batch of Austrian Type I guns burst out of power and immediately gave those insects a very powerful blow!

"Damn, it's so strong!" A platinum-level bug was shot, and many platinum-level experts, including Wu Lin, were shocked.

"We have practiced for countless years, and we are not as good as someone with a much lower cultivation base than us. It’s unreasonable! Those of us with the highest cultivation base contribute the most to the Oro Federation. Why are we not the first? A group of people who got that gun? With our strength, those guns are obviously more powerful in our hands!"

"If the Arcane Spears will not have our share in batches of Arcane Spears, Ulin, do you choose to leave or not?"

Many platinum-level powerhouses communicate with each other. Some decisions made by the upper levels of the Oro Federation have hurt their hearts. If many soldiers of the Oro Federation have something like Arcane Guns, then they will be each Platinum-level powerhouse. The person no longer has a sense of security for his own strength in Zikaran!

"If the federal army can fight against the Zerg, we don't need our protection, then I may choose to leave." Wulin Transmitted a sigh in his heart, he felt a feeling in his heart that those arcane guns would not fire. In the hands of them who have not joined the army.

Time slowly passed, as the Arcane Gun and the bullets of the Arcane Gun were produced and delivered to the hands of fighters whose strength was probably at the Black Iron and Silver Level, the situation of Zikaran slowly became It stabilized. Although the Zerg launched fierce attacks one after another, all those attacks were blocked by Zika Star's strong attack!

The fighting lasted for three days. After three days, the huge Zerg army quickly left the area where Zkaran Star was located under the transfer of some Zerg with space power.

"Brother Wulin, I don't think this is where we stay." The voice of a platinum-level expert rang in Wulin's mind. After the three-day battle ended, the Oro Federation produced a total of 200,000 handles. But none of them came into the hands of those who did not join the army but made great contributions to the Oro Federation.

Wulin glanced at the platinum-level powerhouses around him and was about to speak. A platinum-level powerhouse in military uniform quickly approached them.

"Brother Wu Lin, take the order of General Suo Jia, and invite you to join the army that General Suo Jia belongs to." The platinum junior powerhouse looked straight at Wu Lin Dao. He knew that the cultivation level of these people in front of Wu Lin was not the highest, but now It is led by Ulin. "Lang Kai, please reply to General Suo Jia, thank him for his kindness, we are not that interested." Wulin said.

Lang Kai hesitated for a while and said: "Brother Wu Lin, General Suo Jia said, if the invitation fails, then this is an order!"

"I, order, we leave as we want, stay as we want, who can order us to stay? We don't want to die for him, he can force us to die," a platinum-level expert next to Wulin disdainfully said. .

"Ulin, you guys think about it. In fact, it's good to join the army. If you don't join the army, I think you will not be able to leave Zikaran, and your family will not be able to leave Zikaran." Langkai said .

"Langkai, it hasn't been three minutes since the Zergs left. Will we have civil strife in Zikaran? General Soga and they control powerful arms. We will not oppose their rule, but we also ask them not to restrain us. Freedom! It is a stupid thing to restrict the freedom of many powerful people!" Wu Lin frowned.

Lang Kai sighed and said: "Brother Wulin, I understand that you have all made great contributions to Zikaran, but I'm sorry, I can only execute orders, Brother Wulin, please come with me. Okay, please don't resist, you have absolutely no way to survive against Zikaran."

"Brother Wulin, I said we should leave earlier, this is really a ridiculous thing. We don't know how much we paid for Zikaran, but now it's ridiculous, ridiculous, hahaha!"

Langkai said, Wulin and the others followed Langkai with gloomy faces. Soon Wulin and the others were taken into a huge steel building. In this building, many strong men were already Brought over, many of them have platinum level strength, and more are gold level cultivation bases!

As the last few groups of people were brought in, the gates of the buildings where Wulin and the others were located made a huge noise and fell down. All of those gates were more than ten feet thick, and many platinum Dzogchen experts bombarded them with all their strength. It is impossible to blast through the gates in a short time!

"Hello everyone, I'm sorry to gather you here in this way. The Federation still needs you and I need your help, so I hope you can stay!" A middle-aged man in military uniform appeared. In the middle of the huge hall!

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