Holy Prison

Chapter 1508: Huge gain

"Three hundred...no, 40 billion catties of void stone." Cao Xing said about three hundred, he noticed that Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and quickly changed his words and said 40 billion catties.

When the words were spoken, Cao Xing was depressed. If 40 billion catties of the void stone were given out, he would be poor and vain, and within the Tianyuan Sect, he still owed a lot of people. This time, he borrowed the void stone from the Tianyuan Sect There are a lot of Void Stones, only his own words, he only has more than 10 billion catties!

After borrowing so many Void Stones, Cao Xing didn't even think about giving them all, but at this time all the words were spoken. It was already too late to regret again. Moreover, not to mention 40 billion catties, this level is estimated to be impossible.

"City Lord Chu, 40 billion catties, this is the limit I can take out. If there are more, then it can only be a battle!" Cao Xing said solemnly.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Although there was no 50 billion catties of void stone last time, forget it, 40 billion catties will be 40 billion catties. The conflict between Shenchu ​​City and Tianyuanzong will be wiped out! If Tianyuan If Zong doesn’t provoke Shenchucheng actively, I will not deal with Tianyuanzong, but if Tianyuanzong has any action against Shenchucheng, then don’t blame me for not giving face!"

Cao Xing took a deep breath and heard Chu Feng's assurance that he relaxed a lot, but at the same time he was very aggrieved, and he had to thank him for paying the "sponsorship fee".

Chu Feng ignored Cao Xing's eyes and fell on the leaders of other forces. "Everyone, how about you sponsoring the city to build the city?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Those power leaders, look at me and I will look at you. Chu Feng's gaze fell on the quasi-sage-level powerhouse in the last seat. This quasi-sage-level powerhouse is only Tier 2 in strength. Among the power leaders, it is considered strong. The bottom, and the influence is not very strong, so he was very interesting and sat on the last seat.

"Friend Ito, let's start with you. If you care about Shenchu ​​City so much, I guess you don't have too little sponsorship fee, right?" Chu Feng said indifferently.

Ito was worried. He didn't expect Chu Feng to be the first to find him. If Tianyuanzong can still fight against Shenchucheng, the Yinfengzong he owns sent him to Shenchucheng for hundreds of thousands of miles. A more powerful expert can destroy him and completely destroy the Yinfeng Sect he has!

"City Lord Chu, my Yinfeng Sect is relatively small, this, I really can't take out too many void stones, how about a billion catties of void stones?" Ito hurriedly said under Chu Feng's gaze. He immediately felt something after he finished speaking. There is a murderous aura, and that murderous aura comes from other strong men.

"Damn... Ito, the bastard, actually took out one billion Void Stones. His entire power is estimated to be a dozen or two billion Void Stones. His power is the weakest, even he took out one billion Void Stones. How much do we have to take out?" Lion Sozzaro transmitted to Leng Yue.

"Brother Zaruo, we were pitted by God Chu City. We have arranged our positions ourselves, and we sit in a good position. By that time, this Zi Fei... If I knew this, I had already sat on the last seat." Leng Yue Chuanyin smiled secretly in his heart, he paid great attention after he got to the side of Shenchucheng, but he didn't expect that he would be placed one by Shenchucheng unknowingly.

"There are more than two hundred people in front, the grass, if we can reach us, it is estimated that even if there are not," Lion Sozzaro said.

When the sound transmission arrived here, Lion Sozzaro's face changed. The sound transmission actually failed. Half of the word was transmitted, and half of it was not transmitted. Soon, Leng Yue and other strong men also discovered The problem, Transsion is completely invalid at this moment. Many of them want to discuss how much they will spend, but how can they discuss if they can't transmit sound?

Could it be said that in front of Chu Feng and the others, they opened their mouths to discuss how much you would give me? "One billion, not bad." Tang Ming said with a chuckle, "Boss, the powers are different from each other. I think that the weak is like the Yinfengzong. There is nothing to give less, and we can't be too strong."

"A powerful force, um, just give it a little bit more. If you only give a little bit like the Yinfengzong, it will be a little shameful and sincere is not enough. What do you think the boss?" Tang Mingdao, Zhou Wen was not serious before, Tang Ming said At that moment, he directly called the boss of Chu Feng instead of the city lord.

