Holy Prison

Chapter 1716: Brother Tang, are you sure?

"Luohe, welcome to join the City of Life and Death. You are now ranked tenth among the City of Life and Death. As a newly joined warlord, within a hundred years, you must not refuse to challenge the king of life below you three times. If you exceed three times, you You have the right to refuse a severely injured situation, you can also refuse!"

"After accepting the challenge ten times, in a thousand years, in good physical condition, you must not refuse a challenge less than five times, and you can refuse more than five times!"

"You can also challenge the champions who rank higher than you. Every time you advance, you will get a lot of benefits. I won't talk about the specific benefits here!"

"For the nine champions ranked above you today, you can challenge each one. If you win, you will occupy his ranking, and his ranking will drop by one. The rest will also be moved down by one!"

"Challenge is not a duel of life and death. We are all people in the city of life and death. Usually, it is enough to distinguish one win or lose from the test. It is best to play less in the life and death ring!"

Bu Jingxun smiled and said a lot in one breath, Luo He officially joined the City of Life and Death, his attitude towards Luo He was much better now!

Of course, this is also related to Luohe's combat strength. If Luohe only ranks tenth in combat strength, Bu Fright will definitely not be so polite!

"Luohe, can you understand?" Bu said in shock.

Luo He nodded slightly: "Understood, I want to challenge you, I don't know if it's okay?"


Including Bu Jingxuan, those people were all taken aback. Luohe had just arrived, and now he was only ranked tenth, so he wanted to challenge Bu Jingxun, the fourth-ranked champion!

Bu was shocked and smiled. He didn't care about the ranking drop when the time came. What he cared about was the battle, a battle that allowed him to fight freely!

"Yes, it is naturally possible!" Bu said with a shocked smile. "No!" Zi Yan, who Chu Feng had seen before, said coldly, "Luohe, the more you challenge so many places at a time, do you think we are all air? If you want to challenge Fright, you have to fight with me first. If you can't beat them, it's better not to challenge the shock!"

"Zi Yan!" Bu Jingxun frowned slightly, "The strength is suppressed to the same level as Luohe, you are not Luohe's opponent!" "Scary, then you will know that you have to fight?" Zi Yan said with a light smile.

"Luohe, it's okay to fight Ziyan first!" Chu Feng passed on to Luo Hedao, "Your current strength, that is, you can get a tie with Bu Jingxun. If you want to beat him, you have a little bit of difficulty. Zi Yan will give it a try, and then I will challenge Step Horror again. I am still here for two months!"

After receiving Chu Feng's voice transmission, Luo He nodded to Zi Yan and said: "Zi Yan, okay, I'll fight you, three days later, I wonder if there is a problem?"

"No!" Zi Yan said with a faint smile, even if there is no preparation, but three days of preparation time is naturally better!

Bu Jingxian said with a chuckle: "Luohe, this friend, please enter the city of life and death! Lord City Lord is not there, but Tang Jian is here, I will take you to see Tang Jian."

A few minutes later, Chu Feng and the others had entered the city of life and death and saw Tang Jian. As soon as they met, Chu Feng smiled and looked at Tang Jian. Tang Jian's eyes mainly fell on Chu Feng.

Bu coughed slightly in shock, "Tang Jian, you are all men, so what are you doing like this."

A black line flashed across Chu Feng's forehead, and Tang Jian gave a terrified look. "Fright, you're itchy, right?" Tang Jian snorted, "Two, please sit down!"

"Thank you." Chu Feng thanked him and sat down peacefully. "Miao Xian'er, this Tang Jian should have the strength of a high-level saint, what do you think?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "It is very possible that there is the strength of a high-level saint, Chu Feng, the strength of the city of life and death is very powerful!" Miao Xianer said.

The strength of the high-ranking saint of Zi Yan Kuai, Bu Jingxuan, the strength of the high-ranking saint, this Tang Jian is even more likely to have the strength of a high-ranking saint, only the strength of a few of them is not weak. In front of Tang Jian, there are two giants ranked first and second in combat power, and the strength of those two giants is very likely to be higher than Tang Jian!

This is only the top few characters in the battle power list of the city of life and death. There are many strong players in the city of life and death that do not rank well, but their cultivation base is very high!

In terms of strength, Luo He doesn't know how far behind he wants to rank, but he ranks very high on the battle power list of the City of Life and Death!

"This friend, I don't know how you call it?" Tang Jian said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Chu Feng. Tang Jian, I guess I will spend a lot of time in the city of life and death in the future. I am a disciple, I hope you can take care of one or two!"

Tang Jian smiled slightly: "I also heard about Luohe and Zhang Xu. The thing is that Zhang Family Zhang Xu did not do the right thing. As long as Haohe is in the city of life and death, he definitely doesn't need to be worried about assassination. There are rules for the city of life and death, and I can't break it. I hope Brother Chu can understand this."

