Holy Prison

Chapter 1423: I am me, you are you

"The pinnacle of the gods, Chu Feng, congratulations!" Yin Qianqian said indifferently, Chu Feng looked at Yin Qianqian, there was nothing on Yin Qianqian's face that was charming before, and some were just indifferent, as if she and Chu Feng had never before There has been a war between the beds.

Seeing Yin Qianqian like this, Chu Feng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but this little uncomfort passed in a blink of an eye. This result is completely expected, there is no emotion, just a transaction, is it still looking forward to it? People like Yin Qianqian fell in love with him through a battle in the first bed?

"Qianqian, thanks to you, I didn't expect your virgin Yuan Yin power to be so powerful." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Yin Qianqian showed a hint of shame on his face, and snorted coldly: "Chu Feng, don't talk about this matter in the future, otherwise, don't blame me. You are welcome! From now on, I am me, you are you, hope you Know this."

"Okay, you have the final say on this matter!" Chu Feng smiled. He deliberately said that he just didn't want to see Yin Qianqian's indifferent appearance at this time. How could he often talk about things like this, "Qianqian, now There is no domain tower empty, and my cultivation level this time has improved, and there is no more domain tower tower master. Therefore, you can only wait in this holy prison space, you can start to think of ways to make your cultivation In order to recover, tell Miao Xian'er what you need, now that we are partners, your strength is strong, and I am also good, you are welcome!"

The previous shame has disappeared, and Yin Qianqian nodded expressionlessly: "I don’t need anything to return to the lower saint level. I can return to the lower saint level in about a thousand years. After I get the lower saint, I need something to recover. Things work together!"

"Send me to the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, I'm going to start training."

Chu Feng didn't say much, and with a wave of his hand, Yin Qianqian sent Yin Qianqian to the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, "Why, why do you hear that Chu Feng said that we are partners, I feel a little uncomfortable." Inside the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, Yin Qianqian Still expressionless, but his heart is never so calm on the surface.

"It should be because that happened just now. We are really just partners. I'm not his woman, and it can't be!" Yin Qianqian took a deep breath and quickly cleared some of the distracting thoughts from his mind. It was just a short time, some The distracting thoughts that could affect her mind were immediately cleared from her mind!

"Chu Feng, Yin Qianqian replied indifferently. Could it be that you are not good enough and did not satisfy her? Hehe!" Miao Xian'er's smirk voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng chuckled: "It's normal. If she responds calmly, just respond calmly. I didn't think about making her really my woman. As for my skill, don't you know very well? Okay, let's not talk about it. I I went to see Xia Bing Ning and the others. They don't know the current situation, so they have to report it."

Feng Bingning and the others are now practicing, but none of them have entered the domain tower, and they have not entered the deep level of training. Chu Feng appeared, and their five eyes opened quickly. Come!



Feng Bingning and the others yelled, "Husband, I'm so upset, Yin Qianqian was once a powerful saint." Miao Feiying smiled authentically.

Yilian looked at Chu Feng in surprise: "Husband, your strength"

Miao Feiying has the quasi-saint-level strength, but she really didn't pay attention to Chu Feng's cultivation base for the first time. At this time, listening to Yilian said that she quickly paid attention.

"Shenzhen Peak!" Miao Feiying said in amazement. Chu Feng didn't hide his cultivation base much. Naturally, he could see through their quasi-sage level cultivation base.

"Feng, do you have a quasi-sage-level cultivation base?" Feng Bing said, her and Lan Wen Jiaye both showed surprises on their faces. Like Chu Feng, they estimated that Chu Feng could reach the top cultivation level of the gods. Because it is very good, I did not expect it to be the pinnacle of the gods!

The cultivation base at the peak of the gods, and some treasures that can be used to improve the cultivation base, by the time a few hundred years have passed, it may be possible to reach the great perfection of the gods, and it is very possible to reach the quasi-saint level in a few thousand years!

Feng Bingning and the others are well aware of Chu Feng's situation. If they reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base, their strength can definitely reach the tenth quasi-sage level!

Different-dimensional space seals, natal skills, these are extremely powerful Dongdong, even now, Chu Feng's different-dimensional space seals can also kill third- and fourth-order quasi-saint-level experts!

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, I have reached the peak of the gods, this time my strength has improved quite a lot." "Husband, you haven't answered my previous question yet." Miao Feiying hummed softly.

"Very cool!" Chu Feng rolled his eyes, "but don't worry, it was the first time for Yin Qianqian and I, and probably the last time!"

