Holy Prison

Chapter 1453: Templar strength

"Nine groups, the total is about two thousand people. As for where the headquarters is without a fixed headquarters, wherever the Lord appears, it is the headquarters of the temple! This time the task is to kill the Owen family and get a small The small cross. After we caught the Owens, we asked about the whereabouts of the cross."

"The guy Owen saw that even if we got the cross, we wouldn't let the family go, so he and his wife chose to commit suicide to warn Qin Ying. You should know what happened after that."

After Yu Yin finished speaking, Chu Feng frowned. This temple is not simple. Although the number of people is small, all of them are quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Yu Yin's eighth-tier quasi-sage-level strength is only a deputy leader. , Then it shows that at least twenty people in the sanctuary have reached the strength of the eighth quasi-sage level, and there may be several strong people who have reached the ninth quasi-sage or even the tenth quasi-sage level!

In today’s age when a seventh-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse can become the overlord of one side, the temple has so many powerhouses but it is very abnormal. Even if he has a heavenly guard, Shenchu ​​City seems weaker against such a power. !

"Why did you get that cross? What is special about that cross?" Chu Feng asked. Yu Yin shook his head: "I don't know about this. We accept the task and just complete the task. We usually don't ask about the specific situation of the task. Even if we ask, the Lord will not tell us for sure!"

"The sanctuary has a master, and the lower is divided into nine groups? Is there anyone with a higher status above the nine group leaders? How many people do you estimate in the sanctuary, the tenth quasi-sage level? How many people are there in the temple? You are an eighth-level quasi-saint-level strength, enough to become the overlord of one party, why are you willing to be someone else's subordinate?" Chu Feng threw a lot of questions out, since Yu Yin has been well To cooperate, it is naturally better to ask all the questions that need to be asked!

Yu Yindao: "There is also a law enforcement team above the nine groups. The law enforcement team leader has a higher status than the nine group leaders. As far as I know, the law enforcement team leader has the strength of the tenth quasi-saint level. Members, at least the strength of the eighth-level quasi-sage level, the number of law enforcement teams should be more than ten people. The entire sanctuary cultivation base should exceed me to reach the ninth-level quasi-sage level cultivation base should have more than ten people, like me, reached the eighth level. It is estimated that there are about thirty people in the quasi-sage-level cultivation. The tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse should only be the leader, the leader of the law enforcement team, the leader of the first and second groups, and may also have the strength of the tenth-quasi-sage level."

"Willing to be someone else's subordinate is not particularly willing, but I just joined, and it is basically impossible to quit. Our cultivation base was not so strong before, I only had the strength of Tier 6 Quasi-Holy Grade before, and Capepa had only Tier 5 The strength of the quasi-saint rank is that the Lord has raised our cultivation base, and as long as we perform meritorious service, we can still get treasures, and the strength can be higher at that time. The Lord even said that as long as we make enough credits Great, he can help us increase the chance of being holy to 10%!"

"There is a ten percent chance of becoming a holy, this temptation is very great, if I overcome the catastrophe by myself, I am not even one in a thousand sure!" Yu Yin said solemnly.

Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise, with a 10% chance of success. As far as he knew, if the Tongtian Pagoda was opened, the chance of crossing the Holy Tribulation could indeed reach 10%, but the conditions for the opening of the Tongtian Pagoda are fundamental. Not satisfied.

"With that kind of advantage, the law enforcement team is not vegetarian, and the temple is really strong, we didn't think about betraying the temple, we can't bear the consequences of betrayal!"

"There are thirty strong people with a cultivation base of level 8 or above, your sanctuary is really powerful." Chu Feng said. Yu Yin said: "City Lord Chu, you hide very deeply. Who knows the true strength of your God Chucheng? The one who dealt with us before was the forty-eighth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and forty eight-level quasi-sages were dispatched together. Level powerhouse, I don’t think I can get this kind of handwriting for the time being!" "There are forty dispatched. You must control more than forty ninth-level and tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses. The strength of Shenchu ​​City shocked us!"

With Chu Feng's mind, many sky guards appeared nearby, and each of them shot, and in the blink of an eye, Yu Yin and Kapepa were imprisoned.

With several powerful divine minds opening the way, Chu Feng broke his own divine mind into Yu Yin's sea of ​​consciousness, and soon Chu Feng found some of Yu Yin's recent memories.

Soon, Chu Feng deleted the memory of Tianwei in Yu Yin and Capepa's mind. Chu Feng didn't plan to let them go out, but Qin Ying would definitely meet them and vent their anger with information about Tianwei. Chu Feng didn't want to let Qin Ying know from Yu Yin and others.

