Holy Prison

Chapter 1523: Tripartite alliance


"The Brotherhood will not be merged into Shenchu ​​City and form an alliance with Shenchu ​​City? Anyway, even if it is merged, the two pieces are not interoperable at this time, and this stall is still under my control." Duan San secretly said in his heart, "After the two pieces interoperate. , And then slowly discuss the issue of the Brotherhood’s merging into God Chu City!"

"Come on!"

Duan San's command sounded, and immediately an old man approached him. "Leader, what's your order?" The old man respectfully said, Duan San has the strength of the tenth quasi-saint level, and the prestige in the brotherhood is extremely high. The brotherhood sounds like a group of good friends. Above, Brotherhood is just a title Duan San casually makes.

I made several titles at the beginning, but it was caught by lottery.

"Let's pass the order down, from today onwards, my brotherhood will form an alliance with God Chu City above the Human Emperor and the City of Innocence above the Earth Demon, and we will share honor and disgrace!" Duan San said lightly.

The old man’s eyes showed surprise: "Leader, Shenchu ​​City and Innocence City? Both Shenchu ​​City and Innocence City are very powerful, especially Shenchu ​​City." "I know, go down and pass the order, Zhan With the light of Shenchu ​​City, perhaps our brother alliance can further become the strongest power of the heavenly immortals in one fell swoop!" Duan San said with a light smile.

"Yes, lord, I will pass on the news now. With the power of God Chu City, the influence on the heavenly immortals is definitely not small, and there will definitely be many strong people joining the Brotherhood!"

The news of the alliance between the Brotherhood and Shenchu ​​City spread out, and the whole Tianxian suddenly boiled. As Duan San estimated, many strong people joined the Brotherhood. The strength of the Brotherhood increased in just one or two months. Many surpassed the strongest power above the heavenly immortals and became the strongest power above the heavenly immortals!

The rapid development of the Brotherhood makes the leaders of some forces above the Celestial Immortal look anxious in their eyes, but they really have no good way. If the forces allied with the Brotherhood are ordinary forces, then they will definitely unite to suppress the Brotherhood. The brotherhood collapsed, but the force that formed an alliance with the brotherhood was God Chucheng!

Now that the Brotherhood has released news about forming an alliance with Shenchu ​​City, and the other side of Shenchu ​​City has also released news about forming an alliance with the Brotherhood. At this time, even if the Brotherhood is suppressed, you will have to face God. Chucheng's revenge, with the terrifying strength of God Chucheng, will be a lot of fun at that time.

Moreover, the Brotherhood League is not so easy to suppress. Aside from anything else, Duan San’s strength is terrible. Many strong men will never forget that when a force got into the Brotherhood League that had not yet grown up, Duan San made a move. That power, a rank ten quasi-saint-level expert was beheaded by Duan San!

At that time, many strong men on the Celestial Immortal had been watching. The tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse was lost to Duan San and escaped. Duan San chased after him. Three days later, the tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse was Duan San’s head was thrown to the sect of that power. As a result, within a day, that powerful power was disbanded. At that time, the brothers also suddenly increased their strength and never entered the ranks to become a relatively powerful power above the gods. !

"Brothers, I don’t know what a good way everyone can do? The Brotherhood has become the most powerful force in our heavenly immortals, and the development is still very strong today. If this continues, the Brotherhood may become the **** above our heavenly immortals. In Chucheng, in the future, Tianxian may be the dominant brotherhood!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man in purple robe. He was most annoyed by the alliance between the Brotherhood and God Chucheng. The power he controlled was the most powerful power among the heavenly immortals, but now the top spot is in the hands of the Brotherhood. .

"Everyone has to come up with a good way. Most of us are supported by saints behind us. If this makes the Brotherhood the most powerful force in the heavens, we will not be able to survive in face." Another strong said. .

A woman shook her head: "I don't think we need to talk about it. If there is a good way, it has already been proposed by this time. Now there are three difficulties in suppressing the Brotherhood. First, the strength of the Brotherhood has been improved. , Thousands of Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, nearly a million God-level powerhouses, who can underestimate such strength?"

"Second, Duan San's own strength is too high. His strength exceeds the general tenth-level quasi-sage level powerhouse. These forces here are basically tenth-level quasi-sage level powerhouses, but who Sure to beat Duan San? I don't think there is any one who really suppresses the Brotherhood without killing Duan San, then we will have to live with fear every day."

"Thirdly, the Brotherhood and Shenchu ​​City have already announced their alliance. Before we announced that we had better deal with the Brotherhood, even if the Brotherhood was destroyed, Shenchu ​​City should not be a leader for the Brotherhood, but it is still going now. To destroy the Brotherhood is undoubtedly a slap in the face of God Chu City, which is far more terrifying than Brother League, and there is also a city of innocence, which now has thousands of quasi-sages. Hundreds of thousands of god-level powerhouses, and they are still developing rapidly, their strength should not be underestimated!"

