Holy Prison

Chapter 1732: Control the whereabouts of jade symbols

Chu Feng got the control jade amulet on the bottom layer. Hongjun thought that Chu Feng saw the stone seal on the bottom layer of the Tongtian Pagoda. He did not ask this question. How did he know that the stone seal was already on at this moment? In the space of Chufeng Saint Prison!

"Tongtian Pagoda can absorb the power of stone seals and gather a few control jade charms. When the Tongtian Pagoda is opened, it is really possible to wake up the parasitic saint." Hongjun said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "This should be true, Master Hong, Master Pan doesn't know if there is such a control jade charm?"

"No." Hongjun shook his head, "The control jade amulet of the ninth level is in the hands of the Ice Venerable, the control jade amulet of the eighth level is in my hands, and the control jade amulet of the seventh level should now be in the Black Moon Venerable. In the hands of the master, the sixth-level control jade amulet used to be in the hands of a sage of the Feng clan, but now that sage of the Feng clan is missing, it is unknown who owns the control jade amulet."

"Will you be taken away from this universe?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. "No." Hongjun shook his head, "Tongtian Pagoda's control jade charms, if they leave this universe for a long time, they will automatically return to this universe! But it's hard to say where. Mortal realms, **** realms, and holy realms may all appear!"

"The fifth-level control jade amulet is in the hands of the fighting king, Sun Wukong, and he has not yet awakened; there is Sun Wukong in the lower realm, but it is formed by the fusion of his remnant thoughts in the monkey. In terms of strength, it is the same as the real Sun Wukong. It's a far cry!"

Chu Feng said in astonishment, "Sun Wukong? Master Hong, how is his cultivation level? By the way, he also has a junior brother, Zhu Bajie. I wonder if it is also the case of Monkey King?"

Hongjun chuckles and said, "Why? His cultivation is not particularly high, it's just a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, but he is enlightened by war. Although the Ruyi golden hoop is not the innate treasure, it is in his hands. The power is no less than the innate treasure, so his strength surpasses the cultivation base!" "Pig Ba Jie, it is indeed the same situation as Monkey King, but his deity does not have the strength of Monkey King but only the third-level immortal cultivation base. In terms of combat power, it is only The third level is immortal!"

Chu Feng said, "It seems that there are quite a few people who form lives in the lower realms with such remnant thoughts!"

"There are indeed some, but the number is not very large. It is not easy to do this. Moreover, luck is needed. If luck is not good, residual thought cannot enter the body of life; even if it enters, the life falls, and residual thought disappears. A sage left behind, and one of them may not be able to achieve a relatively high level of cultivation! Most of them are perished in the years!"

"What about the third and fourth floors?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun said: "The control jade charms of the third and fourth layers were shattered before. Now, the control jade charms of the fourth layer should have been gathered. The possibility of being in the hands of the Longyang Sage is relatively high."

"The third-level control jade talisman fragments did not gather. There is a third-level control jade talisman fragment in Pangu. The rest of the fragments, I don’t know where, Venerable Formation, Saint King Yin Xiao, Saint King Tongtian, etc. Obtained the third layer of control jade talisman fragments!"

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Master Hong, in that case, it is very difficult for the third-layer control jade talisman fragments to gather together. The nine control jade talisman must be gathered to open the Tongtian Tower, right?"

"You made a mistake about this." Hongjun said with a light smile, "It is not necessary for nine pieces to control the gathering of jade charms. As long as eight pieces to control the gathering of jade charms, the Tongtian Pagoda can be opened. Back then, considering that only control jade charms were missing, Only a few people like Pangu and I knew about this."

"Eight... then it's easier." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Hongjun said: "Chu Feng, it is not suitable to open the Tongtian Tower now. The opening of the Tongtian Tower will do more harm than good for us for the time being!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Master Hong, I understand that to open the Tongtian Pagoda, we have to own at least a few more control jade charms. Now we also have three pieces. Master Pan is just fragments."

"Control the jade talisman and think of a way slowly. Chu Feng, Tang Ming and the others, the effect of the canonization talisman should be over soon." Hongjun said, "it will lead to some trouble when the time comes!"

"Master Hong, what?" Chu Feng said.

Hongjun frowned and said, "Many saints also attach great importance to them. A Saint Kings Conference was held not long ago, and the meeting decided that at that time, we, the holy kings and some of the holy kings, will act together to let Tang Ming and the others be frozen. He appeared directly in front of us when entering the Holy Realm!"

"If I and Pangu are absent, then we will definitely be suspected of being free from parasites!"

"Fortunately, the holy prison has been upgraded." Chu Feng was shocked. If Hongjun and the others were unable to help, then Feng Bingning and the others would be extremely dangerous. They wanted to be pawned. He made a lot of preparations and was finally caught by Zhen Ye. Caught dead once!

