Holy Prison

Chapter 1660: Worm Nest

"Well, what other Duan San can be besides that Duan San?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"This guy was not satisfied with introducing many of them to him before, but he didn't expect to meet Xin'er."

Chu Zhen laughed and said: "The three of Duan are pretty good. They can be together, that's fate too! It must be Duan San's first talk about this, and it's good to be able to pull the bottom. If they get married, then Take them to bring the earth!"

"No problem." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Dad, how is the situation on the 33rd star field now?"

"Star Field 33?"

Chu Zhen frowned, "Feng'er, are you going to the 33rd star field?" "Well, Dad, which side is not peaceful now? On the other side, I remember that the Zerg race is not dominant now." Peak Road.

Chu Zhen nodded, "The Zerg does not have the advantage, but some strange things have happened on that side! It is a strange thing that happened recently. It is estimated that it hasn't been long before the news spread to the side of the gods, and you still don't know it is normal."

"what's up?"

Chu Feng asked with a dignified expression, Chu Zhen is now in control of matters on this side of the Mortal Realm, and his expression is relatively dignified now, and the things that happened are probably not small!

"In every star field, basically the Zerg masters are almost the same. In the past there were no more masters in the 33rd star field than in other star fields, but recently, the number of the 33rd star field masters has increased significantly!"

"In addition, there are many strong people in the 33rd star field going crazy! After going crazy, they are not divided between us and the enemy. Now the situation on that side is very serious, and I am preparing to send many strong people over!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "The number of Zerg powers has increased, so there is no distinction between the enemy and us? There are also platinum-level powerhouses who do not distinguish between the enemy and us?"

"Yes, quite a few! Some of them are a little sober, some are completely crazy!" Chu Zhen said solemnly.

"Dad, where was this situation in the first place?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Zhen waved his hand and showed the star map of star field 33 in front of him: "The place where the red dot is located is the star field where the problem first appeared. We don't know the current situation there anymore, and there is a large number of people gathered there. Zerg!"

"You two, let's eat a slice of watermelon!" Mo Xiu brought up a plate of sliced ​​watermelon.

"Mom, thanks!" Chu Feng took a piece of it and gnawed at it. "Dad, you can talk about the situation on that side."

Chu Zhen nodded: "A lot of Zerg masters went out from that side. It should be that something happened in that area, something abnormal happened, and some strong people went to that side to investigate, but most of them did not leave alive. The limited few who left alive are also crazy!"

"Dad, zoom in on the star map!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Zhen zoomed in on the star map, and after zooming in to a certain level, Chu Feng frowned tightly.

"How could this happen" Chu Feng whispered. "What's wrong, is it here that you are looking for?" Chu Zhen asked.

Chu Feng nodded helplessly: "Well, the 33rd star field is so big, I didn't expect it to be in this area. This star field seems to be a big problem! Dad, don't worry, I will go there. On the one hand, I will definitely check this out!"

"You go there?"

Chu Zhen frowned and said, "Feng'er, don't go over there, send someone to check it! Although you are now a saint, in the mortal world, you are only platinum Dzogchen's strength!"

"Dad, there must have been platinum Dzogchen experts who have checked it out in the past? Ordinary people may not be able to do this. I have to go there. As for safety, don't worry!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Zhen wanted to say something, but looking at Chu Feng's eyes, he knew that persuasion would definitely be useless.

"Feng'er, I'll go with you."

"No!" Chu Feng quickly refused, "Dad, this side of the earth can't do without you... Besides, dad, your fighting ability, there are so many things on earth that surpass you, uh"

Mo Xiubai glanced at Chu Zhen and said, "Brother Zhen, you don't want to go, you have to protect you in the past, Feng'er!"

"You girls" Chu Zhen shook his head helplessly, "Feng'er, do you want to choose some powerful people on this side of the earth?"

"No, there must be people from Shenchucheng on the other side. If there is a need, I will mobilize some more people on that side!" Chu Feng said, "Dad, things are not easy, it should not be too late, I will pass now. take a look!"

"Be careful!"

Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu said in the same voice. As soon as their voices fell, Chu Feng's figure disappeared in front of them.

The entire mortal universe is composed of 81 star regions and many star islands. The earth is in star region 66. Star region 33 on the star map is not very far from the earth, but they are different stars. The actual distance between domains is quite far away!