Feng Bingning smiled slightly: "Feng, you and her, we have nothing to worry about. If you really have feelings, it will be nothing if we accept her as our sister. She will become the lord of the domain tower at that time, love It's better to be on you, so she won't hurt you!"

"Let's go with the flow, now, I don't have that thought, nor does she have. Bing Ning, you can practice with peace of mind. Now Yin Qianqian is also recovering her strength. She said that in about a thousand years, she can regain the strength of the lower saint!" Chu Peak Road.

Hearing that Yin Qianqian could recover to the lower sage in a thousand years, Feng Bingning and the others felt a little pressure. If Yin Qianqian's cultivation base can help Chu Feng a lot, but they can't help Chu Feng, then they are in their hearts. But it will be uncomfortable!

"it is good."

Feng Bing Ning responded, and in a short time she and Lan Wen Jia Ye Miao Feiying disappeared in front of Chu Feng, and their cultivation bases could grow. As for Yilian, she now faintly felt sanctified. The bottleneck, at this moment, there is no need to work hard, just come slowly. Anyway, after the bottleneck is reached, the cultivation base cannot be improved. If the canonization amulet was used before, it is impossible to usher in the holy robbery, even if we can usher in, Chu Feng won't let Yilian usher in the Holy Tribulation, God knows what will happen after he ascends to the Holy Realm!

"Husband, what can I do?" Yilian said, snuggling into Chu Feng's arms.

Chu Feng kissed Yilian's forehead and said, "Your parents-in-law and mother-in-law miss you so much, so let's go back to the earth first and let them know that you are happy and happy! In a few years, naturally and Datan It's close enough to help me complete that task!"

"Okay, with our current strength, it would be easier to complete the previous B-level mission without Carolo making trouble." Yilian smiled, "By the way, it seems you haven't taken any orders for these years. What task has arrived, or the previous tasks."

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "I have spent most of these years practicing. Without running around, I naturally received fewer tasks. Now I am not in a hurry to come to a new task and complete the B-level task. The S-level mission is completed, as long as that mission is completed, then I will be prosperous!"

One billion battle points, tens of millions of domain tower values, and the reward will double if completed within a thousand years. This is a big drop in the temptation for Chu Feng. Now that the thousand years have not passed, Chu Feng naturally wants to hurry up in the thousand years. That S-level mission was done within!

"S-level mission, is this done now?" Yilian said. Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the three immortal saints' hairs he had obtained before appeared in front of him. When the three hairs first entered the holy prison, they needed to be suppressed by Tianxinzi one by one. Now they have been refined by Chu Feng for many years. It's safe.

"They are suppressed outside and can't exert too much power, but in this holy prison space, each one is estimated to be able to kill a low-level saint who is not too strong. If three of them attack Carolo at the same time, It's a sure thing to hit him seriously!"

"If you cooperate with the one-time sacred artifacts and get some traps, it is still possible to kill Carolo!" Chu Feng said.

Feeling the terrifying Qi on the three hairs, Yilian nodded slightly. With this thing, if you can find a good place to put Carolo in, it is really possible to kill Carolo!

"Husband, I will try my best to find one or two saint-level powerhouses. If I can find one or two saint-level powerhouses, then it would be nice to get a powerful one-time attacking sacred weapon in the seventh domain tower." According to Ellen, the treasures obtained in other domain towers will be greatly reduced in the power of the seventh domain tower, but this is not possible for the same domain tower.

If you can really get a powerful offensive sacred artifact in the seventh domain tower, it would be good, but this is not very likely, that an S-level mission to open the seventh domain tower tenth floor or higher cannot enter the domain tower tenth floor , Without opening the gate, Chu Feng Yilian could not go to a higher level!

On the first to tenth floors, Chu Feng had not encountered any other saint-level powerhouse. Even if there are other saint-level powerhouses on the first to tenth floors, whether they have such treasures is a big question.

"Sister Miao Xian'er, if I help my husband find a saint-level powerhouse, will it be considered a violation of the mission rules?" Yilian Yang said.

"This is not true." Miao Xian'er's voice immediately sounded.

Yilian smiled slightly: "My husband, anyway, I am idle. If the B-level mission is completed and the S-level mission is not completed, I will help you find it."

"Hehe, whatever you want." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Let's go out and take a look at the earth first. Dad and them would be very happy if they knew you were awake."

"Listen to you."

Of course Yilian had no objection. Chu Feng appeared outside, and there was nothing wrong with Shenchu ​​City. Chu Feng confessed a little and immediately rushed to a Jiehu to teleport towards the Mortal Realm.

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