Holy Prison

Chapter 1492: war

Pan Ping’s thick-backed sword slashed towards Chu Feng. In an instant, it seemed that countless souls were wailing. Hearing that sound, some people outside the stagnant basin felt their heads dizzy. As the target, Chu Feng naturally suffered the most. The impact of the soul, but this attack on the soul is not very stressful for Chu Feng, even if there is no wind spirit orb and chaotic scarlet armor defense, his cultivation base that has been promoted to the sixth quasi-sage level at this time and that terrifying spiritual power It can be easily blocked.

Compared with the soul impact of Pan Ping's broadsword, the direct pressure his broadsword brought to Chu Feng was stronger, so if you take a stab, it would be more painful even with two layers of defense!

Xu Xiu struck out with a single rod. At this time, dozens of black snakes appeared, and each black snake was two or three meters long. Attacking from all directions, Chu Feng had to resist Pan Ping's knife!

Under the stimulus of Pan Ping and Xuxiu, Chu Feng's fighting spirit increased crazily, and Yin Ming had already appeared in his hands. At this time, Chu Feng felt that Yin Ming was also very excited.

After hundreds of years of training, Yin Ming has not experienced any battles, and Chu Feng has not experienced any battles. At this time, Dao and Ren are looking forward to a hearty battle!

Ignoring the black snakes struck by Xixiu's stick, Yin Ming in Chu Feng's hand severely cut a piece with the thick-backed knife in Pan Ping's hand! When the swords collided, a terrifying force passed from the thick-backed sword into Yin Ming and then into Chu Feng's body. Chu Feng instantly retreated several meters, and Pan Ping also retreated at this time. For a few meters, the two of them had a match in this knockdown!

Pan Ping's eyes were shocked. This blow was almost done with all his strength, but Chu Feng didn't suffer any harm. "In addition to the beads, it seems that Chu Feng still has defensive treasures!" Pan Ping secretly said in his heart, Feng Lingzhu was resisting the attacks of those black snakes, and he felt that the Feng Lingzhu had not resisted many attacks just now.

With Chu Feng's cultivation base being comparable to him, there should be only one possibility, that is, Chu Feng still has other defensive treasures that blocked a lot of his attack power!

"Cool, come again!" Chu Feng laughed and said, originally feeling that the feeling of breakthrough is slowly fading away. After just fighting, the breakthrough that is about to fade away will suddenly feel a lot stronger. If everything goes well If so, Chu Feng estimated that it would take 20 minutes at most half an hour to reach the cultivation base of the **** of great perfection!

Dzogchen is much stronger than the peak of the gods. As long as he breaks through, his cultivation base is estimated to reach the seventh-order quasi-sage level. With the seventh-order quasi-sage-level cultivation base, the different dimension space seal is enough to block Pan Ping For this Pan Ping, Chu Feng didn't plan to let him go, but was going to block him directly in this duel!

Pan Ping's words long ago angered Chu Feng, and with Chu Feng's eyesight he could see that Pan Ping's refining of this knife must have many innocent people killed by him!

"I make you arrogant!"

Pan Ping sneered in his heart, his mind moved, and his exercises reversed. In an instant, his hair turned blood red, and an even more terrifying aura than before came out from his body!

The eighth-ranked quasi-sage, just fought a knife, Pan Ping broke out the eighth-quasi-sage-level cultivation base, one can imagine how much he wants to end this battle soon!

"Chu Feng Xiaodao, his strength has improved a lot, and he can probably maintain this state for a quarter of an hour!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"City Lord Chu, try another knife!"

Pan Ping held the knife in both hands, a knife similar to what it looked like before, but at least 30% more power!

"Bang!" Chu Feng's fighting spirit was strong. At this time, he didn't want to dodge, Yin Ming once again collided with Pan Ping's thick-backed knife!

A more powerful force penetrated into the chaotic red golden armor and penetrated into his body. This time Chu Feng stepped back ten meters, while Pan Ping was only repelled by about three meters!

"But so!"

Pan Ping was overjoyed. As long as Chu Feng’s attack was weaker than him, Chu Feng would definitely suffer if he continued to fight like this. After all, Chu Feng has no helper, but he still has a Xiu Xiu as a helper. This helper is not as strong as him. low!


Chu Feng let out a deep cry and slammed it up again. He suffered a little injury from the blow just now. It would be difficult for him to fully recover in such a battle if that little injury is replaced by someone else, but there is no problem for Chu Feng. , The strength of the clinic can completely recover that little injury in an instant!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Chu Feng and Pan Ping fought recklessly again and again, and every time they fought, Chu Feng suffered a little. In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Feng might have accumulated a lot of damage, but Yizhi and the others knew that Chu Feng suffered a lot. It is definitely not as big as everyone estimates. As for the damage, under the treatment of the doctor, there should be no harm at all!

