Holy Prison

Chapter 1470: Nosy

"I said, this nosy, I really want to take care of it today!" Chu Feng said solemnly, he wanted to know if the person behind Wei Yuan would come forward for him!

It would be better if only Wei Yuan flaunted his might. If some more capable people behind him also stood up to support him, then Shenchu ​​City must have a major earthquake this time!

"Okay, very good, you care about me, but you have to see how you manage it later!" Wei Yuan sneered. In this Shenchu ​​City, there are not many people he is afraid of. Chu Feng and Zhou Wen are naturally. Scared, but now Chu Feng and the others have not appeared for hundreds of years, and I don't know how long it will take to wake up. When they wake up, he doesn't think that Chu Feng and the others will take care of the little things that were many years ago!

Wei Yuan sent out the message, and soon two god-level powerhouses quickly came to Chu Feng's side. These two god-level powerhouses did not wear armor, but Chu Feng recognized that they belonged Shenchu ​​city guards the strong.

"Shao Wei!"

The two god-level powerhouses smiled and greeted Wei Yuan. Wei Yuan was only an emperor's primary cultivation level, which was not worth mentioning to them, but his background was very deep. They respected the gods like this. Level strength is not worth mentioning in front of Wei Yuan's third-tier quasi-sage-level grandfather!

"Brother Liu, Brother Wang!" Wei Yuan also smiled. There was a hint of triumph in his eyes, calling him a brother to a god-level powerhouse. This is not something ordinary people can do. He looked at Huangfuqi with disdain. With Huangfuqi's strength and no background, and daring to compete with him for women, it is simply impatient to live.

"Brother Liu, Brother Wang, this man, relying on his god-level cultivation base, actually hindered Shen Chuwei's law enforcement, you should quickly take him down, otherwise he would think that Shenchu ​​City is empty!" Wei Yuan looked at Chu Feng Sneer authentically. "My friend, come with us." One of the two god-level powerhouses said lightly.

With a cold snort in Chu Feng's heart, his originally ugly face returned to calm, but this did not mean that he was in a better mood. His mood was worse now!

The calm before the storm is more appropriate to describe Chu Feng today. He has become angry to a certain extent, so his expression on the surface has returned to normal!

"Follow you? Which one of me violated God's First Law?" Chu Feng said indifferently, "God's First Law has regulations. When there is an injustice, people outside of God's First City can't control it?"

The two god-level powerhouses looked at each other with solemn expressions on their faces. Under such circumstances, they dare to continue. If they are not fools, then they have some support. And how they look at them, Chu Feng is not a fool.

"Friend, I don't know where it comes from? Don't flood the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn't know the family." Another god-level powerhouse laughed.

"You don't need to inquire about my origin, I just don't like it, so I don't care about today!" Chu Feng said solemnly. He said that he looked at Huangfuqi and shook his head secretly. Huangfuqi's talent is no better than Wu Lin Cha, now his cultivation level to reach the Emperor God level is not low, but after his training, he will not reach the Emperor God level at the highest level. With such a high talent, it is a pity that he can't reach the Emperor God level!

At the beginning, Chu Feng hadn't noticed Huangfuqi's talent, but he had been here for some time. If Chu Feng hadn't noticed Huangfuqi's talent, he would have failed. He didn't expect that he had just returned. I came across a superb genius of a monster-level genius. Unfortunately, this genius is already an emperor god-level cultivation base. If he has a master, or if he is unwilling to abandon his own cultivation base, then let him waste his merits. It won't work.

If Huangfuqi was willing, Chu Feng would like to accept another apprentice. Huangfuqi, a young man, Chu Feng looked satisfied, and did not shrink even in the face of an evil young man like Wei Yuan. This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Brother Wang, don't talk nonsense with him. In Shenchu ​​City, he can still turn the sky upside down?" Wei Yuan sneered. He is very confident of his grandfather's strength. Although Shenchu ​​City now has hundreds of quasi-sage levels Powerful, but there are not many quasi-sage-level powerhouses above Tier 3, and his grandfather's strength is also ranked in the forefront of the city of God. There used to be god-level powerhouses in front of him, but those god-level powerhouses In the end, could it be that one by one is soft!

"My friend, let us take a trip. It's not very good on this street." The god-level powerhouse surnamed Liu said solemnly, "Pharaoh, if this friend doesn't follow, we probably have to move around today. It's bones!"

"You guys, that's not enough!" Chu Feng said indifferently that his aura increased. He was originally only showing the mid-level aura of the gods, but in a short period of time, his momentum has risen to the peak of the gods!

Wei Yuan's expression changed. Although he was horizontal, his grandfather had taught him that it was okay to touch the general god-exaling power, but the top god-exaling top power should not touch it.

