Holy Prison

Chapter 1651: auction

There is no problem with 30 billion catties of void stones directly. Chu Feng's general spatial ring filled the void stones and dropped it on a teleportation platform in the room.

The light of the teleportation platform flashed through the space ring with the void stone and disappeared. In a short time, the missing space ring returned, and Chu Feng's divine sense penetrated into the space ring. There was no void stone in it, only the silver piece. Growth stone!

"It's pretty good for you." Hongjun smiled and said, "But this one is relatively advanced, you probably don't need it now, do you need a lower level?"

"Master Hong, do you have it?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. If Hongjun had them, some low-level growth stones would not need to be photographed here. I guess there are no such low-level growth stones here!

"take it."

Hongjun said that two growth stones appeared in his hands and threw them towards Chu Feng, "Both of them should be suitable for you, so the low-level growth stones will stay with me for a long time."

"Hey... I know what you have, Master Hong, I've already spoken." Chu Feng grabbed the two growth stones and smiled. With these three growth stones, Yin Ming will have no problem becoming a high-level sacrificial artifact. Yes, but after reaching the high-level sacred artifacts, it will be more difficult to upgrade. At that time, the growth stones that Yin Ming can use will be extremely rare!

Hongjun chuckled and said: "You don't bid for growth stones. I don't know that your sacred artifact is not innate. You should have more than one innate artifact. Why didn't you have one innate artifact as a weapon? There is no need to look for growth stones, and there is no trouble in this regard."

"I'm used to it, and only Yin Ming can fully use my true self skills!" Chu Feng said, after being sanctified, the true self skills are also effective. Chu Feng's true self skills are already eight. Level evaluation, but after becoming a saint, the evaluation of true self skills is much lower, and now it is only a level five evaluation.

Chu Feng was a little uncomfortable when his true self skills evaluation fell to level five. However, the fifth level of true self skills evaluation is still very high in the holy world. There are fewer people with true self skills that can achieve this evaluation!

Hongjun nodded slightly. At this time, the auction of the second item outside was over. The second item was a good material. Chu Feng had no interest in that material, and Hongjun had no interest in it. There won’t be many things that can make him more interested!

"Everyone, let's auction our third item next. The third item is a beautiful angel!" Gu Feng said that a faint light flashed on the auction stage, and a girl who looked like 18 or 9 years old appeared. On the auction stage, the girl has a beautiful face and a perfect figure, and her golden hair is very flowing. Behind her, eight pairs of white wings flap gently.

Chu Feng said in surprise, "Master Hong, can such an angel be auctioned?"

Hongjun nodded: "In the holy world, things like low-level angels are just created tools in the eyes of most saints. Since there is such an understanding, auctioning of angels like this is also normal! You still don’t want to auction things like this now to avoid any trouble."

"Uh, I didn't even think about auctioning!" Chu Feng said.

Time passed quickly, and it didn’t take long for this angel to be photographed by a single person. He has a beautiful appearance and the strength of a mid-level saint, but the price of such an angel is not before Chu Feng. The growing stone photographed was high. When it was on the auction stage, the angel had a faint sadness from the beginning to the end. Although it has the strength of a middle saint, in the holy world, like her The angels who lived are not as good as many mortals in the mortal world!

"Xian'er, what is the result of the detection of angels?" Chu Feng said in his mind. There are a lot of angels created, and if they can resist then, that would be very good!

"In progress, this is not so easy. It is estimated that it will take a very long time!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "If the holy prison is upgraded, it may take less time by then."

The fourth, fifth, and sixth items appeared one by one. Chu Feng was interested in many items, but he would take a photo of only a few items that he was very interested in. If the price exceeds the psychological level The price is immediately abandoned.

"Everyone, next is our No. 61 item!" With Gu Feng's voice, the No. 61 item appeared on the auction table.

"Everyone can see that it is a mask with only one very simple function, which is to hide one's soul breath. Although the effect is single, the ability is extremely high. With this mask on, even if it is It is also difficult for an immortal powerhouse to sense the soul aura of the person wearing this mask!"

