Holy Prison

Chapter 1455: Inside the Abyss

"Team leader, deputy team leader...Could it be that he betrayed the master and took the initiative to follow others, but in the end he was killed by others!" Liu Jia guessed.

The fourth group leader was named Feng Mingzhuo, and Feng Zhuo frowned at this time. "Team leader, bring someone here!" Zhang Zheng came back at this time. With a wave of his hand, a dozen people suddenly appeared in front of Feng Zhuo and Liu Jia.

"See the adults!"

As soon as the ten or so people appeared and knelt to the ground tremblingly, their hearts were more horrified at this time. If the few strong men in front of them blamed things on them, then maybe the entire small city will be destroyed by them. The 30,000 or 40,000 people in China today may not be able to survive.

"Don't worry, just ask you something." Feng Zhuo said indifferently, "A few hours ago, you should know about Ou's affairs, right?"

"I know, Qin Ying is back, and then she took away the bodies of her parents." One of a dozen people said humanely. "Yes, yes, that's the case." Several other people agreed.

For this one Feng Zhuo already knew, "Apart from this, do you feel anything else? For example, someone fighting or something, or feel the aura of the strong." Feng Zhuo said.

"My lord, I didn't feel the fight, but I felt the breath of the strong. It is the breath of Qin Ying's parents, their breath can be felt by everyone in the small town."

"What else?"

"My lord, nothing else will be discovered."

One by one answered, the results of the answers were the same. They did not find any abnormalities. At that time, the Tianwei actions were extremely secretive, and the time was extremely short. With their greatest strength of the King God level, they could discover That's weird!

"Okay, you go back." Feng Zhuo waved his hand and said, he is not a vicious person. Although this happened in Asola City, he will not vent his anger with ordinary people like Asola City. After getting the information from Yu Yin and the others, it has long been clear. If this was not clear, he would have asked Qin Ying to persuade the residents of Asola City to leave temporarily.

Hearing Feng Zhuo say this, the ten people breathed a sigh of relief. The town looked like it would not be destroyed. They saluted respectfully and then all quickly left and returned to their homes.

"Team leader, this thing is really weird." Zhang Zhengdao, "With the strength of the deputy team leader, even a dozen or so strong men who are no less powerful than them can get here and want to take them away silently. The possibility is also relatively low! It would be okay if there had been a war here, but... there was no fighting at all."

Feng Zhuo frowned and said, "Their aura disappeared here. It is very likely that they entered the space objects here."

"Team leader, what kind of strength is needed for them to be captured silently?" Liu Jia said.

"They all have relatively powerful defensive treasures. Even if they are careless, they need at least ten eighth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses to shoot at the same time. If they are not careless, they need at least twenty eighth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses at the same time. Only by shooting can they be captured silently!" Feng Zhuo said.

Liu Jia said: "Team leader, besides our sanctuary, are there other forces that can mobilize more than ten or twenty eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses?" "Our sanctuary has it, or there may be other forces that have so many powers. Don't be careless." Feng Zhuo said, he secretly guessed whether it was because that task item attracted the attention of other forces.

Liu Jia and Zhang Zheng didn't know very well, and Feng Zhuo, the team leader, didn't know too much, but he knew one thing. The boss was very serious about that task item!

Originally grabbing something from an ordinary quasi-saint-level powerhouse like Owen, there was no need to send Yu Yin and Kapepa. It was because of the attention from above that Feng Zhuo sent the two of them to complete this task together. This should have been I didn't expect that something went wrong when I got caught!

"Team leader, don't you think it is the deputy team leader who betrayed the master?" Liu Jia said.

Feng Zhuo shook his head slightly: "This kind of possibility is relatively small. It is more likely that Yu Yin and Capepa will betray only one of them. Both of them betrayed, it is unlikely! Besides, the Lord will treat them together. It's not thin, if you make a big contribution this time, then there will be a lot of benefits, and they have no reason to betray!"

"Team leader, deputy team leader, will they have any serious drugs? If they are fascinated in an instant, then they can be easily included in the space treasure." Zhang Zhengdao.

Liu Jia smiled and said: "Zhang Zheng, the deputy team leader is an eighth-level quasi-sage level strength, but now in the God Realm, what can make him faint in an instant? As long as he does not faint in an instant, this will not be the case here. Son! This possibility is even lower than the possibility of betrayal by the deputy leader! This possibility is very high when the world is not divided, right now?"

