Holy Prison

Chapter 1551:

Time slowly passed, and some of the powerful forces that emerged from the emperor, the gods, and the earth demons all expanded rapidly, and many of these forces had a strong background in the holy world!

As other forces expanded, there was not much movement in Shenchu ​​City. For more than two months, there were not many new powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City, and there were even some discordant voices in Shenchu ​​City.

"Brother Long, the situation is a little bit serious. The Ten Thousand Saints Church has already gathered many powerful people and started to build the city. Even if the super battle city built by that time is not as good as Shenguang City, it should be no better. Starting from the sky, punish the city. There is also a plan to start the Mingyue Tower. If there is nothing on the side of the Ten Thousand Saints Church, it is estimated that the Mingyue Tower will soon start construction!" Shi Yan said.

"All aspects are watching our reaction, but our Shenchu ​​City has no reaction at all now. There are some people in our Shenchu ​​City who are considering leaving Shenchu ​​City!"

Chu Long frowned slightly: "How is the situation with the Emperor Human and the Celestial Immortal?" "Similar to ours, the forces on the Human Emperor side have to be slightly reduced. There is no power to build the city. After all, there is our God Chu City. The headquarters is located. On the side of Tianxian, there are already powers to build a city!" Shi Yan said.

"Yan'er, who wants to withdraw from Shenchu ​​City, count them, and the Tianxian and Human Sovereign side will also inform them. First, count them. Then let Brother decide what to do with these people." Chu Long said. "This is already being counted. It's the news from the side of the Emperor. Tang Ming asked us to count on the side of Tianpui City and the side of Xianling City." Shi Yan said.

Chu Long nodded: "That's good. Although they haven't rebelled against Shenchu ​​City, since they have joined Shenchu ​​City, at this time, watching other forces develop rapidly, they want to leave Shenchu ​​City. Such people seem to me. We can’t spare them lightly! Our God Chu City is doing pretty well now, if it’s worse, wouldn’t they just defect?”

"Brother Long, it's not worth angering them... Brother Chu doesn't know how long it will take. Now the situation in the God Realm is quite chaotic. If Brother Chu doesn't come out in a few years, then even if he wants to change, I'm afraid It's difficult too." Shi Yan said.

Chu Long sighed slightly and said, "Brother, the time of the retreat was chosen too well. It happened to be the retreat when the saint was in the lower realm. It took a long time. I don't know what to do. There are already several saints. I sent someone to come and look for my brother and I sent him back...If the time is too long, the saint will come directly."

"I hope Big Brother Chu can leave the customs soon, otherwise our Shenchu ​​City's dominant position in the God Realm will definitely be shaken!"

Ten days have passed, and the situation in the God Realm is even worse for God Chu City. In the secret room, the upgrade of the holy prison is finally coming to an end. By the side of Chu Feng, the dense light spots are slowly decreasing. Up.

After one minute, two minutes and a half, all the light spots in the secret room disappeared. Chu Feng's eyes slowly opened. His eyes were extremely deep, as if there were hundreds of millions of worlds hidden in his eyes!

"Heh" Chu Feng stretched out with a smile on his face, all his bones crackled and tyrannical energy flowed happily in his body.

"Tier tenth quasi-sage level, two-star power, using some tricks, it can completely reach tenth three-star power, yes!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart that he was quite satisfied with the improvement of his strength this time.

It was only when the gods were at the Great Perfection that Chu Feng could use a different-dimensional space seal to kill the quasi-sage-level powerhouses around the sixth order, but that was a full-outburst. After the eruption, his body was empty and now he has reached the quasi-sage level. At his cultivation base, Chu Feng's strength has taken a big step forward. Now, even if he doesn't explode with all his strength, he still has the strength of Tier 10 Quasi-Holy Grade, and the strength of Tier 10 and Two Stars.

If it breaks out, for example, if you use the full force of the other-dimensional space seal, or use your natal skills, you can reach the power of the tenth three-star. If you borrow a little bit of power, it can last a long time even with the power of the tenth three-star. It can be said that his strength has reached the limit of the God Realm!

"Miao Xian'er" Chu Feng called in his mind. "Received." Miao Xian'er's laughter rang out. Listening to her voice, she was in a very good mood right now.

"Chu Feng, there is good news and bad news, which one do you hear first?" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng was stunned for a moment: "Miao Xian'er, the holy prison has been upgraded, is there bad news?"

