Holy Prison

Chapter 1519: Lucky Fengman

"I hope she succeeds in crossing the Tribulation... Husband, if she succeeds in crossing the Tribulation, will she be parasitized as soon as she reaches the Holy Realm?" Feng Bingning said with some worry.

Chu Feng shook his head imperceptibly, "It should not be possible. Parasiticism should not be completed in a short time. Fengman's talent is not particularly high, and he will not be appreciated by some powerful abyss experts, and now it is amazing. Most of the abyssal powerhouses have finished parasitizing. Those who are not very strong in the abyssal powerhouse, it should not be easy to parasite Fengman!"

Chu Feng and the others are chatting here, Fengman’s second holy thunder catastrophe has already fallen with terrible power, the first holy thunder catastrophe is an ordinary thunder and lightning image, this second holy thunder catastrophe is turned into A huge icicle!

The icicles are thousands of meters high and tens of meters in diameter, like a mountain falling towards Fengman.


Fengman made a sound in her mouth. In an instant, she was already transformed into a body. Her body was a fire phoenix. The huge fire phoenix was not much smaller than the icicle. As soon as it appeared thick, Chu Feng and the others immediately felt the surrounding temperature. It is dozens of degrees higher!

The falling speed of the icicles was not fast, and flames were spit out from the mouth of the fire phoenix, and the flames burned onto the icicles to make the icicles evaporate continuously, but Chu Feng and the others could see that before the icicles fell. , The fire phoenix couldn't completely melt the icicle.

"Why doesn't Daoist Fengman flash a bit? If she hides for a while, then slowly burn it, she can definitely burn the icicle completely, and this disaster is over." Tao, he suddenly found that many people around him looked at him with foolish eyes.

"Well, everyone, is there anything wrong with what I said?" The god-level powerhouse said in a puzzled manner. "Friends, the holy robbery cannot be dodged, and you can’t hide! If you lie down, the speed of the falling icicles will increase many times in an instant, and you can hit him immediately. . "Another god-level powerhouse said.

"Uh, it turned out to be like this. I was in retreat before, and I just left the customs. I don't understand this." The god-level powerhouse said embarrassedly.

No one looked at that god-level powerhouse anymore, because at this time the icicle had already touched the huge fire phoenix, "Hey!" Many people took a breath of cold air on the huge icicle. At the moment of encountering the fire phoenix, a layer of ice appeared on the surface of the huge fire phoenix!

The icicle disappeared, and the huge fire phoenix was directly sealed by ice. On the surface of the fire phoenix, there was an ice layer several meters thick at this time. Through the ice layer, Chu Feng and the others could clearly see the fire. The horror in Phoenix's eyes, the horrified eyes were also frozen in there at this time!

"What a great ice!"

"The temperature on the surface of the fire phoenix body of Fellow Daoist Fengman's body is extremely high, and it was frozen in an instant. It is terrifying!"

"The expression in Fire Phoenix's eyes hasn't changed a bit, is it possible that fellow Taoist Fengman has failed to overcome the catastrophe?"

Many people talked about it. Zhou Wen frowned and said, "Boss, Fengman shouldn't fail yet, right?" "Not yet. Although she was frozen, her breath of life has not disappeared. If she fails, it is already When the ash and ice smoke is gone, where will it be like this?" Chu Feng said.

As time passed a little bit, Feng Bingning's eyes lit up slightly and said, "Feng, I feel the flow of the Phoenix Divine Veins within Sister Man's body. The Phoenix Divine Vessels are clearing the cold from Sister Man's body!"

"A strong bloodline really benefits a lot." Tang Ming said with a light smile. In the God Realm, under normal circumstances, the strength of the same cultivation level is not much different, but if the bloodline is strong, sometimes it is beneficial, such as Fengman. In today's situation, if it is someone who has a great perfection of the gods, then it is frozen like this, maybe it will be frozen to death!

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "We don't have a strong bloodline. It seems that we can only make ourselves stronger and improve our own bloodline, and then let our juniors enjoy the benefits of a strong bloodline!"


Some strong screamed authentically, Feng Man's body did not move at this time, but her eyes had changed a little, and the color of horror disappeared and turned into plain!

After some time passed, the feathers on the surface of the huge fire phoenix seemed to become more fiery red. Around the fire phoenix, the ice was slowly being refined and the thickness of the ice continued to decrease!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Five minutes passed, "Chang!" A sharp scream sounded, and the last ice trapped the fire phoenix instantly turned into nothingness, and flames were re-emerged on the fire phoenix!

"Two layers of thunder robbed!"

Feng Bingning's heart loosened. If there was only one thunder tribulation, then Fengman's hope of passing through the sacred tribulation was still relatively high, and Feng Bingning silently prayed to Feng Man at this time.

"How is this going."

"Oh my god, what's going on, how did Lei Jie disperse."

