Holy Prison

Chapter 1736: Abduction of Pig Bajie

There is still a certain distance from Huaguo Mountain to Shenchu ​​City, but today’s Shenchu ​​City has a space point, so Chu Feng has already moved from Huaguo Mountain to Shenchu ​​City in just a short time.

At a restaurant in the city of Shenchu, Zhu Bajie ate a lot, "Little Er, the roasted bear paw just now, two more pairs!" Zhu Bajie shouted authentically while gnawing on a golden and oily animal leg.

"Guest, do you want it now?"

A staff member in the restaurant was taken aback for a moment. There was still a lot of food on the big table in front of Zhu Bajie. Generally speaking, that food was enough for seven or eight people!

"Afraid that Lord Pig can't pay the bill? Hurry up to Lord Pig!" Zhu Bajie glared at the guy.

Feng Bingning and the others were in the sacred prison space, and Chu Feng and Monkey King, as well as Zhu Bajie in the God Realm, were under the restaurant and then went upstairs.

"Pig Bajie." Chu Feng chuckled softly. Hearing his voice, the eating Zhu Bajie raised his head.

"City Lord Chu, monkey, you are here." Zhu Bajie grinned and said, "Sit down and eat as much as possible. I'll treat you."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "When you arrive in Shenchu ​​City, I am the master, and you are the guest. There is no reason for you to treat you. Order whatever you want to eat. Xiao Er, if there is something delicious, try to get it!"

"Ah, yes, yes!" The Xiaoer said with excitement. He saw that Chu Feng was in a daze, but at this moment he finally recovered.

Xiao Er stepped back, Chu Feng and the three of them sat down. "Um, you, you won't be called Zhu Bajie from now on." The eating Zhu Bajie gave a ring to Zhu Bajie, who followed Chu Feng and the others.

"But Zhu Bajie, what is my name?" Zhu Bajie said helplessly in the God Realm beside Chu Feng.

"From now on, you will be called Zhu Jiujie." Zhu Bajie stared. "Zhu Jiujie" followed Chu Feng and Zhu Bajie, who was behind them, nodded helplessly. There is no way, who can let the uncle in front of him be an indestructible powerhouse, and he has just reached the strength of the exalted **** level!

"Zhu Bajie, you just called me a monkey?" Monkey King narrowed his eyes. "Uh, this, if your deity is here, of course I am called Brother Monkey, but if you are here as a clone, I still call you a Brother Monkey?" Zhu Bajie grinned.

"You are a monkey. It's not wrong to call you a monkey, right? You can call me Lord Pig!"

Chu Feng didn't make a sound at this time. After Zhu Bajie had wiped out more than a dozen people's food, Chu Feng thought about it. A jade plate appeared in his hand, and in the jade plate was a small roasted chicken leg.

"Good smell!"

Zhu Bajie's eyes widened, and the newly created Zhu Jiujie around Chu Feng's eyes were also widened. Both of them stared at the little roasted chicken leg, and the aroma came from that roasted chicken leg.

"Um, City Lord Chu, is this for me?" Zhu Bajie smiled authentically, just after smelling the aroma, he knew that the roasted chicken leg in front of him was more delicious than something he had just eaten. !


Chu Feng said with a weird smile on his face. After eating this chicken leg, ordinary food, I am afraid that Zhu Bajie will not be able to eat it! This chicken drumstick is produced by the Sacred Prison Canteen. Although the materials are relatively ordinary, the taste is definitely not mentioned!

Different from eating big mouthfuls before, at this time Zhu Bajie was eating small mouthfuls, and he showed an extremely enjoyable expression on his face while eating. Comrade Zhu Jiujie swallowed wildly beside Chu Feng.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious! City Lord Chu, is there any more? I have money, I will buy a hundred, no, a thousand first!" Zhu Bajie said quickly after eating. He was annoyed at this moment. Why did he eat those many things, now think about it, did he eat those things just now?

"Nothing! I'm not selling chicken legs." Chu Feng shook his head slightly, "However, if you cooperate with the test, I can give you some later, and there are more delicious ones."

"Test, what test?" Zhu Bajie said quickly. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "A small test, you don't need to resist, it will take about twenty minutes!"

