Holy Prison

Chapter 1688: Broken Blade

"Young Master!" Fu Hao said apologetically. Chu Feng gave him a task, but he didn't expect it to be completed in decades.

Chu Feng waved his hand and chuckles and said, "Fu Hao, sit down." "Thank you, Young Master!" Fu Hao nodded and sat down on the armchair next to Chu Feng.

"Young Master, Fu Hao is incompetent, the task you gave me, Young Master, has not been completed." Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Fu Hao, we must find this place. It is likely to be the key to leaving this universe. If we can't find it, I'm afraid."

"The key to leaving this universe?" Fu Hao was taken aback for a moment, "Young Master, you mean to send a false message out, saying that this place is the key to our departure, so that others can look for it more actively?"

Chu Feng shook his head and said: "It's not fake news, this location, surely, may be the key to our leaving this universe!"

"Young Master, how do you know?" Fu Hao said in a puzzled manner. They didn't know this news. Chu Feng hadn't looked for it in these years. Moreover, Chu Feng asked them to look for this one decades ago. Location, at that time Chu Feng just came to Yan Demon!

Chu Feng said: "Fu Hao, I have my own method, what is the specific method, it is not convenient to disclose, if you trust me, let this news be revealed, hope to find it as soon as possible!"

"Young Master, I naturally trust you!" Fu Hao said. Although he was puzzled, since Chu Feng said so, he did not doubt the authenticity of Chu Feng's words. Although he did not spend much time with Chu Feng, he I know that Chu Feng is not the kind of talker!

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Then spread this news. If you say it as you, others will believe it even if they don't fully believe it!"

"Yes, Young Master!" Fu Hao said. He immediately passed the order down. After receiving his order, some people spread the news throughout the Flame Demon City in a short time.

In another place in the Flame Demon City, Green Skin was taken aback for a moment: "Which location will be the key to leaving this universe? That place, it's not easy to think of it there!"

"Hmph, could it be that Fu Hao, the bastard, knew where I had been before, so he tricked me to go where to take the risk? That place, when the universe was normal, it would be very dangerous to go there, now it must be even more It is many times more dangerous!" Lu Pi coldly hummed in his heart, thinking of such a possibility.

"It must be like this. Fu Hao, the **** thing, definitely wants to get rid of me. There is no chance in this Flame Demon City, so I lied to take a risk in that ghost place, maybe... maybe a shit!"

Green Skin thought in his heart that it didn't take long for a strange smile to appear on his face: "I want to lie to me. That is to be beautiful. I want to see if you let it go, how will you end up at that time!"

"Listen, everyone!" Greenskin's voice sounded through the entire Flame Demon, "The place Fu Hao is looking for, I know where it is!"

Inside the castle, Chu Feng and Fu Hao were chatting. They were looking forward to news at that time, but they didn't expect that there would be news when they just released it!

"Green skin!" Chu Feng said.

Fu Hao frowned: "This guy said he knew, maybe he just told a lie. I believe what others say, he said."

"I actually said it...If what Lupi said is not false, then the place must be very dangerous!" Chu Feng said.

"Young Master, let's go out. If what Lupi said is true, then it is very good!" Fu Hao said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and the two quickly left the castle to reach the largest square in Flame City.

On one side of the square, now Green Skin has arrived, and the other indestructible powerhouses and many powerhouses have also arrived on this side.

"General Fu Hao!"

"Green Leather!"

The powerhouses of the immortal rank greeted them. As for those who do not have the strength of the immortal rank, they are not qualified to speak at this moment.

"Fu Hao, is what you said is true?" Lu Pi said solemnly. Fu Hao said quietly: "Do I have to lie? It's you, I doubt the authenticity of your words!"

Huoyan said: "You two, listen to me, you all swear by your own demons. If you lie, then you will be extinct in the ashes and will never be overborn! Fu Hao, Lupi, can you dare to do this? No joke!"

"I dared to post it, just because Fu Hao wouldn't dare." Lu Pi said quietly. "Why don't I dare?" Fu Hao said coldly.

Green Skin said solemnly: "Very well! Swear by my Demon Seed. If what I say is false, then I will fly away in ashes and will never be overborn! Fu Hao, you also swear to me, if you don’t swear, this is here. Many people are not easy to explain!"

"I, Fu Hao swears." Fu Hao quickly finished swearing. As the two of them finished their swearing, the eyes of all the strong men on the scene lit up. They had already sworn this oath. They knew that Fu Hao and Lupi There must be no lying about this matter.

So, maybe this time I can really leave this universe!

