Holy Prison

Chapter 1690: Yinmingshan effect


Parkin shouted coldly. In a short time, he was only a hundred meters away from Chu Feng. Such a distance was naturally within his attack range!

The gravel splashed, and a place more than ten meters away from Chu Peak was shaken out by Parkin's palm to a two to three meters square hole!

Parkin cursed secretly in his heart, but Chu Feng was grateful in his heart. Fortunately, there is a problem with the sense of direction in this place. If there is no problem, Parkin's palm will fall on him 100%!

He has defensive treasures, and it is impossible for Parkin to kill him with one attack, but he has to lose a top defensive treasure with one attack, which is a pity!

"come out!"

Chu Feng's technique was played, and it became a lot smaller, but Yinming Mountain, which was ten thousand meters high, appeared in front of him. The bone chains around Yinming Mountain were gone, but tens of thousands of new trees grew on Yinming Mountain. These tens of thousands of big trees are scattered all over the Yinming Mountain!

Yinming Mountain appeared, Chu Feng ducked into Yinming Mountain, "Bang! Parkin attacked again, this time he used the range attack to cover the spot where Chu Feng was just now, if Chu Feng did not enter Within Yinming Mountain, he must have been killed at this moment!

"Yin Ming Mountain!"

Parkin's face showed a look of shock. Although the Yinming Mountain in front of him had become much smaller, he could still recognize that the Yinming Mountain in front of him was the Yinming Mountain. He didn't know how many times he had been to the Yinming Mountain back then!

"Yinming Mountain has changed hands, and the ability will definitely decrease, little guy, I want to see if Yinming Mountain can withstand my attack!"

Parkin sneered and the weapon appeared in his hand. His weapon was a long spear. With a flick of the spear, he immediately pierced Chu Feng, who was in the Yin Ming Mountain, with terrifying power!

This time, the attack was much stronger than the previous cover attack. Many trees on the Yinming Mountain moved, and many leaves fell off and blocked the spear!

The spear hole was wearing a piece of leaves, but there were a lot of leaves. After half of the leaves were penetrated, the attack power of the spear was completely blocked by the many leaves!

The pierced leaves did not lose their effect, they gathered into spears and shot towards Parkin!

Parkin blocked the spears that the leaves had turned into, but the heavy force also caused him to retreat dozens of meters!

"Little guy, I want to see how long you can stand it!" Parkin continued to attack with a cold snort!

Parkin knew in his heart that even if Yinming Mountain could withstand his attack, Chu Feng, the master, would definitely have to bear a lot of pressure. If Chu Feng could not withstand the pressure, then Yinming Mountain would destroy itself!

"Yin Ming, is there the ability to kill Parkin?" Chu Feng asked softly, Yin Ming showed a phantom beside him at this moment. He could see Yin Ming, but Parkin couldn't.

"Master, your strength is lower. If it's just a top troll, then it's possible, the immortal saint" Yin Ming shook his head slightly.

"Passive defense and active attack are two different concepts! If it weren't for Perkin's attack to inspire Yinmingshan's defensive counterattack, such a strong attack would not have erupted!"

Chu Feng said: "Yin Ming, in other words, if Parkin's attack is strong, then the defensive counterattack will be strong, and if it is weak, the defensive counterattack will be weak?"

"Yes, Master, the strength of Yinming Mountain's attack is determined by Parkin. It is possible to injure Parkin. It is basically impossible to kill him!" Yin Ming said.

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly. The attack was actually decided by the person who attacked Yinming Mountain. This is really a depressing thing, but it would be nice to survive the current situation!

Parkin attacked shot by shot, and every shot received a counterattack from Yinming Mountain. The counterattack was not weak, but Parkin figured out that Yinming Mountain's counterattack was not very worried about his life!

"Chu Feng, this is no way to go on!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Um... if many living corpses are attracted, then Parkin may die, and so is me!" Chu Feng said, "Is there any treasure that can kill the Immortal powerhouse?"

"Yes, but the user's skill requirements are high, your current median saint's strength is too low!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng sighed secretly. The immortal strong is indeed too strong for him today. In terms of defense, he has a few treasures that can withstand the attack of the immortal strong or even the immortal strong, but the attack There is really nothing that can be done, the pressure on him is different from defense and attack!

"Chu Feng, the living corpse previously scanned felt the breath on this side, and it roared!" Miao Xian'er said.


Chu Feng said, Miao Xian'er immediately let the image appear in his mind. The living corpse didn't move but just roared. Seeing its appearance, it seemed to be calling other living corpses! !

