Holy Prison

Chapter 1488: Poisonous gas

For the tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse, the strength evaluation is two stars, and there is no problem with dealing with two or three one-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses if the opponent does not have any powerful treasures.

Two-star +, basically can deal with four one-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses; three-star, such strength can deal with five or six one-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses.

With 3+, the power reaches the limit that the God Realm can accommodate. With better luck, it can deal with nine one-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses. If luck is not too good, some of the nine one-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses are powerful. Foreign objects, then even if they are killed by five or six one-star quasi-saint level powerhouses, it is possible!

The limit of force in the God Realm is very difficult to achieve. Yilian’s own cultivation base is now two-star+. To achieve such a cultivation base, even if her talent is at the enchanting level, even with the training plus of the domain tower Cheng, the speed of her advancement is also very slow. If she reaches the outside world, then the speed of training will be ten times slower. Chu Feng estimated a little bit. Without borrowing the power of the domain tower, Yilian reached the **** realm. It takes at least ten million years for her to reach her ultimate strength. Even if she borrows the power of the domain tower in the domain tower, it will take a million years for her to reach the ultimate strength!

From birth to the present, Chu Feng is two thousand years old, a million years old, one can imagine how long this time is for Chu Feng!

It is difficult for him to reach the limit of force in the first realm, but Yilian can achieve it by using the power of the domain tower. He is still very satisfied with this Chu Feng. He just hopes that by then all the sages in the lower realm will have the limit of force. Otherwise, , The days to come will be very sad, many saints will not be too polite to him if they are in the lower realms.

"Sister-in-law Yilian, congratulations, my strength has increased a lot compared to before!" Tang Ming and Zhou Wen said with joy, they are happier here, and Chen Jin and the others are not so pretty. In the first game, they They were prepared for failure, but they didn't expect to be defeated so simply, which gave them a little ominous premonition in their hearts!

"It's okay, it's just the first game. The same person can't play two games. It is normal for Yilian to win one game with the quasi-sage level. There are still six games. We only need to win four games and the victory is ours." Pan Ping He took a breath and laughed, "Seven games are cold, what's the point of winning one game?"

"That's true."

Chen Jin and the others were still good at controlling them one by one, and they all recovered at this time. "City Master Chu, you really have a good wife. That kind of strength is really admirable. I heard that City Master Chu has five wives. Wouldn't all of them have that kind of strength? If so, We just surrendered." Chen Jin laughed.


Many people laughed. Every wife has that kind of strength. If that's the case, then Chu Feng's soft meal will be hard. Anyway, every wife can have that level, even if his strength is low. This ability is far from what ordinary people can match!

"Daoist Chen Jin, let's start the second round." Chu Feng said flatly. "Naturally, in the second game, it's time for City Lord Chu to be out of the game. I don't know who will play?" Chen Jin smiled.

Chu Feng thought, Miao Feiying appeared next to her. "You guy, there is such a lively event. If you don't call me out sooner, you won't be able to spare you at that time." Miao Feiying whitened Chu Feng and hummed.

"Feiying, in the second game, come on, be careful." Chu Feng smiled and said, in the surprised eyes of many people, it was actually Chu Feng woman who appeared in the second game of Shenchu ​​City.

"Although Miao Feiying has the strength of the Quasi-Saint-level, does she have the strength of the seventh-tier Quasi-Saint-level?"

"Yes, even if she can deal with the general seventh-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouse, she shouldn't make a move at this time. Her main attack method is poison. At this time, Chen Jin and the others can arrange who to deal with it and prepare some resistance. Miao Feiying will suffer a lot of restraint, such as poison elixir, and this round is probably lost."

"I'm afraid that God Chucheng is ready to lose this round, so this is how it came!"

Many people talked about it. They were not optimistic about the game in Shenchu ​​City. Chen Jin and their faces showed smiles. Among the remaining six people, some of them had anti-drug treasures, and each of them Basically everyone has the elixir of detoxification, and if you concentrate on that person, the possibility of victory in this round is very high.

"Brother Taylor, this round is up to you!"

"Brother Taylor, bring us back a round, you should have no problem winning her! Sponsor a little good stuff for you, hehehe!"

Chen Jin and the others said, one by one they took out some detoxification elixir and gave it to that one Taylor. These elixir can be used directly, and they have strong resistance to many poisons!

Here at Chu Feng, Tang Ming and their eyes were all confused, but they didn't ask much at this time. Miao Feiying was already in the field, and you would know by looking at it.

"Tano Mountain, Tyler!"

