Holy Prison

Chapter 1679: Fu Hao

"In Xia Chu Jiu!" Chu Jiu arched his hands and said quietly. "Chu Jiu...your strength does not seem to be weak, our Danagas City, it seems that there is no such a strong person as you!" A strong man in armor suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng and said in a deep voice. Not weak, with the strength of a lower saint!

"Just arrived in Nagas City!"

Chu Feng's words stunned some people around. Danagas City had not been in or out for many years, and Chu Feng's words made their first reaction unreliable!

"Brother, don't play with us, who are you guys so idle, who changed their appearance to entertain us?"

"It must be the case, we Danagas City has reached the power of trolls, I know one by one who does not have him like this, brother, change back to your deity!"

"It should be Senior Tao Ze, Senior Tao Ze has such a hobby!"

The bad people talked a lot, and Chu Feng touched his nose. This was really helpless, and he didn't believe the truth.

Chu Feng didn't think about concealing this matter. These people couldn't tell, those with a higher cultivation level would definitely be able to tell, and there were not many in the entire city who reached the mid-level sage strength!

"be quiet!"

A cold voice rang, and with that voice, a handsome young man in armor appeared in front of Chu Feng!

"General Yulong!"

This young man appeared, and those around him hurriedly saluted respectfully. Chu Feng nodded slightly to the young man. This young man was not weak in strength, and was the cultivation level of a middle saint like him.

In terms of cultivation base, this young man is even higher, but Chu Feng doesn't think he will be inferior to him in terms of true combat effectiveness!

"You are Chu Jiu? You are not from Danagas. How did you enter Danagas?" Yulong said solemnly to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said quietly: "General Yulong, am I your prisoner? Is there a statement that people will not enter Danagas City?"

"Sorry, for the safety of Danagas City, you must explain it!" Yu Long said coldly.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "General Yulong, Danagas City has many powerful players. What kind of storms can be caused by the strength of the middle trolls in Danagas City? Besides, our common enemy is outside!"

"Yulong, bring him in!" A low voice sounded beside Chu Feng and the others.

Yulong was taken aback and quickly said respectfully, "Yes, Master Fu Hao!"

"You...Let me see Master Fu Hao. If Master Fu Hao asks you, you will answer something obediently, otherwise you will be thrown outside to feed the corpse!" Yu Long said. Chu Feng smiled and didn't say anything. He experienced a lot of winds and waves. How could he be frightened?

Yulong led the way, and Chu Feng quickly reached a high platform in Danagas. On the high platform, a middle-aged man in a purple robe sat cross-legged. He sat there in perfect harmony with the surrounding space, as if the world was born. He was already sitting here!

"This Fu Hao really has a human appearance, but it's not bad. It's more comfortable than looking at an alien or a flying demon." Chu Feng said inwardly.

"Master Fu Hao!" Yulong said on one knee.

Chu Feng did not kneel, but calmly looked at the purple-robed middle-aged man in front of him. Although the purple-robed middle-aged man was extremely powerful, he did not give people the habit of kneeling!

"Young man, interesting. My Fu Hao is proficient in mind reading, but I don't know what you think in your heart!" Fu Hao waved his hand, Yu Long immediately got up and retreated to the side.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised. This Fu Hao is actually proficient in mind reading. Fortunately, he has a holy prison. The holy prison can guarantee that his memory will not be examined. Naturally, things like mind reading are nothing in front of him. effect.

"General Fu Hao, it's not right for you to do this. Use the mind-reading technique on me as soon as you meet!" Chu Feng frowned.

Yulong shouted: "Boldly, how dare you say this to Master Fu Hao, and, when you see Master Fu Hao, how dare you not polite! Master Fu Hao, why don't you teach him a lesson first and let him know how great!"

Fu Hao waved his hand and smiled and said, "Yulong, you are probably not his opponent! At this time, how can someone who can enter Danagas City wait for a while? Although his cultivation base is lower than yours, his strength should be better than you. If you are high, your mood cultivation is much higher than you!"

"Master Fu Hao, he is taller than me? I think his cultivation is much weaker than mine!" Yu Long said unconvincingly.

"Yulong, don't be convinced, the cultivation base does not represent strength! When the world master was only a lower troll cultivation base, he could win the powerhouse of the middle troll, you go down first!" Fu Hao said.

