Holy Prison

Chapter 1764: Elaine Holy Tribulation

"Chu Feng, there is a situation!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind while fighting with a person. "Xian'er, what's the situation?" Chu Feng said in his mind while fighting lightly. Although it is an immortal saint who is fighting with him now, Chu Feng is fighting and chatting with Miao Xian'er at all.

"Sister Yilian sensed the holy robbery, the time is half a month away!" Miao Xianer said. "In half a month? Well, I will come out to accompany her three days in advance, let her prepare well, don't worry." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er responded, and Chu Feng ended the chat with her, defeating the immortal powerhouse who fought with him in just half a minute!

"Master Chu!"

The immortal-level powerhouse cried out and immediately retreated. He was not afraid of losing face at the moment. Like many high-level powerhouses who fought with Chu Feng, he didn't use his original appearance!

If you win, then you will naturally become what you are when you lose. If you lose, you can step down without any loss by calling Master Chu to pat.

For such a situation, Chu Feng acquiesced that these powerful men would lose in his hands, and the quest points he could get would be much higher than those of people with a low cultivation base!

For example, for this immortal-level powerhouse just now, he can get more than 1,000 quest points when he loses in the hands of Chu Feng, while ordinary people only have dozens of points, and even some people can only get 10 points if defeated. What's the task point, such a guy, if he comes on stage for the second time, he will have to prepare a lot of treasures!

Twelve days passed quickly. "Stop Master!" Just after defeating someone, Chu Feng said authentically, "Master Chu, I want to rest!"

"Cru Madman, this time it's only three months, so you should rest?" a person shouted. Chu Feng glanced at the vocalist and whispered: "Master Chu, I say rest and rest. Do you have any comments? You have your opinions to Master Chu and I will keep them. Otherwise, the next time you come on stage, Master Chu will beat you up. Neither your parents recognize it!"

"Listen, you guys want to show off with Master Chu and be prepared. If Chu Feng wins 100 million games, Master Chu, I will surprise you!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, no matter the reaction of the countless people around him disappeared all of a sudden, he won 80 million games, and the people gathered here have reached a trillion!

Yilian and the others waited for some people to chat, Yilian was about to overcome the catastrophe, Feng Bingning and the others, Tang Ming, all of them stopped training at this time!

Chu Feng's voice sounded, and his figure appeared next to Yilian in the next moment. "Boss, what are you so busy with? Only three days have passed since I came out." Zhou Wen said.

"Busy beating people, you haven't experienced it for a long time, do you want to try it?" Chu Feng sat down beside Yilian with a chuckle, "Yilian, how do you feel, I have full confidence in you. Holy Tribulation shouldn’t be a problem!"

Yilian smiled slightly: "Fortunately, there is no guarantee of 100%, and there is a certainty of 90%. If such a probability fails, it is also God's will."

"Sister-in-law, why do you have such a high degree of certainty? I will survive the Holy Tribulation with 70% certainty, alas!" Zhou Wen said helplessly. Chu Feng gave Zhou Wen a white look and said, "Fatty, do you think you can beat Yilian before? Bet a pound of the best spar. If you fight Yilian, you will definitely lose the wind!"

"Cut, I can't be stupid? My brick attack is okay, and the fourth sister-in-law's heaven and earth have all the life and leaves. I am too bad to fight with her!" Zhou Wen curled his lips.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "You can't beat Yilian, you still want to be 90% sure, you want to be beautiful. Although they are all Tier 10 three-stars, there is a little difference in strength! To get your strength, a little bit The gap, then it will have a greater impact on the success rate of crossing the catastrophe!"

"I know this, I also want to improve that little bit, but at this time, it will be extremely difficult to improve a little bit." Zhou Wen said helplessly.

"Zhou Wen, 70% sure, that is already very high." Feng Bingning smiled.

Chu Feng and the others were chatting. Three days had passed without knowing it. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng had created a special space for Yilian to cross the catastrophe.

When the time came, thunder rang out in the space where Yilian was. In a short time, the sky above Yilian's head was already covered with colorful clouds!

"I don't know how many thunder disasters the fourth sister-in-law will usher in!" Tang Ming said softly. "The best is the sixth floor. If it is less, the strength will be lower after being sanctified. If it is too much, although the strength will be high after being sanctified, but at the seventh floor, there will be no low life danger." Zhou Wendao, "Boss , What do you say?"

"Where is so much nonsense, watch it." Chu Feng frowned slightly, he was quite nervous at the moment.

