Holy Prison

Chapter 1674: Identity badge

"That Chu Jiu is not easy to deal with." Tulou frowned.

Daguban sneered: "Boss, even if his strength is relatively high, we are also a local snake here. If we want to kill him, he can still be able to beat the wind and waves."

"We can already control the imprisonment circle of Rocky City. Not to mention that he is only a middle-ranked saint. Even a high-ranked saint, we should be able to take him down! And the third child, if you let him go outside , What should we do if we attract some powerful characters? What's more, boss, can you be sure that the third child doesn’t know about us?"

Tulou was silent.

"Boss, the youngest is not weak. After so many years, he may not have found anything. I have eaten a lot of babies over the years. How many people have you arrested and killed the boss? If he comes back then, bring some What if people come to deal with us?"

Tulou nodded slightly and said solemnly, "Okay, then kill them! You deal with the third child, I'll deal with that Chu Jiu!"

"no problem!"

In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er snorted coldly: "These two **** actually do such a thing!"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, and a cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He did not expect that Tulou and the others would actually do such a thing, there are not many people in Rocky City!

"Chu Feng, what should I do?" Miao Xian'er asked. "The first is the strongest, and the second is the worst. Now that I know they are ready to deal with me, why are you polite with them?" Chu Feng said indifferently in his mind.

"Send Tianwei and kill directly?" Miao Xianer said. "This" Chu Feng frowned slightly, if they die, this Rocky City is afraid that it won't be able to keep it.

"By the way, Chu Feng, the one An Da Khan said before that he would leave Rocky City with you!" Miao Xianer said.

"Leave with me? I'm not interested in taking him away!" Chu Feng said in his mind. He has a lot of secrets, but he doesn't want to be accompanied by a tail. "Xian'er, dispatch the Tianwei and imprison Tulou and Da Guban, and then put them into the holy prison space!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er responded, and in an instant, more than a dozen heaven guards appeared beside Tulou. Tulou and their strength were not weak, but each of the more than a dozen heaven guards had the strength of a seventh-level mid-level saint. They shot together. How could he resist, but all was included in the holy prison space in the blink of an eye!

"The two little trash fish actually want to deal with me too, and they don't know whether they live or die!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart and straightened up.

"An Da Khan!"

Chu Feng called. "Brother Chu Jiu." Far An promised Khan and appeared beside Chu Feng.

"An Da Khan, here is for you!" Chu Feng said, a crystal ball appeared in his hand, and inside the crystal ball was the image of the conversation between them just over the building. "What is it?" An Ta Khan said as the mental energy penetrated into it.

An Ta Khan's face changed drastically soon, and Chu Feng said quietly: "An Ta Khan, sorry, they are going to be against me, I can't sit still!"

"Brother Chu Jiu, did you kill them?" An Dahan said with a gloomy expression. "Why, do you want to avenge them?" Chu Feng said.

An Ta Khan took a deep breath and shook his head: "How could it be possible that they wanted to kill me, and they also killed many people in Rocky City. I avenged them, and my head won't get into the devil."

"For a long time, some people in Rocky City have often disappeared. I didn't have any doubts, but every time I dismissed Huaiying in a short period of time, I thought that at most only one of them was involved. I didn't expect both to be involved. Oh, **** it!"

"People's hearts are unpredictable...An Dahan, what are you going to do in the future?" Chu Feng said.

An Ta Khan showed hesitation on his face. A few seconds later, An Ta Khan said helplessly, "Brother Chu Jiu, I wanted to leave Rocky City with you, but now it’s not easy for me to leave. Up!"

"Although I've been bored in this city for a long time, I still have some feelings. I don't want it to be breached! If it was before, I would not be able to defend it alone, but now there are not many holy-level living corpses. It can barely be guarded!"

"If you can't hold it anymore, there is a portal, you can leave through the portal, it's much better than before!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and continued to get busy. An Ta Khan looked around Chu Feng for a while and left. He wanted to learn how to repair the teleportation array, but he couldn't understand it!

"Xian'er, watch An Da Khan, and let Tulou spit out all their treasures!" Chu Feng said in his mind, getting some criminals' treasures. This is a good way to maintain the holy prison. !

