Holy Prison

Chapter 1776: Reincarnation Karma

"Boss, you fellow, when did you switch to education?" Zhou Wen curled his lips. Chu Feng glared at Zhou Wen: "You fellow, owe education!"

Zhou Wen grinned and said: "Boss, right? Then you will take action to educate me? It's been a long time since you had a fight with the boss, and you really miss it. Boss, when you are free, let's make an appointment for a discussion. . By the way, let’s talk about it first, the Treasure of the End cannot be used."

"Okay, you can suppress the strength of a third-level high-ranking saint. You can learn from each other whenever you want." Chu Feng said with a smile. Zhou Wen shook his head again and again: "Boss, you are shameless, suppressed to the same cultivation level as you, Sun Dasheng, the fighting saint king can't beat you, aren't you bullying?"

"Oh... So you know the word ‘shameless’, I thought, there is no word ‘shameless’ in your life dictionary." Chu Feng despised.

Tang Ming laughed and said: "Fatty, you and the boss are arguing, maybe there is still a little less heat, haha!"

"Okay, okay, let's not laugh." Chu Feng coughed lightly, "Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, your strength has just been improved, first stabilize your cultivation base! Look at you, there is such a powerful aura erupting from your body. Do you still want to make friends with Han Xiang Tang Wan and others? If your momentum is not restrained, they will be very uncomfortable in front of you!"

"This problem is indeed very serious...Well, boss, please kneel down." Zhou Wendao. "Yes, Queen Mother, the minister retire!" Chu Feng disappeared instantly as he said.

"Too big!" Zhou Wen immediately pointed out a middle finger, but this **** could only be seen by himself, and Chu Feng had disappeared and he couldn't see it.

"Poor man!"

Tang Ming sighed slightly and disappeared instantly and went into his training room. "You two have no conscience, Fatty, I made friends accidentally!" Zhou Wen sighed up to the sky, the next moment he also entered his room to stabilize his cultivation.

"Holy King, it's been two months now, have we started?" The strong man who turned into a black python beside Yin Xiao reminded.

Yin Xiao nodded slightly and said softly: "Go ahead, Jiang Zheng, you all attack together, and you will break the Feng Clan's defense formation in the shortest time!"

Four sixth-level immortal powerhouses guarded the Quartet, Yin Xiao himself had no use. Jiang Zheng, the sixth-level immortal powerhouse, rushed into the Flame Mountain with the remaining five fifth-level immortal powerhouses.

"Feng Zhi, come out and see how this seat breaks your Feng Clan's defenses, hahaha!" Amidst the Flame Mountain, the black giant python roared, and beside it were five other monsters, each of which was in shape. These five monsters, which are huge, and look terrifying, are naturally transformed by the other five powerhouses.

Without any response, it seemed that there was no one in the Feng Clan's defense formation, Feng Zhi did not appear, nor did the rest of the Feng Clan appear!

"What's going on?" Yin Xiao was puzzled.

"Attack, attack me immediately, break this defense, I have to see what the Feng Clan is doing!" Yin Xiao said through the voice transmission, he was now invisible at a place not too far away from Jiang Zheng and them.

Jiang Zheng waited for the six strong men to attack together. The Feng Clan's defense was not as strong as estimated. The six-person attack destroyed the Feng Clan's defense formation in a flash!

"Feng Zhi, come out for this seat!" Jiang Zheng roared, and his tyrannical holy knowledge quickly spread towards the territory of Phoenix, the core of the Flame Mountain.

A few seconds later, Jiang Zheng gave Yin Xiao a momentary speech: "Holy King, no one, no one from the Phoenix Clan has been found!" "No one? Impossible. They are all surrounded. They are not. It may have escaped, it must be still in the Flame Mountain, but hiding in a certain place! Search me immediately!" Yin Xiao ordered.

Jiang Zheng also immediately searched for five level five powerhouses. They searched while destroying some things, but after ten minutes passed, they still didn't find anything!

All the houses are empty, and there is no one in all the cave chambers for training. Many things are gone, and they seem to have been taken away!

"Holy King, no trace of the Phoenix Clan was found. Many things have disappeared. I think the Phoenix Clan has left the Flame Mountain." Jiang Zheng said in front of De Yin Xiao.


Yin Xiao shook his head, "Our people are guarding. It is impossible for all the Feng clan members to leave silently. They must still be in the territory of the Flame Mountain Phoenix Clan!"

"Cooperate with me, we will immediately establish the first barrier outside the Flame Mountain, and then establish the second barrier outside the Feng Clan territory!" Yin Xiao said solemnly.

Yin Xiao and the others waited for the eleven powerhouses to take action. It didn’t take long for the two powerful barriers to be established. With these two barriers, even the Saint King-level powerhouse wanted to leave the barrier. Easy thing, as long as someone attacks the enchantment, they can immediately appear in the place where the enchantment is attacked!

