Holy Prison

Chapter 1383: Out of encirclement

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Chu Feng rushed out of the encirclement, leaving a long distance in the blink of an eye at the speed of a flying boat. The speed of the flying boat attracted the attention of many powerful Shura, many of them chased up at once. However, the gold-robed Shura with the highest strength was entangled by the quasi-sage-level powerhouses that appeared, and these ones chased up. Shura was a little behind Feizhou.

With a distance difference, Chu Feng thought of moving. Many bombs in the holy prison space appeared outside. Amid the violent explosions, some of the strong men who followed the holy prison and attacked from time to time were blown up by the bombs. At the moment, many Shura were injured, and there were even a few strong Shura who were directly blown up and turned into evil spirits again!

"Damn it, I'm not afraid of death, right!" After one round of bombing, the Shura behind the flying boat was less than half, but there were also thousands of quasi-sage-level experts who continued to follow. Chu Feng's eyes flashed coldly. Suddenly, some bombs appeared outside to make those Shura powerhouses who were chasing them enjoy the "pleasure" of the explosion again!

One round, two rounds, and three rounds. There are so many Asuras who are not afraid of death. After five rounds of bombing, there are still strong Asuras far behind the flying boat.

"I can still keep up." Chu Feng frowned slightly. Feizhou had already thrown away the Asuras behind him a long distance. With such a distance, those Asuras behind should no longer be able to determine where the Asuras continue to chase. Yes, "Can you continue to chase, because of the evil spirit?"

It is normal for the geese to leave traces and the boats to pass by, leaving any traces in the suffocating Shura Purgatory. Such traces may take a long time to be completely eliminated.


Thinking of this, Chu Feng took the flying boat in an instant, "Little ones, go and play after these." Chu Feng's mind moved a ray of space law power into the surroundings, forming a small world of law, and incorporating him into it. At the same time, dozens of missiles appeared nearby.

Dozens of missile-like things burst out with a huge roar and then rushed forward in different directions! Chu Feng controlled the movement of the small world of Law, and quickly moved tens of thousands of meters away.

call out! call out! call out!

Chu Feng hid in a high ground and watched. In a short time, some Shura experts chased up. They stopped one by one at the place where Chu Feng released the missiles. Then, many Shura experts scattered towards those people. The forward-flying missile caught up! Within the Asura Purgatory, their sense of consciousness is also relatively close, and the main thing to judge the enemy's direction of action is the trace left by the enemy's movement!

The Asuras were temporarily deceived. Chu Feng didn't dare to delay any longer in the same place. He controlled the rule of the small world and left a long distance quickly. There was a rule of the small world to deal with the evil spirits of the places he moved. Those Asuras wanted to rely on this. It's difficult to find him!

After half an hour, everything calmed down for Chu Feng. Since those Shura haven't caught up for half an hour, the possibility of catching up afterwards is very small, even if he accidentally left any traces. , Half an hour is enough for those traces to dissipate!

"This, left from the desperate situation?"

Relaxed, Chu Feng showed ecstasy on his face. In the valley before, it was extremely difficult and extremely difficult to live for three days, but now he has left from then, and has escaped the chasing and killing of the Asuras. In three days, this task was more than a thousand times easier than before.

"Chu Feng, it seems that I am going to congratulate you in advance." Miao Xian'er's smile sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Miao Xian'er, the mission has not changed. After living for three days, the sacred prison level is still up to one level" Chu Feng took a deep breath in his mind.

"Naturally, there can be no change." Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, if you meet the Heishan Lao Yao then you have to thank them very much!"

Chu Feng nodded and smiled: "This must be dropped, and then I have to thank them well!"

Chu Feng said that with emotion in his heart, this time it was really thanks to the old demon Black Mountain, although the old Black Mountain demon came here to kill him, not to help him!

In such a situation at that time, if the old Black Mountain demon didn't show up and didn't kill the golden Shura and draw away the large number of Shura experts, he would definitely die! Although the Shura's IQs are not high, under absolute power, at that time, even if he tried more methods, the final result was the same!

Of course, while thanking the old demon of Heishan and the others, we also have to thank the saints who helped them improve their strength. If their strength had not reached the quasi-sage tenth rank, it would be difficult for them to easily kill Jinyi Shura and escape easily. Then attracted a lot of gold Shura and silver Shura to chase!