"I will report this matter to the master to see what kind of opinion the master has. Okay, there is nothing to look at here, let's go." Feng Zhuo said solemnly, this time when such a problem occurred. He was punished for sure, but Feng Zhuo believed that the Lord would not kill him. This time he sent Yu Yin and Capepa to two people, and it didn't make a big mistake.

"Chu Feng, Feng Zhuo and the three, won't they be caught in the holy prison space?" Miao Xian'er said. "No, it's too eye-catching, and it's useful to keep the three of them." Chu Feng smiled quietly, but it was better to catch Yu Yin and the others. If Feng Zhuo and the others were captured, the temple would not be big. The earthquake is strange!

Feng Zhuo is the group leader of the temple, and arresting him, the group leader, is tantamount to a slap in the face of the temple. In that case, it would be strange if the temple didn't fully investigate this matter! The horrible strength of the temple, if he desperately investigates this matter with all his strength, Chu Feng has no confidence to hide it for too long!

Besides, with so many powerful people in the temple, how much effect can they play if they arrest three of them?

"Miao Xian'er, the eyes of the sky lock Feng Zhuo." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, but Chu Feng, Feng Zhuo's guilt value is not much higher than the goodness value. If he does something good, then the sky will lose its lock!" Miao Xianer said.

The lock of Sky Eye can only lock criminals. There is no way to lock people with goodness value higher than sin value. Chu Feng has checked Feng Zhuo’s data. Feng Zhuo’s goodness value is similar to his sin value. In contrast, his sin value is similar. It's a little bit taller, but now it's just right to lock.

"I know."

Chu Feng said that Tianyan immediately locked Feng Zhuo, Feng Zhuo and the three of them did not stay in Asola City much, they left Asola City in a short time and disappeared within the scanning range of Skyeye!

"Unexpectedly, in the God Realm, there is actually a power like the temple hidden. I was careless before. If it wasn't for Qinying's incident this time, I would definitely suffer a lot from encountering a power like the temple in the future!" Chu Feng frowned. "Chu Feng, you know, what are your plans?" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng tapped the armrest of the chair lightly with his fingers. After a while, he said: "Miao Xian'er, it seems that as our universe is completely controlled, some powerful people in the abyss are slowly The internal struggle has begun, and the appearance of the temple is good news for us!"

"Halo, this is good news? Where is it?" Miao Xian'er said, she just anthropomorphically simply thinks about it, and does not use her own powerful computing resources at this moment, which will make her feel more like a person, if Using the huge computing resources, she felt that she was a machine, and that feeling made her a little uncomfortable.

"Of course it is good news." Chu Feng said with a smile, "There should be no enemy knowing that I have a holy prison. Although the strength of Shenchu ​​City is strong, if I don't use the holy prison, do you think you can compete with the temple? Feiying and Yin Qianqian are both capable of making a move, and can't stand it! The sanctuary did not make a move, which shows that the sanctuary exists not to deal with Shenchu ​​City."

Miao Xian'er said: "There are still some powerful saints in this universe who have not been parasitized, and it may be to deal with the forces established by such strong ones at that time!"

"It means this, but the main thing shouldn't be this. If it's just because of this, if the abyss is monolithic, then there is no need to do this. The temple can appear in front of the world in a generous way, and develop an absolute meeting like that. Speed ​​up!"

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. In the past, there were many saints and strong men in our universe that were not parasitized. Therefore, the strong men of the abyss are united to the outside world. Now, some of them are probably thinking about how to get the best after victory. It's good." Chu Feng smiled, "The original abyss now has such a problem, don't you think this is good news?"

Miao Xian'er curled her lips and said: "The good news is good news, but this time you get into the sanctuary. This is not good news. You should hurry up and improve Shenchu ​​City's own strength, otherwise the Holy You don't have the strength to deal with Tang's fight! The strength of the temple today is much stronger than that of Shenchu ​​City."

"Qin Ying is very careful. As long as the temple is not searching desperately, it should be impossible for them to find the city of God in a short time. From the hidden view of the temple, the characters behind the temple are also scrupulous and disregarded. It's unlikely that all efforts will be made to search, and there is still a lot of time." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

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