Holy Prison

Chapter 1653: Lian Tianding

"You...stay with me in the future!" Chu Feng looked at the jade knife with a look of affection in his eyes. Although he spent a lot of money, it was worth it to get such a jade knife.

The so-called, money is hard to buy, and you can earn money after spending money. If you miss this jade sword, you may not get it later. Knife!

"This knife is really good, an innate artifact. If your strength can be continuously improved, it can always accompany you, very good!" Hongjun smiled authentically.

Chu Feng tried to wield it. Now this jade knife does not fit well with him, but as time passes, the fit can be improved, and the fit can be improved. With such a jade knife, Let his stigmata art ability be fully utilized!

The eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, half an hour passed, and four more items were soon put up for auction. These four items were not auctioned by Chu Feng and Hongjun. Okay, but they don’t particularly need something like that. It’s not good to spend a lot of money to buy something like that and leave it alone!

"Everyone, the fourth item from the bottom, the Tongtian Tower controls the jade amulet. I believe you should have heard of the Tongtian Tower. I won't spend time with everyone here. This control jade amulet belongs to the base level of the Tongtian Tower. It’s not a complete control jade talisman, but only the fragments of the jade talisman. Please bid!"

Chu Feng's eyes gleamed, and the control jade talisman at the base of the Tongtian Tower was exactly the jade control talisman he wanted from the Tongtian Tower. Of course, if there was another control jade talisman, he would also like to get it!

"Chu Feng, if you get this piece, is it complete?" Hong Jun said. The control jade talisman fragment has appeared, Chu Feng looked at the control jade talisman fragment and shook his head slightly: "No, this one is relatively large, but even if you get this one, there are still some missing. As for the missing one or two, it's hard to say !"

"Try to shoot, but it may not succeed!" Hongjun said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. This kind of thing depends on luck. If there are a lot of people fighting and everyone is unwilling to give up, then there may be a sky-high price. If Chu Feng's void stone can be easily taken out and taken down Naturally, there is no big problem, but if a large number of void stones are taken out, it is easy to cause doubt!

One thing that’s not bad is that the fragment that controls the jade amulet appears on the fourth from the bottom, and there are three items behind. If you don’t know what those items are, you will be a little cautious about this fragment that controls the jade amulet. After all, those people are not like Chu Feng already possessing most of the grassroots control jade talisman fragments!

The fragments that controlled the jade amulet first rose rapidly to 800 billion catties. After more than one trillion catties, the rate of price increase became very slow, each time it only rose slightly.

There was joy in Chu Feng's eyes. This situation was beyond his expectation. He thought that the competition would be fierce, but he didn't expect everyone to be restrained.

"Master Hong, you said that there are some strong people, do you know what good things are behind you?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, this situation is very good, he also made a bid, did not bid much, just like the rest of the people, a small amount of price added!

After a steady rise for more than 20 minutes, Chu Feng succeeded in taking down the control jade charm with more than 1600 billion catties of void stone. The price of this one was beyond his expectation. It was not too high, but low. Some, Chu Feng originally estimated that three trillion catties of void stones might not be able to get the Jade Talisman fragments of the Tongtian Tower!

Hongjun took out the holy crystal, and the piece of control jade talisman quickly arrived in Chu Feng's hands. "It is indeed this thing!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle. He has more contact with the jade talisman fragments, and there is no problem in distinguishing whether it is true or not. In such an auction, the organizer does not dare to fool people with fake ones!

"I basically got what I wanted, so let's look at the excitement!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, as he said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand, "Master Hong, there is a void stone inside!"

Hongjun helped Chu Feng produce a lot of sacred crystals, and at this time he took it over without being polite, "Chu Feng, why didn't you give me more for the old-fashioned?" Hongjun chuckled.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Master Hong, I will give it to you, your old man is too embarrassed to accept it!"

"I'm embarrassed about other people, you rich man, what am I embarrassing about? You give a one hundred and eight trillion catties, and I must take it unceremoniously!" Hongjun smiled.

"Master Hong, demeanor, pay attention to the demeanor of the predecessors!" Chu Feng rolled his eyes. "Haha senior demeanor, don't need it when you don't need it!" Hongjun laughed and said, and after spending a long time with Chu Feng, Hongjun is now slowly not treating him as a little guy, "Chu Feng, Did you know that you are more like a person."