However, it has been so many years now, and many star regions are connected by super-distance space wormholes. Through space wormholes, you can reach star regions far away in a relatively short time!

About half a month later, Chu Feng had already reached the 33rd star field. Of course he had reached a relatively peaceful area, but when he appeared on this side, Chu Feng also felt a little uneasy in the atmosphere.

The entire 33rd star field is huge, with 500 billion galaxies. Now the problem directly affects only a small part of the 33rd star field, but the 33rd star field is most of the area. There is some panic, something that many powerhouses know, through the void channel or something, many Zerg powerhouses can reach most of the 33rd star field in a relatively short time!

"Everyone, I have the latest news from the Worm Nest side!" a young man in a city far away from Chu Feng said loudly.

Chu Feng's figure faded and he was in the city where the young man was in a short time.

"Bao asks, if you have news, you can speak quickly!"

"That's it, why don't we have our appetite?"

"Say quickly, otherwise I will swallow you in one bite, Lao Ha, do you want to taste that." A man who looks like a toad laughed.

In the restaurant where the young man was, some "people" roared. Some of these people have the same appearance as humans, and some of them have very different appearances. However, they are also called humans in the universe. !

"Oh... old man, don't scare me, the last time you were scared I didn't eat for months!" The young man's expression changed.

"Then speak quickly."

The young man said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I said, I shouldn't need my money for today's wine?"

"The news is useful, so the wine money is free." The owner of the restaurant also leaned in at this moment.

"Don't worry, it's useless to ask when the news is out? It must be useful!"

Bao asked and drank a little wine to moisturize his throat: "The situation on the Worm Nest side is a bit more serious. According to the latest information, the number of platinum-level powerhouses on the Zerg side has exceeded ten trillion!"

"Ten trillion!"

A person in the restaurant took a breath of cold air, and Chu Feng, who had just walked into the restaurant with many people, also took a breath of cold air. Ten trillion, this number is really terrifying!

"Bao inquire, is your news fake? For the entire 33rd star domain, the platinum level powerhouses should have only one trillion before. Now the number 33 star domain top zerg powerhouses has increased tenfold. ?" A crabman said in shock.

Bao Qin asked helplessly: "Ten trillion, it should be only a lot more. Just two days ago, the Zerg on the other side had a riot. The nearby Kama galaxy was completely destroyed, and the deaths are countless!"

"Kama galaxy, that is a big galaxy. I heard that there are still many strong people gathered on that side, and they have been destroyed?"

Bao inquired and nodded: "Yes, the Kama galaxy has been destroyed. I just got the news. I rushed over to inform everyone as soon as I got the news. Isn't it good for everyone?"

"It's not bad, please ask, you can elaborate a little more, now other star regions, there should be a lot of strong people to this side?"

"Yes, there are many strong people in each star field, but the number of platinum-level strong people will not exceed 500 billion, and there are many strong people in the realm of the gods, but they will not exceed one. Trillion, so I advise everyone, if you have the ability, run away, escape from the 33rd star field, the 33rd star field is estimated to be over in short time!" Bao asked with a wry smile.

"Our home is here, how can we escape? If we escape, then we will become wandering rootless people!" a person screamed excitedly.

Bao inquired and poured the wine in the cup and stood up: "Everyone, if home is not there, people are still there, it's only better than home and people are not."

"You can't escape, ask me. You have a good net worth. I heard that there are some void stones that can escape to other star regions, but most of the people in the 33rd star domain do not have void stones, even if they have a little bit. , That little Void Stone is not enough to escape!" The restaurant owner said with a gloomy expression.

"Little brother, sit down first." Chu Feng patted Baoding's shoulder and said, Baoding couldn't help but sit down.

Chu Feng sat down next to Bao Inquiry: "Little brother, there are more than ten trillion platinum-level powerhouses on the Worm Nest side. How reliable is this news? Are there still rapid growth in the Zerg-level powerhouse on the other side? "

Bao Qin also has the strength of the golden junior. He sat down involuntarily when he was lightly patted by Chu Feng. He knew that he had met the strong right now and quickly said respectfully: "My lord, the news is 100% reliable and has not been confirmed. I don’t just pass on the news of the news."

"My lord, I'm a little bit uncertain about the question behind you. I heard that the platinum-level Zerg experts on the side of the Worm Nest have slowed down a lot, but they are still growing." Bao asked.

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