Holy Prison

Chapter 1770: Hongjun's decision

"Hall Master, I don't think it is Chu Feng. Although Chu Feng said that after he became a saint, he jumped higher and directly reached the middle saint, but he has only been sanctified for such a short time. Now it is impossible to be the upper saint, right? There are many high-ranking saints among those missing from the Feng clan, and there are also top saints missing!" A saint king said.

Yin Xiao said quietly: "Brother Xie Peng, Chu Feng may have found a helper! Don't forget, Feng Chen is a member of the Feng clan, and she has a level 3 immortal cultivation base!"

"In addition, before Feng Yao left the Feng clan, I suspect it has something to do with Feng Chen. If this is the case, then, it is very likely that Chu Feng and Feng Chen got together, Feng Yao was calculated by them, and those of the Feng clan were missing. The people who are right are the joint work of Chu Feng and Feng Chen!"

When Yin Xiao said this, several people nodded slightly. His statement was quite tenable. "Sage King Yin Xiao, then, the important task of finding Chu Feng and the others will fall on you!" The Saint King who had spoken before said with a strange smile, "You are Chu Feng's father-in-law!"

"Yin Qianqian followed Chu Feng. This is not a secret now."

Yin Xiao frowned slightly: "Brother Xie Peng, did I offend you in any way?" "Elder Xie Peng, Elder Yin Xiao, if there is a contradiction between you, don't talk about it at this time." Long Yang said in a deep voice. , "Elder Yin Xiao, Yin Qianqian is your daughter. You have blood connections. Can you locate her current point?"

"Hall Master, I have tried a few times, but failed. The first possibility is that she is too far away from me. The second possibility is that she is now staying in a place where she can stop positioning." Yin Xiao said.

Long Yang frowned and said: "Sacred King Yin Xiao, you have checked a lot in this regard, what suggestions do you have?" "Hall Master, I really have a few suggestions." Yin Xiao smiled authentically.

Yin Xiao nodded and said: "Hall Master, everyone, first, we are going to send someone to the Feng Clan. What is the situation of the Feng Clan now, we must find out! That Feng Zhi is an indestructible strong Well, because Feng Yao opposed her before, she didn’t move her. Now that Feng Yao is missing, I think we can move!"

"Secondly, in respect of the God Realm, we have to step up a little bit of action. Even if there is no big gain, it is good to make Chu Feng a little trouble. Maybe we move, Tang Ming and others will come out after some people!"

"Third, I think it is necessary for us to gather the control jade charms of the Tongtian Pagoda we own. In this case, it is safer!"

There was no expression on Hongjun's face, but there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes. Yin Xiao raised this, fearing that it was instructed by the holy king Longyang.

The dragon anode whispered: "The control jade of the ninth layer is in the hands of Venerable Ice, the eighth layer is in the hands of Brother Hongjun, and the seventh layer is in the hands of Venerable Black Moon. The talisman used to be in the hands of the Feng clan, but now it is estimated that it is in the hands of Feng Yao. The control jade talisman of the fifth layer is in the hands of Monkey King, the control jade talisman of the fourth layer is in my hands, and the third layer is now broken and not gathered together. In the hands of Feng. Venerable Ice, Brother Hongjun, Venerable Black Moon, Yin Xiao’s proposal, what do you think of this proposal? We gathered the control jade charms together and placed them in this holy mountain. I personally feel that it is true It’s safer."

"I think it is better to control the jade talisman in my own hands. If the hall master wants to open the Tongtian Pagoda by that time, just call me. I will not object to the opening of the Tongtian Pagoda." Venerable Ice said lightly.

Venerable Black Moon squeezed a little smile on the old face and said: "I also think that the old man, it is better to control the jade talisman on the body. The Lord will not force us to hand it over, right?"

"Hall Master, it's better for everyone to put it on their own body. In this case, no matter what the problem is, they will not be lost." Hongjun said quietly.

Long Yin smiled on his face, but his heart was furious. He wanted to gather the control jade talisman fragments. In that case, he, the palace master, would be more authoritative then, but none of Hongjun agreed. Under the circumstances, he also had nothing to do, he couldn't really force Hongjun and the others to hand it over.

"Brother Hong, what you said is the same. Let's take it out today and confirm that the control jade amulet is on everyone, so as not to have trouble at the time." Long Yang said.

Hongjun and the others had no objection to this proposal of Longyang, and they all quickly brightened the control jade talisman they had!

"Very well, it seems that we have four control jade talisman. Those two pieces in Chu Feng's hand, if we can catch him or some important people around him, maybe we can get it. Feng Yao Feng of the Feng Clan and Sun Wukong. , Everyone has searched for it with all their strength. In the holy world, is there a sleeping place for Monkey King?" Long Yang said.

