Holy Prison

Chapter 1707: City of Life and Death

"Chu Jiu!" Song Yan's expression was a little gloomy and authentic. He hated Chu Feng, and his life today is far from being compared to his previous life.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Judge Song Yan, you seem to be a little dissatisfied with your current situation? Do you want to make tautou horse noodles? If you want, I can help a little bit!"

Song Yan's complexion changed, and his impermanence made him feel extremely uncomfortable. If he were to go down to the face of the bull's head and horse, then the life would be more difficult than it is now!

"Master Chu Jiu, don't bother." Song Yan took a deep breath and bowed. He knew that he could not afford Chu Feng today, not only he could not, even the family behind him, who Let Chu Feng's relationship with Luo Dan, the Luo family's eldest, be pretty good. If the Luo family wants to kill him, there will be no trouble at all.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Song Yan, after so many years, you don't seem to have changed much. If you don't reflect on it, there is a knife on the head of the word for sex, and a knife on the head of the word for greed. Many times, it is not without retribution. But the retribution has not yet come! To be an official and to be the master of the people, water can carry and overturn the boat!"

"Master Chu Jiu said that!" Song Yan said.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly, seeing Song Yan like this, he knew that he said these words for nothing, "No matter, you love greed, but greedy, but if you hit my hands in the future, I won't spare your life!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Yang has no life, is there a mount? If not, Song Yan, let you use the mount."


Yang Wumingdao, he buried Shacheng all the year round, rarely running outside and no such thing as a mount. Soon, in Song Yan's very depressed gaze, Chu Feng and Yang Wuming rode away on his mount, and now his most valuable is this mount, which is very precious to this mount.

"Yang Wuming, has returned to the Yin Realm, should your memory come back?" Chu Feng said solemnly on the mount, "What's wrong with Luohe?"

Yang Wuming respectfully said: "Master Chu Feng, do you still remember Black Cloud City and Zhang Xu as a person?" "Zhang Family Zhang Xu, naturally I remember." Chu Feng said, it was Zhang Xu who brought people to the funeral. Shacheng came to provoke, Luo He came on the court, and he finally came on the court and smashed Zhang's Black Cloud City warlord!

"Zhang Xu can see that it seems that the Luo family's eldest Miss Luo Tong has a love for the young master Luohe, so she secretly dealt with the young master Luohe several times. The young master Luohe survived, and then Miss Luo Tong became angry and said Luohe The master who helped her is her friend. If Zhang Xu secretly confronted Hui Luohe, it would be trouble with her Luo Tong and Luo's family!"

"The secret can't come, Zhang Xu will come to make it clear. Master Luohe is a warlord. For some challenges, he can't refuse. One of Zhang Xu's subordinates has written the war book. Three months later, he I will come to Bury Sand City to challenge Luohe, and at that time Luohe will be beheaded openly!"

"Ms. Luo Tong collected a lot of information. The battle king who will be challenged in three months is extremely powerful. Luohe may not be an opponent by then, so Miss Luo Dan found me and asked me to go to Yangjie to tell Master Chu Feng you. This news."

Chu Feng snorted in his heart. Although he didn't teach Luo He how much time, since he accepted Luo He as an apprentice, then Chu Feng would definitely be responsible.

His disciple of Chu Feng can't be killed casually. If Luohe was beheaded, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of Chu Feng severely.

"Who is Luohe's opponent? If they fight against Luohe, how will they win or lose?" Chu Feng said.

Yang Wuming said solemnly: "The opponent's name is Kuanghu. The cultivation base is the same as Luohe's god-level, and he has extremely rich combat experience. He recently became Zhang Xu's subordinate! Now, if Luohe fights against him, it is impossible to win. It will exceed 30%!"

"The odds of winning less than 30%?" Chu Feng frowned. It was only three months before the decisive battle. Now Luohe's odds of winning are less than 30%. It is not easy to increase Luohe's odds of winning to more than 80% in just three months. , As for less than 80%, Chu Feng never thought about it.

With a winning rate of less than 80%, the chance of death is not small, and this is not acceptable to Chu Feng!

"Yang Wuming, this mad tiger is not the warlord of Black Cloud City?" Chu Feng said. Yang Wuchang shook his head: "No, he is from the city of life and death, but a warlord in the city of life and death. The place in the city of life and death is extremely terrifying. Although the crazy tiger is less than ten in the city of life and death, his fighting ability is extremely high. high!"

"It turned out to be from the city of life and death." Chu Feng said softly. He had absorbed a lot of information before, and naturally knew this city of life and death. The city of life and death was one of the most famous fighting cities in the underworld, where a large number of powerful people gathered. On the natural side, the strength of the warlord is much higher!