Gu Feng’s voice sounded, and Chu Feng’s eyes lit up. This mask is very good for him. He actually uses this kind of treasure now, but the effect is not as strong as this mask. If Hongjun is not by his side, he His soul breath will definitely be noticed by those strong men!

With this mask, he would hide his soul aura, and then disguise a soul aura. This way, even if he is not accompanied by Hongjun, he will be safer to walk outside!

"Fancy?" Hong Jun said, "This mask is very effective, and it is probably not cheap, but it is really suitable for you. The requirements for cultivation are not high, but the requirements for mental power are relatively high. You happen to meet the conditions of use!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I want to take this mask off, even if the price is a bit high, I can only recognize it! Master Hong, how much is this mask worth?"

"It’s hard to say that there are many people who need such things, and the price fluctuates greatly. It mainly depends on whether anyone is competing with you. One trillion catties of void stone, if you can win it, it’s okay, if it exceeds one trillion catties of void stone, Then it's not too worthwhile!" Hongjun said.

The mask doesn't even have a name, but the price on the huge display screen outside is getting higher and higher. Such a thing is also very useful for most of the indestructible powerhouses!

The price of one hundred billion, two hundred billion, and three hundred billion has been rising continuously. At the beginning, the price rose rapidly, and after it exceeded 500 billion, it was much slower, but the rate of increase is still relatively fast now.

When it reached one trillion yuan, the rate of increase was finally slow, and only a few people from Polygonum made bids! "One trillion!" Chu Feng wrote a price that raised the price of the mask by tens of billions. Several other people paused for a few seconds and then someone bid again.

"One hundred and one hundred billion!"

"Twelve hundred billion!"

"Thirteen hundred billion!"

Only Chu Feng and another person made a bid, and that person just added a little bit cautiously. After he added, Chu Feng immediately added tens of billions. After three times, the price reached 1300 billion. The people who competed with Chu Feng finally gave up reluctantly, and only sold more than sixty items. There are still many items below. Too much waste on this item is not worth it to that person.

"Master Hong, this thirteen hundred million catties of void stone, there is nothing wrong with it, right?" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun shook his head slightly: "Within five trillion yuan, the problem is still not too big. The general indestructible level power can't be taken out, but do you think that the Saint King and the Sovereign level can't take it out? There are many subordinates, even if the next indestructible powerhouse only donates one hundred billion catties, fifty can donate five trillion!"

"That's true!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. Void Stones exist in the God Realm, as well as in the Holy Realm. If an indestructible powerhouse seeks everywhere, he will find 100 billion catties of Void Stones. It's not a difficult task, besides, someone who is an indestructible powerhouse is respected by someone below!

Layers of filial piety came up, and those top saints would not have too few void stones in their hands!

Since there was no problem with the 13 trillion catties payment, Chu Feng immediately completed the payment, but less than ten seconds passed, and his space ring returned with that mask!

"I'll show you first, there should be no one who will do anything, but it's better to be careful!" Hongjun said, pressing his hand on the ordinary-looking silver mask.

After a few minutes passed, Hongjun shook his head slightly: "No problem, you can use it with confidence, just drop a drop of blood on it!"

"Master Hong, thank you very much!"

Chu Feng said, if there is no help from Hongjun, even if it is good luck to get such a thing, Chu Feng would not dare to use it. God knows if there is any positioning or monitoring stuff inside!

"Small things...huh" Hongjun's eyes lit up. He hadn't auctioned it yet. At this time, there was finally an item that interested him very much.

"Master Hong, what is this?" Chu Feng asked. A girl next to Gu Feng on the auction platform was holding a jade plate. On the jade plate was a fist-sized stone. When you look at it, you will feel that the stone is extremely charming, as if it contains the principles of heaven!

"Chaotic Stone!" Hongjun said with a light smile, "I didn't expect such a treasure for sale!"

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect this Dongdong to be Chaos Stone, Chaos Stone, he also needs this Dongdong, to be exact, Lan Wen needs it!

If Lan Wen's Taiwu Tower absorbs the power of the Chaos Stone, it can grow a little, and it will not be worse than the Innate Treasure!

"Master Hong, did you like this thing?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun nodded slightly, Chaos Stone, this has a lot to do with him!

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