Hongjun said: "Lin Tian... your personality is more similar, but he is slightly stronger than you. This has a lot to do with the environment. Now the environment of this universe is indeed a bit worse. You and Compared with him, he is more tolerant. In such an environment, he can live better if he is tolerant."

"Uh...it's more like Senior Lin Tian, ​​honored!" Chu Feng said.

They have heard Hongjun talk about Lin Tian many times, and Chu Feng really wanted to see this Lin Tian, ​​but compared with Lin Tian, ​​his current strength status is more than ten thousand miles away.

The third to last and second to last. Chu Feng and the others chatted. After more than twenty minutes passed, only the last item was left without auction. The third and second to last were all very good things, Lian Hong Jun was also faintly tempted, but he still restrained himself from bidding.

"Everyone, there is only the last item left in our auction. The last item will definitely not let everyone down. It is the innate treasure, refining Tianding!" On the auction platform, Gu Feng was excited. Roared.

Lian Tianding!

As Gu Feng roared out those three words, the whole auction hall became quiet and then turbulent. Most people did not expect that the last item was actually an innate treasure!

Innate artifacts, there are many such things, but the innate treasures, the number of such things is extremely small, and the refining of the heavenly ding is also very good among the innate treasures!

"The Congenital Treasure has also been put up for auction!" Chu Feng was shocked. He knew why the jade talisman fragments were not very competitive. For those top powerhouses, a Congenital Treasure was obvious. It is much more important than a broken control jade talisman fragment that can only be seen and cannot be used!

The price of Innate Treasure must be extremely high. If the control jade amulet is wasted, and then the final Lian Tianding can't compete with others, then it is a terrible thing!

"Lian Tianding has been missing for a long time. I didn't expect it to be born!" Hongjun said in surprise, "This is a very good treasure. It can be used to refine treasures, and it can also be used to attack. If the powerhouses of the Indestructible Level are sealed in it, it will take some time to refine the powerhouses of the Immortal Level!"

"Completely killed?" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun nodded slightly on the ground: "Yes, if there are no powerful treasures and the Heavenly Cauldron is brought into it, the general immortal level powerhouse will not last long! The indestructible level powerhouse will kill many innate treasure I can do it, for example, my good fortune jade disc, Pangu’s Pangu axe, but it’s not as convenient as Tianding Refining. It’s much more convenient to use Refining Tianding to refine the indestructible powerhouse!

"Master Hong, do you want to take this baby down?" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun frowned slightly and said, "I think, I just want to win, it's more difficult! I wake up relatively late, and I don't have as many accumulated things!"

"This is a natural treasure. Even if you support it, it will be more difficult to win!"

"Everyone, everyone, please be quiet!" Gu Feng said loudly, "This piece of Tianding Ding Lian was put up for auction by a senior. I don’t need to talk about the value of Tianding Ding. I guess you won’t have enough There are still holy crystals in the Void Stone, so if you have less holy crystals in the Void Stone, you can bring out some other treasures!"

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, you should have a lot of other treasures, do you want to take it out and take this Lian Tianding down?" "I have a lot of treasures in other places, but I have a lot of treasures in my hands. , Not much." Hongjun said helplessly, the reincarnation of heaven, and the jade disc of good fortune reincarnated with him, and other things, he stayed in other places.

Of course, Hongjun got a lot of things in this reincarnation, but the other saints and powerful men also got a lot of things. It was not easy to compare the others!

"Master Hong, do you want to contact Pan Master and jointly take down the Lian Tianding?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun shook his head: "No, if we join hands, we will be discovered by others!"

"Rather than teaming up to win at this auction, it is better to join hands with Brother Pan when the time comes to get the Lian Tianding and hand it over!"

Chu Feng said: "If the other party asks Tianding to recognize the Lord, it is extremely difficult for Tianding to recognize the Lord again!"

"Hehe, do you think it is so easy for the innate treasure to recognize the Lord? This Tianding had a master before. Although it has been a long time without a master, it is also very difficult for it to recognize the master! If it does not reach more than one tenth, even if its owner is killed, there is still a way to make it recognize the owner again!" Hongjun smiled.

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