"Okay, I'm done talking, I'm leaving, don't worry, I will not tell the Brotherhood of this gathering, if I want to continue, you can continue." After the words, the woman stood up quickly Disappeared. "My friends, I don't care about who becomes the most powerful force on the heavenly immortals. I don't want to be chased by a bunch of tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses then, so I'm sorry, I quit." Another person stood up. .

"I also withdrew. I will not be an enemy of Shenchucheng and the Brotherhood. Presumably, Shenchucheng and the Brotherhood will not be an enemy of me. The family business created is enough for future generations to live well for a long time. Up."


A total of more than a dozen strong men gathered, and after the woman left, a dozen strong men chose to leave in a short period of time. "Brother Xie Zhen" one of the remaining strong men said to the middle-aged man in purple robe.

"A bunch of cowards!" the middle-aged man in purple robe cursed in his heart. "Brother Flanders, what do you mean? If a few of us unite, it is still possible to suppress the brotherhood. As for Duan San, several of our forces have tenth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouses. Come once. A joint action is likely to kill Duan San!"

"Brother Xie Zhen, forget it. Duan San's strength surpasses the general tenth-level quasi-saint level powerhouse, I think his strength is enough to deal with several tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses at the same time, we unite and defeat him It's easy, but it's not easy to kill him. If you don't kill him for the first time, it will be even harder to kill him later!"

"Brother Xie Zhen, forget it, if the brotherhood is not too much, let the brotherhood be prestigious temporarily, and wait for Duan San to become holy. Without Duan San's brotherhood, the strength will drop a lot!"

The middle-aged man in purple robe frowned and said, "Duan San doesn't know when he will be able to welcome the Holy Tribulation. Perhaps before he can overcome the Tribulation, the three pieces will communicate with each other."

"Jiejie, then wait for Chu Feng to cross the catastrophe. If Chu Feng and Duan San fail to cross the catastrophe, then it will be a great blow to Shenchu ​​City and the brotherhood. Even if they succeed in crossing the catastrophe, they will only have lower ranks. The strength of the saints, they can be majestic in the mortal realm, in the holy world, what can the lower saints be majestic? Maybe they will be killed in the holy world!"

"Then, wait a minute!" The middle-aged man in purple robe nodded slightly.

The Tianxian Brotherhood has ushered in a peak period of development. With the spread of the declaration of Shenchu ​​City and the Brotherhood, the City of Innocence also has a peak period of development above the Demon!

"I heard that on the side of the immortal, the Brotherhood has become the most powerful force of the immortal!"

"You can't go wrong. The Brotherhood is not the most powerful force of the Celestial Immortals. However, it has formed an alliance with Shenchu ​​City. Many strong people have joined the Brotherhood. In a short time, the strength of the Brotherhood has increased a lot and become the most powerful force in the Celestial Immortal. A powerful force."

"Shenchu ​​City is the strongest power above the human emperor. Now the Brotherhood has become the strongest power of the heavenly immortals. It is estimated that the City of Innocence will soon become the strongest power of our Earth Demons."

"This is very possible. Some people were worried that the gods might form a powerful force to fight against the City of God's Beginning. If they join the City of Innocence, it will be troublesome. If that might not be there, then the City of God's Beginning will be. With an extra tyrannical ally, many people will definitely be vying to join the City of Innocence. After all, the city owner of the City of Innocence is Chu Feng's own brother!"

"If I am strong enough, I will join the City of Innocence. It is a pity that the standard of income in the City of Innocence is also high. Without the strength or super talent of the Emperor God level, people will not accept it at all, alas!"

Earth Demon, some people gathered in countless places to talk about it. Now the alliance between God Chu City, the Brotherhood and the City of Innocence is the hottest topic in the whole.

Like the heavenly immortals, there are many strong men on the Earth Demon who are entangled, and there are also many strong men who gather and discuss, but the results of the discussions are not over. Now the Shenchu ​​City Brotherhood is too strong, they Even suppressing the City of Innocence doesn't actually have much effect.

"Boss, the Brotherhood and the City of Innocence are developing very well. So far, there is no force on the two sides to jointly deal with them." Tang Ming said with a light smile, Chu Feng has returned to the city of Shenchu ​​at this moment.

Chu Feng and Tang Ming Zhou Wen touched the cup and smiled slightly: "Unexpectedly, Duan San's strength is terrifying. Now it is estimated that he will not be weaker than Yilian. With his abnormal strength coupled with the strength of the brotherhood and my **** The deterrence of Chucheng, those forces did not dare to act rashly, and when God Chucheng and the Brotherhood were okay, not many people on the side of the Earth Demon dared to move the City of Innocence! Okay, let’s not talk about it. Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, Han Xiang and Tang Wan should be reaching the god-exalable level soon, right?"

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