Holy Prison

Chapter 1521: Duan San's message

Bresgeder was confused, and so was Chu Feng. When Bresgeder returned to Tianyuan to talk to Ling Yue, Chu Feng monitored their conversation.

"Strange, what the **** did the Holy Hall Master want to do?" Chu Feng secretly asked, in such a situation at that time, it shouldn't be the case that Bresgdel would be sent without a solution, and Bresgdel also heard the Lord There was a muffled sound, and that sound seemed to be hurt by Lord Bresgdel.

"Miao Xian'er, you come to analyze the board." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er hummed softly: "You haven't analyzed anything, what can I analyze? With your ability, everything that should be analyzed should be analyzed."

"Three heads have competed with Zhuge Liang and heard about it. Everyone’s analysis is subjective. If there are more conditions, there will not be much difference in the results of the division. In a situation like this, different The results of human analysis may be very different." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Maybe the master, there is a problem with the control. Didn't you judge it, it is very likely that he has absorbed a ray of remnant thoughts like Monkey King and the others, and then is controlled by the saints of the holy world? A ray of remnant thought, after so many years, perhaps an independent personality has developed, or perhaps the saints of the holy world have not completely controlled it."

"When I heard Bresgdel's news, I was passionate, and there was a little problem with control, so he could only immediately drop that sentence to suppress the rebellion."

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Are you still guessing that the master of the temple is actually an acquaintance of mine and has a good relationship with me, so I resisted fiercely when I heard that?"

"It's not impossible!" Miao Xian'er smiled. Chu Feng rolled his eyes. This may indeed be true, but the possibility is too low.

Ten days later.

"City Lord Chu, the Lord asked me to send it here. Shenchu ​​City and the Holy Hall well do not violate the river water. I hope that City Master Chu can do this." Ling Yue said, she said that an ordinary spatial ring appeared. The stone table in front of him then moved to Chu Feng.

"Your Patriarch, give me something?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised to say that his divine consciousness penetrated into the space ring in front of him. He knew that the temple master would not be psychologically prepared for something too bad, but the divine consciousness penetrated into Chu Feng's face still showing excitement. The color.

The blood-colored shard, a blood-colored shard in the space ring, this thing Chu Feng also owns, it is the control jade talisman fragment at the base of the Tongtian Tower!

Chu Feng has been searching for the jade talisman fragments at the base level of the Tongtian Tower, but he has not found a piece of it. The first two years let Shenchu ​​City send out a message, but he did not control the jade talisman fragments to be sent over. Chu Feng really did not expect it. , The temple actually sent him a piece of control jade talisman fragment!

Moreover, this control jade talisman fragment is obviously much larger than the control jade talisman fragment he got. If the three control jade talisman fragments add up, it is estimated that it is equivalent to half of the entire control jade talisman!

"City Lord Chu, Shen Chu City is looking for this thing, presumably this thing can enable City Lord Chu to agree to my temple's request." Ling Yue said. "Well water does not offend the river water, well, for the sake of this thing, I agreed. Deputy Team Leader Ling Yue, I don't know what your leader means, why suddenly changed his attitude?" Chu Feng asked.

Ling Yue shook her head slightly: "City Lord Chu, with your supernatural powers, you should know about the Lord's affairs. What I know is quite limited. Perhaps the Lord Chu knows more about the Holy Hall than I do! City Lord Chu, about Your wife, Feng Bingning, is named Satan, the saint who got her heroic spirit, strength, immortal!

Speaking of this, Ling Yue stood up: "City Lord Chu, you should have received the following news from other sources, so you don't need your Void Stone, and say goodbye."

"Good to go!"

Chu Feng said that Ling Yue disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. "Miao Xian'er, this thing is really weird. The Holy Hall Master actually sent me this control jade talisman fragment. Doesn't he know how precious this thing is?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"It is possible that there are many people who know the Tower of Tongtian, but very few people know that it is the jade talisman controlled by the Tower of Tongtian. !" Miao Xianer said.

Putting away the spatial ring, Chu Feng temporarily suppressed his doubts about the sanctuary. Since the sanctuary gave such a thing, saying that the well water does not violate the river water, the possibility of conflict with God Chu City in a short time is extremely small. , Now the most important thing is to arrest people, and then the Holy Prison will be upgraded again sooner!

"Ouye, is everything going well?" Coming down from the mountain, Chu Feng went to the construction site of Xinshenchucheng, where more than one billion strong people are working day and night.

Ou Yeyun respectfully said: "City Lord, everything is going well. Everyone works very hard. Every day there are many people here and sell some materials to my Shenchu ​​City. There is no need to worry about the materials, but the consumption is quite large. It is estimated that more than two trillion catties of Void Stone will be completed by that time."

