Holy Prison

Chapter 1517: Pangu problem

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid yet. This kind of cultivation has gone to the end-time universe." Chu Feng said in his mind, "Miao Xian'er, Qin Ying is already a god-level cultivation, her cross I have been fused for so many years, and I don’t know if you attack the Indestructible Saint, can you kill the Indestructible Saint?”

The Treasure of the Last Days contains the power of destroying the world, and that power can kill even an indestructible powerhouse, but Chu Feng doesn't know if Qin Ying has that kind of ability now. After all, she is only the power of the elementary gods, and It is not too long to get that cross!

"It's hard to tell." Miao Xian'er said, "She can't take the initiative to exert the world-destroying power of the cross. You can only look at luck. Good luck. If you use the cross to kill Satan in the gods, Satan will die , Bad luck, and the power of destruction does not appear, Satan is very likely to be resurrected!"

"Luck" Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart. He asked himself that he had good luck, but Satan has cultivated all the way to the immortal level, and that luck is not covered.

Ten days passed quickly, and Feng Bingning took over as the patriarch of the Feng clan as scheduled. With Chu Feng sitting on this side, everything went smoothly.

"Sister-in-law, congratulations!"

"Boss, do you have to punish yourself for a drink? For such a major event as the patriarch of the Feng clan, your sister-in-law didn't even call us or send us an invitation."

When the excitement passed, Chu Feng Feng Bingning and Tang Ming Zhouwen gathered together to eat and drink. Compared to the large number of people who came to congratulate the noisy and noisy, they liked this kind of gathering more.

"Are you outsiders...not outsiders, I will send you a fart invitation." Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "Isn't this coming here?"

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming rolled their eyes together. "Ah, boss, to be serious, a little while ago, there was a little problem." Tang Ming said.

"Xiao Mingzi, there is no need to talk about that little question, right?" Zhou Wen said.

Tang Ming waved his hand: "Fatty, don’t tell me. Although the problem is small, if it happens at a critical time, it is a big problem! Boss, this is the case. Fatty and I have a lot of free time, in order to adapt to the strength after borrowing power. So we will use our strength to compete every time."

"Some time ago, when we borrowed the strength to compete, the fat man did not immediately borrow the strength to succeed, and after half an hour passed, the borrowing succeeded again."

Zhou Wen smiled and said, "Xiao Mingzi, you are making a big fuss. Our borrowing of power will have a certain impact on Master and them. At that time, maybe Master cannot borrow power because of something."

Tang Ming frowned and said, "It doesn't always feel so good. We have not borrowed power a hundred times or 80 times. That is the first time such a problem has occurred. Boss, do you think this is normal?"

Chu Feng and Feng Bingning were calm on the surface, but at this time there was a big wave in their hearts, and Pangu's power could not be borrowed. This might not be just a small matter as Zhou Wen said.

"Feng, will Master Pan?" Feng Bingning said in a voice transmission, she meant, would Pangu have been parasitized! "There is such a possibility." Chu Feng said that there was no such problem before. It is estimated that Pangu had not regained consciousness. Later when Zhou Wen borrowed his power, perhaps Pangu had already regained consciousness.

Having awakened, if Pangu controlled not to borrow power, Zhou Wen would naturally not be able to borrow power here. Later, if he continued to borrow power, perhaps Pangu thought it would be nice to have such an apprentice!

"The possibility of being parasitized is at least 30%, and it is also possible that, as Zhou Wen said, the Pan master was having something at that time." Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen smiled and said, "Boss, you are not like Xiao Mingzi, do you think there is any problem with this?" "Fatty, when is this?" Chu Feng asked.

"Two months ago." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng frowned secretly. Two months have passed. Looking at Tang Ming and the others, Pangu did not contact Zhou Wen, an apprentice during this period.

"Pangu has woken up 100% without contacting Fatty, Miao Xian'er, you can calculate it." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Didn't you have the result of the calculation yourself, Chu Feng, your 30% is a little conservative, and the possibility of Pangu being parasitized is estimated to have reached 50%!" Miao Xianer said.

"Fifty percent" Chu Feng smiled secretly. He had calculated this result himself, but told Feng Bingning that he was only saying 30%, "Miao Xian'er, the holy prison must be upgraded as soon as possible!"

"Xiao Mingzi, maybe you are really suspicious." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Pan master is estimated to have woken up. After waking up, he is not like before, the power can be used by the fat man at any time. Fatty, you will use less pan master in the future. If you borrow the power of the Pan master, it will have a great impact on the Pan master. If the Pan master is fighting with the enemy, you may lose the Pan master as soon as you borrow the power!"

"I know, I won't borrow the power of the master again when I am less than a last resort, but don't really affect the master." Zhou Wendao.