"I understand the rules of the city of life and death, as long as you follow the rules!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Jian nodded: "Brother Chu, I think you should have a high combat power. People on the Life and Death City combat power list basically like fighting. I wonder if Brother Chu can give me some advice?"

Both Bu Jingxun and Haohe were taken aback. Chu Feng thought about it and nodded slightly: "Brother Tang, we can try, but the test is only private, and, Brother Tang, we hope you can keep it secret. , How about keeping it secret for at least a million years?"

"This" Tang Jian frowned. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would have asked so many demands, but after thinking about it, Tang Jian nodded slightly, "Okay, Brother Chu, I will take it! Frightened, for a million years Inside, don’t reveal the matter of the competition, understand?"

"Even if Lord City Lord did they ask?" Bu said in shock.

Tang Jian scolded with a smile: "My lord of the city, they don't know about this, why would they ask? Brother Chu, my hands are itchy, so why don't we do it now"

"Chu Feng, I don't think this guy is itchy hands, but itchy skin." Miao Xian'er smiled in Chu Feng's mind, "Looking at your appearance, are you going to give him a deep impression?"

"There is a need. Although Luohe's combat power is still good now, but the strength is too low! Tang Jian's cultivation is very good, and the man is not bad, he covers Haohe, Haohe can be safe on this side Many!" Chu Feng said.

Seeing Tang Jian looking expectantly, Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Brother Tang, we'll be suppressed to the power of the gods in a while, what do you think?"

"Very good, the strength is too high, and the destructiveness is too great. We still have to find a good venue. If we suppress the strength of the gods, just find an open space!" Tang Jian stood up a little excited. "Brother Chu, after the test, no matter what the result is, I invite you to drink!"

"Good!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

There are many different types of arenas in the city of life and death. If Tang Jian requisitioned a high-level arena, it would definitely attract the attention of many people, but the use of a general arena would not attract anyone's attention at all!

"Brother Chu, please!"

On the arena, Chu Feng and Tang Jian saluted each. On the stand, Step Fright and Luo He gathered together, and there were only two bystanders in the entire stand.

"Luohe, you say, who will win?" Bu chuckles in shock. Luo He laughed and said, "Betting on You Yuan, my master will definitely win!!"

"Yiyouyuan...ha, bet!" Bu said with a shocked smile.

On the arena, Chu Feng and the others did not immediately take action. Chu Feng just stood there so casually. Tang Jian's hands were hanging down and ready to attack, but looking at Chu Feng like that, he did not take action!

Chu Feng is now full of loopholes in Tang Jian's eyes, but will a master like Chu Feng make such low-level mistakes?

"Tang Jian, you can start." Chu Feng chuckled. Tang Jian moved when he said that. With a wave of his hands, one gold and one silver two flying knives shot straight at two flaws in Chu Feng's body!

Chu Feng smiled slightly, he stretched out his hand, and the two flying knives that Tang Jian shot over suddenly slowed down, and all fell into Chu Feng's hands obediently.


There was a flash in Tang Jian's eyes, and the expert would know if there was any when he made a move. Chu Feng displayed extremely clever control power with his move. His two flying knives did not do their best, but Chu Feng just used one. With a little bit of strength, the power of the two flying knives will cancel each other out and then they will all fall into your hands!

Tang Jian didn't say the word "explosive" but only chanted in his heart. While he was chanting in his heart, his two flying knives exploded, but the flying knives did not explode to Chu Feng. When they exploded , They have been teleported back to Tang Jian by Chu Feng using space power!

The initial attack power on the flying knife was not strong, but when it exploded, the attack power was extremely not weak. Tang Jian's reaction was first-rate fast, but he was also given a lot of backlash by the explosion of his flying knife!

At this point, at the end of the first round, Chu Feng won. He didn't get any injuries at all, while Tang Jian produced more and didn't get injured, but he lost two flying swords.

"Brother Chu, Gao Ming!" Tang Jian praised. Although Chu Feng's hand looks simple, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

The time from when Chu Feng caught the flying knife to the time when the flying knife exploded was extremely short. It was extremely difficult to determine that there was a problem with the flying knife in that short time and then send the flying sword to him!

"Brother Tang, you are not bad. The explosive energy in the flying knife is very clever. If I slow down a little bit, this hand is gone." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Tang Jian didn't believe what Chu Feng said. With Chu Feng's strength, even if the two small swords exploded in his hands, he should only be slightly injured!

"Brother Chu, I've called, let's be formal, and hope Brother Chu won't let me. That would be meaningless!" Tang Jian said solemnly.

"Brother Tang, are you sure?" Chu Feng said with a smile. If it is official, with his means, he is sure to lie on the ground within a minute or two!

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