"Chu Feng, what did you do for us!" Yu Yin frowned. He woke up after the Tianwei disappeared. With his cultivation base, he immediately felt that something was wrong with his memory. He realized that he didn't know how to get there now. This place, which was still in Owen's house before, had no memory of transition, and it appeared directly in it.

There was only a problem with the memory of Tianwei, and he remembered some of the things he said to Chu Feng later. "Aren't you very clear?" Chu Feng said lightly.

"Humph!" Yu Yin snorted and didn't say much. Now that he is a fish, what's the use of fighting with Chu Feng.

"Yin, if you disappear like this, how long will it take for the temple to get news? Is there anyone else in the temple on this Tianyin?" Chu Feng said.

"Although there are not many members in the temple, each member more or less controls some subordinates. Now I must have received the news from my temple. On this day tone, my temple does not have other quasi-saints. The strong, but there should be members of my church nearby. If there is a problem on this side, the strong from my church will arrive in one day at most!"

Chu Feng moved a piece of jade slip and appeared in his hand: "Enter all the information you know about the sanctuary into it. You know that there are many quasi-sage-level experts in the sanctuary. There must be information! Also, contact information, etc., must be in every aspect. If you hide it, don’t blame me, you’re welcome!”

Yu Yin pinched the jade slip that Chu Feng had thrown over: "Chu Feng, if I give you all the information, will I be dead or alive, or will I continue to suffer?"

"You killed Qin Ying's parents. By that time, she, the bitter master, will probably trouble you. She helped me. Therefore, I will listen to her opinions on this matter." Chu Feng said calmly.

Yu Yin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had learned a lot about Qin Ying and the others. Although she would definitely suffer a bit by then, Qin Ying shouldn't abuse them for long.

"What if she asks you to deal with it? What will you do?" Yu Yin asked again, somewhat uneasy. "Your strength is okay, it may be useful in the future. I guess I will detain you first. If you are honest, then you won't suffer much. If you are not honest, when I am bored, I may look for you. Happy for a while." Chu Feng said.

"You are a person with status, I hope you will keep your promise!" Yu Yin said, quickly input a lot of information into the jade slip. With his cultivation base, it didn't take long for all the information to be input into the jade slip. In, "All the information I know about the temple is here. All the information is not false. If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

"Chu Feng, he is telling the truth."

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded, and Chu Feng looked at Capepa. At this moment Capepa was already tortured to death by that strange itch. "Huhu" Chu Feng gave Capepa some powder, and Capepa felt it. The strange itch immediately weakened a lot, and the strange itch weakened, and she stopped howling and panting heavily.

"Capepa, enter all the information you know about the temple into it. If there is a false, if there is an omission, then I promise you will be more colorful in your future life." Chu Feng whispered a piece of jade slip. Appeared in front of Capepa.

"There will be no fakes, no omissions." Capeppa quickly assured that she was really scared. In this life, she has not been so uncomfortable. If it is pain, it will be easier to bear, but it is itchy. People are too uncomfortable!

Divine knowledge penetrated into the jade slip, Kapepa quickly wrote a lot of information into the jade slip, her cultivation level was lower than Yu Yin's status in the sanctuary, but she knew some information , Yu Yin doesn't necessarily know.

"Chu Feng, here you are, I did not falsify the information in this jade slip, nor did I omit it!" Kapepa promised to throw the jade slip towards Chu Feng.

Miao Xian'er confirmed that Kapepa did not lie, Chu Feng's divine knowledge penetrated into the two jade slips, and some information about the sanctuary was quickly absorbed by Chu Feng.

"This temple is really amazing." Chu Feng frowned slightly. Yu Yin only knew the information about the members of the fourth group of the temple, and most of the members of the fourth group were not just ordinary quasi-saint-level strength. Four groups of two hundred and six quasi-sage-level powerhouses, of which 60 are the first-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses, the second-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses are also about 60, and the third-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses are about 40. , There are more than forty quasi-saint-level powerhouses above Tier 3!

There are 2,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the sanctuary. This one is not particularly large, but the quality is very high. From the four groups, most of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the temple are more than one. The strength of the quasi-sage level, in this case, although the entire sanctuary is only two thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses, it is estimated that it can be worth six or seven thousand general quasi-sage-level powerhouses!

In addition, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the temple are still in the dark, even if a power has six to seven thousand general quasi-sage-level powerhouses, in all likelihood, they will not be able to do the temple!

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