Holy Prison

Chapter 1711: Divination duel

"What can you give me if you want to know?" Chu Feng smiled. Ta Lao nodded slightly: "You told me some news about the Yang Realm. I can't help, it's a small compensation!"

"Ta Lao, you just said how good this is, and what did you say has some fate with me" Chu Feng curled his lips. Ta Lao chuckled: "Can you tell me that, don't we just have some fate?"

"We fortune tellers pay attention to a predestined character. If you want to know something, let's talk about it. If you don't give blood, it's up to you, but I only count it once!" Ta Lao chuckled.

Chu Feng thought for a while. He really didn't have much to know. Now his relatives are all well, the Mortal Realm is in good condition, and the God Realm is also good.

The situation in the Sacred Realm is not very good, but it is a question of nothing. If you ask where there are treasures, he is not very short of treasures now!

"Tao Lao, can everything count?" Chu Feng said.

Ta Lao said quietly: "As long as your problem is not too bad, basically I can count it for you. If your problem is too bad, then I can do nothing!"

"Lao Ta, then you can just do it for me. For some extremely fatal crisis that I may have in the future, give me a little hint to let me through the crisis by then!" Chu Feng said.

"Boy Chu Jiu, your question is not very simple." Ta Lao said with a light smile, "but I can count it for you, do you give me a drop of blood, or not, I just count it for you?"

Chu Feng pierced his finger and a drop of pale golden blood came out immediately. If the old tower wanted to harm him, then there was no need to be so troublesome.

Light golden blood floated to Ta Lao, Ta Lao stretched out his left hand, and the drop of blood fell on his pointed finger. The tip of the left finger danced with blood, and the old Ta's right hand flicked and quickly counted.

Ta Lao's face was relatively relaxed at the beginning, but it didn't take long for Ta Lao's face to become dignified. In the end, Ta Lao's face became a little pale!

"Elder Ta, if you can't figure it out, then don't force it!" Chu Feng said, he knows some of his own situation, he owns the Holy Prison, and possesses two treasures of the last days. These things are probably not weak for the divination of Old Ta. The influence and fate of oneself are estimated to be more difficult to calculate than ordinary people!

Ta Lao shook his head imperceptibly, the drop of blood on the tip of his left finger, Chu Feng, danced more happily, and Ta Lao's right hand fingers pinched faster and faster, so that Chu Feng's eyesight was a little hard to see. Know the trajectory of his fingers!

After another half minute passed, the old man gushed a mouthful of blood into his throat, but he swallowed it forcibly. "Who is your kid? How can it be so difficult to count you?" Ta Lao said incredibly. With his ability in this area, it can be said that there are not many people in the underworld that he can't count, even if not. He would be easy to calculate like a powerhouse of Destruction, but it was too hard to calculate for Chu Feng just now!

The feeling just now made Ta Lao as if he had returned to a time when his cultivation base was still low, when his ability was low, this feeling often appeared!

"Elder Ta, you don't need to figure it out. You seem to have suffered a little injury, Elder Ta, don't rush to go, take a rest here!" Chu Feng said.

"This divination has failed, but it is not completely uncalculated!" Ta Lao's pale old face reddened slightly. He was confident before, but now the divination has failed.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Ta Lao, I don't know what I have calculated. Please also ask Ta Lao to make it clear that he might be able to help me through the disaster by then!"

"The danger comes from your side, remember!" Ta Lao said.

Chu Feng frowned, "Tao Lao, what do you mean? The danger comes from your side. Could it be that my relatives and friends may have harmed me?"

"Yes, not" Ta Lao frowned, he himself was a little confused by what he had calculated. "What is it?" Chu Feng said.

The old man shook his head slightly: "I don't know about this one. Please pay attention to it, and you will find something by then!"

"Tallao, thank you, goodbye!" Chu Feng stood up and said, his heart was a little unhappy, and Ta Lao's divination was really suspected of provocative.

If you are suspicious of your relatives and friends, then do you still have to live this life from now on! In that case, there may be nothing wrong, but in the end some problems still arise.

"Kid Chu Jiu, pay more attention, your life is strong and you are not so easy to die, but it does not mean that you will not have accidents!" Ta old said.

"Thanks for reminding!" Chu Feng nodded slightly and disappeared in front of Ta Lao in an instant!

Ta Lao looked at his somewhat pale hand with a wry smile on his face. "God fortune teller, God fortune teller, your level is getting worse and worse? The catastrophe of a junior is not clear, even if it is a junior from the sun world, it shouldn't be like this!" He closed his eyes and intended to leave immediately, but now he has suffered some injuries, it is better to leave after the injury is better!