Zhou Wen nodded: "Boss, I agree with this. Regarding the forces that cared about me so much before, but now they don't care about it, we will have to pay more attention to it then!"

"Well, it's reasonable." Chu Feng nodded slightly. At this time, a girl had already presented a spatial ring given by Cao Xing with a silver plate.

Others couldn't transmit sound, and Chu Feng's divine sense was no problem in using it. He swept away his divine sense and immediately determined that the silver plate contained 40 billion catties of void stone.

"Ito, in the future, don't care about some of the situation in my God Chucheng ha ha, otherwise, if the city is short of funds, I will still look for you." Chu Feng smiled.

Ito's face changed slightly, but he didn't dare to "care" anymore. If Shenchucheng asked him for a return to Xiucheng's funds, he would have to declare bankruptcy.

"It must be." Ito said as he quickly took out a space ring and placed it on the jade plate held by a maid in front of him. Seeing the space ring being taken away, he sat down with some pain and some relaxation, but thought He felt a terrible headache with the murderous glances of other power leaders.

"Xue Daoyou, it's your turn, it's your turn." Chu Feng said lightly.

"I also have a billion catties of Void Stone." said the quasi-sage-level expert next to Ito. He originally estimated that one or two billion catties of Void Stone would be enough, but he didn't expect Ito to report 1 billion catties directly by Chu Feng. , In this way, it is absolutely impossible for him to be less than one billion catties, otherwise it would be strange that Shenchucheng didn't look for trouble.

Losing money and eliminating calamities, this is the idea in the hearts of the strong people here now, there is no way, who made them so strong before they provoked Shenchu ​​City.

Arranging a spy is not a big sin, but if it is discovered and the spy's power is still very powerful, then the spy's power is guilty.

"Yinfengzong is one billion, and Xue Daoyou is also one billion... Ming Shao, it seems that Xue Daoyou's Black Cloud Sect is stronger than Yinfengzong." Zhou Wendao.

"It's a lot stronger." Tang Ming glanced at the strong man surnamed Xue and said faintly, "Daoyou Xue, do you want to add a little bit? If only you are the least sincere, I think some people in Shenchu ​​City will treat you with scorn Yunzong has some opinions. Of course, I don't have many opinions."

"Neither did I, hehe, hehehe!" Zhou Wen said no, but his expression, you don't care, I won't bother you when the time comes.

Poor student Xue, how dare he not be threatened by Tang Ming and Zhou Wen?

"City Lord Chu, I'll give out 1.1 billion!" Poor Student Xue gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice. He can still afford the 1.1 billion. For the 100 million, it won't be worth the trouble.

Chu Feng nodded slightly; "1.1 billion, it's quite sincere, next one."

"City Lord Chu, I will give out 1.2 billion!"

"I give out 1.4 billion!"

"1.5 billion!"

Each force went down, basically adding 100 million catties of Void Stone. Seeing those maids put their space rings in front of Chu Feng, the faces of the powerful men sitting at the back were very ugly. Come on, if it's their turn, it will cost 30 billion catties of void stone, and this price is not much less than that of Tian Yuanzong!

Lion Sozzaro and Leng Yue both raised their hearts. After a few minutes, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there was a power that did not increase the price. Although that power was strong, there were not many Void Stones, so it was just out. A parity, with a leader, although many people behind still dare not pay parity, there are always some people who do not increase the price and pay parity. If you go down one by one, you will need two hundred void stones at the end. Three or four billion, which is a lot less than 30 billion.

"24.5 billion. City Lord Chu, we have paid the sponsorship fee, can we leave?" A quasi-sage powerhouse sitting next to Cao Xing placed a spatial ring on the jade plate held by the maid in front of him. He said in a deep voice, and then sat down here, he was afraid that he would die of anger!

Chu Feng chuckled: "Everyone, thank you for your sponsorship. I hope we can all live together peacefully in the future. As long as other forces don’t trouble me, God’s Beginning City will generally not trouble other forces. If there are any forces looking for trouble, I welcome it!"

"By the way, I don't like some forces uniting against my Shenchucheng. If you find out, then don't blame my Shenchucheng for being rude. Perhaps, my Godchucheng will perform a beheading action!"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, many of those power leaders were shocked in their hearts, beheading actions, if executed, would they be the ones who beheaded?

