Holy Prison

Chapter 1600: Absorb data

"The three worlds are separated?" Ta Lao's muddy eyes instantly cleared, but they soon became muddy again, "Bai Jing boy, take him in!"

Chu Feng had the idea of ​​chatting more with this pagoda, but let's just think about it. Although this pagoda may not be a strong person in the abyss, if he is uncertain, taking risks is not a good choice.

"Tao Lao, then we will go in first." Bai Wuchang smiled and said, Chu Feng nodded at the Ta Lao and walked side by side with Bai Wuchang, and the two quickly entered the tower!

The first thing you see when you enter the tower is the instructions inside the tower, which states where some materials are located and also writes the rules that must be followed in the tower.

"Brother Chu, there are so many materials. The materials you want to see are on the fifth floor. You can choose to read them. Don't read the materials that you don't need, otherwise you will feel that your head is about to burst!" Bai Wuchang chuckled. typical. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Brother Bai, let's move separately. Anyway, there won't be anything in it, you also go around!"

"Okay!" Bai Wuchang nodded. He hasn't been here for a long time. There are a lot of materials here, and he is not willing to stay behind Chu Chufeng. Taking this opportunity, he just went to look at those materials.

This tower has several stairs, and Chu Feng quickly reached the fifth floor through the stairs. He was most interested in the history of the underworld and the distribution of forces. Other things, if you have time, You can take a look, if you don't have time, you can only forget it!

The five layers have divided areas, including historical areas and current data areas. Chu Feng first entered the current data area. This data area is divided into small areas. Each small area has a small area. Rows of shelves, each row of shelves has a palm-sized jade slip.

Chu Feng entered a room. Someone in this room was checking the information. The person who saw Chu Feng's arrival was slightly taken aback, but he continued to absorb the information in the jade slip without saying anything.

Chu Feng's divine knowledge penetrated into a piece of jade slip, and immediately the materials in those jade slips were quickly absorbed by Chu Feng. There were a lot of materials in the jade slips, but with Chu Feng's strength, only ten In a few seconds, he absorbed the information in the jade slips cleanly. Some of these information are useful to Chu Feng, but most of them have no effect on Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng didn’t care either. Anyway, his mental power was immense, and others were worried that it would be troublesome to absorb some unnecessary things, but he didn’t worry that the data was not stored by Tianwei, but directly transferred through contact. Within the sea of ​​knowledge of Chu Feng in the holy prison space!

The difference between Chu Feng and ordinary people is that if the average person's sea-consciousness capacity is 100G, his sea-consciousness capacity is close to 10 million G. In the case of a computer, hundreds of gigabytes of space can store a lot of things, but it must not be stored randomly. If there are a lot of ***** in the computer, then there will be no disk space for some needed things.

And if it is tens of millions of gigabytes of disk space, it will take one hundred gigabytes the next day, and it will take one hundred thousand days to fill the disk space!

Chu Feng didn't worry that his own sea of ​​consciousness would not be able to contain it. At first, he just released a piece of divine sense to absorb the data in those jade slips. After a while, he released hundreds of divine senses, which were crazy. After absorbing the information in the jade slip, a large amount of information quickly flowed into Chu Feng's mind.

"My friend, what can't you find? The classification here is very accurate. You don't need to search for pieces of jade slips with divine consciousness!" The humanity in the room.

"It's looking for something, that won't work." Chu Feng smiled slightly, he couldn't tell the man that he had read all the information in the jade slips that had penetrated the gods in that short time.

The person nodded slightly and ignored Chu Feng. Time passed by. There were probably tens of thousands of jade slips in this room. It took more than ten seconds to absorb information from a hundred jade slips, and it took about twenty minutes. At the time, Chu Feng absorbed all the materials in this room and then went into the next room.

For an hour, two hours a day, or two days, Chu Feng went in and out of the rooms filled with jade slips. As those jade slips were read, his understanding of the underworld rapidly increased!

Five days later, Chu Feng in the holy prison space rubbed his temple and let out a long sigh. In these five days, he had absorbed all the materials in the fifth layer of jade slips. If it is spread out, countless people will be shocked. The fifth floor has a lot of historical data, and the total amount of data is the largest. Even if it is a high-ranking saint, it is difficult to support the spiritual power to read all the materials here. take!