"Shenchu ​​City, Miao Feiying!"

The two greeted them, and Taylor smiled and said: "Miao Feiying, you are afraid that you have lost this game, so just give up." Taylor said that a bead appeared on the top of his head. This is one of his treasures. Finding a poisonous attack can also resist the poison in it. With this treasure, many poison masters have been planted in his hands.

"Borrowing a word from you, you just surrender, otherwise you will wait, but there will be a little bit of pain." Miao Feiying smiled authentically, seeing her smile, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were slightly taken aback to know Taylor's guess this time. They were so familiar with this smile. When Miao Feiying made them unlucky, they often only said a little bit of pain.

"Oh? If that's the case, you can do it." Tyler smiled slightly and faintly. If facing Yilian, he would not dare to ask Yilian to attack first, but Miao Feiying, he doesn't believe that Miao Feiying does too There are tenth-level quasi-saint-level cultivation bases.

"Should I take the shot first? Then I'm not welcome!" Miao Feiying said and raised her hand. In an instant, Tyler and the large area around him were enveloped in a faint red mist.

"Woo, woo!"

Tyler's face changed drastically in an instant, and the beads on his head actually screamed at this time. He rarely encountered this kind of situation, but he had encountered it. Naturally, he knew what it meant.

This means that the bead has felt the extremely terrifying poison, and at the same time, that kind of poison has formed a very strong pressure on it. If it is not under great pressure, the bead will not scream.

"Nice baby!" Miao Feiying glanced at the bead in surprise. This bead can actually block her poisonous gas attack. This is not simple. You must know that if she does not use the poison pill, it is only The second-tier quasi-sage-level cultivation base, but the tenth-tier quasi-sage-level cultivation base when using Poison Pill.

Fighting with Taylor, Miao Feiying naturally used the power of Poison Pill. At this time, the attack was enough to make the general tenth rank quasi-sage power suffer a lot, but he was actually blocked by the bead.

"What's the matter, didn't Taylor claim that he has this bead, at least it can deal with the quasi-sage-level poison master of the ninth order? Why does it look bad!" said a seventh-order quasi-sage-level expert on Chen Jinbian.

"Miao Feiying's strength is only extremely high, and it may have reached the tenth rank!" Chen Jin said with a solemn expression. Many people who heard his words secretly took a breath of cold. The strength of the quasi-sage level, if Miao Feiying also has the strength of the quasi-sage level of the tenth level, this is too unreasonable for him to be a master, such an excellent woman actually works together!

In the field, Taylor did not dare to let Miao Feiying continue to attack like this at this time. If he continued like this, he estimated that he would have to lose if he didn't make any moves!

Tyler shouted angrily, his body rose a lot in an instant, and as his body rose, a fierce momentum rushed towards the surroundings crazy!

"Eighth-level quasi-saint-level strength!"

Many people exclaimed, this Taylor had only the strength of the seventh-order quasi-sage level before he transformed, and after the transformation, it was obvious that he had reached the eighth-order quasi-sage level!

Chen Jin and the others naturally felt that Taylor’s strength had been raised to the eighth-level quasi-sage level, but their faces did not show a smile. The eighth-level versus the tenth-level, the possibility of failure is still very high, they can only hope Taylor at this time Can knock Miao Feiying down before Miao Feiying defeats him!

"watch out!"

Taylor yelled and slapped his hand. In an instant, a huge palm bombarded Miao Feiying with the power of destroying the world. Miao Feiying could issue a Tier 10 attack, but he didn't believe in Miao Feiying's defense. The strength can also be so strong, as long as Miao Feiying's defense is not so strong, then there is still a little hope of victory.

Miao Feiying didn’t move at this time. The red mist was surging. In the shocking eyes of many people, Taylor’s power palm was tens of meters away from Miao Feiying. !

Taylor's face changed and a milky white ball appeared in his hand. This milky white ball was given to him by Chen Jin and could absorb poison gas within a certain range.

In a duel, it is generally forbidden to use foreign objects without refining, but when fighting a poison master, there is no problem using some anti-drug things. This is a rule that everyone knows.


Tyler's head screamed more urgently at this time, and Tyler quickly threw the milky white ball in his hand. The milky white ball can indeed absorb poisonous gas, and the speed of absorption of poisonous gas is very fast, but the milky white ball absorbs poisonous gas, Miao Feiying releases some poisonous gas, and the amount of poisonous gas in the stagnant basin has not been reduced at all!

Miao Feiying snorted softly. She controlled the light red poison gas to pour into the white ball quickly, but in less than a second, the ball was directly burst!

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