Yulong stared at Chu Feng and quickly left the high platform. "Young man, tell me how do you get to Danagas City." Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "If I don't say anything, General Fu Hao will throw me out of the city to feed the corpses?"

"Young man, Yulong is just joking with you, don't care. Now we have a common enemy, living corpses, we should be united! Young man, if you have a way to get in and out of Danagas city, maybe the whole city can be saved!" Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng sat down in front of Fu Hao: "General Fu Hao, the sky and the earth are big, but where is our safe place to shelter?"

"This" Fu Hao was taken aback for a moment. If the earth is big today, there is really no safe place in the entire universe. To be safe, you need to leave this universe, but it's not easy to leave!

Chu Feng said, "General Fu Hao, the Flame Demon can leave this universe, I wonder if there is a way to get to the Flame Demon?"

"Now the portal on Danagas City is destroyed. Although I am good at it, I am not good at repairing that portal. There is no such talent in Danagas City!" Fu Hao frowned slightly, "Except for this. In addition, only Yinming Mountain has a portal, but it is a pity that now Yinming Mountain cannot be entered! Moreover, leaving Danagas City is also a problem!"

"Young man, amazing, I didn't expect this general to be led away by you!" Fu Hao smiled honestly.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Don't dare, General Fu Hao, I'm still quite good at space. Can you let me take a look at the portal? Or maybe it can be repaired!"

"Now that you can enter Danagas City at this time, your spatial attainments cannot be low! In this situation, you will not be an enemy. I will not ask more for the time being. If it can be repaired, try my best to repair it! Yulong is below Wait, he will take you to the portal side!" Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly before leaving the high platform. "Interesting young man... how can this young man have a little bit of the aura of a realm master?" Fu Hao secretly asked him to make his decision not to ask Chu Feng. He felt that Chu Feng had a little Boas in him. Breath related.

"Chu Jiu, let's find a time to compete!" Chu Feng stepped off the platform, and Yu Long said solemnly.

"Not interested!" Chu Feng shook his head. He is telling the truth. Although Yulong's cultivation base is higher than him, if he fights with him in a life and death duel, Chu Feng is sure that he will be cut by the sword in no time. Next, he really has no interest in competing with such an opponent!

"You" Yulong's face flashed angrily. "Yulong, your mood level has been lowered, and you are full of emotions and anger. This is not good!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Well, let's go to the portal side!"

"follow me!"

Yulong said coldly, if it weren't for Fu Hao's request, he would like to compete with Chu Feng right now.

Danagas City is a big city, and the teleportation area is also very huge. Soon Chu Feng and Yulong came to the teleportation area of ​​Danagas City covering an area of ​​over 100 square kilometers. There are no people in most places on this side, but There are many people near one of the giant portals!

This huge portal is the portal to the world of Balrog. If this portal can be restored, then the people of Danagas can go to the side of the world of Balrog. Although there is no hope, every day on this side There are many people doing research!

"This damage is too serious." Chu Feng frowned. The portal in front of him was also made up of two huge stone pillars. Both stone pillars were broken, and the unbroken parts had many big cracks. !

"Yulong, how high is this teleportation column when it is complete?" Chu Feng said. "When it's complete, it's nine hundred and ninety-nine meters!" Yulong said solemnly, "Chu Long, please call me General Yulong."

"The name is just a code name, don't be persistent," Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Nine hundred and ninety meters...Ah, now both of them are only one-third long. It is extremely difficult to repair!"

Chu Feng and the others said that they had reached the bottom of the giant stone pillar, even if it was two-thirds less, standing in front of the two stone pillars more than 300 meters high would feel relatively small.

"Masters!" Yulong arched his hands. The people studying here are immortal powers, high-level saints, and high-ranking saints too!

Some people in front of Shizhu also saluted Yulong. "General Yulong, who is he? It seems that we don't have such a strong man in Danagas City!" A strong man with the strength of a high-ranking saint said curiously.

"His name is Chu Jiu. He has just arrived in Danagas City. He is good at space. Master Fu Hao asked him to come here and try." Yulong said, looking at Chu Feng and said solemnly, "Chu Jiu, also Haven't seen you all?"

Chu Feng arched his hands and said, "Chu Jiu has seen all the adults." "Where is the kid, so impolite, is there you who salute us like this?" A Fei Mo said coldly.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and Fu Hao didn't dismount him because of his identity. These people are afraid that they will give him a smash!

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