After absorbing a large amount of information in a short time, Chu Feng could still bear it at this time, but he also felt tired!

"Feng, if you are tired, don't absorb those materials!" Feng Bingning stood up and massaged Chu Feng. "It's okay, learn more, and be safer in the underworld. This is not a big deal. I just take a rest." Chu Feng chuckled while enjoying Feng Bingning's massage. "There are not so many other layers of information. I should be able to read them all in about three days!"

Outside, Chu Jiu reached the sixth floor. The sixth floor was about some dangerously forbidden lands in the underworld. Some of the information was relatively complete, some had only fragmentary information, and some had only a few words. At this level, Chu Feng only took two hours to absorb all the information.

The seventh floor is some of the eight documents in the underworld. These are not history, so they are not within the fifth floor. The eight documents are true and false, and the distinction between true and false depends on each person's ability!

The eighth floor contains information about the Yang Realm. Chu Feng also read the information on this floor. After reading it, he secretly shook his head. Most of the information on this floor is fake, but there are real information. Chu Feng also found the information useful.

The ninth floor is the information about the treasures in the underworld. Some treasures have an owner and are controlled by a strong person. Some treasures are now unowned. Where are the specific treasures, a few have some descriptions , But most of them are missing. For those treasures that have no owner, most of them are described more clearly, while for those treasures that have a master, many of them are only briefly described.

"Tiny Tiansuo, tusk, good stuff, there may be this area in the location, if you can get it!" Bai Wuchang muttered excitedly while looking at a purple-gold rope in front of him. The expressions of the other people were similar to those of Bai Wuchang. "Brother Bai!" Chu Feng patted Bai Wuchang on the shoulder.

"Ah Brother Chu." Bai Wuchang sinking into the desire to obtain the treasure, he was patted by Chu Feng and finally recovered, "Brother Chu, look at this thing."

Chu Feng’s divine consciousness penetrated into the jade slip in front of him and quickly understood the information in the jade slip. With the understanding of the information, Chu Feng also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes. It's really an incredible treasure, although it is not a congenital treasure, but it is not far away!

Moreover, Kuntiansuo is a growth baby, as long as it is given time, it has the potential to become a congenital treasure!

According to data records, it is possible that the trapped sky cable may appear in this area. Of course, it is only possible. There are many areas where it may appear. Nowadays, the possibility of a trapped sky cable in this area is extremely low. The information has arrived here, and it is certain that this area has been searched by top experts.

The top powerhouses have searched and haven't got it, then there is still the possibility that the following Xiao Luoluo can get it. Moreover, these materials may also be fake, just smoke bombs released by some people!

"Brother Bai, don't think about it, the probability of you getting that thing is absolutely less than one in ten billion!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Bai Wuchang said helplessly, "Brother Chu, can't you help me hit me like this?"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "I'm sorry, this is no longer a blow to you. In fact, the probability of you getting it is absolutely less than one in a trillion!"


A sweet laugh came into Chu Feng's ears, and the next moment a person in the room Chu Feng and the others was in brightened up, and Luo Tong, whom Chu Feng and the others had met before, appeared at the door of this room.

"Chu Feng, where's the big beauty, here you are" Miao Feiying smiled in the holy prison space.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Are there few beautiful women in this world? Or are people and ghosts lonely... With eight of you, I am enough, and no other people are needed!"

"Then you still show those dangling eyes." Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng curled his lips: "Fei Ying, that's the look of appreciation, good, swaying eyes, sweat, your husband, I am a normal man, I see beautiful women, appreciate it, it is normal, absolutely pure appreciation "

Chu Feng and the others chatted in the holy prison space. Outside, a man in the room touched Luo Tong's pretty face with his hand directly: "What a pretty girl, girl, let me touch my brother hehe!"

Bai Wuchang and Chu Feng shook their heads secretly. This guy's eyesight is a little too poor. It's estimated that this guy has taken a little bit longer to molest Miss Luo Family!

"Brother, are you too anxious?" Chu Feng chuckled softly. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pinched the wrist of the man's outstretched hand, "Think about where this is."

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