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, but Parkin could still bear the attack on this side. If there were many living corpses, then Yinming Mountain would not be able to bear the attack!

It didn't take long, less than half a minute, and Skyeye's scan revealed other living corpses, and there were a lot of living corpses that came over, and some of them reached the Saint level in terms of strength!


Chu Feng shouted, his voice Parkin naturally heard clearly. "Little guy, can't bear it? If you can't bear it, then surrender obediently!" Parkin laughed.

"Parkin, just a small reminder, it seems that there are living corpses gathered towards this side!" Chu Feng said.

Parkin's face changed slightly, he sensed it carefully, and seemed to hear some roaring sounds!

"Damn, there are really living corpses in this?" Parkin said inwardly. "Little guy, if there is a living corpse, I can escape in time. If you are, you will be besieged by the living corpse on this side!" Parkin said solemnly.

"I don't know good people!" Chu Feng said, he quickly went to a hall on the top of Yinming Mountain, "Yin Ming, close the hall and block my breath!"

Yin Ming said, she said that the door of the main hall was immediately closed, Chu Feng took out a piece of jade, and the jade knife waved, Chu Feng quickly left stigmata on the jade.

"Chu Feng, hurry up, the living corpse is here, and the strongest one has reached the strength of a high-ranking saint!" Miao Xianer said, the strength of the high-ranking saint can still be supported by Yinming Mountain, and Parkin can also support it. Sure, but if there is a fight on this side, it is likely to attract immortal corpses!

Chu Feng sighed and the speed increased again. A few seconds later, Chu Feng's stigmata carving ended and immediately entered the jade. The stigmata he carved hides the vitality, and it has the effect of the jade. With the sealing effect of the hall and the blocking effect of Yinming Mountain, his anger is almost impossible to spread!

The roar of the living corpses entered the hall, Chu Feng heard clearly, and he heard Parkin's cold shout quickly, and many living corpses were destroyed in his hands in a very short time.

Parkin cursed, he had just launched an attack on the living corpse with the strength of the high-ranking saint, but affected by the uncertain direction on this side, the attack did not fall on the living corpse!

Nearly killed by Parkin, the living corpse with the strength of a high-ranking saint roared, its voice spread from afar, and the voice fell, and Parkin faintly heard other living corpses in the distance. Response!

Parkin snorted coldly and used a covering attack. This time he attacked the living corpse, but only seriously injured the living corpse and did not kill it. "Howl!" The living corpse was painful, he knew It wasn't Perkin's opponent who fled quickly at this moment.

"I want to run!"

Parkin caught up a little bit, but the living corpse did not escape and was quickly beheaded by Parkin!

After slaying the living corpse, Parkin immediately condensed his breath and hid in a place not too far from Yin Ming Mountain.

"Roar!" "Howl!" "Woo!"

Parkin just hid here, and a lot of living corpses arrived here in just a few seconds.

"Master, two living corpses of immortal strength, five living corpses of top troll strength!" Yin Ming said, she is outside the jade, not a life, she will not be induced to be angry, as for the voice, it is absolutely impossible Passed from this hall!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and said in his mind, "Xian'er, if you use the holy prison heavy artillery, you shouldn't be sensed, right?" Chu Feng said.

Through the induction of the holy prison, Chu Feng can know the location of Parkin, but the specific image of Parkin is not clear. Skyeye scanning will definitely be sensed. If it is found to be from Yinming Mountain, it is very troublesome, so now Sky Eye is disabled.

"The possibility of the holy prison heavy artillery being sensed is small. Are you going to use the holy prison heavy artillery to bombard Parkin?" Miao Xian'er was a little excited in Chu Feng's mind.

"Yes, blow me up, not too much, just one shot, understand? Just give some guidance to the zombies!"

Parkin thought he was still far away. The corpses shouldn't be able to sense it, but "Boom!"

The holy prison's heavy artillery blasted around him, just one shot, and the holy prison's heavy artillery could not hurt him because of insufficient energy, but the loud noise caused the living corpses to come over immediately!

"Little beast, I can't spare you!" Parkin was furious. He knew that this must be a ghost of Chu Feng. He didn't care about staying here to deal with Chu Feng, and Parkin immediately moved away from him. The aura increased, and the living corpses immediately chased after them excitedly!

"Damn guy, deal with me, play with these living corpses, if you can't escape, hehe!" Chu Feng smiled on his face, the living corpses are very strong, and over time, they may be able to Gather more living corpses, if Parkin does not meet a helper, there is a great chance of hanging up by then!

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