Holy Prison

Chapter 1457: friend?

"Brother Carlo... immortal power, don't you give him some power?" Chu Feng muttered softly while advancing in his mouth. In the distance, Carlo Luo's ears suddenly stood up, knowing how he knew Chu Feng. Years later, it was the first time that he heard Chu Feng talk to himself secretly about this issue!

"Brother Carlo is really good. In this world, there is only one friend. If there is no immortal power, if trouble comes, I am afraid that the immortal power is too small, and can only be used by four people at most. If you give him one copy, there are only two copies left. After finding a wife, if there are two children," Chu Feng muttered softly and frowned.

When Chu Feng stopped here, Caroluo stared and couldn't wait to run to Chu Feng and pinch his neck to let him spit out the words behind.

"Bastard boy, don't talk about it here!"

Carolo cursed inwardly.

"Oh, Brother Carlo, I'm sorry, I know what you mean, you often drink with me, you should also want to get an immortal power, but the immortal power is really too little, sorry. We just do Drinking buddies, it’s nice to gather for a drink at intervals like this, isn’t it"

After half a minute, Chu Feng muttered and continued, but what was said was not what Carollo wanted to hear!

"You bastard, I'm afraid I said that on purpose!" Carlo Luo's face was gloomy. At this moment, Chu Feng has not been too far away. If this distance is not intentional, Chu Feng should It's not right to say, "Four indestructible powers, there are still three for myself, and I have none!"

Carolo took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"Drinking friends, who is interested in being a drinker with you all the time! Drinking with you can compare to drinking with some beautiful girls! How can this ordinary wine taste like a blood wine made with blood?"

Carloluo paid attention to Chu Feng's side, and after speaking a few words to himself, Chu Feng obviously accelerated his speed and left the small town where he was a long distance away.

"Chu Feng, three immortal powers, after I have confirmed that you really have no malice against me, three immortal powers, if you don't want to give them, then you have to give me one!" Carolo took the blood in the glass. Looking up and doing it coldly in my heart.

Naturally northwest, some places in this northwest are nice and have mild climate, but some places are bitter cold, cold, bad weather, places with bad weather, there are naturally fewer people, but there are also many people staying like that. Among the environment, the harsh environment makes it easier for a person to improve their cultivation level faster!

In this northwest, Chu Feng had been here before, but he went to a place with a mild aura, but now he is going to a place with a worse aura to arrest people!

Going deep into the northwest of nature, Chu Feng stayed in the flying boat and moved forward quickly. Once a qualified criminal enters the sky-eye scanning range, he will be spotted immediately and then caught by Chu Feng in the sky prison.

One day, two days, two or three months passed in a blink of an eye, and Carollo was also looking forward to it, because Chu Feng was already close to the area where the Zijin Electric King Snake was located. When he reached this area, Chu Feng was The Zijin Electric King Snake has a high probability of being discovered!

There are also better places in the bitter cold place. The valley where the Zijin Electric Snake stays is such a place. There are hot springs here, and the heat coming from the ground makes this valley very pleasant. If someone thinks that the environment here is good to enter the valley, then they will definitely be cupped. The Zijin Electric King Snake territory consciousness is still relatively strong, and it will not be polite to intruders who enter their territory!

A weird sound sounded, and in the blink of an eye, a huge snake head emerged from a cave in the valley. The snake head emerged from the cave and spit a snake letter high. The weird sound was exactly the snake. The sound made when the letter is spit out.


Another purple-golden snake rushed from a hot spring to bring high water splashes. The body of this purple-golden electric king snake was completely out of the water. It was thirty to forty meters long and more than one meter thick. Compared with some of the fierce beasts that Chu Feng has encountered, it looks "petite", but compared with Chu Feng's body, this body is already relatively large!

"Hi!" "Hi!"

In a short period of time, all the other eleven purple-gold electric king snakes appeared. They spit out a snake letter, seeming to be sure of something. Soon, an angry little flame burned in their eyes.

Enemy, they felt the breath of the enemy, that enemy, who had stolen their things before, escaped after they found out!

At the moment when the enmity's breath was confirmed, all the 13 purple-gold electric king snakes moved. Although their bodies were relatively large, they turned into a purple electric light and moved very fast, which was the quasi-sage level of the eighth and ninth order. The strong, it is estimated that the speed is not as fast as they are!

Zijin Electric King Snake has a strong attack and fast speed. The disadvantage is that the defense is relatively weak. However, they often act in groups and can share the pressure of the attack. Therefore, the disadvantage of weak defense is not a big disadvantage. With their terrible speed and attack, it is not easy to use their shortcomings to kill them!