Miao Xian'er replied, she was very familiar with this question, and she would not be reluctant to be like Tulou and the others!

Several hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, Daguban got a very good thing!"

Chu Feng said in his mind. "This." Miao Xian'er said an image of a jade plate appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

"What is this?" Chu Feng said in his mind with some curiosity. "Chu Feng, this is a good thing. It is an identity card. You can't guess that the flying demon is actually the son of this world master Boas! This identity card is that of the flying demon. With this identity card, you may be able to enter Yinming Mountain!" Miao Xianer said.

"Daguban knows that this should be a good thing, but unfortunately, his strength is a little lower, and he doesn't know what this is!" Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"I thought it was a treasure, but I didn't expect it to be such an identity card! This identity card, should an outsider have no effect?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er hummed: "Stupid, if it doesn't work, would I say it is a good thing?"

"It may not be useful if someone else takes it. If you get this identity card too early, it won’t be of any use, but you can simulate the soul aura, and if this universe changes like this, that flying demon is dead again. I guess you Let this identity card recognize the master!" Miao Xianer said.

"With this identity card, your aura can be further obscured, and your actions will be much easier! If you can make it recognize the master, the role of this stuff is now much more precious than ordinary fixed objects! Boas Although He is dead, but he is a realm master, and there must be many relatives and subordinates alive. This identity card should still have a good effect, especially in this world of darkness!"

"Well! I will repair the portal first, and then see if I can recognize the master!" Chu Feng said.

A few more days passed quickly. In addition to the previous time, Chu Feng had already worked hard for more than 20 days. The two damaged teleportation columns exuded a faint light, and they had been successfully repaired!

"Brother Chu Jiu, all right?" An Da Khan appeared beside Chu Feng in surprise.

"Well, Antahan, I'll take a break." Chu Feng disappeared in front of Antahan in an instant.

In the sacred prison space, that identity card appeared in Chu Feng's hand. Chu Feng had encountered the flying demon before. The sacred prison recorded the aura of the flying demon, and Chu Feng tried his best to simulate it.

After a few minutes, the identity card in Chu Feng's hand has a little reaction. If the identity card is not a big problem, there will be no reaction at all at this moment. Today's identity card, its verification ability is far less than that. The previously intact identity card!

The identity card reacted, and Chu Feng's spirit rose and continued to adjust his soul aura. After ten minutes passed, the identity card in Chu Feng's hand burst out with a **** light, and there was originally a little cracked identity card. The little cracks on the top are gone!

"It's really OK!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. He looked at the identity card, and after he input a little spiritual power, a flying demon figure appeared on the identity card.

"Chu Feng, this is an image of Boas, and having this means that he is directly from Boas!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I know!"

When the identity card was successfully recognized as the master, Chu Feng received some information. With this identity card, it was indeed possible to open the blockade of Yinming Mountain and enter the Yinming Mountain!

Moreover, this identity card has a tremendous deterrent power in this world of darkness, and now the universe has become like this, the deterrence power must have dropped a lot, but the effect must still be there!

"Brother Solomon, are you leaving?" An Da Khan said, Chu Feng was staying in the holy prison space at this time, and it was Solomon who appeared outside from the holy prison space.

Solomon nodded slightly. A spatial ring appeared in his hand: "An Da Khan, this is given to you by the master, save a little drink, it should be enough for you to drink!"

An Da Khan took the space ring and penetrated into it, revealing ecstasy on his face. There is wine in it, a lot of wine!

Although none of those wines are considered good wines in Chu Feng's eyes, they are already very good wines in Antahan's eyes!

"Solomon, thank your master for me!" An Da Khan said.

"Yeah!" Solomon nodded slightly and activated the portal. The light curtain of the portal appeared. Solomon flew forward and instantly passed the light curtain and disappeared into Rocky City.

The teleportation was over in just over ten seconds, and Solomon appeared in another city. As soon as he left, he immediately found that many powerful people around him were looking at him imaginatively!


In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If there were some people, some things would be better preserved, and it would be easier for him to reach Nagas City or Yin Ming City!

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