Holy Prison

Chapter 1403: ally

"Yes, I already knew what Heishan Old Demon said, but if this news spreads out, some important people in Shenchu ​​City won't know it either." Chu Feng said.

Lei Zheng sat silently on the hard rock on the ground. After a while, Lei Zheng said: "Brother Chu, can you be sure that what the old Black Mountain demon said is true? Many saints in the Holy Realm are really parasitized. ?"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, "I learned about this news through two channels, plus there are three of the old Black Mountain demon, and this news is definitely true!"

Lei Zheng smiled bitterly: "When the ancestor contacted me, I also felt a little weird. The records in the ancestral home do not seem to be like this, but for so many years, and the ancestor is a saint, maybe it really counts. You didn't expect this to be the case!"

"Brother Chu, is it okay to kill the Black Mountain Old Demon directly like this? Kill him, will the situation in the Holy Sage Realm be? If most of the sages are parasitic, such news will spread, and there will be a major earthquake in the Three Realms! "

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Actually, I want to catch him even more. It is a pity to kill him directly because of his strength, but there is no way now. He can't enter the treasure space like us now! Let him go! Impossible, but by keeping him by his side, can we guarantee that he will not run away in danger? If this guy runs away, we will all be in big trouble, so he must die!"

"As for the issue of secret disclosure, we don’t have to worry too much. With the caution of the old Black Mountain demon, I believe he did not tell anyone else about this kind of news. Moreover, it is impossible for him to hide this information in something and kill him. The information leaked out as soon as he died, he didn't have this heart, and he didn't have the courage!" Chu Feng said.

Lei Zheng nodded: "That's right, the old Black Mountain demon wants to take refuge on the side of the abyss. In order not to be held accountable in the future, he will naturally not do anything."

"Brother Chu, can you tell me in detail about the saint being parasitic? You seem to know more than the Black Mountain demon."

"You know this, and it doesn't matter to you to talk about it. As long as you don't enter the Holy Realm, with your strength, your memory will not be seen by the parasitic saint." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng said that he told Lei Zheng in more detail about some things he knew. As Chu Feng said, Lei Zheng's face became more and more serious, and the situation was worse than what the old demon Black Mountain knew!

"Brother Chu, I understand why you want to separate the three realms!" Lei Zheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. The separation of the three realms would offend many saints. For Chu Feng's rule of the sky stele, the three realms should be separated. A little bit confused!

"The three realms are separated, and all the saints are in the holy realm. This gives the mortal realm a little chance! Brother Chu, your move has benefited countless creatures in the mortal realm!"

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "Brother Lei, don't praise me. I am not that great. I have separated the three realms. A large part of the reason for me is for my own relatives and friends! As for the people of the world, that is just by the way. The matter, the responsibility is too great, the pressure is too uncomfortable!"

Lei Zheng looked at the sky in a daze, his mind was spinning rapidly at this time.

After a while, Lei Zheng said: "Brother Chu, there is a problem with the Mortal Realm, a problem with the God Realm, and a big problem with the Holy Realm. We can't stay out of the matter and can't stand by. But now that the world is divided, I think we can still do something!"

"The mortal realm of the gods is the foundation of the sacred realm. If the mortal realm and the mortal realm can be cleared out, it is equivalent to removing the foundations of those strong men in the abyss of the sacred realm. Infused with blood, the situation in the holy world will be changed one day!"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, Brother Chu, we must do our best to manage this matter now, otherwise our descendants may always be the fate of slaves."

Chu Feng nodded: "Brother Lei, you mean, do you want to take care of this?"


Chu Feng thought, a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand: "Brother Thunder, this is the canonization charm. After using it, it can be guaranteed that the Holy Tribulation will not be ushered in for ten thousand years!"

Lei Zheng's eyes lit up, and after Chu Feng told him how to use the canonization charm, he immediately used the canonization charm.

"Thousands of years, although it is shorter, but if you hurry up, you can do a lot of things! Brother Chu, do you have a good plan? You have known about this a long time ago, should you have some plans already?" Lei right way.

Chu Feng said: "Brother Thunder, it is not suitable to oppose the Holy Realm now. First, our right to speak in the God Realm is still too weak; second, most of the saints in the Holy Realm have not awakened yet, and some of them should not To be parasitized, they had better live, otherwise the power in the holy world is too weak, we must find some strong saints who are not parasitized and then pull them into the camp; third, we have no conclusive evidence yet, you believe me Yes, others may not!"

"Yeah." Lei Zheng nodded.