"Okay, okay, I'll cooperate, you hurry up!" Zhu Bajie said quickly. As soon as Chu Feng's thoughts moved, his spiritual consciousness entered Zhu Bajie's body, and at the same time, the scanning of the sky eye also entered Zhu Bajie's body.

It is a bit uncomfortable to be scanned like this by human spirits, but Zhu Bajie is very cooperative at this time, and he is willing to go for good food.

Twenty minutes was not long, and soon, twenty minutes passed, and Chu Feng's face was shocked.

Zhu Bajie was parasitized, he has traces of being parasitized, but now his body has no signs of being controlled, and the abyssal powerhouse that parasitized him was almost completely swallowed by him!

"Before he fell asleep, this guy was only a third-level immortal strength. After he fell asleep, he had a sixth-level immortal strength. Zhu Bajie should have completed the devouring of the abyssal power that parasitized him in his deep sleep!" Chu Feng was in his mind. Zhong exclaimed, "Xian'er, you can analyze it."

Miao Xian'er's voice rang: "Chu Feng, his training is mainly done in sleep. It is estimated that he was parasitized and then fell asleep. As a result, when he was asleep, the abyss powerhouse who parasitized him was completely asleep. However, he didn't fall asleep completely, and his exercises were operating. As a result, although his strength was much weaker, he swallowed the abyssal powerhouse that was stronger than him!"

Miao Xian'er's guess is basically the same as the facts. Not long before he fell asleep, Zhu Bajie was parasitized. Then, he came to a big comeback while he was asleep. The parasite was also an immortal saint, but he was abruptly sleeping Was completely swallowed by him!

"City Master Chu, the time is up, is the test over?" Zhu Bajie said excitedly.

Chu Feng said with a thought, a roasted whole lamb appeared on the table in front of him, "Wukong, Zhu Jiujie, you guys try it too, you are welcome. If you finish eating, there will be more."

Comrade Zhu Jiujie said, he immediately started, Sun Wukong is basically a vegetarian, but at this time he smelled the tempting aroma and couldn't help joining the army of gluttons!

Zhu Bajie and the others ate quickly, while Chu Feng was thinking about handling Zhu Bajie in his mind.

It is impossible for him to leave like this, Chu Feng wanted to keep him by his side!

And to keep him, there should be good food in the holy prison cafeteria!

"At that time, Zhu Bajie will be put into the World Swallowing Gourd. When he is needed, let him appear outside, a sixth-level indestructible thug, hehehe!" Chu Feng was secretly happy.

"Chu Feng, don't be too happy, if Zhu Bajie doesn't follow you at that time." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng glanced at Zhu Bajie. At this time, he was eating with big mouthfuls, "Xian'er, look at Zhu Bajie like this, maybe he won't chase with me? If he doesn't chase with me, he will be very difficult to eat in the future. Good last meal!" Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

A whole roasted lamb was wiped out in a short time, and Chu Feng got out a few more roast chickens.

"Cool, it's so cool, this is delicious food, what kind of **** was that I ate before! Xiao Er, let the boss die for me, and let Lord Pig eat such rubbish!" Zhu Bajie patted his stomach contentedly Then shouted at the store partner who was waiting at the door.

"Guest, that's the best thing in our store. The things that the Lord City Lord brought out cannot be made in our store." The store partner was not very afraid. Chu Feng was here. He was not worried about what Zhu Bajie would do. he.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Bajie, don't embarrass this guy, do you think I can eat something like me anywhere? In the entire God Realm, if you can find something more delicious, you are considered amazing. "

"Your food is really delicious. I have never eaten something better than that." Zhu Bajie frowned slightly, "It's terrible now. Lord Pig has eaten your food and will eat it later. What should I do if there is nothing else?"

"Let's go and talk elsewhere." Chu Feng smiled softly. He said that a piece of the best **** crystal appeared in his hand and flew to the other partner, "Xiao Er, this is food money!"

"My lord, the little one dare not!" the shop clerk said quickly. "Accept, I, Chu Feng, don't have the habit of eating Overlord's meal." Chu Feng smiled quietly, he said, waving his hand and disappearing with Zhu Bajie and the others.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the others were in Chu Mansion, the city of God Chu.

