Holy Prison

Chapter 1474: SS-level mission

Infinite, Aosong Village, Chu Feng, and Wulin Huangfu are here. "Master, this is Orga Village?" Huangfuqi said in surprise. Many people in Shenchu ​​City thought of De Orga Village, but Orga Village is not accessible to ordinary people at all, without top talent. It is impossible to reach De Orga Village at all!

"Well, Aojia Village, the environment here is better, suitable for your training!" Chu Feng said that he had already left the ancient teleportation formation with Huangfuqi and Wulin to reach the village of Aojia Village.

"village head!"

"The village chief, what did you do? But a long time has not come!"

As soon as Chu Feng and the others arrived, many people immediately noticed that they had surrounded them enthusiastically. Huangfuqi and Wulin showed surprise in their eyes. They could see that these people looked at Chu Feng with "respect", but "Fear" is much less. In their eyes, Chu Feng is more that the village chief is a relative, rather than the master of God Chu City!

"Xiao Wu, you have made good progress over the years. You have already reached the Emperor God level... Luo Yun, you guys, you will practice with me later. Hundreds of years have not passed. What have you done? High-level, it's only the peak of the Emperor God at this moment!" Chu Feng smiled and talked to some guys who appeared around, which made Huangfuqi and the others more surprised. Chu Feng seems to be completely here. The ground relaxes, without being high above the outside world.

"The village chief, are they two? Our new members?" A young man asked with a grin, "Two handsome boys, if they join, some idiots in our village will be happy!"

Chu Feng smiled and introduced: "This is Wulin, and this is Huangfuqi. The two of them are my apprentices. Wulin, Huangfu, in the next time, you will practice in Aojia Village. The time they came down was the villagers of Aojia Village. Remember, every villager in Aojia Village is a brother and sister, and there is no hierarchy here. Many of them are now practicing infinite divine arts. In terms of cultivation, they Many people have reached the Emperor God level cultivation base. If you have any questions, you can find someone else. I believe everyone here will be happy to answer your questions!"

"The village chief, you have accepted an apprentice... Two brothers, congratulations!" The young man who just spoke had a look of envy in his eyes. It was a very good thing to be accepted as an apprentice by Chu Feng!

"Thank you!"

Wulin and Huangfuqi laughed and said, they are very satisfied with this place, and training in this place is definitely faster than in other places.

"Xiaowu, Shengquan will let Wulin and Huangfu drink some time from time to time." Chu Feng said, "Luo Yun, don't you kid, don't run, are there any kid in the village who is slower to improve as you? , Let’s practice together"

"The village chief, you have a large number of elders, please forgive us, who doesn't know that the village chief, your elder is a god-level powerhouse, if you fight with your elders again, isn't it looking for abuse?" Luo Yun said weakly. Chu Feng's eyes stared: "If you call someone, if you don't call someone, we will practice alone."

Soon, there was a scream in Aojia Village. Under the observation of Wulin and Huangfuqi, Chu Feng shot and tortured hundreds of people in Aojia Village with excitement.

Chu Feng stayed in Aojia Village for two days. After two days, Chu Feng left. Huangfuqi and Wulin stayed in Aojia Village. The three quasi-sage-level powerhouses Qin Jian, Alpha, and Lianna previously exchanged for Zhong Lianna also stayed on the side of Orga Village. With her cultivation base of a quasi-saint-level powerhouse of Tier Nine, as long as there is not a strong attack on Orga Village, there will be no problems.

Having not rested much for more than 700 years, when he returned to Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng lay leisurely on a deck chair in the Dechu Mansion to bask in the sun.

"Miao Xian'er, how are people arresting?" Chu Feng asked in his mind. He has been in the domain tower for hundreds of years, while Miao Xian'er is in charge of arresting people. After so long, the people caught. It should not be a minority, those people who need to be caught in the holy prison upgrade should have been caught seven or eight!

Miao Xian'er hummed: "You fellow... I've been exhausted these years. Ten million Emperor God level experts have caught all of them, and one million God level experts have caught eight hundred thousand, one hundred thousand quasi saints. The first-level powerhouse has caught around 50,000."

"The quasi-sage-level powerhouse is only 50,000?" Chu Feng frowned slightly and asked for 100,000, which is still half the difference. If it is at the previous rate, it will take hundreds of years to reach the upgrade conditions. ! "What do you think? You have to catch people carefully and quickly, where is such a good thing?" Miao Xian'er said in an angry manner.

"Over seven hundred years, we have caught up to 50,000, and on average, we have to catch dozens of quasi-saint-level powerhouses a year! If you are not so careful and let go of the catch, you can catch more every year!" Miao Xianer said.