It's just that... so many people surround him today. If Chu Feng is allowed to leave with Huangfuqi, his face will be greatly embarrassed, and he won't be so happy in this Shenchu ​​City from now on!

"Brother Liu, Brother Wang, call some more people!" Wei Yuan took a deep breath and said solemnly. He really didn't want to let Chu Feng and the others go today. "The top god-level powerhouse is the top-level god-level powerhouse. I don't believe that my luck is so bad. There is really a stronger person behind this bastard!" Wei Yuan secretly said in his heart.

"Wei Shao, these" two god-excellent level powerhouses are also a little hesitant at this time, and then call people, this matter will be a bit of a big trouble, now it's a good ending, and it won't be good to call people again. At the end, if something big happens, then they may be in no small trouble.

Wei Yuan said in a deep voice: "Brother Liu, Brother Wang, this is Shenchu ​​City. This outsider came to our Shenchu ​​City to make trouble. Couldn't our Shenchu ​​City be an outsider to make trouble? If this is the case, everyone will dare to be in our Shenchu ​​City. You **** and pee in the city! Call someone, if something happens, I will bear it, and I will definitely not find you!"

Seeing that the two god-level powerhouses have not made any actions yet, Wei Yuan's face also sank a little: "Brother Liu, Brother Wang, why, do you want me to tell my grandfather, and then let his elderly give you another notice? Grandpa, if he alarms his elders while practicing, then"

"Chu Feng, this Wei Yuan is also a top quality!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "With such a grandson, I am afraid that his grandfather is also a relatively arrogant master. Chu Feng, these Nian Shen Chu City has also attracted some quasi-sage-level powerhouses, some of them are good, but some, it is necessary to beat them!"

Chu Feng just answered Miao Xian'er briefly. He looked at the two god-level powerhouses, and wanted to see if they would make people and how many people could be moved!

"Wei Shao, wait a minute." After thinking about it, the powerhouse with the surname Liu decided to call someone. They knew Grandpa Wei Yuan well. He was a very short-term person. If Wei Yuan filed a lawsuit, they would definitely There is no good fruit to eat!

Although Grandpa Wei Yuan did not dare to kill them directly, Shenchu ​​City always had some missions sent abroad. Those missions were dangerous and safe. Normally, dangerous and safety tasks would always be assigned to execute. He wouldn't be performing dangerous tasks all by himself, but if Grandpa Wei Yuan was dissatisfied with them deliberately rectifying them, it would be no surprise that they were treated like that.

The god-exalted powerhouse surnamed Liu sent a message, but in a short time, more than a dozen god-exalted powerhouses quickly rushed to this side. Among those god-exalted powerhouses, one of the cultivation bases also reached the peak of the gods. !

"You, take a trip with us!" More than a dozen god-level powerhouses landed, and the peak-level god-level powerhouse pointed to Chu Feng directly. "There is him, there is him." Wei Yuan quickly pointed to Huangfu's strange way. A smile appeared on his face. The person who came to lead him knew him, and his cultivation base at the peak of the gods. With more than a dozen god-exalted powerhouses, he felt that he had no problem after taking down Chu Feng, "Uncle Yao, I didn't expect you to rest today."

"Yeah." The powerhouse at the peak of the gods nodded slightly. Wei Yuan didn't look at him, but he couldn't provoke the one behind Wei Yuan.

"Boy, are you afraid?" Chu Feng looked at Huangfu Qi indifferently. Huangfuqi shook his head slightly in a daze, "Senior, I'm not afraid. It's just senior. I understand your kindness. You should withdraw. It is not a pity for me to die. It would be a pity if you die like this, Senior Maybe you can become a saint by then."

"Achieving a saint... Your kid can talk, but looking at your practice, there seems to be a problem, do you have a master?" Chu Feng chuckled. "Senior, I don't have a master, I'm all self-taught. I don't have any money to get top-notch exercises at once, so I changed the exercises several times, so" Huangfu smiled bitterly, knowing his own situation. , He knew that his talent was not bad, and he reached the gold level when he first practiced a very **** technique.

After reaching the gold rank, he made a fortune, and then modified a better technique to reach the platinum rank. After being enshrined, the previous exercises no longer work, and it is another exercise.

It can be said that it is not easy to reach the Emperor God level all the way. Huangfuqi was a little surprised in retrospect, but he has persisted to this day!

"No master, okay!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. Since Huangfuqi does not have a master, if he wants to accept Huangfuqi as his apprentice, Huangfuqi is more likely to agree.

"Boy, would you like to worship me as a teacher? I have a practice that suits you, but if you want to practice, your cultivation will be lowered to the **** level and you need to climb up again!" Chu Feng said, he At this time, he has not indicated his identity, and if Huangfuqi agrees to worship him as a teacher without his identity, Chu Summit will be more happy!

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