Holy Prison

Chapter 1773: Sacrificial array

"The Hall of True Fire Reincarnation is not just the home of the strong men who are close to the life of the Feng clan, it is not just a place where the tablets of the strong men of the past are enshrined, it has another function!" Feng Yao said quietly, "This secret, Traditionally, only the patriarch and the patriarch’s successor knew that I was parasitized, Feng Chen, you were not here, and I planned to tell Xiao Zhi, but I didn’t expect it would be possible to live now.

Chu Feng said: "Senior Feng Yao, this, Feng Clan secret, let me avoid it."

"City Lord Chu, no, it's all about this time. There is not so much attention to it. It's just this one. If you know, I hope you don't spread it." Feng Yao said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Senior Feng Yao, don't worry, you won't spread it."

Feng Yao glanced at Feng Chen and Feng Zhi said: "Feng Chen, Xiao Zhi, the Hall of Real Fire Reincarnation, another function is to sacrifice the formation. With the lives of our Feng clan, we can burst out real fire. The power of the reincarnation formation!"

"Life sacrifice formation?"

Both Feng Yi and Feng Zhi's faces were shocked, and Chu Feng's face was also shocked at this time. There are many in the Three Realms with life sacrifices, but Chu Feng has really heard about such things with the lives of his own people, and they are generally used by outsiders to sacrifice lives!

Feng Yao nodded slightly: "Well, this formation is very evil, but it is also very powerful! The power of the formation is related to the number and strength of the people who sacrifice to the formation, because the evil of this formation, the ancestors were afraid It caused some people in our Feng Clan to be frightened, so we kept the rules like that. Only the patriarch and the patriarch’s heirs can know about this."

"Now I have broken the rules of my ancestors, and I hope my ancestors can forgive me. The True Fire Reincarnation Array is activated, and the reincarnation real fire can emerge. As long as the number is sufficient, even the strong of the holy sovereign can be killed! Our Feng Clan’s powerful, True Fire Reincarnation Formation has never been activated, and I didn’t expect it to be activated now in my hands."

Chu Feng said: "Senior Feng Yao, those Feng clan powerhouses who are parasitic, can they sacrifice the formation to activate the True Fire Reincarnation Formation?" "Well... if it weren't the case, I wouldn't want to activate the True Fire Reincarnation Formation. Those Feng Clan compatriots who were not parasitized, how can I be willing to let them sacrifice the formation?" Feng Yao said, Chu Feng could see the tears in her eyes faintly.

"With life sacrifices, I hope they can re-enter the cycle of heaven and earth at that time."

Chu Feng said quietly: "Senior Feng Yao, you don't need to do this. If we arrest them all, those people may be able to recover in time."

"Chu Feng, don’t lie to me, some of them can recover, and some of them have very little chance of recovering, right? Can you know which of them were parasitized? Do you know which of them were parasitized? Completely parasitic, or almost completely parasitic? Do me a favor and tell me the list." Feng Yao took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Senior Feng Yao, are you sure you want to do this?"

Feng Yao nodded slightly: "I'm sure... if some of them are killed and we can catch a dozen top powerhouses, if they die a lot less by the time, they will die well!"

The upper sage and above Chu Feng could not find out, and those who did not exceed the cultivation level of the upper sage, the holy prison could still see the degree of parasitism. When Chu Feng thought, dozens of people's information entered Feng Yao and Feng Chen's mind. , These dozens of people are basically completely parasitized, and the chance of them coming back to life is extremely small!

"Xiao Yuan... Feng Que... Yu'er"

Feng Yao read the names of some people, and every time she read one, her face became ugly. "Chu Feng, these people, are their chances of coming back to life extremely low?" Feng Yao said.

Chu Feng sighed in his heart and nodded slightly, "Senior Feng Yao, some of them still have a chance of recovering about one in ten thousand times. Do you want to single them out?"

Feng Yao shook his head: "No need. With the current situation of the Feng Clan, it takes so many people to activate the Hall of True Fire Reincarnation to trap a dozen or so immortal ranks! Besides, the probability of one in ten thousand is too low. If you are lower than Feng Yi, if you show up, then some people will be suspicious. Xiaozhi, I will tell you how to start the real fire wheel. You, Feng Yi and Monkey King will return to the Flame Mountain and gather those people to imprison them. After reaching the cultivation base, after Yin Xiao some of them entered the Flame Mountain and immediately activated the True Fire Reincarnation Formation!"

"Remember, let them enter before starting the True Fire Samsara array, otherwise Yin Xiao and they will wait for others not to enter, then those people will die in vain!"

Feng Zhi took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Yes, patriarch, I will definitely get things done properly. Yu'er and others will not die in vain, absolutely not!"

"Chu Feng, do you have anything to explain?" Feng Yao said.