"Zhu Bajie, follow me, how about?" Several people sat down, and Chu Feng chuckled.

Zhu Bajie narrowed his eyes slightly: "City Lord Chu, if you want to rely on some food, you can tie up Lord Pig and let Lord Pig do the work for you? Lord Pig, I am so stupid? Maybe there is no food that Lord Pig likes in the God Realm. But in the Holy Realm, there must be some delicacies that I like Lord Pig!"

"I'm delicious, Lord Pig, but I'm not so confused, Lord Pig! Your little trick, do you think I can't see Lord Pig?"

Chu Feng glanced at Zhu Jiujie and Monkey King: "Wukong, you should avoid it first!"

Chu Feng said that in an instant he brought Monkey King and Zhu Jiujie into the holy prison space.

"Zhu Bajie, you want to eat delicious food everywhere in the holy world, I am afraid it is impossible." Chu Feng said quietly.

"If you do that, then it's probably not eating delicious food, you will be slaughtered by someone then!"

Zhu Bajie's eyes stared: "Who dare you, Lord Pig, I am now a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, even if it is Brother Monkey, I dare to fight him! It is impossible to kill my Lord Pig! It is impossible! Lord Chu, you I’m not scared, Lord Pig!"

Chu Feng thought, a glass of wine appeared in his hand, holding the wine, Chu Feng sniffed it deeply before taking a sip.

"Good wine."

Chu Feng enjoyed the authenticity, but Zhu Bajie swallowed his saliva. Although he ate the meat just now, he did not drink the wine.

"Pig Bajie, the holy realm today is not the holy realm you imagined. It is countless times more dangerous than what you imagined. I didn't scare you just now! Now the holy realm is no longer part of our universe. The strong ones control, the abyss strong ones secretly control. In our universe, most of the saints have been controlled by the abyss strong ones!"

"This is impossible!" Zhu Bajie stared. Chu Feng said quietly: "I just checked for you to see if you have been parasitized. You are lucky. You were parasitized before. However, you got rid of the parasitism, and even a blessing in disguise, your strength has been greatly improved!"

"You probably haven't checked your own body carefully. If you check carefully, you should be able to find it! Your Sage is your stomach. If you check your stomach by yourself, you will surely find a little bit. "Chu Feng said.

Zhu Bajie checked it immediately. At the beginning, there was nothing. After about three minutes, his face became very ugly. After careful inspection, he himself found a little abnormality.

"You have slept many times before, and there is no sign of such an increase in strength. This time, your strength has increased abnormally! If it is not bad, the strength of the person who parasites you is at least five levels of immortality, you That is to say, luck is good, and I happened to fall asleep, otherwise, you are not you now!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"Before, Hongjun and Pangu were parasitized, but now they are free from parasitism, but there are still many people parasitized. Sovereign Longyang, Sovereign Black Moon, Sovereign Ice, Sovereign Formation, Sage Yin Xiao, Primitive, "Tongtian" Chu Feng said, Zhu Bajie's expression became more and more gloomy.

Zhu Bajie took a deep breath and said, "City Lord Chu, what evidence is there for what you said?"

"Master Hong and Master Pan, would you believe it?" Chu Feng said flatly.

Zhu Bajie nodded quickly: "Senior Hongjun and Senior Pangu, I naturally believe what they said. I still don't believe what they said? Where are they?"

"A few days ago, the world was in the realm of the gods, and now we are in the realm of the gods. We will pass now? Let them talk to you." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "If they confirm me, would you follow me? ?"

"Follow me, eat and drink. Normally, you don’t need to do anything. You can only help when it’s critical. In the situation in the Holy Realm, you should know that it’s not easy to find delicious food everywhere. In addition, even if It's not easy to find a safe place to sleep!" Chu Feng said.

Zhu Bajie's face was depressed: "You kid, you frame me. If what you say is true, then I seem to have to follow you! This wine, give me some first!"

"Hehe, then it's settled." Chu Feng said with a light smile. He said that he threw a big wine gourd to Zhu Bajie, "Zhu Bajie, I can talk to you earlier. If I don't do anything, drink A relatively ordinary wine, if you help out, fine wine!"

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