When many people were thinking about how powerful Fengman's third thunder calamity would be, the colorful clouds that filled the sky above Fengman's head suddenly calmed down without the terrifying power of the robbery cloud.


Zhou Wen said with wide eyes. "It's indeed passed." Tang Ming nodded. At this time, most of the rest of the people knew what had happened. After that, Fengman's thunder robbery passed!

It was just two thunder tribulations that actually passed. Not only was the people around me a little surprised, even Feng Man felt very surprised at this time. Her character seemed very good.

Saint Thunder Tribulation is generally four or five, and only if luck is very good is below four. Only two Saint Thunder Tribulations can overcome the catastrophe, which is definitely considered as lucky!

After passing through two holy thunder tribulations, such a person may have a little weaker strength after becoming holy, but it does not matter. As long as they successfully overcome the tribulation, they can fully improve their strength by then!

"This is a success"

Feng Man turned into a human form and looked at the sky blankly. She didn't have much hope of becoming a holy person. Now that she has passed the holy calamity so easily, it means that she will soon become a true saint!

"This luck is so good!!"

"If I have such luck and only have two holy thunder calamities, maybe I can also cross the calamity and become a saint!"

The envy in the hearts of the people around, some people suddenly gained a lot of confidence in crossing the robbery and becoming a holy, but they will know when the time comes, not everyone has such good luck!

"Sister Man, congratulations!" Feng Bingning said loudly.

"Old patriarch, congratulations on passing through the holy calamity!" Many people of the Feng clan here can't help but say, Fengman has survived the holy calamity, then the Feng clan will have an extra saint-level powerhouse!

Feng Man smiled slightly, and bursts of light burst into Feng Man's body from among the colorful clouds in the sky. After absorbing the rays of light, Feng Man's body flew involuntarily.

"Everyone, I am waiting for you in the holy realm!" Fengman's voice sounded, and she flew above the colorful clouds. The gathering of the colorful clouds made Chu Feng no longer see Fengman. When the colorful clouds dissipated, Fengman had already disappeared. In the sky.

"Sanctified, I actually saw a person become a saint with my own eyes!"

"It's just two Holy Thunder Tribulations. It's really good luck. The achievement of a saint is largely related to luck. If Fengman Taoist fellow, no, Senior Fengman's Holy Thunder Tribulation can't be so easily. Become a saint."

"The saints are all ants. Senior Fengman has already got rid of the fate of ants. When can I get rid of the fate of ants?"

Quite a few people were talking about it, and Chu Feng was not interested in listening to them. With a move of thought, Feng Bingning and Tang Ming and others left Fengman's Tribulation Land in an instant.

"Boss, do you also pay attention to a person's character in this robbery? With good character and less robbery, this robbery is very easy!" Zhou Wen said. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "It is true that you talk about character, but you probably don't have such a character. Two robberies, there may not necessarily be one out of hundreds of people in this situation!"

Zhou Wen laughed and said: "I don't want two thunders, three thunders, I'm very satisfied with the three thunders. I will improve my cultivation base a little bit. If I can reach the Quasi-Saint level, then the three thunders should be dead. under pressure."

"You, you will have nine thunder tribulations at that time." Tang Ming smiled. "Bah baah baah, Xiao Mingzi, you can't talk nonsense, boss nine thunder tribulations, my small body, how can I stand the nine thunder tribulations." Zhou Wen quickly said, "if you want to, you can Dao Lei Jie is also OK!"

"Nine Thunder Tribulation, if that's the case, it would be too miserable." Meng Hao smiled, "It seems that in the past few hundred years, Human Sovereign has not seen such a bad luck."

Jitian Liao smiled lightly: "The premise for ushering in the nine thunder tribulations is to survive the eight thunder tribulations. The holy thunder tribulation is so terrifying, few people can survive the eight thunder tribulations at all!"

Fengman succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, and Chu Feng and the others were chatting happily. Inside a holy mountain in the Holy Realm, Feng Man looked at the person in front of him, and the person in front of him seemed a little familiar.

"Girl Fengman, don't you recognize me?" Feng Chen said with a light smile.

"You Fengman see the ancestors!" Feng Man finally remembered who the person in front of him was. Although it was not very similar to the figure transformed by the flames of Feng Chen's lower realm, Feng Chen's voice was still the same. "Get up." Feng Chen waved his hand. With her strength, Feng Man was only half kneeling and couldn't kneel down anymore.

"Old ancestor, why did I appear here?" Feng Man couldn't hold on to her knees, and stood up straight and asked.

Feng Chen said with a chuckle: "It was I who led you to appear here. If I did not guide you, you would appear randomly in the Holy Realm. That would be more dangerous. We all have the same bloodline, based on my cultivation. , It’s relatively easy to guide you to appear here. Okay, let’s not talk about it. You should practice quickly. You should have received some information from heaven and earth in your mind, and practice quickly to condense your holy Come on, Shengge is condensed, you are truly a saint!"

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