Lu Pi frowned slightly, he looked at Fu Hao, Fu Hao with a faint smile on his face.

"Damn it, is that location real?" Green Pi said in his heart, if he could be sure that it was true, he wouldn't do it.

"Green Skin, tell us the location!" Fu Hao said with a faint smile, "Are you still prepared to say it, will we all die in this universe when we leave alone?"

Fu Hao's voice fell to the Huoyan. They all looked at the faint threat in the green skin eyes.

"Hmph, how can this seat be like that? That place is a certain place within Broken Blade Realm." Green Skin said.

"Blade Broken Realm!"

When Lu Pi said that Fu Hao, their expressions all changed. "Green Skin, are you sure it's the Broken Blade Realm?" Chagu Division said solemnly.

"Yes, I just swore, how will I deceive you? This will definitely be verified by then!" Green Skin said, "About eight trillion years ago, I entered the Broken Blade Realm, although I did not stay there for a long time. It’s long, and time has passed so long, but I know the memory there."

"The image that Fu Hao showed is somewhat different from what I saw, but I'm sure that the location in the image is in the Broken Blade Realm." Lu Pi recalled his heart with lingering fears.

Huoyan said: "Green Skin, have you ever entered that ghost place in the Broken Blade Realm? There, many immortal saints have fallen! You are not that brave, right?"

"Humph!" Green skin snorted coldly, seeing everyone looking at him, he explained with some helplessness, "I didn't take the initiative to enter it back then. Back then, I didn't have the strength of the Immortal Grade. The one who was caught in it died, but I came out alive. It didn't take long after I came out to break through and reach the strength of immortality!"

The demon wind mother-in-law said: "It is rumored that anyone who enters the Blade Realm will definitely not return empty-handed, or improve their cultivation level, or get a powerful treasure! It is also possible that both the cultivation level and the powerful treasure will be obtained."

"This rumor should be true. There are a lot of treasures in that place. If you can come out alive, you can basically get some treasures. It's just an increase in strength. It depends on luck!" Green Skin said.

"The place that gave me the biggest impression is its danger. Even the powerhouse of the immortal level might fall, and it is estimated that it is even more dangerous now!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly, and even an indestructible powerhouse like Green Skin said so, and his face showed a look of horror. The danger in that place is probably beyond expectation!

"Duan San died in there many times that year, and if an indestructible power enters it, the possibility of death is also extremely high. If you can get a purple fruit that Duan San found!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

If Duan 3 didn't happen to eat one of that kind of fruit in the past, then Duan 3 bones and scum are gone now, and that fruit can make people resurrect inside it again and again!

"Blade-broken Realm...Fu Hao, do you really think that the connected channel is within the Broken-Blade Realm?" Gu Hong said.

Fu Hao nodded slightly, he felt a little unsure, but when Chu Feng said that, naturally he could only hold on to the end!

"Well, then we will go to the Broken Blade Realm. It would be nice to break into the Broken Blade Realm before we die!" Gu Hong said quietly.

The demon wind mother-in-law said: "If we don't go, we will still live forever, if we go, we may fall in a short time!"

"If you agree to go, go. If you don't agree to go, then stay. This one will not be forced!" Huoyan said in a deep voice, "Well, let's spread the news. We will leave in a month. Blade Realm!"

The Bone Chasing Division frowned and said: "There must have been a lot of powerful people dead in the Broken Blade Realm. I don't know if there are living corpses in it. If there are, the number of living corpses in there must be many!"

Chu Feng frowned secretly. Duan San didn't meet the living corpses that year, but after so many years, God knows if there is any special aura that wakes all the living corpses!

"God, you don't want to play with me anymore, it's absolutely terrifying in there, but don't show me living corpses anymore, you will play with dead people!" Chu Feng prayed secretly in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed. In the Flame Demon City, a large number of people set off from here to the area where the Broken Blade Realm was located.

Half a month later, Chu Feng and the others had already reached the area where the Broken Blade Realm was located, and some people died along the way, but so many powerful people acted together, and there were not many deaths.

"The Broken Blade is extremely dangerous. Don't enter, remember, remember!"

At the entrance of the Broken Blade, more than a dozen characters on a large black monument tens of meters high are shocking!

"So strong!" Chu Feng was shocked. These more than ten characters were definitely written by an indestructible powerhouse. After countless years, they still have a terrifying power.

"Young Master, these words were written by a supreme demon in ancient times. In that era, the entire Demon Realm was a rare opponent. He entered the Broken Blade Realm and was severely wounded, and finally died of severe injuries. From that era From now on, this place is called Broken Blade Realm!" Fu Hao said softly.

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