Although, even if Yilian dies, he can resurrect Yilian with a resurrection star, but death is not a good thing. He has been resurrected once by himself. So far, he has not found any sequelae, but it does not mean that. There must be no sequelae!

The Holy Tribulation came quickly.

When the colorful clouds gathered, the first thunder tribulation had already turned into a giant sword, exuding terrifying coercion, and fell straight on top of Yilian's head!

Yilian thought with a green light to greet the giant sword, and before the giant sword fell ten meters above her head, it was completely transformed into nothingness under the weakened life!

The second layer, the third layer, and the fourth layer Yilian passed smoothly all the way, and Lei Jie quickly reached the seventh layer. At this time, Chu Feng's brows were already frowning. It is possible to fall with Yilian's strength. Of course, the chance of falling is still relatively small!

When the seventh thunder robbery appeared, Chu Feng and the others were all taken aback. The seventh thunder robbery turned into Chu Feng's appearance!

Under the robbery cloud, Yilian was also taken aback for a while, she was already under a mental attack when she was stunned. This time the attack was a double attack!

Jie Lei, who turned into Chu Feng, appeared in front of Yi Lian in an instant, and then pierced Yi Lian's chest with a sword without any pity!

A fragile voice sounded, and the ground leaf automatically appeared outside of Yilian's body and blocked most of the attacks, but the remaining attacks into Yilian's body also caused Yilian to suffer serious injuries. .

Within Yilian's body, Mingye's power was automatically activated, and those injuries quickly recovered, but the attacked Yilian did not wake up at this moment.

"Yilian, wake up!"

Chu Feng said silently in his mind, he was writing tightly with his fist at this time. If he is convenient to shoot at this time, then he must have severely taught the thunder and lightning that has become his appearance. It is a pity It's that he can't make a move, absolutely can't make a move, if he makes a move, Yilian has no chance to survive!

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

Chu Feng, who was transformed into thunder and lightning, attacked frantically, and the earth leaf was under that powerful attack. At this time, Yilian's consciousness was under a terrifying mental attack!

As time passed by, Chu Feng and the others raised their hearts one by one. The ground leaf's defense was very powerful, but without Yilian's active control, its defense could not be fully displayed. At the beginning, Yilian's injury was not very serious, but after two or three minutes, Yilian's face was already pale!

"Yilian, wake up, wake up!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, he can only provide support to Yilian in this way. "Ah!" Tang Wan exclaimed. At this moment, a big wound appeared on Yilian's body. Blood from the wound kept pouring out and stained the ground red!

One, two, three, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes. Even if Yilian wakes up at this time, the chances of smoothly crossing the catastrophe are very small.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense at that time, if the fourth sister-in-law fails to cross the Tribulation, the boss will not feel good in his heart." Tang Ming said. "Xiao Mingzi, don't worry, I wouldn't talk nonsense at this time. Alas, how could this happen? The fourth sister-in-law's strength was actually planted on top of this seventh thunder calamity!" Zhou Wen said in a voice.

After a little bit of time passed, Yilian suffered more serious injuries. Chu Feng's face was green at this time. Eighty to ninety percent of Yilian's blood had flowed out of her body at this time, and her wounds were shocking!

"Sister Yilian is awake!" Miao Xian'er suddenly said in surprise, her voice fell, Chu Feng and the others all saw Yilian's intact eyelashes move, as for the other eye, that has been ruined. Under the sword wound!

"Woke up!"

Chu Feng let out a long sigh, as long as he wakes up, then Yilian still has the hope of successfully surviving the catastrophe! Zhou Wen thought that Yilian's hope was extremely small, because they did not fully understand Yilian's situation.

Yilian is the tower master of the holy prison, she can borrow the power of the domain tower. Under such circumstances, you can't use the power of the domain tower to manage a dead end. If you borrow the power of the domain tower, you can still survive!

"It turns out to be like a husband, what a **** thing!" Yilian was violent. The appearance of thunder and lightning turned into Chu Feng severely injured her, and within her mind, the appearance of thunder in the soul also almost made her turn into Chu Feng. I can't wake up like a dead heart!

Yilian was violent and the small universe broke out. She borrowed the power of the domain tower. At this time, although her injuries were terrifying, her strength returned to Tier 10 three stars in a very short time!

"Spirit Storm!"

"Tianye, attack!"

In an instant, Yilian burst out three powerful attacks. The curse of life caused Chu Feng's strength to be reduced by thunder and lightning. The strength fell, and a spiritual storm came, and Chu Feng, who was transformed into thunder, was stunned there. , In the next instant, the purple sky leaf passed through the neck of Chu Feng, who had turned into thunder!

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