Holy Prison

Chapter 1766: The holy robbery of everyone, the task surprise

Yilian was the first to usher in the Holy Tribulation and succeeded in crossing the Tribulation. Following that, Miao Feiying ushered in the Holy Tribulation in the second year. After six thunder tribulations, Miao Feiying successfully transcended the Tribulation!

Because only six thunder tribulations were ushered in, Miao Feiying absorbed much less thunder tribulation power. In the end, although he succeeded in reaching the median saint, he only reached the second-level median saint. Needless to say, the remaining thunder tribulation power All were absorbed by Chu Feng!

In the fifth year, Tang Ming ushered in the holy calamity. After the seven thunder calamities, Tang Ming successfully overcome the calamity. The cultivation base is the same as Yilian, a fourth-level middle saint. After the robbery, he naturally consolidated his cultivation base like Yilian Miao Feiying and others. Generally speaking, it takes ten or twenty years to consolidate the cultivation base, but Yilian and the others have forcibly improved a lot of strength, and it will take at least one or two hundred years to consolidate the cultivation base!

In the seventh year, a tenth-tier saint in Shenchu ​​City ushered in the holy robbery. Regrettably, that saint died during the fifth holy robbery and disappeared in ashes!

In the eighth year, another tenth-tier saint in Shenchu ​​City ushered in the holy robbery. This saint had much better luck than the previous saint, but he ushered in the four holy robberies and successfully crossed the calamity. He just absorbed less Part of the tribulation power, most of the tribulation power is absorbed a lot cheaper, Chu Feng is absorbed by Chu Feng!

In the fifteenth year, Lan Wen ushered in the Holy Tribulation. Taiwu Tower was very powerful. When she was in danger, she successfully resisted. With the Seven Tribulations, she successfully survived the Tribulation and became a fourth-level middle saint!

In the sixteenth year, Lei Zheng ushered in the Holy Tribulation. He has the strength of a tenth-tier three-star, and the chance of successfully crossing the Tribulation is relatively high. After the six sacred Tribulations, he successfully crossed the Tribulation and cultivated as a second-level median saint.

In the twenty-ninth year, Song Ye ushered in the Holy Tribulation, the Six Paths of Tribulation, naturally, like Miao Fei Yinglei and the others, were the cultivation bases of the second-level median saints, which was already very good.

In the fifty-third year, another tenth-level strongman crossed the calamity in Shenchu ​​City. This was the sixth person besides Tang Ming and the others. Before that, only the first and Lei Zheng successfully crossed the calamity. The ground crossing the catastrophe, ushered in the five layers of thunder tribulation. After crossing the tribulation, the cultivation level of the ninth-level lower saint, although it is worse than the thunder, but compared to the previous one that only ushered in the four levels of thunder tribulation, that one Ushering in the fourth-level thunder robbery did not reach the strength of the median saint but only reached the strength of the seventh-level lower saint!

In the sixty-seventh year, Zhou Wen ushered in the Holy Tribulation. Unfortunately, poor Comrade Zhou Wen was hung under the Holy Tribulation. Chu Feng used a resurrection star. A month later, he was successfully resurrected and five more Months passed, Comrade Zhou Wen ushered in the Holy Tribulation for the second time. This time he was lucky enough. He survived under the Seven Tribulations and successfully passed the Tribulation and became a fourth-level middle saint. His strength is the same as Tang Mingna. Grade.

In the seventy-second year, on the side of Azurite City, the number of people Chu Feng defeated in a duel reached 100 million, and the number of mission points obtained exceeded 10 billion. Chu Feng gave the people on the other side of Azurite City a surprise. They could be two of them. Go together, two people together, as long as they can resist for a quarter of an hour, then they win!

This surprise made countless people on the other side of Azurite City extremely excited, but the next battle splashed them with cold water. Even if two people were together, there were few groups that could support Chu Feng for more than three minutes. Moreover, at this time, Chu Feng had not yet used the World Swallowing Gourd or the Dark Chaos Lotus!

In the seventy-fifth year, Chu Long ushered in the holy calamity. He succeeded. His cultivation reached the fourth-level median saint. Only one month later, Chu Long’s wife Shi Yan ushered in the holy calamity. Unfortunately, he failed. , But what made Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief was that Chu Long, who had made a sincere agreement with her, was not brought to death by her because she had become a saint. However, Chu Long also vomited blood for three liters, suffered a serious illness, and almost repaired. Because I fell from the fourth-level median saint!