"Don't worry, it won't exceed two trillion. As long as there is no waste, even if it exceeds it, it doesn't matter much." Chu Feng laughed. Every saint needs a void stone in the lower realm. The void stone flows toward the holy world, the void stone of the gods. The price will definitely continue to rise, as long as the price of the void stone increases, the amount of void stone spent in the purchase of materials in Shenchu ​​City will decrease.

Chu Feng said, "Ouye, you are more concerned about this side, I will leave first." "City Lord, you are busy with you, and we will do the things here. We guarantee that the new God Chu City will be well established! "Ou Ye said.

Chu Feng disappeared in front of Ouye in an instant, and he was busy catching people. He didn't have time to waste more here. If the Holy Prison was upgraded to the thirteenth level, then the fourteenth-level heaven prison would be lowered. All saints can be imprisoned, and Tianshou directly captured quasi-sage-level powerhouses into the holy prison space. At that time, in the gods, he will be the real saint’s lower realm, if he is close to Chu Feng Some, perhaps directly caught by Heavenly Hand into the holy prison space!

Of course, Chu Feng did not dare to arrest people casually. If a powerful saint was caught in the holy prison space, without the constraints of the law of the gods, the strength of people in the holy prison space would skyrocket. I can withstand the pressure!

The Mortal Realm, the God Realm, the Holy Realm, and the Three Realms are not very peaceful. In such a situation, two hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The world, the earth.

"Dad, have you had a good time these years? Is there any news from the City of Innocence?" Chu Feng threw himself on the sofa and lay down comfortably. This is the second time he has arrived in these two hundred years. From Fanjie, the last time it was a hundred years ago, the news that the City of Innocence was developing was very good.

Chu Zhen smiled and said: "There is no problem here in Mortal Realm. With Xiaolong, the City of Innocence is developing very well. I received his message some time ago. Now there are three thousand quasi-sage-level experts in the City of Innocence. Well, Fa Tianzong had three or four thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses before, but instead of making progress in these years, they have regressed a bit, so the quasi-sage-level powerhouses are about the same as the city of innocence! Now the city of innocence Development is getting faster and faster!"

"That's good." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The development of the City of Innocence is the light of God's Beginning City, but his own brother, who should not let him be lighted?

The development of the City of Innocence is also beneficial to the City of God’s Beginning. In the past two hundred years, the number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the City of God’s Beginning has reached 30,000, and it has developed to a bottleneck. The City of Innocence on the side of the Demon has no To the bottleneck.

"Feng'er, someone from Tianxian sent over a piece of jade slip." Chu Zhen said. Chu Feng said in surprise, "Tianxian, who brought it here?"

"Duan San!"

"It's him." Chu Feng smiled. Duan San appeared in his mind. He helped Duan San back then. Later Duan San avenged himself. Later, Chu Feng had no news of Duan San. Over the years, I haven't heard from Duan San. Chu Feng thought Duan San was out of luck.

A jade slip appeared in Chu Zhen's hand: "Feng'er, this Duan San is also amazing now. He is now in Tianxian, his strength has reached the tenth quasi-sage level, and he has created a powerful force with one hand!"

"Tenth-level quasi-sage!" Chu Feng said in surprise. He knew Duan San's talent. Over the years, it wouldn't be strange for him to reach the god-exalted level. As long as he obtains treasures that can improve his strength, he can reach the god-exalted level. It's not difficult, but the strength of the Quasi-Holy Grade or even the Tenth-Stage Quasi-Holy Grade is a bit incredible.

Chu Feng asked himself that the speed of his own strength increase was extremely fast and extremely fast, but now he is only a **** of great perfection, and there is still some distance from the quasi-sage level. Although the strength can reach the tenth quasi-sage level, it needs to borrow Yilian’s power. Like Tang Ming and the others, their strength is also very fast. They are all enchanting talents, but now they can only reach the sixth-order quasi-sage level by borrowing power at the primary level of the gods, which is not a small gap from the tenth-order quasi-sage. !

Chu Zhen nodded slightly: "Yes, there is an explanation in this jade slip, you can take a look at it for yourself, not only the cultivation base that has reached the tenth quasi-saint level, but also a force created, now there are four to five thousand. A quasi-saint-level powerhouse is much stronger than Xiaolong’s City of Innocence! By the way, he said that only you can see some information, and you drop a drop of blood on this jade slip."

"I want to take a good look." Chu Feng said as he cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the jade slip. The blood was absorbed by the jade slip, and a piece of information immediately flowed into Chu Feng's mind from the jade slip.

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