The people sitting shook their heads one by one, Monkey King acted very carefully, and they had been in the holy prison space all these years.

Long Yang took a deep breath and said, "Elder Yin Xiao, you choose some people and go to the Feng clan's side. Pay attention to the news of Feng Yao and Feng Chen. If there is no news from them, then take Feng Zhi from the Feng clan. Coming to this side, she has not been parasitized yet, and it is time for her to be parasitized, my people of the abyss, but there are still some people who are not parasitized!"

"Yes!" Yin Xiao said in response.

"The rest, hurry up and build the Most Holy Mountain. This is our biggest base area. I hope that the Most Holy Mountain will be established as soon as possible. In addition, there should be no quality problems!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

The holy kings in the hall nodded slightly, and soon Hongjun and them all left the hall. "Brother Hong, Long Wuji still have some doubts." Pangu said.

"Seeing that the control jade talisman is still in my hands, they must be slightly less suspicion. Brother Pan, you said we are staying here, right?" Hongjun is also a voice transmission.

"Brother Hong, why did you say this?"

Hongjun said: "We are the powerhouse of the saint-class level. We stay here. Chu Feng has the biggest responsibility. He is just the cultivation base of the upper saint. There is only a little time for sanctification. That is to say, he has lived for more than 10,000 years. Compared with us old guys, he is only a child."

"He, child? Brother Hong, I didn't treat him as a child. Are there few surprises he brings us?" Pan Gu said. "Brother Pan, he has brought us a lot of surprises, but you know how much pressure is in the holy world today. Even if it is you and me, it will not be easy to bear it." Hongjun said.

Pangu sighed secretly and transmitted the voice: "Brother Hong, do you want to borrow the power that we sent to the reincarnation of the heavens? If that's the case, many times the reincarnation of the heavens, if we borrow the power, then we will be afraid It is very difficult to become a master! Besides, it hasn’t been long before we wake up at this time. If we borrow the power sent to the reincarnation of the heavenly path, a lot of power will be wasted. I don’t agree to borrow that power now!"

"Brother Pan, where did you think about it? I haven't thought about borrowing the power of the reincarnation of the heavens for the time being. If we borrow the power of the reincarnation of the heavens, I am afraid that the reincarnation will be disrupted!" Hongjun said, "What is probably going on above The question, if we borrow the power of the reincarnation of Heaven, some other people, such as the Lord of Longyang, may not be able to!"

"Tang Ming and the others should already be in the holy realm at the moment. I mean, we take action and pass some power to Tang Ming and Zhou Wen permanently. If their strength is strong, then they should be able to help Chu. The peak is quite busy." Hongjun said. "Brother Hong, if we pass power, we can only pass some of the power of the good fortune jade disc and the sky-opening axe to them. This transmission will cause great loss. At that time, our strength will be in the dragon anode. Down." Pangu Road.

Hongjun said: "The good fortune jade disc also has the sky-opening axe. We seldom use it with our cultivation base. And now in this sacred mountain, there is no chance to use it. It is better to increase their strength. As for the good fortune jade The disc still has a part of the power lost by the Sky Open Axe, so I will find a way to add it at that time."

"Supplementing their power is not an easy task. However, since you have made such a decision, Brother Hong, I will not bear it. However, before passing on the practice, we have to find a way to establish a little contact with them." Pangu Tao.

Hongjun smiled slightly: "This is not difficult, don't forget, who made Tang Ming's Hongjun ring ha ha, I will expend effort to contact Tang Ming's side first, then, we will have good luck jade disc and The Pangu axe was sent to the chaos first, allowing the power to spread directly from the chaos into Tang Ming and the others."

"Haha, it's a pity that Chu Feng is not our disciple, and cannot receive our power. Otherwise, it would be good to pass some power directly to him." Pan Gu said.

"He... the old monster Tianhen doesn't know what's going on now. This old monster has never accepted a disciple. Although he only accepted as a named disciple this time, it can also be seen that he values ​​Chu Feng. It was passed to Chu Feng, and I believe that if Chu Feng has something, he will still not stand by. This guy, the power stored in the reincarnation of the heavenly path is not less than us!" Hongjun said, "Okay, I Contact Tang Ming first, if you want to do it, I will contact you."

There are countless strong people in the Most Sacred Mountain, but no one has discovered the sound transmission of Hongjun and Pangu. With their strength, if the sound transmission is easy to be discovered, it would be incredible.

Returning to his own residence in the Most Sacred Mountain, Hongjun immediately took action. A small piece of ore appeared in his hands. This small piece of ore was left behind when the Hongjun Ring was refined. At this time, it happened to be used to refine a little thing to get a little contact with Tang Ming.

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