After Shi Yan died, Chu Feng used a resurrection star. Shi Yan was resurrected. After half a year, he finally succeeded in crossing the catastrophe again, but only ushered in the five holy catastrophes, cultivated as a ninth-level saint. Compared with Chu Long’s fourth-level mid-level saint’s cultivation base, the cultivation base is much lower. Because of Shi Yan’s death before, the effect of the sincere agreement between him and Chu Long is no longer effective. In the future, if one of them dies, the other will get Then die together.

In the eighty-ninth year, Qin Ying ushered in the Holy Tribulation. She who possessed the Treasure of the Last Days ushered in the terrifying eighth-level holy Tribulation. However, possessing the Treasure of the Last Days and the owner of the domain tower, Qin Ying almost died, but After all, there was no death. She was sanctified and reached the cultivation base of the fifth-level middle saint. The words of the sage are only one. Everyone who crosses the robbery in front has only one sage, not only three sages, even if it has two. There are very few people with a sage!

In the 103rd year, Chu Feng, who had absorbed a lot of Thunder Tribulation power, reached the cultivation base of the third-level high-ranking saint, one step closer to the cultivation base of the fifth-level high-ranking saint.

In the 117th year, Han Xiang ushered in the holy calamity and failed; in the 118th year, after the resurrection, Han Xiang ushered in the holy robbery for the second time. A saint.

Five years after Han Xiang, in the 123rd year, Tang Wan also ushered in the holy robbery. She was lucky enough to usher in the fifth-level thunder robbery, and the strength of the ninth-level saints. This strength lies in Yilian and the others. It is considered low among women, but for the careless Tang Wan, it did not make her unhappy.

In the 145th year, Comrade Duan San ushered in the holy robbery, possessing the supreme treasure Zhutian Sword, and under the seven-layer thunder robbery, he easily survived the holy robbery and became the fourth-level middle saint powerhouse!

At this point, Feng Bingning and their eight daughters, that means Feng Bingning has not yet survived the catastrophe, Tang Ming Zhouwen and his wife have survived the holy catastrophe, Chu Long and his wife have survived the catastrophe, and Comrade Duan San has also survived the catastrophe. .

As for the thirty or forty rank ten saints who entered the holy prison space, most of them also ushered in the holy robbery, but most of them did not survive the holy robbery but ended up falling under the holy robbery. In his whole life, for these people, Chu Feng didn't want to go back to resurrection at this time, and there were only five resurrection stars. It was impossible to use them on those people. Although they are all people from God's Beginning City, people are always close and distant.

Two hundred years later, those saints who had entered the sacred prison space before Shenchu ​​City had all ushered in their own sacred calamity, and only Feng Bingning was left alone.

In the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning snuggled in Chu Feng's arms quietly and said: "Feng, is there a problem with my body? Why everyone has ushered in the holy robbery, but I haven't ushered in the holy robbery yet?"

Feng Bingning thought about the damage to her previous heroine. Although she has recovered now, she is worried that the damage to her previous heroine will still affect that now.

"Bing Ning, what are you thinking about? It's only a little more than two hundred years since the effect of your holy talisman. In such a short time, the holy robbery has not arrived. That is normal!" Chu Feng stroked Feng Bingning's back. Smiled and said, "Relax, let alone two hundred years, even if it is two thousand years or twenty thousand years, it is normal for the Holy Tribulation not to arrive!"

"The holy robbery will come when it should come. There is absolutely no problem with your body now. You can rest assured! Don't you believe in the holy prison? The doctor does not check you twice. It's all over again, there's no problem, peace! You have the Phoenix bloodline, and you have the ability to time, and your strength will be very high then!"

Feng Bingning has always been more confident as the eldest sister, but now Yilian and the others are already saints. Only she has not been sanctified, and there is a little bit of uneasiness in her heart. Of course, she just revealed this in front of Chu Feng, and it would never reveal it in front of others.

"Feng, if I can't be sanctified, I won't be able to go outside and enter the Flame Mountain to obtain the heart crystal of fire," Feng Bing said, condensed.

"Haha, you, don't think about it. I'm still a third-level high-ranking saint, far away from a fifth-level high-ranking saint. Besides, that quest, even if it ends immediately, is already an SS-level quest, but it is far from SSS. Level, there is still a long way to go." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

In the past two centuries, because Chu Feng was a one-to-two, he got the equivalent of the task points of the previous three hundred years, which is about 8 billion, plus the previous total of about 16 billion.

