Holy Prison

Chapter 1759: Semi-control

A place not particularly far away from Huoyan Mountain, Feng Yao is practicing here, part of her hair is silvery white, and the other part is golden, which looks weird.

At this moment, a light spot appeared in front of Feng Yao, and as soon as Feng Yao stretched out her hand, the light spot fell into her palm.

"Unreasonable!" Feng Yao's face became cold, and part of her silver-white hair turned golden in an instant, and the number of golden hair exceeded the silver-white hair!

Feng Yao's eyes were cold when she had more silver-white hair, and when she had more blond hair, Feng Yao's eyes were more humane.

However, Feng Yao's eyes are more angry now!

That light spot was a message from Feng Zhi from the Feng Clan. Feng Zhi said that the Feng Clan who had been attacked a lot had been taken into captivity! The irritation of this news made the golden hair account for the majority, but the number of silver-white hair slowly increased soon!

"Go away, give me peace, otherwise we will have a dead fish! I won't survive, and you won't have any good results!" Feng Yao said angrily in her mind.

"After the matter is resolved this time, I will let you have more control rights!"

The silver-white hair stopped growing, and after a while, all Feng Yao's hair turned golden! "Damn it!" Feng Yao took a deep breath and cursed in her heart. She didn't know if she was the abyssal powerhouse who was vying with her for body control, or the person who invaded the Feng clan!

call out!

With the sound of the body breaking through the air, Feng Yao left the place and appeared in the distance in the blink of an eye, flying fast, and within a few hours she had already returned to the Flame Mountain.

As soon as Feng Yao came back, many Feng clan experts immediately surrounded him. "How about the loss?" Feng Yao's gaze fell on Feng Zhi's body and said solemnly. This Feng Zhi was only a lower saint when she was an indestructible powerhouse, and now she is also an indestructible powerhouse. During these years of growing up, she has made a lot of progress, and now Feng Yao is confident that she has the strength of the Saint King level.

It's just that her body is not under her control for a lot of time now. For the Feng Clan's safety, she is not even in the Feng Clan at ordinary times. I didn't expect that the Feng Clan guarded by Feng Zhi still had a problem.

"The patriarch...three hundred and forty-two people are missing. Some of them have broken soul jade slips!" Feng Zhi's expression was ugly. In the space of the holy prison, Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er to let those phoenixes One or two of the people of the clan are isolated. Under such circumstances, the broken jade slips of their souls can give people an illusion that they are constantly being killed!

In this way, the chances of those parasitized saints suspecting Chu Feng is very small. First, they will all die by then; second, those parasitized saints should not know that there is a Monkey King beside Chu Feng. Such a strong person, relying only on his own strength, whether he can enter the Flame Mountain and come out alive is a question!

"Three hundred and forty-two people!"

Feng Yao's expression changed, silently, a sacred mountain tens of thousands of meters high under her turned into nothingness! "Who is the murderer found?" Feng Yao said solemnly.

"The patriarch, I don’t know yet, it’s just that the opponent has the strength of the Saint King level! In the entire Huoyan Mountain, only our Feng clan was arrested. He was arresting people instead of killing. What good are the people of the clan for him! Many of the arrested have a higher blood density!"

"There are already eleven soul jade slips broken. It is very possible that their bloodline power was taken by the strong man who shot! Patriarch, we must take revenge!" Feng Zhi gritted his teeth.

Feng Yao took a deep breath: "Xiao Zhi, how is your injury?"

"Patriarch, my injury is not in the way. To the patriarch, the **** said that he will come again in the future!" Feng Zhi said solemnly. "Will come again, I will let him come back and never come back!" Feng Yao said coldly, "All retreat and do their own things. I will give you an explanation for this matter! Although our Feng clan has fallen a lot, but , It’s not okay to bully!"

In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Chu Feng, Feng Yao has returned!"

"I'm back? Are there any images?" Chu Feng hurriedly said. The Sky Eye has a locking function. This function Chu Feng is still used less in the Holy Realm, but it doesn't mean it is useless.

Having spent a lot of time in the Flame Mountain before, Chu Feng had already let Sky Eye lock some of them, and among them were high-ranking saint-level experts!

Miao Xian'er said that some images appeared in Chu Feng's mind. These images were the locked images of a high-level saint-level powerhouse around 100 meters in the God Realm, which could show the images at a greater distance around him. , But in the holy world, the display range is much smaller.