"Master Hong, this, I might have a way at that time." Chu Feng smiled lightly. "Chu Feng, are you serious?" Hong Jun said in amazement. For this, he hurt a lot of his brain!

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Hongjun, then you will make peace, forgive me to sell it."

"Haha, your kid... well, since you are sure, then I can rest assured!" Hongjun said with a light smile, "Before you said that after a few years, you could tell if someone with higher strength was parasitized. Now Is it okay?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. When traveling with Hongjun back then, the holy prison was only thirteenth level, and it can only be seen whether the lower saint was parasitic. Now the holy prison is already at the fifteenth level, even the upper saint, holy prison It can also be directly distinguished if it is parasitic.

This year, the speed of holy prison's ascension was very fast, which is inseparable from the great danger that Chu Feng took.

If it weren't for a trip to the Abyss Cosmos, then most of the five conditions for upgrading from level 14 to level 15 must have not been met yet!

"Master Hong, forgive me for being rude, I will check it for you first?" Chu Feng said. He hadn't seen him for so long, and he was a little worried in his heart. What if Hongjun was parasitized?

In the underworld, that old taji had already counted him, and the danger came from his side!

"Haha, good!" Hongjun smiled and nodded, "It is good to be more cautious. When the time comes, make an appointment with Brother Pan, and you can check it for him!"

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, this, both you and Pan Master are too strong. They can only be in the God Realm. Or else, Master Hong, you first invite Pan Master, and then we go to the God Realm?"

"Well, it's not a young age that there is no lower bound, so it's okay to see Tang Ming and the others!" Hongjun said with a light smile.

When Hongjun spoke, a message was sent out, and three days later, Pangu appeared on Hongjun's side.

Opening the door of space with the key of space, Chu Feng and Hongjun were in the Divine Light City within a short time with Pangu.

"Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, stop training." Chu Feng transmitted the sound to Tang Ming and the others. As for Feng Bingning and the others, they don't need sound transmission anymore. They have already appeared next to Chu Feng at the moment.

"Feng... These two are" Feng Bingning said in a puzzled manner, Pangu and Hongjun weren't using their original looks at the moment.

Chu Feng was afraid that there would be outsiders on this side, so he didn't let Pangu Hongjun and the others appear as they were. At this moment, there are no outsiders in Pangu and Hongjun who heard Feng Bingning say that they have become what they are.

Feng Bingning and the others hurriedly salute, and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen rushed over at this moment to salute.

"Master, why did your two elders drop in free time?" Zhou Wen said with a grin.

Pangu said indifferently: "You will be overwhelmed by the catastrophe before long. Take a look while you are still alive."

"Uh" Zhou Wen showed a look of helplessness on his face, "Master, your old man doesn't believe me too much, right? With my current cultivation base, coupled with that kind of natal weapon, the chances of successfully crossing the catastrophe are not 80%. It’s 70%, and I’m sure to be holy then."

"It's good to have confidence!" Pan Gu said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Master Pan, Master Hong, let's check it out first. Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, you are ready, if you have any problems in training, you will ask Pan Master and them to solve it."

"Okay, check first." Hongjun nodded slightly, he was worried that Pangu was parasitized, and Pangu, at this moment, naturally, he was a little worried about Hongjun being parasitized again!

The holy prison was upgraded, and the detection was a little more powerful. In less than half an hour, both Hongjun and Pangu had been tested again by Chu Feng. They are now not controlled by the parasitic powerhouse!

After the test was over, Hongjun and the others trained their apprentices to go, and Chu Feng was naturally with Feng Bingning and the others. This time it didn't take a long time to go to the Holy Realm, but it was more than a hundred decades!

Naturally, Chu Feng told Feng Bingning and the others about the successful upgrade of the Holy Prison. Needless to say, Chu Feng also told Feng Bingning and the others about the benefits of the upgrade.

"It's great to be able to cross the tribulation in the holy prison space!" Lan Wen said with a smile, "Brother Feng, then this time, if you return to the holy realm, do you let us stay in the holy prison?"

"It's necessary." Chu Feng answered Miao Feiying's reply, "Holy Prison has been escalated, and the danger is much less. We have no problem in the holy prison space! In the domain tower, our cultivation base will improve quickly. , The fit with the domain tower can also be improved faster, not in the domain tower, the improvement of the fit is extremely slow!"

Feng Bingning and the others all looked at Chu Feng, and Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, you will enter the Holy Prison space at that time. If you are outside, you will declare your retreat!"

"Great." Qin Ying said with a charming smile, and all of them showed happy smiles on their faces.

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