Holy Prison

Chapter 1663: Several possibilities

"Chu boy, let's talk, what happened?" Bai Qi asked.

Chu Feng was silent for a while without making a sound, and frowned, "Chu boy, are you in a daze when you came to me?"

"Lao Bai... of course not. I'm not so free yet. I'm thinking about whether or not to tell you something!" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi glared at Chu Feng and said, "Chu boy, what you want to tell me can't be done without hiding it from me? Hurry up, mother-in-law, like a bird, hurry up and honestly recruit!"

"Lao Bai, you have listened, but don't be too excited." Chu Feng said. "I haven't experienced any big winds and waves in Bai Qi. Let's talk, nothing can make me too excited!" Bai Qi said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Then I'll just say that there is a problem not only in the ordinary world, but also in the holy world. It is very likely that your deity also has a problem. Let me start from the beginning!"

Chu Feng spoke unhurriedly, and as he spoke, his white face was constantly changing, showing that his heart was very uneasy!

"Basically, the situation is like this. There is such a problem in the Holy Realm, and this problem has also occurred in the Mortal Realm now. I asked you to help analyze the problem on the Mortal Realm. What do you think may be the cause? What happened?" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Chu Feng, are these all true? Are you sure they are true?"

"Absolutely sure! Lao Bai...your deity hasn't woken up yet, but the possibility of being controlled is not small!" Chu Feng said.

"No, no, the abyss powerhouse wants to control my deity, it's not that easy!" Bai Qi said solemnly.

Chu Feng sighed and said, "Lao Bai, how do you compare to Pan Master, how do you compare to Hong Master?"

"It's not as good." Bai Qi said, he knew that he still had this point, and he was a lot worse than Pangu Hongjun.

Chu Feng said, "Master Pan and Master Hong were controlled before, let alone your deity, what do you think?"

Bai Qi opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but he couldn't find a reason to refute. Indeed, strong people like Hongjun were controlled, and it is extremely unlikely that Bai Qi was not controlled!

"Chu Feng, do me a favor at that time, if my deity is controlled, he must wake up!" Bai Qi said solemnly. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Lao Bai, don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I will try my best to find a way. With one more Saint King, then the strength of our side will improve a lot!"

"Lao Bai, your deity hasn't woken up yet. It's useless for you to think about those things now. Let me first think about the things in the mortal world. The things in the mortal world are extremely severe!"

Bai Qi nodded slightly: "It is indeed extremely severe. If the mortal realm is occupied by the Zerg, then the fun will be great! The mortal realm and the holy realm are oppressed together, and they will undoubtedly lose!"

"Lao Bai, help think about it, what's going on in the Mortal Realm nowadays? I went back to the Holy Realm and asked Master Hong. Although they are not too difficult, they consume a lot of money!" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi drank a drink and said, "You make me think about it. There are too many memories. Many memories are kept in dust when they are not in use. I have to look up my own memories!"

Chu Feng waited. After more than ten seconds, Bai Qi said: "Chu Feng, there are several possibilities for this situation now. The first is what the saints of the holy world have done. The first purpose is to let the lower realm be occupied by the Zerg. The second objective is to take the opportunity to kill you and weaken the strength of Shenchu ​​City!"

"The second type, you said that there is a piece of debris from the base of the Tongtian Pagoda, which may be related to the Tongtian Pagoda! The Tongtian Pagoda was created by many powerful saints in ancient times. Although it is not the innate treasure, it has many capabilities that exceed the innate treasure Yes! If it is the second type, the problem is easier to solve. You find that piece of fragment, and then merge with the other fragments you control to form a control jade talisman, basically it will not be affected anymore."

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Even the second type is not easy. First, it is not easy to find the control jade talisman fragment in the Worm Nest. The second side already has more than ten trillion platinum levels. A powerful Zerg, it is easier said than done to solve it!

"The third type, there is a certain possibility that it has something to do with the Abyss Universe. The Abyss Universe is undergoing a great destruction. God knows what ghosts have occurred and come here!"

"The fourth type, there may be super treasures, or super evil things on that side. Have you heard of Pandora's Box? Maybe someone opened something like Pandora's Box!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Have heard of...Lao Bai, if it is the fourth type, then"

"The possibility of the fourth kind is relatively small. If it is the fourth kind, then the power of that thing is beyond imagination. After all, the three realms are separated now, even if the innate treasure or the last-day treasure is in the mortal realm. There is such a powerful force!" Bai Qi said solemnly.