Chu Feng continued: "My plan was to increase my strength silently, but now, if you show up, my plan can be adjusted a little. Brother Lei, the old demon of Black Mountain is dead. It is very good to dominate Black Thunder with your strength. Simple things, then, expand!

"Many saints want me to die. If my God Chucheng expands vigorously, many saints will find trouble, but if it's your Lei Zong, it's different. You can conform to your ancestor on the surface, maybe even There are some benefits! When the power becomes stronger, our words in the gods will gain weight. Within the gods, our words may be more effective than those of the saint-level powerhouses. After all, people in the gods live in In the spirit world!" Chu Feng said.

Lei Zheng laughed and said, "Brother Chu, it seems that I will have to follow you in the future."

"If there is Brother Lei, let's cooperate." Chu Feng smiled, "Brother Lei, let's stay here for a while first, cancel the restriction that we cannot enter the treasure space and then look for the treasure."

The old Black Mountain monster was blown to pieces. The fragment of his Shura jade amulet that was not damaged was collected by Chu Feng. Chu Feng thought that the old Black Mountain monster's Shura jade amulet fragment and his own fragment of the Shura jade amulet appeared. In the hands.

"Brother Lei, I already have two pieces. The old Black Mountain Demon Shura jade talisman fragment is fused with your own piece of Shura Jade Talisman Fragment." Arrived in front of Lei.

Lei Zheng shook his head quickly: "Brother Chu, this is not okay. Before, I cooperated with Old Black Mountain Demon to deal with you, and now Old Black Mountain Demon was killed by you. There is no reason for me to get his Asura Jade Talisman. Brother Chu, he said bluntly. In a word, my current cultivation base is much higher than yours, you need this Shura Jade Talisman more!"

"Brother Thunder, accept it. I'm doing this for my own good. If you integrate this Shura Jade Talisman, the top speed can be increased a lot. This is very helpful for us to run in danger, death heaven. The treasures in it are not small, and I have no plans to leave now! If it weren't for what I might need sometimes, there is nothing for me to give you." Chu Feng smiled.

"Okay, Brother Chu, then I will accept it first!" Lei Zheng did not refuse too much. If the speed can be increased a lot, then the safety of him and Chu Feng in this death paradise can indeed be improved a lot!

"That's right!" Chu Feng smiled.

The fragment of the Asura jade amulet that the old demon of Black Mountain died was already without the owner. Ten minutes later, the Asura jade amulet was controlled by Lei Zheng and merged with the original fragment of the Asura jade amulet!

Previously, the old Black Mountain demon prevented them from entering the treasure space. Chu Feng and they also prevented the old Black Mountain demon from entering the treasure space. This command is easier, and it takes more time to cancel. Chu Feng and the two use control jade charms Efforts to cancel, the two talents have cancelled the restriction that they cannot enter the treasure space in more than two months!

"Brother Lei, go sit in my treasure space." Chu Feng invited. Lei Zheng did not refuse. In the blink of an eye, both of them disappeared and entered the holy prison space.

In the holy prison space, the two sat down, and a cup of hot tea appeared in front of them with a wave of Chu Feng.

"Brother Lei, please!" Chu Feng smiled and said, Lei Zheng nodded and tasted the tea: "Brother Chu, knowing that you have treasures that can tell the truth of others, please ask Brother Chu directly."

Old Chu Feng's face turned red, and it was a very serious reason for Lei Zheng to enter it.

"Brother Lei, sorry, I have to be more careful about some things. If you don’t believe what I told the Black Mountain demon, you will tell the news to your ancestors as soon as you go out, then I will be the number one in the world. What a fool!" Chu Feng said.

Lei Zheng smiled and said, "Understand, Brother Chu, if it were me, I would do the same. If Brother Chu has anything to ask, just ask!"

"Okay. Brother Lei, do you believe what I said to Old Demon Black Mountain? Do you believe in your ancestor, or me?" Chu Feng's question was quite straightforward.

Lei Zhenzhen said in a tea ceremony: "If it's just the old Black Mountain demon, I believe at most 70% of what he said, but with the addition of Brother Chu, I believe 95% of the matter. I don't know much about the ancestors, and I probably believed it before. Now I naturally trust you more, Brother Chu!"

"Brother Lei 90%, now it is difficult to convince you 100%, let you believe 90% first!" Chu Feng said that the divine sense was connected to Lei Zheng's body, and a large amount of information was directly transmitted to Lei Zheng's mind. It’s troublesome to not be able to use the divine sense outside, because the divine sense can be used inside, and a large amount of information can be transmitted to Lei Zhengzhi in a short time.

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