Holy Prison

Chapter 1751: Apprentice (1)

"Really?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. Sun Wukong is a powerful Saint King class. If there really is an apprentice like Sun Wukong, that would be very good!

The difference between the saint king and the saint is not far, the Monkey King is enlightened by fighting, and then he will fight and fight more with the Monkey King, maybe he can achieve the strength of the saint rank!

If there is an apprentice at the Saint-sovereign level, that would be a blast.

At that time, Sun Wukong and other Sovereign-level powerhouses called brothers and sisters. As soon as his old man walked over, Sun Wukong respectfully called Master, which might make some Sage-level powerhouses look green.

"Naturally take it seriously, old grandson, I can't tell lies? If you beat me in ten minutes, you will be my real master. Old grandson, I am willing to gamble to lose and never lose money!" Sun Wukong solemnly said, he does not believe that Chu Feng can The following saint's cultivation base beat him within ten minutes, and the god-level cultivation base can be found within a hundred times, but most of the time is more than ten minutes!

"If you can beat me in ten minutes, then you really have the ability to become my master. I won't be a disadvantage if you call you master, grandson! Let's start now?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Do you still need to prepare? If you don't need to prepare, we can start now!"

"No need, old Sun, I am always ready to fight!" Monkey King said with a tight grip on the golden hoop.

"So, let's start now!" Chu Feng said.

Monkey King shouted violently, and immediately rushed towards Chu Feng. At this time, both of them used the cultivation base of the sixth-level lower saints. Compared with before, the momentum at this time was much greater!

The Yin Ming in Chu Feng's hand and the golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand fought together fiercely. When they were put together, Chu Feng kicked it out in an instant!

At this time, the two of them were both sages. Yin Ming really had some losses to the golden hoop, but Chu Feng did not suffer any injuries. The power from the golden hoop was completely blocked by the dark chaotic lotus!

Chu Feng was not injured, but Sun Wukong decisively cupped a cup and suffered a serious injury in an instant. Although he played a hundred games with Chu Feng, he was only a god-level strength before, and the power of his right foot was sealed. He didn't even know that Chu Feng's right foot was Shengge. He was a little careless at this time!

If you fight with others, a little carelessness is nothing, but if you fight with Chu Feng, a little careless trouble is extremely troublesome. Chu Feng is best at catching the enemy with a little loophole. Even a single blow will kill!

Chu Feng lost the world swallowing gourd, and the world swallowing gourd suddenly flew above Monkey King's head, erupting terrible suction! "Drink!" Monkey King said in a deep voice, the horrible suction of the World-Swallowing Gourd did not attract him, but the treasure of the end times is not to be thrown out to look good. At this time, Sun Wukong used a lot of power to counter the Devouring Gourd!

Without waiting for Sun Wukong to get rid of the power of swallowing the world gourd, Chu Feng used the law of space with his mind, and the power of the law of space immediately made Sun Wukong in the mud!

"Legal World!"

In a very short time and the rhythm came up, Chu Feng added layers of shackles to Monkey King in a very short time! Sun Wukong is indeed strong. Under such circumstances, he can send out a series of tyrannical attacks to Chu Feng's side. He wants to influence Chu Feng's rhythm, but unfortunately, with the defense of the Dark Chaos Lotus, his attacks did not start. What effect!

"Wukong, be careful, Blade Storm!" Chu Feng said. As he said, Yin Ming cut out, Blade Storm, this is Yin Ming's own unique trick, it is very powerful!

"Not moving like a mountain!"

Numerous sword qi rushed in, and Monkey King's face changed and he erected the golden hoop in an instant. The golden light on the golden hoop engulfed him in it, and the sword qi furiously bombarded the golden light. Finally, When the sword qi disappeared completely, the golden light from the golden hoop rod was nothing.

Chu Feng Jieyin, an extra-dimensional space seal bombarded the golden light around Monkey King, and that little golden light could not withstand the attack and instantly shattered!

"Break for old grandson!"

Monkey King let out a deep cry, and instantly the golden cudgel burst out with great light. Holding the golden cudgel tightly, Monkey King slammed towards Chu Feng fiercely!

Chu Feng had placed many restraints before, but under the stick of Monkey King, all the restraints placed before were broken, and a terrifying attack madly attacked Chu Feng!

Chu Feng's mind moved the dark chaotic lotus, and a faint black light burst out. Under the black light, although Monkey King's attack broke the black light defense, the last little attack was already negligible for Chu Feng.

"Goku, you are defeated!"

Chu Feng chuckled quietly. He said that the suction power of the world-swallowing gourd had become stronger. When Monkey King resisted the suction power, Chu Feng immediately added space confinement to Monkey King!

Almost the same as before, Chu Feng added a lot of shackles to Monkey King in a short period of time. Unlike before, Monkey King has already used the two unique tricks that come with the Golden Hoop at this time. The stick has no suitable tricks to use!

At this time, only four minutes have passed!

Monkey King attacked frantically, but under the control of World Swallowing Gourd and the shackles of those chains, it was not so easy for him to break open!

The stigmata carving knife appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng scribbled on the ground quickly, and in just a minute, Chu Feng carved countless stigmas on the ground!

Chu Feng chuckled. The countless stigmata he had carved burst into powerful power instantly, and Monkey King felt like he was in the mud, but at this time, he felt that his activities were even more inconvenient!

A distance of twenty to thirty meters, Chu Feng took a lot of time to release the different dimension space stamps. His different dimension space stamps were very powerful. After blocking seven or eight, Sun Wukong felt a little unstoppable!

"Master, you are very good at fighting personally. Why do you always attack so far away? It's so boring!" Monkey King shouted.

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Wukong, although your combat power is high, you really still have a lot to learn. At this time, I only need to win this way. Why should I be close to you? Just win, right? Close to you, who knows if you retain a melee trick?"

In the domain tower, Chu Feng didn't have such a fighting consciousness at first, but after a few deaths, he learned how to behave. Don't take risks if he can win relatively safely!

Taking risks may win the battle faster, but it may also make the situation take a turn for the worse!

After connecting twenty or thirty different-dimensional space seals, poor comrade Monkey Wukong has a red monkey face and a trace of blood appears at the corner of his mouth. At this time, the time is only seven minutes past!

"Wukong, there are still three minutes left, do you still have to persist? If you still have a powerful method, then use it. If you don’t have it, I don’t think you can hold back three minutes. If you really only have this If your cultivation base is an enemy, even if you don't use anything else, I can kill you within a minute!" Chu Feng smiled.

Sun Wukong finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. On the one hand, he was caused by his injuries, on the other hand, he was angry. He actually didn't stop ten minutes!

Without blocking it for ten minutes, then you have to truly recognize Chu Feng as the master. Thinking of this, how can the bit of blood that Sun Wukong could have been able to hold down!

"I, I, Lao Sun, I am defeated! Grass, shameful and ashamed!" Sun Wukong said with an ugly expression. When he said this, he immediately sat down on the ground as if all his strength had been taken away.

Chu Feng took the World-Swallowing Gourd away with his thoughts, and Yin Ming and Dark Chaos Lotus were naturally taken away by him! "Wukong... I don't want to recognize me as a master, so don't worry about it." Chu Feng approached Sun Wukong and patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder. "I have more treasures than you. If this is not the case, I definitely can't beat you in ten minutes. ."

Sun Wukong instantly knelt in front of Chu Feng and kowtowed Chu Feng. In the next instant, he disappeared in front of Chu Feng and just left his words: "Master, let me be quiet!"

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