"No slow, no slow, Miao Xian'er, you have worked hard. I'm just a little depressed. At this speed, it will take hundreds of thousands of years for the holy prison to level up." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "You should be content. If it weren't for the separation of the three realms, the god-level powerhouses in the entire universe would have gathered in the **** realm, and you have achieved several other conditions. As long as you do this with all your strength, If you want to catch enough criminals in two thousand years, don't even think about it!"

"Yeah... Time really flies. Hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye. Wen'er and the others will give birth in a hundred years!" Chu Feng said softly, Lan Wen and Song Ye It will take a hundred years to give birth. As for Miao Feiying and Yilian, their cultivation bases are stronger and the pregnancy time is longer. It will take hundreds of years for the baby in the belly to be born!

"Chu Feng...Chu Han's cultivation base has progressed much faster than before. He is already the primary cultivation base of the Emperor God. If the speed is faster, his cultivation base can reach the Emperor God Great Perfection within two to three thousand years!" Miao Xian'er reminded me that although the saint was talking about the god-excellent level, Yin Qianqian also said that he shouldn't be able to start with a saint-level powerhouse at the god-excellent level!

"Two to Three Thousand Years"

Chu Feng frowned slightly in his heart. Originally, he asked Chu Han to practice slowly. In that case, it is estimated that it would take 7,000 to 8,000 years for Chu Han to reach the Emperor God's Great Perfection. But now, Chu Han is doing his own cultivation. Training is a bit difficult to control, he can't do without training, and if he does, the speed of progress is shocking!

"Miao Xian'er, within two thousand years, I must find the person behind Hara Han'er, and then I need to get rid of him." Chu Feng said in a deep voice in his mind, and after two thousand years, I will find out who caused Chu Han and Feng Bingning Their saints come, and then kill a saint of that strength, this is really extremely difficult!

"Chu Feng, you have inspired a mission! A super mission!" Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. Miao Xian'er didn't seem to say that for the previous S-level mission.

"Miao Xian'er, tasks higher than S grade?" Chu Feng said with excitement. In the past few hundred years, he has received a lot of tasks, but all of them are just small tasks. Those tasks don't have much challenge for him. At the same time, there are not many benefits to be obtained. Only the A-level mission has not been completed Chu Feng has long been looking forward to a relatively large mission.

Miao Xian'er said in a bad tone: "Chu Feng, this is an optional task. I think you should not accept this task!"

"Talk about it." Chu Feng frowned slightly, and Miao Xian'er said so, I'm afraid this task is very difficult! "Chu Feng, this is an SS-level mission!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng took a breath. According to the previous rules, an SS-level mission rewarded at least tens of billions of battle points and 100 million domain towers. If it is completed, it will be cool. If it is not completed, the cup will be huge!

"Chu Feng, SS-level mission to save the lives of your wife Feng Bingning and son Chu Han. The mission time is three thousand years. The mission requirements are that Feng Bingning and Chu Han shall not die. The death mission will fail. Resurrect them. The mission is the same. Counted as a failure! The mission is successful, rewards tens of billions of merit points, 100 million domain towers, and a mysterious treasure; if the mission fails, one person dies, 500 million battle points are deducted, domain towers worth five million, two deaths are deducted, battle points are deducted One billion, the domain tower is worth ten million!" Miao Xianer said.

After listening to Miao Xian'er, Chu Feng's expression on his face was not pretty. He knew exactly how difficult this task was to complete. He swallowed Feng Bing Ning Ying's soul and left some sacred thoughts in Chu Han's body. The strength of the saint is definitely much higher than that of Carollo, and Chu Feng estimates that he is also at least a high-level saint, and possibly even an immortal-level saint powerhouse!

The three realms are separated, and now Chu Feng is still unclear about whether an immortal-level expert can be killed in the God Realm. If not, if the opponent is an immortal-level expert, then this task is nothing at all. It may be done!

The reward of the task and the penalty for failure also show that this task is difficult to complete. The previous task, like the S-level task of slaying Carolo, the reward and the punishment are equal, but for this task, the reward is a punishment. Ten times as much, which shows that the possibility of completing this task is extremely low!

If it was said that there was a probability of one to two percent completion before, then the probability of completion of this task now is estimated to be only one or two percent, or lower!

"Chu Feng, you still don't want to take this task. Although the reward is a lot and the punishment is relatively light, the possibility of completion is too small." Miao Xian'er sighed slightly in Chu Feng's mind Dao, the possibility of completing this task is low, which means that the possibility of Feng Bingning and the others' death is high!

Although Feng Bingning and the others can be resurrected through the Resurrection Life Crystal, if they can, Chu Feng absolutely does not want them to get there.

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