Chu Feng said, "Is there a fifth possibility?" "Yes, the fifth possibility, the above four possibilities, not only one occurred, but many occurred simultaneously. If that happens, Chu Feng, then ...The situation is even more terrible than you think now!" Bai Qi frowned tightly.

"Chu Feng, if things happen that kind of extremely bad situation, other planets can't control it, forget it, the earth must have nothing to do, understand? The earth is your hometown and mine!" Bai Qi said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I won't let the earth happen, Lao Bai, luck won't be so bad, don't worry!" "You guys had better be careful. Some things, one thing are going in a bad direction. Things that develop will often develop to the extreme in a bad direction!" Bai Qi said.

"Damn, can you say something nice? I'm so careful that I'm thumping!" Chu Feng stared.

"Okay, why not, what you and I are telling are stories. Now the Three Realms are peaceful and nothing has happened." Bai Qi drank and smiled authentically. "Damn, entertain me, after drinking these wines, Lao Bai, you haven't had a drink for a year." Chu Feng stared.

"do not!"

Bai Qi yelled, but Chu Feng had disappeared into the space he was in now.

"Bing Ning, Xian'er, what's the situation?" Chu Feng asked. Miao Xian'er is using the power of the holy prison to check, and Feng Bingning and the others are also doing their best to check.

Feng Bing condensed: "Feng, there is an evil force in their bodies. It is that evil force that makes them crazy, and that evil force is hidden in their souls!"

"You should have found it, can you get it out, if you can, let me see!" Chu Feng said.

"Bing Ning, let me come." Yin Qianqian said, she stretched out her hand to one of the two controlled people and hooked her finger. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes, and he saw a black breath coming from A person emerged from his body, and with this breath, that person instantly fell softly to the ground.

"Is this thing?" Chu Feng frowned after looking at the man who fell softly on the ground.

The black breath came out and condensed into a small group, and from that small group of breath a very cold breath came out!

"Chu Feng, this breath is hidden deep, and the control is extremely strong!" Yin Qianqian said, "This horrible thing is probably caused by a saint in the Holy Realm controlled by the abyss! You must be careful when you appear outside. Be careful, if it's the trap of the saints, you should know who those saints first want to deal with."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "After being controlled, is there a more convenient way to release control?"

"I haven't found a perfect way. It is not impossible to use something to destroy it, but it is entangled with the soul and will hurt the soul! Now there is only such a stupid way to enter the holy prison space, and then use this evil power Get out of your body!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Well...let him wake up first and see if everything is normal after he wakes up." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er replied, the person fainted just because the soul was affected a little bit. The doctor gave a little treatment, and the person quickly regained consciousness.

"This is where?"

The man who woke up said, the next moment he recognized Chu Feng and they quickly got up and saluted: "Master Chu Feng, ladies, juniors, thank you for your help!"

"Don't be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Who is this person?"

"Returning to Master Chufeng's words, the junior is Lu Jun, and he is the junior junior Su Hao, and I hope Master Chu Feng can help him!"

Chu Feng nodded and said: "Don't worry, he will be fine, but I won't wake him up for the time being. I'm looking for an easier way to wake him up! Feel free to see if everything is normal. If there is no problem, tell me how you felt when the accident happened."

"Yes, Master Chu Feng." Lu Jun felt it carefully, "Master Chu Feng, everything is normal for juniors."

"It's fine, sit down, sit down and say." Chu Feng said. He found himself first, and Feng Bingning and the other women also sat down one by one. "Master Xie!" Lu Jun said and sat down nervously. Although Chu Feng did not show any momentum, he felt a lot of pressure. Chu Feng was not only the city lord of Shenchu ​​City, but also a saint. , The identity is far from what he can match.

"Lu Jun, don't be afraid, I will still eat you and you won't make it!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Lu Jun relaxed a little in his heart: "Yes, sir. My brother and I immediately rushed to the mortal world side after knowing the things on the mortal world side, hoping to do our best."

"We are quite confident in our ability to hide our breath, so we look closer. We didn’t expect to feel a chilly breath sweeping our body after approaching the insect nest. After the chilly breath swept away, we Immediately I felt that I couldn't control myself. The last clearer memory was that Junior Brother attacked me, and I couldn't help but fight back!"

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