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day. It was still early in the morning, and the entire Sand Burial City became extremely lively, and a large number of people gathered outside the first duel in Sand Burial City!

"Luohe is going to fight against the mad tiger today. I don't know if Luohe will win. He is the first king of our burial sand city!"

"It's hard to say that even though Luohe is our number one warlord buried in the sand city, the crazy tiger comes from the city of life and death. The strength of the warlords in the city of life and death is extremely terrifying, and the ranking of the crazy tiger is very high!"

"I heard that Luohe's chance of winning is less than 30%, alas! After this battle, maybe"

"Luo He didn't actually escape, and he was sure to lose in the battle against Lord Mad Tiger. He was destined to only be a stepping stone for Lord Mad Tiger!"

Countless people talked about the whole sand city. The people on the sand city side basically hope Luohe will win, and many other cities have also come over. Some of those people hope that the crazy tiger will win, and there are many people watching the fun. They basically think that the mad tiger will win!

It is also the King of Hundred Wars, the King of Hundred Wars in Burying Sand City is different from the King of Hundred Wars in Life and Death City. Even if Crazy Tiger can only rank ten in the City of Life and Death, it is not comparable to the first war king in a city like Sand City. !

The sand city was full of people, and the time was gradually approaching noon. The area around the biggest life and death duel in the sand city was already full by this time. Many spectators who had not been able to enter the duel could only stay outside the duel!

"Crazy Tiger, at that time, if you are in the ring, don't kill Luohe easily. I want him to die slowly and torture him well!" Zhang Xu said with a gloomy expression. He received the news that Luo Tong unexpectedly met with him yesterday. Luohe had tea, and finally invited Luohe to dinner!

"Don't worry, Shao Zhang!" Crazy Tiger said in a polite manner. Zhang Xu didn't put him in his eyes, but there was a big Zhang family behind Zhang Xu.

Zhang Family's strength is of course not afraid of the city of life and death. He is also a member of the city of life and death, but he is just an ordinary warlord in the city of life and death!

If he is the top three warlords in the city of life and death, he can also be on the same level as the Patriarch of the Zhang family, but the warlords of life and death are ranked in the top three, this.

Think of the horror of the top three warlords in the city of life and death. Crazy Tiger can't afford the idea of ​​winning the top three! The two battle kings ranked first and second in the city of life and death are now extremely powerful, they basically do not make a move, the third ranked battle king occasionally appears, his strength can not last three minutes in the hands of others!

In three minutes, many people may feel that this time is not short, but you must know that on the life and death arena of the king of war, it is a duel of the same cultivation level, and the mad tiger is also the top battle in the city of life and death. Wang, he persisted for only three minutes, and one can imagine the horror of the third king of the city of life and death.

As for the battle king ranked first and second, the mad tiger never saw them make a move, but with the same cultivation base, their combat power must be higher than the battle king ranked third!

"Crazy Tiger, teach Luohe severely, on the basis of the promised benefits at that time, I will give you some additional benefits and will not let you down!" Zhang Xu said solemnly.

Crazy Tiger's eyes lit up and licked his lips with a cold smile on his face: "Young Master Zhang, I can guarantee that Luohe will die, and, moreover, will die miserably!"

"Luo Tong, huh!" Zhang Xu narrowed his eyes. At this time, he saw Luo Tong. A little while ago, he had also contacted Luo Tong. He didn't expect to have a closed door!

"Luo Tong, the time is almost here, Luo He won't shrink back, right? If you beg me at this time, you will be in a hurry. If you get into the ring," Zhang Xu said.

"Zhang Xu, if you have a seed, you will be on the ring yourself in the future." Luo Tong sneered. She didn't transmit her voice but directly said it, which made Zhang Xu's face a little uglier.

In the distance, above the stands, Chu Feng clearly saw Zhang Xu's face, "This Xu, I thought he was a character before, I didn't expect... it's really a disaster. If this Xu is not because of Luo Tong, I'm afraid I won't be so gaffe!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Chu Feng, Zhang Xu seems to hate your apprentice very much. When you go back, your apprentice will be slaughtered by him. I think you will take Luohe out of Yin when that happens. Go to Yangjie! Let Luohe stay in the holy prison space without going out, so that it won't hurt him." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng frowned slightly. If Zhang Xu was determined to deal with Luohe, Luo Tong might not be able to keep it. This apprentice accepted it and paid a lot. Chu Feng didn't want this apprentice to die!

"Take him to the Yang Realm? With Luohe's temperament, I'm afraid he won't do that! Moreover, going to the Mortal Realm is not very good for his training. In the Yin Realm, his training speed will be higher than There will be a lot in the holy prison space!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

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