Hearing what Zhou Wen said, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Pangu is parasitized, it would be good for Zhou Wen to borrow some of his power. Don't be controlled by Pangu!

To guard Han Xiang and the others, Tang Ming and the others went back soon. "Feng, these few days have been busy, you haven't told me what you talked with Feng Chen ancestor." Feng Bing said condensedly.

Chu Feng's thoughts and Feng Bingning both entered the holy prison space. "There are some things about the Holy Realm. The person who harmed you is Satan, the second-order indestructible powerhouse!" Chu Feng said. He didn't plan to tell Feng Bingning before, but Chu Feng has done it in the past few days. I figured it out, Feng Bingning is not someone who can't bear the blow, and more importantly, has the resurrection star, even if the worst result occurs, Feng Bingning and Chu Han can use the resurrection star!

"Second-tier immortal-level powerhouse!" Feng Bingning's expression changed slightly, and the strength of such a powerhouse was not known how much stronger than they are today! "Husband, should Satan be parasitized? What about ancestor Feng Chen? Do you think ancestor Feng Chen was parasitic?"

Chu Feng embraced Feng Bingning and sat down: "In all likelihood, Satan is parasitized. As for Senior Fengchen, it is impossible to be sure. 80% of the time she was not parasitized, but I can't take the risk and didn't tell her about parasitism. With her strength, if she investigates, she may be able to find out something. Now that the powerhouses in the abyss have an absolute upper hand, they are no longer as careful as before!"

"I didn't say it was right. Now you can't let those parasitized saints know that you already know the news, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Husband, what are your plans next?"

Chu Feng said: "As long as they don’t make trouble, I’m not interested in dealing with the forces above the Emperor. Next, the first important thing is the upgrade of the holy prison. Xian'er speeds up a little bit, and strives for five to six hundred years to upgrade the holy prison!

"The second important thing is the establishment of the new Shenchu ​​City. There are many strong people in the Shenchu ​​City responsible for this, but I don't need to worry about it."

"The third more important thing is to collect the fragments from the base level of the Tongtian Tower. I move around and collect it more slowly. Now the strength of Shenchu ​​City is stronger, and I am going to send out a notice directly! In this case, if the fragment is obtained, it will be sent to The chance of coming to Shenchu ​​City is still not small!"

"The fourth thing is the promotion of Infinite Divine Art. There are not many problems in this regard. I have advanced to Infinite Divine Art at the elementary level of respecting gods. I believe that many people above the Emperor will not refuse this kind of exercise!"

Feng Bing condensed said: "It's about going to the land demon and the heavenly immortal sea passage." Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "The sacrifice is high. Now the sea area between the three giants is too dangerous, and the strength of the spirit dragon is fast. During the improvement, when the strength of Linglong has been further improved, I will try it!"

"Feng, it would be great if we could solve the abyss aspect soon." Feng Bingning put her head on Chu Feng's shoulder and said quietly. "It will be solved, isn't there one universe? If the abyss aspect is solved, how about I find a way to take you to other universes to play?" Chu Feng laughed.

"No regrets!"

"rest assured!"

Chu Feng and the others said and laughed. It seems that the abyss aspect can be solved in a short time, but God knows how long it will take to solve the abyss aspect problem. Perhaps, it is not that they solve the abyss aspect problem in the end, but the parasitic ones. The abyss powerhouse will solve them!

Two years passed in a blink of an eye. For two years, Chu Feng spent most of his time in the Holy Prison Space. When he was not in the Holy Prison Space, he was basically on the side of the New God Chu City. On the Chucheng side, all the strong guys are doing everything in full swing, but only one percent of the total project has been completed in two years. If everything goes well, it will take about two hundred years to complete.

On the Phoenix Ridge side, Chu Feng has been here several times in the past two years. Since Feng Bingning became the patriarch of the Feng Clan, the Phoenix Ridge side has changed a lot. The Feng Clan’s prestige has slowly gone down. The prestige of the Feng clan on the side of Phoenix Mountain slowly increased. Naturally, the prestige of the patriarch Feng Bingning in the Feng clan was also getting higher and higher.

"Sister Man!"

In Phoenix Ridge, there is a trace of worry in Feng Bingning's hand holding Feng Man. Tomorrow is the day Fengman crosses the calamity. Successfully crossed the calamity and achieved the honor of the saint. If the crossed the calamity failed, it will be wiped out!

Feng Man lightly patted the back of Feng Bingning's hand with the other hand and smiled and said, "Bing Ning, it's okay, I was a little worried about the Feng Clan before, but now I don't worry about it anymore, even if I die under the holy robbery, there is nothing wrong. Maybe I accidentally became a saint haha!"

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