At the same cultivation base, Luohe's strength is the top in Buried Sand City, but there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. With the same cultivation base, Luohe's strength can't be said to be the top. And in the city of life and death, some of the strengths of warlords are also the top in the entire underworld!

"Zhang Xu made Kuanghu a subordinate, he might have paid a high price." Chu Feng said. Yang Wuming nodded and said: "Yes, the price is very high, and the crazy tiger has not always been his subordinate, but has only become his subordinate for a period of time. After Master Luohe's affairs are handled, he will leave! "

"So that's it." Chu Feng nodded slightly. He knew better about the City of Life and Death, but he knew that the Warlords in the City of Life and Death were very arrogant.

Moreover, the city of life and death is tyrannical and has a very deep background. A war king like Mad Tiger shouldn't choose to remain Zhang Xu's subordinate.

Chu Feng and the others chatted. Time passed quickly, and the mounts under them rolled up the wind and waves and landed quickly outside of Sand Burying City!

"Chu Feng, found Luohe!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "He is now practicing in the training room alone!"


Chu Feng said, in an instant Miao Xian'er let the image scanned by the sky's eye appear in his mind.

"This kid, it's really fast to restore his cultivation base!" Chu Feng chuckled and confirmed Luohe's cultivation base through that image. Before Luohe's cultivation base was lowered to a **** level, he is now back You have reached the god-exalted level, but now it is only the intermediate-level cultivation base of the god-exalted level, which cannot be compared with the strength of the previous peak of the god-exalted!

"There has also been some progress in combat strength, but it's not that much progress!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. It can be seen that something he taught Luo He was effective. Luo He has learned a lot over the years, but The time was too short at the time, and there was really not much he taught Luohe!

Moreover, at that time, it was Tianwei who appeared outside, not his own deity who appeared outside, controlling Tianwei, and the natural combat power could not be effective with himself, so Luohe didn't learn much!

"Yang Wuming, this mount, you sell the bar." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

"What?" Yang Wuming said in a daze.

Chu Feng floated off the mount: "Why, don't I understand what I said? If you sell this mount for drinking, if you dare not sell it, then send it back to Song Yanwuchang!"

"Why don't you dare?" Yang Wuming said with a smile. Since Chu Feng has said such things, then if he doesn't sell this mount, I'm so sorry for the wine.

As for Song Yan, when Song Yan was a judge before, Yang Wuming was afraid of him. Now Song Yan is just an impermanence. How could Yang Wuming be afraid!

"If you dare to sell and drink, I'll go see Luohe!"

As soon as Chu Feng's words fell, he was right next to the Sand Burying City Gate. There were guards at the Sand Burying City Gate, but the guards let Chu Feng enter the Sand Burying City without any obstruction!

People from the Yang world are generally subject to some interrogation when they reach the Yin world, but Chu Feng uses the power of the dark chaotic lotus at this moment, and he is protected by the power of the dark chaotic lotus. His aura is not revealed, unless the cultivation level is very high. People, otherwise it would be impossible to find that he is a person of the sun world!


In the huge training room, Chu Feng's faint voice rang.

"Who?" Luo He's expression turned into a solemn expression. He had been subjected to a conspiracy before, and now there was a sound in this closed training room. Luo He thought that someone had come and conspired against him again!

"Who do you think it is?"

Chu Feng smiled quietly, his figure appeared in front of Luo He at this time. "Master!" Luo He exclaimed, and as soon as his expression changed his weapon, he greeted Chu Feng.

"Luohe, this is how you greeted as a teacher?" Chu Feng dodged and said in a low voice.

Luo He frantically launched an attack and said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency, who is strong, why can you still do such a small person? My master is a person in the Yang world, and your Excellency is not a person in the Yang world!"

"Jie Jie, I found out, then this is your sacrifice day today, I will kill you with a cultivation base equivalent to yours, and let you die!" Chu Feng smiled strangely, he wanted to say it. , But I immediately changed my mind when I thought about it again. This kind of battle might improve Luohe even more!

"Kill!" Luo He roared and raised his fighting spirit frantically.

Chu Feng's mind moved an enchantment and appeared in this training room. This enchantment can ensure that the attack energy will not leak, and it will also allow Luohe to escape without any means, and can only fight with him!

"Luohe, if you have the same strength, if you beat me, I will let you survive, but the chance of your life will not exceed 1%, haha!" Chu Feng laughed authentically while resisting Luohe's attack.

"Don't be crazy!"

Luo He shouted coldly, the knife in his hand slashed towards Chu Feng frantically. Every knife shot was very delicate, but in Chu Feng's eyes there were still many flaws, which were not perfect!

When he was out of the knife, he seized the opportunity and Luo He kicked Chu Feng fiercely towards Chu Feng with a slapped foot. Chu Feng was happy that this kid had learned his "trick", and this trick Luohe used it very well, barely can afford the word "perfect"!

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