However, Chu Feng was also satisfied. This one was much more concealed than Skyeye's scan, and even a strong person like Feng Yao would not find it. At most, she would feel a little peeped in her heart.

"This Feng Yao is a little bit strange." Chu Feng muttered to himself after seeing the video. He could see that Feng Yao was really angry.

However, if Feng Yao is parasitic, does she need to be so angry? "Is it possible that among the people caught, one of the parasitic abyssal powerhouses is related to the abyssal powerhouse parasitic Feng Yao?"

"It seems that there is something wrong... Feng Yao seems to be angry at Feng Clan's misfortune. She shouldn't be right because of the abyssal powerhouse. Could it be that" Chu Feng thought of a possibility, that is Feng Yao right now. Not controlled!

"Feng Yao has no lower realm, and she is not in the celestial phoenix clan, do you think Feng Yao is in a state of semi-control? The abyss powerhouse did not completely control her? In this case, everything will be fine. The explanation makes sense! She left the Feng Clan because she was afraid that someone would find out that her state was wrong, and there was no lower realm. It was because of the hindrance of the abyssal power who parasitized her. She rushed back now because she still has a lot of her body A certain amount of control!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Nei'er said: "Chu Feng, there is such a possibility, and the possibility is not small, what do you want to do?" "Immediately notify Feng Chen to lure, if she is indeed in such a state at this time If it does, then, we must have a lot more control over her!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

As Chu Feng spoke, Sun Wukong appeared in front of him. "Master, something happened again?" Monkey King said.

"Wukong... your injury is not healed. At this time, you are not doing well, but we need to act immediately. Feng Yao has returned. We immediately appeared outside and returned to the valley where Feng Chen and the others were located, and let Feng Chen attract Feng Yao In the past." Chu Feng said. Monkey King said: "Master, will Fairy Feng Yao definitely pass by?"

"There is a lot of noise on this side. I think Old Sun, Fairy Feng Yao might not go to that side!" Sun Wukong said. Chu Feng considered for a while and said: "Yes, she should go over there, a Saint King-level powerhouse, if she enters the Flame Mountain, she may be sure to deal with it, but without entering the Flaming Mountain, she definitely has no choice. of!"

"However, if Feng Chen and Feng Zhi are added, it is possible. In addition, Feng Zhi's cultivation base is low, Feng Yao, I should hope Feng Chen will come back!"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, if she made a mistake in judgment, did she not go there?" "If there is no past, then bring Fengchen Zhubajie and the others to this side, and think of a new way! Feng Yao hasn't been completely controlled, and if he still has certain authority in his body right now, then the chance of catching her is still very high!" Chu Feng said.

Monkey King and Chu Feng carefully appeared outside. Then, Monkey King took Chu Feng away from the Flame Mountain quickly. Among the Flame Mountain, Feng Yao frowned slightly when he looked in the direction away from Monkey King, as if that direction There was something strange, but her sacred knowledge hadn't found it in the past.

In ten days' time, Chu Feng and the others returned to the valley where Feng Chen and the others were. In the valley, Zhu Bajie was eating a strange beast that he didn't know where he got.

"Fool, old grandson, I was exhausted when I went out, you actually eat here!" Monkey King appeared next to Zhu Bajie and looked at his head instantly.

"Brother Monkey, calm down, calm down, I'll give you this chicken leg." Zhu Bajie said quickly. "Bah, I am afraid of poisoning old Sun by eating this thing you baked!" Monkey King said.

Monkey King and Zhu Bajie were fighting there, and Chu Feng and Feng Chen chatted. "Feng Chen, immediately release your **** induction... By the way, can you give Feng Yao a little message that you are in great danger on your side?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen nodded and said, "This is okay. If the induction is released every little time, then the signal of an attack can be transmitted, which is also a signal for help!"

"Very well, Feng Chen, then you immediately send out the signal for help." Chu Feng said. Feng Chen wondered: "Chu Feng, is this useful? If Feng Yao's ancestor was parasitic"

"I'm not sure, but there is a higher possibility that it will be useful. You can try it. By the way, the distress signal, don't be too urgent. It's best to give Feng Yao the feeling that you can support some time! This one, I think you should be able to do it!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Soon Fengchen let go of the induction of the Phoenix divine veins at intervals, and after successfully obtaining induction, Feng Chen immediately let go of induction here.

Two minutes later, Feng Chen re-established the induction, and then let go of the induction again a little while later. This was done three times in total, and the complete signal was already transmitted.

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