"Chu Feng, is that you? Are all the people in your space treasure?" Yin Xiao secretly said in his heart with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. In his estimation, this possibility is very high. Yes, but it’s a pity that he was wrong this time. Those of the Feng clan were included in the space treasures by Feng Zhi, and then the space treasure Sun Wukong stayed in the Hall of True Fire Reincarnation with his invisibility, Jiang Zheng and the others had entered Zhen. The Temple of Fire Samsara, but Monkey King was not found!

"Everyone, if you enter the territory of the Feng clan, even if you dig ten thousand feet, you must find them for me!" Yin Xiao said coldly, he said that he was the first to enter the territory of the Feng clan through the barrier.

One, two, three, within a short period of time, the ten indestructible powerhouses who followed Yin Xiao all entered the territory of the Phoenix tribe in the depths of Huoyan Mountain.

"Hey, finally came in!"

Yin Xiao and their strength did not converge at this time. Through induction, Monkey King knew that they had all entered the depths of the Flame Mountain. In the depths of the Flame Mountain, the True Fire Samsara Formation could exert its strongest power!

Feng Zhi was among the treasures in the Monkey King's space. At this time, Monkey King made Feng Zhi appear outside. Just after appearing outside, Feng Zhi immediately cut through his wrist and shot a large amount of blood and fell into the True Fire Samsara Hall. In a big fire pit, blood-red flames were burning in that fire pit, it has never been extinguished in endless years!

"The ancestors are here, please forgive the younger generation's unavoidable behavior!" Feng Zhi meditated in his heart, and immediately pinched the law, a space ring appeared in Feng Zhi's hand, and Feng Zhi threw the space ring into the fire pit. The ring was burned and dozens of parasitic Phoenix people were directly in the flames.

The Phoenix people are good at fire, and they can even rebirth from the fire, but the flame in the fire pit is not an ordinary flame. It is the fire of reincarnation, which the Phoenix people cannot resist.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of Phoenix people who were in the flames were burned down, and as they burned down, a burst of power was quickly absorbed by the Hall of True Fire Reincarnation.

A little far away, Yin Xiao frowned slightly in the direction of the Hall of True Fire Reincarnation. Just now, he seemed to feel something unusual on the side of the Hall of True Fire Reincarnation.

"You guys, come with me!"

Yin Xiao said, he hurried to the side of True Fire Reincarnation Hall with two strong men as he said.

"Reincarnation True Fire Array, start!" Just when Yin Xiao was only a short time away from the True Fire Reincarnation Hall, Feng Zhi's voice resounded in every area of ​​the Feng Clan territory of Huoyan Mountain!

Hearing Feng Zhi’s voice, Yin Xiao immediately felt that something was wrong. His order was passed in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, it was too late. All the eleven people who entered Feng Clan’s territory were trapped in a flame cage, including him. When I got up, the flame cage looked easy to break, but even Yin Xiao did not break the flame cage that trapped him!

All attacks, as soon as they approach the flames that form the flame cage, they all become nothingness. "Reincarnation Karma Fire!" Yin Xiao's complexion changed drastically. Reincarnation Karma Fire, this thing is very rare, but Yin Xiao knows this thing, there is a saint-level powerhouse in the Holy Realm named Samsara Emperor, who owns the reincarnation jade seal, that stuff You can release the fire of reincarnation!

In the holy realm, there are very few things that can kill the indestructible strong, especially the holy king, the holy master, but the samsara karma is one of them!

"Yin Xiao, can you still recognize my grandson?"

Sun Wukong laughed, and immediately Yin Xiao and the eleven of them were gathered together, and Sun Wukong, Feng Chen and Fengzhi, all appeared in front of Yin Xiao and them.

"Monkey Sun, I didn't expect you to wake up." Yin Xiaoxin sank quickly. This time, the cup really broke out. Not only was he trapped by the cage formed by the reincarnation fire, there was actually Monkey King here, Monkey King. The golden cudgel is also the stuff that can kill the indestructible powerhouse!

Monkey King smashed against Yin Xiao with a golden hoop. The samsara karma played a role in resisting attacks from the inside to the outside, but there was no resistance to Monkey King's golden hoop.

Yin Xiao resisted with all his strength, and Monkey King blocked this stick, but this stick also scared him into a cold sweat, and his body was only a little bit about to touch the reincarnation fire. If he touched it, the consequences would be unthinkable. !

"Sun Dasheng, we have something to say." Yin Xiao saw that Monkey King would attack the tunnel quickly. "Old Sun is too lazy to tell you, wait a minute and let the master come and talk to you!" Sun Wukong immediately broke the barrier left by Yin Xiao and them. No one stopped him, but in a short time, he broke the two layers. The enchantment reached the vicinity of the holy prison.

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