Holy Prison

Chapter 1510: condition

Ling Yue was shocked. She didn't expect Chu Feng to know the strength of the temple so clearly, and she also knew that the purpose of her coming this time was Void Stone.

"City Lord Chu, it's good to be strong. I didn't expect that my temple is hidden so deeply, and City Master Chu also knows the strength of my temple more clearly. Regarding this, I hope that City Master Chu will try not to let others know, Ling Yue is grateful. Endless." Ling Yue said as she stood up and saluted Chu Feng again.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "It doesn't have to be like that, sit down, I don't have such a big mouth. The temple conceals a reason to conceal it and exposes the strength of the temple. This is not good for me!"

Ling Yue sat up again, "City Master Chu, it seems that City Master Chu knows more than I thought, so Ling Yue just said that my temple needs 200 billion catties of void stones. Of course, if there are more, then Naturally better!"

"Two hundred billion...This is not a small amount." Chu Feng said flatly, "Deputy Team Leader Ling Yue, I don't know what price the temple is willing to pay?"

"City Lord Chu, I know that 200 billion catties of void stones are not a small amount, but it shouldn't be a big problem for today's Shenchu ​​City." Ling Yue frowned slightly, "City Master Chu, you should know my temple Lord is a saint-level powerhouse, 200 billion befriends a saint-level powerhouse, don’t you think it’s worth it?”

"Ha ha!"

Chu Feng chuckles and said, "Vice Leader Ling Yue, the role of the Void Stone should be to help the saints in the lower realm? I have some news about the Void Stone. It must be not only your Lord, this saint knows, there must be something else. The saint knows that if there is no benefit, just a vernacular, it is difficult for me to hand over 200 billion catties of void stones. This is really not a small amount, even if it is a relatively powerful artifact, it is estimated that it is not worth 200 billion Jin Void Stone!"

"City Lord Chu, got 200 billion catties of Void Stone. This is a task I want to complete. I can't promise you anything on behalf of the Lord, I can only represent myself." Ling Yue took a deep breath and said, "City Lord Chu , I know that 200 billion catties of Void Stone is not a small amount, but it is worth it to be used to make a good temple!"

"If City Lord Chu feels that such a vernacular sentence is not worthwhile, how about adding me?"

Chu Feng raised his brows: "I don't quite understand what Deputy Team Leader Ling Yue means." "City Master Chu, my appearance is okay, and...I'm still a virgin, how can City Master Chu not dislike it?"

Ling Yue was interrupted by Chu Feng before she spoke. "Deputy Team Leader Ling Yue, I didn't mean to insult you, but your virgin body is not worth that price. Even if it is a weak virgin. Saint, it’s not worth two hundred billion catties of void stone!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Moreover, if I find a woman, I won’t be able to use such a method!" Ling Yue showed an ugly expression on her face, in her identity. His status, appearance, strength, and strength, have been refused even if he didn't take the initiative to send it to the door. "City Lord Chu, what do you mean, you don't want to get 200 billion catties of void stone?" Ling Yue said coldly, her tone of voice suddenly changed a lot.

"No... I don't like empty words, I like equal exchanges! Deputy Team Leader Ling Yue, you may be able to contact your master, if your master is willing to do me a favor, don't say two hundred billion catties of void Stone, even 500 billion catties of void stone is not a problem." Chu Feng said.

"What's busy?" Ling Yue took a deep breath.

Chu Feng said coldly: "You may know about my wife Feng Bingning. Before, Shenzong Guangming caught her and sacrificed her soul. A part of her heroic soul was obtained by a saint. Now that part of heroic soul has not returned. Know who that saint is!"

"If your Lord can find this and tell me who that person is, then I can pay 500 billion catties of Void Stone, and it will be very pleasant to get along with the temple in Shenchu ​​City!"

Ling Yue frowned, "City Lord Chu, I can't give you an answer for the time being, I need to report this question to the above!"

"Well, come and find me again when the results are available. It's better to be quicker, because then there will be other saints who will find me, and the Void Stones I have are limited, you know. I will soon Leaving Shenchu ​​City, next time you find me, come to Tianyuan!" Chu Feng said.

Ling Yue stood up as she talked. She still had some understanding of Chu Feng’s character. Since Chu Feng had set the conditions, it would be useless to talk about it. With some empty words, it would definitely not be possible for Chu Feng to give some empty stones. Out!

"see a visitor out!"

Chu Feng said, the housekeeper who had left before quickly appeared in front of Chu Feng and Ling Yue and sent Ling Yue out of Chu Mansion. "Boss, I have chosen a good person... Who is the beauty just now? She seems to be very strong." Tang Ming said, Ling Yue had just left Chu Mansion and they came to Chu Feng.

"Another powerful man, a quasi-sage of the eighth rank." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "have you picked a good person? Now that you are good, then I will take the person away!"