If the powerhouses who helped the Black Mountain demon increase their strength knew that it was because they helped the Black Mountain demon increase their strength and finally Chu Feng survived, then they would probably be so angry! Sad reminder, too sad reminder, paying a high price to help the old Black Mountain demon improve their strength, but indirectly helped Chu Feng a lot!

"The changes in the world are really wonderful." Chu Feng smiled authentically. The probability of his survival more than an hour ago was less than one in ten thousand. But now, Chu Feng is at least 99% sure of himself. Can live to complete the task in three days!

"Don't be happy, hurry up and find a place to rest, the night is coming! All of you have escaped from such a desperate situation. If you hang up again, you can find a place to settle down by yourself eight times." Miao Xian'er Tao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and immediately searched for a suitable place. The Shura appeared casually during the day and night, but some terrifying evil creatures only appeared at night. Chu Feng didn't want to have close contact with some terrible evil creatures at that time!

An hour later, in the valley where Chu Feng had stayed before, the figure of Old Black Mountain Demon and Lei Zheng appeared in the valley.

There was a dead silence in the valley, there was no one alive, the surrounding Asura powerhouses all left, and all the trees that had grown gloomy before died at this time.

There were still tens of thousands of people in that big cave. At this time, most of them died in the cave and turned into a pool of blood. Many of them escaped from the cave, but at the time Under the circumstances, unless there is a goddess of luck, unless the goddess of luck is really his relative, there is absolutely no possibility of survival!

"Old demon Black Mountain, you have done a good job." Lei Zheng said coldly. They were chased by the many Shura experts for a long time, and finally got rid of the attacks of the Shura experts by speed and some tricks. When I got to this side again, this place was like the bird now.

The old demon Black Mountain said in a deep voice, "Lei Zheng, Chu Feng can't enter his treasure space. Maybe he has already died under the attack of the Asuras."

"Do you believe this by yourself?" Lei Zheng sneered, "We have taken away most of the top powers, and the rest is not so stressful for Chu Feng. Now it is obvious that there has been a lot of experience here. The bombing, if Chu Feng did not escape, it would be a strange thing!"

Heishan Lao Yao’s old face was a little unbearable and snorted: "Lei Zheng, why bother? This is the beginning. One day has not passed. We have time to play with Chu Feng slowly! Asura Purgatory has been blocked for a year. In one year, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Feng to get out of it. With our current cultivation base, wouldn't it be possible to kill Chu Feng in one year?"

"I hope so, since I have promised the task given by my ancestors, I don't want to fail." Lei Zheng said in a deep voice. He left quickly as he said. Now there is only a short time from dark, so I won't find a place to hide and rest. , Even with their strength, they may encounter trouble. Divine consciousness is unavailable. In the dark, their eyesight is greatly weakened, and they are the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level. If they are besieged by many powerful monsters, they will be hurt!

The night finally came. Before the sky was completely dark, Lei Zheng and the others found a place to rest, and Chu Feng naturally found it early.

Inside a stone mountain cave, Chu Feng sat quietly, and the entrance of the cave was completely sealed at this time. This can minimize the chance of him being discovered by monsters. As for understanding the outside situation, this person who uses the sky eye Scan it.

"It's so dark"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, and Sky Eye gave him the results of the scan. It was already dark outside at this time. It was a bit too much to describe it with outstretched fingers, but in that darkness, he is a person with a talent for vision. It will be more difficult to see clearly beyond 100 meters!

Maybe some brothers would say, "Wipe, don't you use anything for lighting at night?"

If you really do this, it is estimated that in less than ten seconds, a powerful monster will come to eat supper.

"Roar!" "Woo"

There was a stone barrier, but some voices still passed into Chu Feng's mind. During the day, he had only heard the screams of the powerful Asuras. At this time, some of the voices were obviously not from Asura. The night was not only for Asura but Belongs to a large number of evil creatures in Shura Purgatory!

Under the sky's eye scan, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to see the first non-Sura evil creature, it was a huge black spider. Under the sky's eye scan, it turned into a pitiful looking creature. Maiden!

If Chu Feng hadn't watched the black spider change through the eyes of the sky, then if she met such a girl at night, she would definitely not think that she was transformed from a fierce thing. Her breath is that of a human being, and there is no breath of a fierce thing. !

The girl turned into a black spider hid. The place where she hid was between two rocks, and her body shivering in hiding.

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