With the strength of several tenth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouses in the city of God, if they execute the beheading action, whether they can escape, this is really a question.

"City Master Chu, we remember that today, City Master Chu, look at this wine, didn't you just drink it here?" It was a quasi-sage-level expert next to Cao Xing who spoke.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "You can leave if you have something to do. If you have nothing to do, you can stay and have a drink. This wine is good."

"City Lord Chu, there are still things in the clan, I'll leave first!"

"City Lord Chu, I'm sorry, I will drink again next time I have time!"

"City Lord Chu"

No power leader chose to stay. In a short period of time, more than three hundred power leaders disappeared cleanly. In the entire Shenchu ​​Temple, there were only some strong people from Shenchu ​​City.


There were bursts of laughter after bursts of laughter from the Temple of God, "Boss, if I didn't make a mistake, I got 37,62 billion catties of void stones in total, right?" Zhou Wen laughed.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. With such a small number, Zhou Wen could not make a mistake. Thirty-seven thousand two hundred and sixty-two billion catties of Void Stone, so much in just a short time!

This is the benefit of being powerful. If he hadn't possessed a power like God Chucheng, then even if he had a holy prison, he would definitely not be able to get so many void stones in such a short time!

Over 37,000 billion catties of Void Stones, this time the harvest exceeded Chu Feng’s estimate. He originally estimated that the income of two trillion catties of Void Stones would be good, but he almost got two taels. Trillions. It was estimated that one trillion was spent on repairing the city, but now they have more than 37 trillion jin of void stones. It is no problem to repair four cities like the ones previously predicted!

"City Lord, you said earlier that our God Chu City would spend one trillion catties of void stones to build a city. Is this true or false?" asked an eighth-level quasi-sage-level expert.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "This is true. I was planning to spend one trillion to build a super city before. If I don't do this, then I will find everyone to raise funds, but now it won't be necessary, but everyone will It’s not easy to build a super city!"

Tang Ming smiled and said: "The boss prepares all of us in Shenchu ​​City to spend one to two hundred years to build such a super city. Everything in the super city must be top-notch! If such a city is established, we will The strength of the city will be further improved!"

"Really, it is actually true."

"One trillion, that is one trillion catties of void stone, not one trillion catties of the best spar!"

"We have so many powerful people in the city of God, built in one or two hundred years, how terrifying the city will be built by then"

"If it is built, it will probably become an indestructible city, many times stronger than the defenses of Shenchu ​​City!"

Chu Feng pressed his hand, and the excited experts in the hall quieted down. Chu Feng poured himself a glass of wine and lifted it up: "Everyone, we have a toast to the future of Shenchu ​​City!"

"To the City Lord!"

The strong people in Shenchu ​​City said in unison, Chu Feng and the strong people all drank the wine in the cup. "Ming Shao, Wen Shao, Han Xiang and Tang Wan are still practicing on the side of Shenchu ​​City, so you should not go to the side of Tianyuan, you stay in Shenchu ​​City, brother Qin Jian, you also stay, you guard the gods Chucheng, a new city will be established, but Shenchu ​​City is our root, and there can be no problems with Shenchu ​​City." Chu Feng said.

If Chu Feng and the others returned from the Ordinary Realm to the God Realm, it must be infinite, and in order to reach the Ordinary Realm, they must also reach infinity. Infinity is very important to Chu Feng and the others. Therefore, in the infinite God Chu City, for Chu Feng and them It is also very important!

On the other hand, Shenchu ​​City has a flower in the blood, which is good as a strong stronghold in Shenchu ​​City.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen thought about going to Tianyuan's side, but Han Xiang and the others were here. Indeed, they couldn't leave for too long.

"Well, boss, then we will stay in Shenchu ​​City. Brother Qin Jian guards Shenchu ​​City. I believe there will be no problems with Shenchu ​​City." Tang Ming said.

"Boss, you have to come back and see us more if you are fine." Zhou Wen smiled. Chu Feng chuckled: "You can't stay in Tianyuan for a long time. It's okay to go there once in a while, so you can't come over by yourself. Okay, you go and choose some people to stay behind. After you choose people, I will take them. set off!"

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