Naturally, Xu Xiu didn’t look at it at this time. Although she did not show the strength of Tier 8, the strength of Tier 7 was completely exploded. However, the defense of the Wind Spirit Orb was very high, and the attacks of Tier 7 penetrated into the Wind Spirit Orb. After the defense, it can't bring much damage to Chu Feng!

"Friend Taoist, rank eight!" Pan Ping said solemnly.

In a blink of an eye, three minutes passed. He and Chu Feng might not be able to fight for less than ten thousand records, but Chu Feng hadn't shown any obvious defeat, but became more and more excited. This made Pan Ping a little bit hopeless. stand up!

Xuxiu frowned slightly, using the secret method to reach the strength of the eighth rank. In the next period of time, she could not use the secret method again. If she could not use it, she still didn't want to use it.

"Daoist Pan Ping, wait a minute, Chu Feng has endured so many attacks from you, and now he should have suffered a lot. Although my attacks won't break his defenses, they can consume a lot of his mental energy!" Xiu said while attacking.

"Friend Taoist, you probably don’t know Chu Feng well. His sacred land is at least a kilometer away. Think about how great his spiritual power is. If you attack like this, your spiritual power will be exhausted by then. There is still a lot of spiritual power!" Pan Ping said helplessly, he really knew Chu Feng much better than Xu Xiu!

"Divine soil exceeds a kilometer?" Xu Xiu was shocked. Even if the divine soil is only one kilometer, the spiritual power is 10,000 times that of the average god-exaling peak powerhouse. Such spiritual power is absolutely far beyond her spiritual power. Fighting with Chu Feng for the exhaustion of mental energy is really stupid. "Friend Pan Ping, you should remind you earlier!"

"I thought you knew, I thought you had any tricks." Pan Ping transmitted sound, on the one hand because of this, on the other hand, Pan Ping wanted to defeat Chu Feng mainly through his own attacks, so he didn't have a sound transmission before.

Xuxiu no longer hesitated. She spouted a mouthful of blood onto her crutches. Every drop of blood was absorbed by the crutches, and the blood was absorbed. In an instant, the two snake eyes on his snakehead turned on. I got up and shot a cold light from the eyes of the snake!

Snake Head Crutches got the blood of Xiu Xiu, a powerful force was introduced into Xu Xiu's body from Snake Head Crutches, and Yu Xiu's strength instantly went from the seventh quasi-sage level to the eighth quasi-sage level!

"Both of them have reached the eighth quasi-sage level. I don't know how long City Lord Chu can support!"

"City Lord Chu is like this, it seems to be more difficult to win, but being able to persist under the attack of Senior Pan and Senior Xu is also very powerful!"

"Isn't he a powerful treasure... If it wasn't for that bead with high defense power, I'm afraid it would have already been defeated."

"Brother, the treasure is great, and you must be great. Under such a terrifying attack, the amount of mental power consumed every second is a terrible amount! And, with so many predecessors Pan Ping, Do you think that ordinary people can bear it physically? Moreover, with treasures, that is also the strength of others! It is not a one-time treasure, but a treasure that can be used repeatedly. This time, it has such a strong strength, which shows him There will be such strength in the future!"

Inside the stagnant basin, Chu Feng and the others were playing lively. Outside, there was also lively discussion at this time. "You bastard, I'm so embarrassed that both of them use the strength of the eighth-level quasi-sage level." Zhou Wen cursed unceremoniously, and surrounded them. Enchantment, his voice would not be heard by people other than Tang Ming Yilian and others.

"Sister-in-law Yilian, sister-in-law Fei, there is nothing wrong with the boss, right? He seems to be at a loss." Tang Ming said. Yilian smiled slightly: "Look at it, generally he won't suffer. Didn't you see that he was only using the most common attacks? Fight with Pan Ping time and time again, this guy!"

"Your boss is already at the summit of the gods. I want to break from the summit of the gods to the great perfection of the gods. This time it is a bit risky, but he should still have a relatively large win." Miao Feiying added.

Tang Ming's eyes lit up slightly: "I said, the boss has no use of the power of the law of space, and the different-dimensional space seal is also useless. His different-dimensional space seal is terrifying!"

Zhou Wendao: "If the boss uses a different-dimensional space seal, it means that he used the killing intent to kill someone. The other-dimensional space seal is a killer move!"

"It's better to slaughter Pan Ping, he is disrespectful to the lord again and again!" Mu Bai said.

While Tang Ming and the others were talking, Xixiu, who had been promoted to the eighth quasi-sage level, had already launched many attacks, but what made her a little dumbfounded was that her strength had been raised to the eighth quasi-sage level, and she was of wind spirit pearl. The defensive power seems to have improved a lot. As a result, although her attack is higher than the previous damage to Chu Feng, it is still not much higher. Together with Pan Ping, Chu Feng cannot be severely injured in a short period of time. A battle!

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