Holy Prison

Chapter 1718: Named disciple

Chu Feng and the others quickly left the duel arena. Tang Jian said before that they had invited Chu Feng to drink. The wine was not finished. Luohe needed to find a house, and Tang Jian needed to heal his injuries at the moment.

Luo He's requirements were very low. It didn't take long for the house to be found, and then both Chu Feng and Luo He entered the holy prison space.

In the holy prison space, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Chu Feng and Luo He appeared outside the sacred prison space. Today is the day when Luo He and Zi Yan competed. Originally, Chu Feng didn't plan to come out, but he was still worried about the apprentice Luo He, so he finally came out together.

One of the duels in the City of Life and Death, where a large number of people are now gathered, is not a duel of life and death but just a ranking match, but because it is a contest between Luohe and Ziyan, the attraction is still great.

Even if the ticket price is high, the entire duel arena is full of seats, so it is not easy to see the top-ranked strong fighting. If you can understand something while watching, then the high ticket price is also worth it!

As Luo He's master, Chu Feng naturally didn't need to buy tickets or anything. Both he and Luo He invited them into the VIP room where Tang Jianzi Frightened them.

"Master Chu!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun were more respectful and authentic. When they spoke, the faces of several war kings in the room suddenly showed shock.

Master Chu... This is not an address for peers, but an address for seniors! With Tang Jian's strength, they actually called Chu Feng the Master of Chu!

"Master Chu!"

Including Zi Yan, the other people also followed Tang Jian and the others. They wouldn't think Tang Jian and the others were fainted. Since they were called Chu Feng, Master Chu, there must be a reason. When Tang Jian and the others were named Master Chu, they didn't dare to call Chu Feng directly or Chu Feng Chu brother.

"You are welcome." Chu Feng frowned secretly and waved his hand. "Tang Jian, what the **** are you guys doing, in front of them, why do you call me Master Chu?" Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. "Master Chu, can we still call you by name directly? This is not good," Tang Jian said through sound transmission.

Tang Jian is also entangled. It's not good to call it directly. Now it's not good to call Brother Chu. In contrast, the title of Master Chu is better!

With a light cough, Tang Jian said, "Luohe, Ziyan, are you ready? When you are ready, let's enter the ring! Remember, just separate the winners and losers!"

Luo He and Zi Yan both nodded their heads and they flew out of the room in the blink of an eye to reach the outside ring!

Without saying a word, the two immediately started the fight after saluting. This time Luohe had nothing to hide. As soon as the fight started, a terrifying might immediately broke out to gain the upper hand!

"Luohe is very powerful!"

"Zi Yan's combat power is also very strong, but it seems that he is not Luo He's opponent. In this way, it is not arrogant that Luo He directly challenged Master Cry before!"

"It's a delicate shot, why can't I use it"

"Ha... if you want to use it, will you be out of 100,000 on the life and death rankings? Hahaha!"

Many people on the stands talked a lot. Chu Feng among the distinguished guests was enjoying the wine peacefully. With Luohe’s fighting power, there should be no problem with winning Ziyan, but now if you are in shock In battle, the chance of winning is only 50%!

As expected by Chu Feng, after 20 minutes, Zi Yan shook her head and her eyes were unwilling. She did not expect that she would have lost, and it was only 20 minutes later that the crazy tiger was still holding on to Luohe. It took more than half an hour.

"Zi Yan, admit it!"

Luo He arched his hands and smiled slightly. "If you win, you win. Whatever promises or not." Zi Yan snorted and disappeared into the ring instantly!

A huge cheer rang, Luo He was an outsider, but this battle gave him many supporters in the city of life and death.

Luo He quickly entered the private room and bowed to Chu Feng. "Bu Fright, your competition with Luohe will be conducted in two months." Chu Feng said.

Of course Bu Jingxun would not object to it and immediately agreed. There was a feeling in his heart that if two months passed, it was estimated that he would lose by then!

In this battle, Bu Fright can see that Luo He's combat power will not be worse than him, and Chu Feng will be able to improve it a lot after teaching for two more months!

As time passed day by day, some of Chu Feng's next deities did not enter the sacred prison space. He was only a divine mind clone teaching Luohe.

The clone taught Luohe, Chu Feng's deity turned around in the city of life and death and some nearby cities, and this way was to decide whether to accept Tang Jian and Step Shock as his apprentice at that time!

Two months passed in a short time, and Chu Feng reached the vicinity of life and death. At this time, the city of life and death was much more lively than before.

The battle between Luohe and Bu Jingxun, the strong from many places came to watch!

Chu Feng's expression changed slightly. He felt that there should be immortal powers on this side of the city of life and death. As for the immortal powers, there should be none. There are very few immortal powers in the entire Yin Realm!