"Well, with Brother Qin Jian's tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse and those flowers in the blood, Shenchu ​​City is still well guarded." Tang Ming smiled.

"Boss, when you get to the Tianyuanzong side, don’t make a fool of yourself, or be careful of your sister-in-law and they will teach you hey, although your strength is strong, you may not be able to beat the sister-in-law of Yilian and the sister-in-law of Feiying. If they unite If you do, you only have to kneel on the washboard." Zhou Wen laughed.

Chu Feng curled his lip: "Fatty, go three and four, you mean you are yourself? Okay, let's not talk to you, I will quickly take people to the side of Detianyuan to start building the city. Although we are God Chucheng Strong, but there must be a sense of crisis. When that time is completed, the city will be much safer!"

"Boss, then we won't give it away, be careful."

"You are the same."

In a simple way, Chu Feng took away most of the people in Shenchu ​​City, and the strong people who joined Shenchu ​​City were basically all taken away by Chu Feng, and there were also most of the strong people in Shenchu ​​City before. Being taken away by him, there are only a few dozen quasi-sage-level powerhouses in God Chu City, not many, but the strength is not weak!

"Group leader, this is what City Master Chu requested. You should also know about his temper and group leader. Since the conditions are set," Ling Yue said.

Bresgeder frowned slightly: "Ling Yue, are you sure that you have done your best?" Ling Yue's expression turned into a solemn voice: "Group leader, my body, Chu Feng can't look down on this one! Impress Chu Feng, I have nothing else to impress Chu Feng. He has more money than me; Quan, he is the lord of Shenchu ​​City; reputation, as the lord of Shenchu ​​City, his reputation is much higher than mine ; As for the treasures, he must have more treasures than mine."

"Hu Chufeng is indeed a difficult person to deal with. Okay, since you have tried your best, then I will report this to the Lord. Go to Tianyuan and wait for the Lord's order." Bresgdel said and disappeared instantly. not see. Tianyuan.

Passing through the void passage, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to reach Tianyuan from the infinite side.

"Have you heard that Tianyuanzong has withdrawn. Some people followed the Tianyuanzong master Cao Xing and left Tianyuan, and some people left Tianyuanzong directly."

"Naturally I heard about it. How could I have not heard of such a thing? Tianyuanzong provokes Shenchu ​​City. Now that Shenchu ​​City is so powerful, it is a matter of course that Tianyuanzong is unlucky. Before Sect Master Cao left, Tianyuanzong was so angry. The place was burned to white ground by the flames he released!"

"The Tianyuanzong is over. It was originally a superpower, but now it's not even a superpower."

"Not only the Tianyuanzong, the other forces are not superpowers. I think the only superpower now is the city of Shenchu. With the Tianyuanzong, some forces are considered first-class forces. For example, the strength of the Yuanzong is much weaker today. A relatively strong second-rate force, if there are strong ones to leave, then it is just a general second-rate force, and it is possible to drop to a third-rate force at that time."

"It's reasonable. Now that there is God's Beginning City, other forces can't really be said to be super forces!"

As soon as he arrived in Tianyuan, Chu Feng heard a lot of people talking about it. Now, in Tianyuan, the most talked about is Shenchu ​​City. Tianyuanzong is also a lot of people talking about Shenchu ​​City. Most people talk about Shenchu ​​City. The people of's are respectful, and when it comes to Tianyuanzong, most of them are a little gloating!

"Chu Feng, the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will blow it." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Shenchu ​​City is too popular today!"

Chu Feng said in his mind as he walked forward: "Well, but there is no way. Shenchu ​​City must be strong, and if it is strong, it will definitely attract countless eyes! Wood Xiu Yu Lin Feng will definitely Blow it, but if the tree that is beautiful in the forest is strong enough, it will not be blown off by the wind!"

Communicating with Miao Xian'er, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to get to the headquarters before Tian Yuanzong. Now it really became a piece of white ground, and everything was burned out in the fire!

"It doesn't matter if I burn it, it saves me having to do it myself." Chu Feng muttered authentically.

This place has become like this, but Chu Feng is still willing to choose this place as the location for the establishment of the New God Chu City. Before Tian Yuanzong's strength was so strong, he chose this place, which shows that this is indeed a good place. If Yuanzong withdrew today, here The things on the ground were burned clean, but Cao Xing still did not dare to destroy the environment here. The energy channels here have no effect. The aura is as abundant as before, and it does not affect Chu Feng’s city construction at all. .

When the wind rose, Chu Feng's thoughts instantly moved countless strong people from the Divine Beginning City appeared outside the Holy Prison Space. In a short period of time, more than one billion yuan was collected by Chu Feng from the Holy Prison Space and all left the Holy Prison Space!

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