When Chu Feng thought, Sun Wukong appeared in front of them. "Master, why find me?" Sun Wukong said, "Fairy Feng Yao, old grandson is polite."

"Sun Dasheng is good!" Feng Yao and the others also saluted quickly.

"Wukong, you have a mission." Chu Feng said a lot of information instantly passed into Sun Wukong's mind. The specific method of opening the True Fire Reincarnation Formation did not tell him, but the power of the True Fire Reincarnation Formation was told. Monkey King, what to do next, also explained.

Sun Wukong was shocked: "True Fire Reincarnation Formation... Fortunately, old Sun, I ran away fast last time, otherwise would I be burned to death in Huoyan Mountain? Fairy Feng Yao, do you Feng Clan still have this kind of danger? thing?"

"Sun Dasheng, we are on the same boat now, even if there are still dangerous things, you will not use Sun Dasheng, don't worry." Feng Yao laughed.

Chu Feng said: "Wukong, Feng Chen, Feng Zhi, the three of you carry out the plan, do everything carefully! Feng Zhi, after you go back, you will defend with all your strength. If Yin Xiao and their first troops arrive, they will not enter immediately but will potentially be around. Observation, the observation has no results. When the people behind follow up, Yin Xiao and them should all enter the Flame Mountain! Wukong, if they all enter the Flame Mountain and are trapped, then you don’t need to come out. Take down those people one by one with Feng Chen and the others!"

"If all of them have not entered the Flame Mountain, then you will appear outside as soon as the True Fire Reincarnation Formation is activated, and those who have not entered outside will enter the Flame Mountain!"

Sun Wukong nodded: "Master, Lao Sun knows that for those who come here, Lao Sun will let them all come and go!" "Senior Feng Yao, I have nothing to explain." Chu Feng said.

"Then, act"

Feng Yao said softly, the Sun Wukong Fengchen Fengzhi Chu Feng appeared outside at the moment Chu Feng thought, Chu Feng will not enter the Flame Mountain, but it is necessary to be closer to the Flame Mountain at this time.

Soon, the Holy Prison approached the Flame Mountain, and Chu Feng entered the Holy Prison Space, while Monkey King and Feng Chen entered Feng Zhi's treasure space and then was quietly carried into the Flame Mountain by Feng Zhi!

"Chu Feng, Yin Xiao, they probably haven't come here yet." Miao Xian'er said when entering the holy prison space. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's normal. It will take ten days for Wukong to come over at full speed. Yin Xiao's strength is estimated to be a little weaker than Wukong. Even if he takes the rest of the indestructible power forward, it should still be paid. It will take a while to arrive!"

"Chu Feng, if you catch Yin Xiao and his party, you will be very angry on the side of the holy mountain!" Miao Xianer said. "They were already angry." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I'll go see Xiao Mingzi and the others!"

In an instant, Chu Feng disappeared in place and appeared near Tang Ming and Zhou Wen. At this time, both Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were enveloped in a light cocoon, through which they could only be vaguely seen. The light cocoon revealed terrifying energy fluctuations, and a trace of power continued to enter Tang Ming and the others!

"The fate of these two guys is really good." Chu Feng muttered in his heart with a faint smile on his face. With a master like Hongjun and the others, I have to say that Tang Ming and their fate are really good. Even if you are a master and apprentice, there are very few affirmations that you can directly transfer power to your apprentice!

"Boss!" Zhou Wen's voice rang. "Damn, Fatty, you are a ghost, and you can absorb your strength honestly." Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wendao: "Boss, this power does not need to be absorbed by us too hard. Now, we are basically receiving power passively, and it's okay to be distracted a little bit."

"Boss, the fat guy is right. Why are you here at this time? I haven't seen you over the past few days to chat with us." Tang Ming smiled.

Chu Feng smiled and cursed: "You two, I don't have your life! Your cultivation base can reach the eighth or nineth-level high-ranking saint as if by plane. I have to slowly and miserably train up, but without you now It's so idle. Besides, I don't know that you can be distracted when you actually receive power!"

"Boss, I am more willing to practice slowly. I feel really sorry to receive Master's power in this way. If it hurts Master," Tang Ming said.

"Don’t think about it, Master Hong and Master Pan. It’s not easy to die. The power you receive is good, but for them, it shouldn’t be that much! It’s all started, so you can accept it with peace of mind. After you finish your strength, when your strength rises, there is danger, you go, I will come back!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Boss, you are beautiful, you want to be beautiful!"

Chu Feng laughed and said, "Isn't that the way to be the boss? It's good, boss, it's dangerous, yell, brothers!"

"Boss, you don't have that kind of boss life." Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng and the others chatted, and the time passed quickly for about half a day, "Chu Feng, he sensed a target, his strength is very strong, at least a sixth-level immortal cultivation base!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Among.

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