The immortal powerhouse, Chu Feng, he has already killed a lot of them, but in the underworld, an immortal powerhouse can absolutely kill him, even if he has a holy prison, there are two apocalyptic treasures!

"Chu Feng, there is a dark chaotic lotus covering it, an immortal powerhouse, as long as the sacred consciousness does not scan your body, it should be impossible to tell that you are not from the underworld!" Miao Xianer's voice sounded in Chu. In Feng's mind.

Chu Feng felt a little peaceful. At this time, he reached the gate. Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun were already busy with other things. They sensed that Chu Feng returned to the City of Life and Death and quickly greeted him at the gate of the City of Life and Death.

Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun both bowed. In the city of life and death, several top experts showed surprise in their eyes. Although there was no holy knowledge scan, they all heard Tang Jian's words.

"Tongtong, that person is really the master of Luohe?" On a loft in the city of life and death, Luo Ning, the head of the Luo family, looked towards the city gate and said. On that side, Chu Feng and Tang Jian entered the city of life and death, Tang Luo Ning and Luo Tong around him could clearly see the respectful look on their faces.

"Father, of course it is!" Luo Tong said with excitement. She didn't expect that even Tang Jian would respectfully call Chu Feng Master Chu. In fact, Chu Feng didn't expect this at first!

Luo Ning said quietly: "Tongtong, which Luohe do you like?"

"Father" Luo Tong showed a trace of shame on his face. "It seems that my family Tongtong has grown up, haha!" Luo Ning laughed honestly, "Tongtong, since you like it, then fight for it."

Luo Tong was pleasantly surprised: "Father, are you not against it?"

Luo Ning said quietly: "I have no objection, but Luo He wants to marry you, he must at least have the cultivation of a lower saint! If he can't become a saint, then the chance of death will be great!" "Father, your daughter, I The cultivation base is still lower than that of Luohe, and your requirements are too strict." Luo Tong hummed softly.

"Strict? Not strict. To become my Luo family's son-in-law, just relying on the forces behind it is not enough." Luo Ning said quietly, "Tongtong, you can associate with him, I will not interfere, but, before getting married, You are strictly forbidden to do anything that insults my Luo family, understand?"

Chu Feng and Tang Jian entered the city of life and death. What made Chu Feng feel a little relieved was that no one scanned him with the sacred sense, and Tang Jian called him Master Chu. It is estimated that those people are a little confused.

If Chu Feng's strength is extremely strong, then the sacred consciousness scanning Chu Feng's body is Chi Guoguo's provocation, because this provocation is the provocation of how many people are going to die in the underworld every year!

"Master Chu, some powerful people have come to the city of life and death. They want to see Master Chu, but they don't know," Tang Jiandao. "Nothing to see." Chu Feng said in a low voice. He didn't want to meet those strong guys. If they were close enough, they might be able to sense something without divine consciousness!

"Okay, Master Chu, if you don't see it, you won't see it." Tang Jiandao, several of those strong men have immortal cultivation bases, but Tang Jian is not afraid of them.

In terms of cultivation base, Tang Jian is much worse than those people. He is now only a high-level saint's cultivation base, but in terms of strength, he is not so bad. As long as he reaches the immortal level, Tang Jian is confident. The immortal rank powerhouse will not be his opponent, with his talent, it will be a matter of time to reach the immortal rank!

Perhaps some friends said that those few immortal-level powerhouses could directly kill Tang Jian'e before reaching the immortal strength. They dare not. Tang Jian ranked third on the list of kings of life and death, and secretly killed Tang. Sword, that is a big provocation to the city of life and death, if some big figures come out.

Chu Feng and the others went directly to Tang Jian's residence instead of Luohe's residence. As soon as they entered the manor, Tang Jian immediately opened the manor's defenses.

Tang Jian and Bu exclaimed in shock, Chu Feng made Luo He appear outside at this moment. "Tang Jian, step shocked." Luo He responded with a slight smile.

"Luohe, your strength seems to have improved a lot." Tang Jian said in surprise, but he had not seen him for two months. He found that Luohe's temperament had changed a lot. Today's Luohe is compared to I was more confident before!

"Slightly improved!" Luo He glanced at Chu Feng with a light smile.

"Master Chu, can we change our name?" Tang Jian said itchy, Luohe had a lot of improvement in just two months, which made him and Bu Jingxun both envious, if he could get advice from Chu Feng After a while, they believe that their strength will definitely improve in a short period of time!

Chu Feng said quietly: "Tang Jian, Bu Fright, you will be my named disciple for the time being. As my named disciple, I will also point you a lot. As for becoming my official disciple, depending on your performance, in the future Let's talk about it! You don't need to call me Master, you can call me Master Chu from now on!"

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