Inside the flying boat, Chu Feng's cold hair stood upright, and as soon as he moved his mind, he immediately took the flying boat, and he could resurrect without damage, but the flying boat could not. Under such circumstances, naturally he would not be able to let the flying boat get into trouble!

Thirteen purple rays shot at a terrifying speed. Chu Feng did not arouse the chaotic scarlet armor's defense. In the face of such an attack, he knew that even if the chaotic scarlet armor's defense was aroused, it would be useless. If the chaotic scarlet armor was broken It will be more troublesome to recover at that time.

The chaotic scarlet armor was not used, but the small world of law Chu Feng used it, and the small world of the law enveloped him in it. As a result, thirteen purple lights instantly smashed the small world of its law and turned him into nothingness!

"Awesome!" In the distance, Carlo Luo gave a secret compliment. Zijin Electric Light Snake’s attack is very direct, but it is also very effective. It is a tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse, and it is almost impossible to do so in such a situation. Death, the speed of the purple light is faster than the speed of the purple gold electric snake flying, and exceeds the speed of the tenth quasi-sage-level powerhouse at full speed!

In the holy prison space. "Chu Feng, it's useless, I was killed in seconds. Fortunately, this is in the sacred prison space. If you are outside, you will be wasting a resurrection star." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"Why is the Purple King Electric Serpent's attack fast, but if I enter the holy prison space for the first time, I should still be able to escape, but this is not a good way to hide, and it is not conducive to the improvement of my mood!" Chu Feng frowned.

The state of mind used to reach a relatively high level, but behind this, it has not improved much, and now it is far from reaching the realm of the third level of infinity!

"Your state of mind is enough for the time being. Don't worry too much about it. Chu Feng, I guess Carlos, is looking at you right now. The purple electric snake attacking you may have something to do with him." Miao Xian'er Tao.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Miao Xian'er, are you leaking secrets?" "Where I didn't pay attention to Carlo Luo, this is just my guess, this does not affect your mission." Miao Xian'er said.

"Miao Xian'er, the task requires that Yilian cannot help me complete this task. You have been working on this problem for so long, have you solved it?" Chu Feng asked.

The S-level quest to kill Carlo Luo Yilian cannot help Chu Feng deal with Carolo, but this deal can be dealt with Carolo in a broad sense and deal with Carolo in a narrow sense.

Dealing with Carolo in a broad sense, no matter what the situation is, as long as it is beneficial for Chu Feng to deal with Carolo in the end, it belongs to dealing with Carolo, and dealing with Carolo in a narrow sense requires Yilian to really take care of Carolo. , Such as attacking Carolo, poisoning and so on.

A few years ago, Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er this question. Miao Xian'er's answer is that Yilian is not allowed to take action on the task, and it is not allowed to deal with Carolo in a broad sense, but Miao Xian'er also said that if it is given For some time for her, she may be able to change the broad sense of being unable to move into the narrow sense of being unable to move. In this way, some actions of Yilian will be allowed!

"Chu Feng, this" Miao Xian'er said embarrassedly. "Not finished? Forget it, it's okay, just don't toss yourself into a deep sleep." Although Chu Feng was a little disappointed, he was still comforted. He didn't want Miao Xian'er to fall asleep again. For him, Miao Xian'er is a very good partner!

"Chu Feng, it's done, but it has a bad influence." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng was taken aback for a while, he thought Miao Xian'er hadn't done it yet, but he didn't expect it to be done!

"What bad influence?"

Miao Xian'er said: "I can change the broad sense of not being able to shoot against Carlos to the narrow sense of not being able to shoot against Carlos, but in that case, the task reward will be halved after success, and the penalty for failure will not be reduced accordingly. Half! That is to say, if you complete the mission within a thousand years, the reward will be only one billion battle points and 10 million domain towers. If you complete them a thousand years away, you will only have 500 million battle points and five million domain towers. ."

Chu Feng frowned slightly, and the reward was reduced by half. This reduction was a lot. Without this reduction, it would be 2 billion battle points and 20 million domain tower values ​​to complete the mission within a thousand years.

"Miao Xian'er, this can only be achieved, can't it be better?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly: "Chu Feng, this is already the limit of my ability!"

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and hugged Miao Xian'er: "Miao Xian'er, thank you for your hard work. This is not necessary for the time being. If the millennium is about to pass and this task has not been completed, you can help me influence the task!"

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