Holy Prison

Chapter 1665: Inside the planet

"Okay, at this speed, the holy prison should fall on the surface of the planet within ten minutes!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the first step has finally been completed, if the cause can be found to solve it, even if the second step has been completed; the many bugs that have been strengthened will be destroyed. Three steps!

The first step is undoubtedly the easiest for Chu Feng, but it is not easy for other people. With so many insects, it is very difficult to reach the surface of the planet with so many insects!

"These insects are really ugly long! Brother Feng, can you kill many insects with the knife beast?" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng said: "The sword beast can be used, but how many insects the sword beast can kill is hard to say! There are too many insects on this planet, and the sword beast may be destroyed as soon as it goes out!"

"Feng... You gave your dad the lion king mask before. Is there anything like a lion king mask in the holy prison space? Does it have any effect here?" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng shook his head: "As the Holy Prison is upgraded, there is still no Lion King mask. The level of the Lion King mask is not low. It is estimated that there are some seals on that thing now. Remember to remind me that when I get to the earth, I will take this Lion King mask well. Check it carefully."

"If it's a good thing, can't you take it back?" Feng Bingning said with a charming smile. "Uh... my own dad, what's the matter. If it's not suitable for my dad, of course I will take it back by myself." Chu Feng said, "I can get my dad with something more suitable at that time!"

"There is nothing to find in the sacred prison space for things like the lion king mask. Even if it is, it is not so easy to use here. With the lion king mask, I have to go outside. The sword beast seal is better!" Chu Feng When the mind moved, the sword beast seal on his arm appeared.

"Unfortunately, the level of the sword beast magic seal is a little lower. At most, it is a king-shen-level sword beast. If there can be an emperor-level god-level sword beast, it would be fine." Chu Feng laughed.

Miao Xian'er curled her lips and said, "If it can, it's not necessarily a good thing! If the saints of the lower realm can make many things like the Emperor God-level Swordsmen, would they still have the power of the Shenchu ​​City?"

"I'm talking about my ability alone, but nobody else has it!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

The women rolled their eyes together. "Think beautifully." Miao Xian'er said with a smile. "The reality is so cruel, it would be too inhumane if you want to be more beautiful." Chu Feng smiled.

While chatting, after ten minutes, the holy prison has already fallen above the core heart ball of the insect nest with countless insects!

"Holy Prison has landed!" Yilian said. Chu Feng looked at the light ball that showed the image from the outside. The image in the center of the light ball was clearer, and the farther out, the less clear the image!

"Xian'er, intensify scanning." Chu Feng said, the results of this scan are a little too poor. What can be seen clearly is that the diameter of this planet should be more than 100,000 kilometers.

The planet with a diameter of one hundred thousand kilometers was only scanned to a radius of a hundred kilometers, and the results of this scan really did not satisfy Chu Feng.

"Comrade Chu Feng, this is already the result of the enhanced scan. Would you like to look at the result of the non-enhanced scan?" Miao Xian'er said before Chu Feng spoke, she switched to the state of the non-enhanced scan, in the state of the non-enhanced scan. Under the sky, the sky eye can also scan the image within ten kilometers!

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, this scan result is too cheating! "Chu Feng, do you want me to report the general information about this planet?" Miao Xianer said.

"Report it!"

Miao Xian'er said: "This planet, formerly called the Purple Blood Star, is a fighting star, and there are often some strong players here to compete! The gravity of this planet is very high, and the density of the planet is extremely high. What damage is easy to cause to the planet!"

"The atmosphere is not very suitable for human survival, but for people with a silver level cultivation level, there is no problem. However, people with silver level strength dare not go to this planet. It is estimated that they will be affected by the terrible gravity. Only a little bit left!"

"This was an area occupied by humans before. Now, do you know that there are no other living people on this planet besides us! The diameter of the planet is about 100,000 kilometers, and its rotation takes about 40 hours. In a few hours, the area where we are will usher in dark night!"

Chu Feng considered it for a while and said, "Xian'er, if a bomb is used, is it possible to destroy this planet?"

"This planet is extremely dense, and the possibility of being destroyed by bombs is not high. In addition, using bombs to destroy it may cause unpredictable disasters. This is not recommended!" Miao Xian'er said in a deep voice.

