Holy Prison

Chapter 1692: Fortune Pawnshop

"It's possible to put Parkin into the World Swallowing Gourd?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, "Swallowing the world, a strong man with top troll power, can't put it into the Swallowing Gourd, right?"

Tunshi said indifferently: "It depends on the place and the situation. In a place like this now, Parkin's judgment on the sense of direction will not be particularly accurate, and he has been poisoned by corpses. A large part of his power will contend with the swallowing of the world swallowing gourd, his corpse poison will increase and his strength will decrease!"

"If you don't resist, you will be sucked in. If you resist, your strength will drop, and you may still be sucked in at that time, yes!" Chu Feng said in his mind, "Swallowing the world, my strength is relatively low. This will waste a lot of your strength. Why, are you willing to waste those power?"

Tunshi lightly hummed: "Knowingly asking, in the current situation, I'm not willing to die with this universe at the time of advancement? Parkin's strength is good, and if you take him, you can extract a little bit of world-killing power!"

"Then try!"

Chu Feng's mind instantly swallowed the world gourd appeared in his hand and flew to the place where Parkin was.

Tun Shi Gourd's face changed slightly when he approached Pa Jin. The pistol in his hand pierced towards Tun Shi Gour, but because the direction felt the impact, the gun stabbed it three or four meters away!

Chu Feng let out a deep cry, his mental power disappeared madly, and the world-swallowing gourd in the distance became much bigger and exuded the terrible devouring power that swallowed the sky and the earth!

The long spear in Parkin's hand emitted countless gun shadows and bombarded the world swallowing gourd. Some of those gun shadows fell on the world swallowing gourd, and many of them were swallowed directly by the world swallowing gourd!


Parkin's face changed slightly. The spear in his hand collided with the swallowing gourd, but the spear didn't cause the swallowing gourd to suffer any harm, but his spear trembled!

"Damn!" Parkin cursed secretly in his heart. He felt that as his own strength was drawn to counter the suction, the suppressed corpse poison in his own body was raging wildly in his body!

"Chu Feng, provide more strength!" Tun Shi's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"It's a lot!" Chu Feng said in his mind using the secret method, and his mental power disappeared at an even faster speed. This would make him suffer serious injuries, but there is a medical clinic, and some injuries can be caused. nothing much!

Chu Feng's mental energy expenditure increased, and the power of the world-swallowing gourd increased instantly, and Pa Jin's body was sucked close to the world-swallowing gourd a lot!

"Chu Jiu Xiaoyezhong, you want to deal with me, and you are still a little tender!" Parkin burst out in an instant. The powerful force retreated a lot. With this burst of power, the corpse poison erupted in his body. The stronger corpse poison power made Parkin spew out a mouthful of blood!

"Where to go"

With a cold scream in Chu Feng's mind, he immediately caught up with him a lot, and Shi Huo took advantage of Parkin's slow vomiting of blood and appeared on top of Parkin's head again!

Parkin smashed a one-time treasure, and the one-time treasure wiped the world swallowing gourd and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye!

Parkin's face changed. If he was outside, he would definitely not have made such a mistake, but in this space, his judgment of the direction was really problematic.

If he was given time to judge, he could still be judged. It would be a bit difficult for him to judge in the very short time of the attack!

"Suck me!"

Chu Feng expends mental energy frantically. This is what he, generally only a sage, really cannot expend mental energy like this, and in such an environment, he doesn't dare to expend mental energy like this!

Feeling the horrible suction, Parkin's face became very ugly. Under such horrible suction, it is not easy for him to fly away. If he has been subjected to such horrible suction, the corpse poison in his body is likely to kill him. Or really become a living corpse!

Parkin shouted loudly. He tried his best to use the escape technique. According to his estimation, his escape technique should allow him to escape a long distance, but in Chu Feng's surprised gaze, Parkin directly He escaped into the world swallowing gourd!

Although he was surprised in his heart, Chu Feng didn't hesitate at the moment. He immediately played the magic formula and took the Swallowing Gourd back.

"It's wasted a lot of my strength, you will have to replenish my strength at that time." Tunshi's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Swallow the world, did you influence Parkin's judgment just now?" Chu Feng said.

"Nothing, Parkin was confused." Tun Shidao. "Really?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Although Tun Shi said so, Chu Feng still had a little doubt.

What a coincidence, with so many directions, Parkin actually escaped into the world-swallowing gourd. There was no influence of the world-swallowing gourd. Chu Feng absolutely didn't believe it!