"It's not a holy prison upgrade. Forget it, let me tell you the bad news first. The saints are in the lower realm. Many saints have integrated some forces in the gods. Now other forces in the gods are the strongest quasi-sage-level experts. I have 30,000. Although it is not as good as Shenchu ​​City, it is also extremely powerful! Moreover, there are several forces that have begun to build a super battle city!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's eyes flickered: "The lower realm of the saint has finally come...Establish a force one by one, if we continue, where is my god's first city?"

"The good news, Miao Xian'er, tell me about the upgrade of the holy prison. From the twelfth level to the thirteenth level, the holy prison is a leap. Don't tell me that there is no big benefit this time." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "The benefits, this upgrade, there are still many benefits. In addition to the conventional stuff, new things have appeared, and the new things should make you more satisfied! I will directly pass the information into your mind. In it."

"Don't, it's boring. I knew it all at once. There was no feeling of expectation. You can tell me a little bit and let me experience it." Chu Feng smiled.

Chu Feng said that he entered the holy prison space, and Miao Xian'er could not show it outside. "Huh." Chu Feng screamed when he entered the holy prison space. The stability of the holy prison space was improved compared to before!

Chu Feng let out a deep sigh and gave a full blow without using any tricks, but the surrounding space didn't tremble at all.

"Chu Feng, don't try it. Even a lower-level saint with a lower strength can't make the current holy prison space tremble, but a lower-level saint with a strength of eight or nine is possible." Miao Xian'er said with a smile. 'S figure appeared beside Chu Feng.

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Now that the sacred prison space is so stable, it is convenient for characters below Guan Shengren. Okay, Miao Xian'er, hurry up and tell me!"

"Some things have changed a lot this time, I will tell you in detail." Miao Xian'er said, "As for the sky prison, now at the 13th level of the holy prison, it is naturally possible to build a 14th level sky prison. There are two kinds of sky prisons. The multi-person prison can hold ten people, and only those below the saint; the single-person fourteenth-level sky prison can hold the lower saints."

"In terms of cost, the goodness value consumed by the fourteenth-level jail is a hundred times higher than the previous one. Remember, one hundred times, not ten times."

"The torture chamber is the same as the sky prison. Tianshou, after being upgraded, can directly capture the quasi-sage-level powerhouses below the tenth order into the sacred prison space when the distance is relatively close. If you resist, you can’t directly grab into the sacred prison space. Sky Eye, after the upgrade, the sensing range will be increased tenfold. Under the full scanning situation, the scanning intensity can reach the previous hundred times and only ten times in the gods, but it should be enough. , Sky Eye has one or two new functions. First, see through the lower realm; second, see through."

Chu Feng interrupted: "Miao Xian'er, see through the lower realm and see through, explain in detail."

"The so-called see through the lower realm means that the sky eye can let you see the scene of the lower realm. For example, if you want to see the situation of Chu Zhen and the others, the sky eye can let you see the situation of the earth. If Chu Zhen and them are not on the earth, then you can see Not to them. Seeing through, this is the ability of time. Geese pass by leaving traces, and you can see the past of a place within one minute. If there is strong interference, this time will be shortened. The specific shortening depends on the interference. Set." Miao Xianer said.

"Wonderful!" Chu Feng praised. These two abilities are really cool. Now these two abilities are not too strong, but since they have appeared, the holy prison will definitely be strengthened in the future. "Don't be too happy. This kind of function consumes a lot of money." Miao Xianer said, "Seeing through the lower realm involves space ability, and seeing through it involves time ability. Space, time, the laws of these two aspects can be both. It is very powerful!"

"The consumption is normal, Miao Xian'er, continue." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "If you are in the Holy Realm, then the Heavenly Protection will rise to the highest level, which should allow you to withstand the full blow of a lower-level saint at the sixth or seventh level. In the God Realm, the defense is limited. Withstand the full blow of a tenth-tier three-star quasi-sage-level powerhouse. If several tenth-tier three-star quasi-sage-level powerhouses attack you at the same time, then you can’t defend it and if the protection of heaven is also broken, you can only die. The same as before, the Heavenly Guard will only appear when you are facing unstoppable danger!"

"In the clinic, after the upgrade, there are two types of healing ability. Within the holy prison, the healing ability is not affected, and the healing effect is excellent. Outside the holy prison, the healing effect is affected! So if you want to treat someone, it is best to let him She appears in the holy prison space for treatment, but those who can't believe it still don't do this. From Qin Ying, the fourteenth level medical clinic should be able to fully recover her in one month!

"Exchange, this thing will help you a lot after being upgraded now. If you catch a saint at that time, you can exchange the saint's supernatural powers. However, it is estimated that the power of the saint's supernatural powers will be exchanged and used in the gods, and the power will be reduced. "

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