"What about poison?" Lan Wen said.

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "If there is a powerful poison that can deal with the Zerg in a large amount, this should be possible! However, we finally know the reason before taking a larger action, so that it is safer!"

"In terms of poisons, we can only see if Feiying can refine some special effects. The poisons in the holy prison shop do not work very well! Or it is not that the poisons are not effective, but the insects here. It's too much!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned and thought about it. The Sky Eye's scan couldn't scan the inside of the planet. This was really troublesome!

"Xian'er, get a spy insect to go out for an interview and see if those insects will respond." Chu Feng said, if the insects do not attack the spy insects, then many spy insects can be released into the planet. Understand the situation clearly!

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly and soon a spy insect appeared outside.

The spy insect just appeared outside, and a green light came and killed it all at once!

"It doesn't seem to work!" Miao Xian'er shrugged.

"Brother Feng, maybe my alien witch beasts can appear outside. What they see after they go outside will leave a memory. I can give them orders and let them return when they find the target!" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, this method would definitely succeed if the bugs outside did not attack the alien!

All Lan Wen controlled were alien emperors, and Chu Feng thought that those bugs shouldn't attack them!

"Wen'er, let one try outside first!" Chu Feng said. "Good Brother Feng!" Lan Wen said.

Soon an alien emperor with a height of over ten meters appeared beside Chu Feng and the others, and the alien emperor disappeared without seeing the surface of the planet outside the holy prison in the blink of an eye!

The alien emperor had just appeared, and in a short period of time, many insects arrived near the alien emperor.

The Alien Sovereign roared angrily, and the strong coercion immediately pressed on the insects that surrounded it.

In Chu Feng's surprised gaze, some of those bugs lay on the ground, and the little bit of hostility in the remaining eyes disappeared.

The Alien Emperor roared, and one of those insects was also screaming, and the two exchanged quickly.

"Wen, what do they say?" Chu Feng said. He knew a lot of languages, but he didn't understand the language of those insects, but Lan Wen could understand the simple words of those insects through Alien Emperor.

Lan Wen said: "The bug said that it is illegal for Alien Emperor to reach the planet without permission."

"The alien emperor said it came from another place, and came here to look at the situation on this side. If it does not comply with the rules, then use the rules of the zerg to solve it through a duel. The bug is a little afraid that the alien emperor will wither. !"

"The alien emperor proposed to visit everywhere, and the bug agreed, but it must be visited under their leadership! Brother Feng, for the time being, we can only let this alien emperor go outside. If there are any, it is estimated that it will cause a lot of bugs. Attention, it may not be possible!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, with those bugs, an alien emperor should also let us know what we want to know! Wen'er, the alien emperor is inside, won't you lose control, right?"

"There should be no problem with this item within an hour. If it doesn't come back for more than an hour, then there must be something wrong with the Alien Emperor!" Lan Wen said.

"One hour, as long as you don't get out of control, one hour is enough to return!" Chu Feng said.

As time passed slowly, Chu Feng and the others could only wait, and if they did anything at this time, they would only make the insects be more vigilant!

"Fifty-eight minutes, Wen'er" Chu Feng frowned slightly, and immediately after an hour passed, the alien emperor hadn't returned yet!

Lan Wen said with some doubts: "Brother Feng, I don't know what happened below, but there is still a little control. The Alien Emperor is not completely out of control...Hey, the control is increasing, Brother Feng, the Alien Emperor is approaching us!"

"Huh!" Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for an hour, what he didn't want to wait was a failure!

The alien emperor rose rapidly, and inside the planet, an old man in yellow robe frowned slightly: "Old man, the alien head just now, how come I feel a little strange!"

"Strange, why is it strange?" said another brown-clothed old man. "There is something wrong with the aura...no, it's not an alien from the lower realm, but an alien from the gods!" The Huangpao old man changed his expression.

"Shen Chucheng Lan Wen"

The brown-clothed old man also changed his complexion, and the two immediately passed on the order to let many insects go out and stop the alien, but the alien emperor left quickly. When the insects rushed out of the planet, the alien 'S figure just disappeared and entered the holy prison space!

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