Tunshi said coldly: "Don't care if it is, you quickly find a way to leave this universe!"

"Relax, I am more anxious than you!"

Chu Feng said that he took the world swallowing gourd and guarded the dark chaotic lotus and moved forward quickly. The more he went forward, the more frequent that special aura appeared, and the aura became stronger and stronger!


Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, and some distance ahead, Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise, and there was a tall temple in front of him, and the special aura came from the temple.

"Chu Feng, be careful, the skyeye's scan has been strongly affected, and the scan is extremely unclear!" Miao Xian'er's voice appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

"It seems there is no danger."

Chu Feng said in his mind that there was peace around the temple, and the only problem was the special breath.

Saying that, but Chu Feng is still very vigilant. In the Broken Blade Realm, a place that seems very safe may not be truly safe!

"Chu Feng, why don't you enter there?" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, this temple is about to enter. My intuition tells me that this temple is about to enter. It is really strange that such a temple appears in such a place."

Chu Feng approached carefully, and found no problems in front of Demiao.

Easily, Chu Feng pushed aside the dilapidated temple door and entered the temple.

There is no one in the temple, and the small temple is not big. Chu Feng can have a panoramic view of the whole temple at a glance.

There are not many things in the temple, only one statue and one futon.

"Lucky guy, welcome to the Fortune Pawnshop!" An old voice rang.

Chu Feng looked at the idol in surprise. It seemed that the idol had spoken a while ago, but he took a closer look and found that the idol was still a god. Where did he speak?

"Hearing hallucinations?"

Chu Feng shook his head. If he was in other places, he would definitely not think that the sound he just heard was auditory hallucinations, but in Broken Blade Realm, in this strange temple, the auditory hallucinations were also very likely to be.

"Fortunately, fortune pawnshop, endless years will only appear once, do you want to give up this opportunity?" The old voice rang again, "Not a hallucination!"

Chu Feng's heart shook, and the auditory hallucinations appeared once, and if they appeared again, the possibility of auditory hallucinations was small!

"Excuse me, what is a Hongyun pawnshop? What can I get and what I need to pay for it?" Chu Feng said.

The idol moved, and an old man in a golden robe appeared in front of Chu Feng: "Lucky, lucky pawnshop, there are so many things that can be done, money, treasures, luck, cultivation, longevity, hands, feet, wife and children, affection, Friendship, love doesn’t have many things that fortune pawnshops do not accept!"

"At the Hongyun pawnshop, you can also get a lot of things, luck, money, treasures, lucky ones in cultivation, you can enter the Hongyun pawnshop, that is your blessing!"

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, this fortune pawnshop is really evil, and things like family and friendship can also be used!

"If I leave the Fortune Pawnshop, can I still get here again in the future? Can I redeem the things I used to go out?" Chu Feng said.

"You can redeem it!" The old man in gold nodded slightly, "However, it can only be redeemed with more valuable things! You are a guest of a pawnshop. If you leave, you can enter the pawnshop again if necessary. However, You can only enter once per thousand years!"

Chu Feng said: "What kind of existence is a Hongyun pawnshop, who owns it, and why is there such a thing?"

"Fortunately, I can't answer your question. You just need to know that here, you can **** anything of value and get anything you want!" The old man in gold smiled authentically.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, be careful, there is some evil in this place, and being a thing here is a deal with the devil!"

"Yeah." Chu Feng answered Miao Xian'er and said, "What should I call you?"

The old man in golden clothes smiled authentically: "I am the butler of the Hongyun pawnshop, Chu Feng guest, just call me the butler golden!"

"You know my name." Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. "The Hongyun pawnshop is far beyond your imagination. It is not strange to know your name." The old man in gold chuckled lightly.

"Steward Jin, if I want to raise my cultivation base to a high-ranking saint, what price do I have to pay?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, he really didn't believe that this could make his cultivation base rise rapidly!

The gold-robed old man smiled lightly: "You are now the strength of a sixth-tier mid-ranking saint. The cost of reaching a high-ranking saint is not very high. However, you only intend to reach a high-ranking saint? If you pay enough, you can High-ranking saints can even reach the immortal and immortal cultivation base!"

"Steward Jin, you can tell me, if I go to a high-ranking saint to give something, how about a high-ranking saint, immortal? If I want to resurrect a person, can I do it too?" Chu Feng said. I didn't take it too seriously. God knows if this place was made by someone who was too idle to make fun of people!

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