SS-level missions range from 10 billion mission points to 100 billion mission points. Chu Feng now has 16 billion combat points. If he handed in a mission, it would naturally be regarded as an SS-level mission. SSS-level missions, from 100 billion mission points to one trillion mission points, Chu Feng would have to work hard to achieve it!

"Feng, is your mission to open a school and establish a faction soon to be handed in?" Feng Bing said, Chu Feng now has only two tasks in total, one is the A-level task of that one. One is the task that is now being completed, as for other tasks, he hasn't been inspired these years.

"There are still hundreds of years." Chu Feng said with a light smile. That mission was ten thousand years of mission time. Now the past nine thousand years have passed very quickly.

"That task, how is the task completion degree now?" Feng Bingning said curiously. Although it is only an A-level task, that task is rewarded according to the task completion degree. The task completion degree is 100%, then it is a reward. The achievement points are 100 million, and the domain tower is worth 1 million; the mission completion degree is 200%, and the reward points are 200 million, and the domain tower is worth 2 million.

Although he didn't know the result, Feng Bingning guessed that Chu Feng's mission completion degree should be extremely high!

"A-level mission, start a school. Mission requirement one, create an appraisal method of at least S grade, the exercise method can at least allow people to successfully practice to the Emperor God level! Mission requirement two, at least one person has practiced this exercise method to reach the emperor God level; mission requirement three: relying on the established techniques to establish one's own sect."

Chu Feng recalled the task requirement with a slight smile on his face. Although it was only an A-level task, Chu Feng believed that this task should be rewarded a lot.

Mission requirement one is to create a skill that is rated at least S grade. The infinite magic skill created by Chu Feng is assessed as SSS grade. Mission requirement two. At least one person has cultivated this skill to reach the Emperor God grade. Now, I don’t know how many. People who practice infinite magical skills reach the Emperor God level or even the Exalted God level!

Task requirement three, establish his own sect, Chu Feng established the Infinite God Sect in the God Realm as early as, and the number of people who joined the Infinite God Sect is more than a trillion?

"Xian'er, I don't know how much completion has been achieved for that mission to establish a school?" Chu Feng asked. He is not very clear about this one now, and hasn't asked about it for a long time.

"16,500 per cent!" Miao Xian'er replied. Chu Feng was taken aback for a while and said inconceivably, "Xian'er, you say it again, how much?"

Miao Xian'er hummed: "You thought you had misheard it? Sixty-six thousand five hundred percent! That is to say, if you hand in the task, you can get at least six hundred and sixty. 500 million battle points and more than 600 million domain tower values. I thought I would surprise you when it was suitable, but I didn't expect you to ask now."

"Sixty-six 6.5 billion battle points, more than 600 million domain tower values." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and took a deep breath. Is this still an A-level mission?

You know, before Chu Feng completed an SS-level mission, he also got tens of billions of battle points and a domain tower value of 100 million. Although the space key was obtained for that mission, it also shows that tens of billions of battle points and 100 million domain tower values ​​have reached the SS-level mission reward standard. The A-level mission that opened the sect, the reward was actually higher than that Most SS-level missions are even more awesome!

"Feng, how much?" Feng Bingning asked quickly, seeing what Chu Feng looked like, she knew that the reward for this mission would never be less.

"The degree of completion is 66,500%! In a few hundred years, it is estimated that the degree of completion can rise a little." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, this task really surprised him. .

"How much?" Feng Bingning said in a daze, she also thought she had misheard, and the degree of completion was so terrifying. "Sixty-six thousand five hundred percent." Chu Feng repeated.

"This peak, this task, isn't the reward several hundred times the basic reward?" Feng Bingning said in surprise. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, by then, at least 60 billion combat merit points, 600 million domain tower values, plus the previous ones, there will be more than 10 million combat merit points at that time. High-ranking saints are still far behind."

Feng Bingning said with a smile: "Don't you have another mission in progress? If this mission reaches the SSS level, the reward will definitely be more than 10 million combat points, plus your current over 20 million combat merits. Point is no problem! Hey"

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Knowing that the mission of the founding school was so high, Chu Feng was in a very good mood now.

"Feng, mine is here." Feng Bing said condensedly.


Feng Bing whitened Chu Feng and snorted: "It's the Holy Tribulation that is going to you. I have sensed the breath of the Holy Tribulation. The Holy Tribulation will arrive in three months!"

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